7 Common Search Advertising Mistakes (And How-to Prevent Them)

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 7 Common Search Advertising Mistakes (And How-to Prevent Them)

And Tips From HubSpotters to Help You Avoid Them

Marketers use search in two ways, SEO and paid.SEO and great content help raise your organic results.

Search ads put your message next to relevant search queries. Combining SEO, search ads, and the right strategy can be really powerful!

That's right, Marcus. Search can have a huge impact: 93% of B2B buyers start with a Google search.

Sources: eMarketer, Statista, eCoast

But a lot of marketers fail at search ads. We’ve isolated 7 common mistakes to help. Let’s dive in!

HubSpot Tip: Start with a great piece of content that you know is working and build out your campaign from there. Here's a recent example from HubSpot:

Click to get this offer!

HubSpot Tip: Build a mobile optimized landing page for your offer. Make sure to Use keywords that align with your ad copy.

HubSpot Tip: Build marketing personas to help define who you want to target. Create a clear path of action with a compelling CTA.

Example of HubSpot’s Buyer Personal

HubSpot Tip: Brainstorm a list of search queries and keywords. Use AdWords keyword planner for help.

Click the Pic!

HubSpot Tip: Focus on what happens after a click on your ad. Use this curve to guide your focus.

HubSpot Tip: Always test and optimize! Use conversions data to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

To make it easy to create, measure, and optimize search ads, we’ve built them right into HubSpot.

Click the imageTo get a demo.
