6th Key - final

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 6th Key - final

“This is by far the easiest way to make money online very quickly” - Justin S.

“I thought making money online is BS, till I read this letter” - John T.

From Low-Paid Warehouse Worker To

Full-Time Online Marketer In Just 6 Simple Steps!


The Final “6th Key” Responsible For My Success You Must Not Skip!

Dear future 9-5 escapee,

My name is Aaron Bradley.

Do you know what’s the most valuable asset you can ever have to make money online?

Is it:

1) Your unique product?

2) Your custom-made service?

3) or a subscriber list?

I’ll reveal the answer to you in few moments.

In this letter, I’m gonna share with you how I’m making enough money online to quit my

warehouse job in just 6 simple steps.

Picture this:

You wake up in the morning..

Have your breakfast and coffee..

Maybe you’ll read the morning paper..

Kiss your spouse and tell her “I’ll be in my office if you need me, dear.”

You sit down on your favourite chair, turn on the computer and start typing an email.

For today, you decide to have an easy day.

You write that email..

Send it out..

Finish up some other stuff..


You’re done for the day.

Yup. That’s it.

That’s my morning “lazy” routine.

But I’m earning more than my warehouse job doing just that!

It’s Quite Simple To Do Too

You see, I was just a normal warehouse worker when I first started out.

I had ZERO experience in marketing.

All you need to know is how to use a computer.

You do NOT need any technical skills.

No codes, no html, no java, no C++ or any other geeky jargon.

There are customer support systems in place to help you out anyway..

You don’t have to touch a single thing!

You do NOT need to have any business skills.

It’s OK if you’ve never done any kind of business before.

The closest businessy thing you’ll ever do is figuring out how much you’re making money!

I knew nothing about running a business!

I was just some average dude working in a warehouse, remember?

How I get from knowing nothing to earning hundreds per day was easy.

All I had to do was follow the instructions given to me, do what was told, and then..

BAM! I Started Earning!

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That feeling I get when I had my first ever sale online was unforgettable.

Slowly but surely, my earnings continue to grow and grow..

It grew to the point where I can quit my warehouse job without worry!

One day I told my boss I’m quitting because I have an online business to run.

He thought I was joking!

His laughter turned to silence after I showed him my resignation letter..

The reaction on his face was priceless, I tell ya!

“I’m an online marketer now..” I said to myself, taking in a long, deep breath.

And c’mon, the title ‘online marketer’ is much more attractive than ‘warehouse worker’..

No more bosses to answer to..

No more long commutes (I dreaded them)..

No more waking up to an alarm! (The best!)

One time I was buying my friends their third round of drinks to celebrate my new life and

they asked me,

“Aaron, how did you get all this money? What are you doing now?”

With much pride and a smile on my face I replied, “I’m an online marketer!”

My life totally changed after I figured out how to make money online.

I’m having the freedom I’ve always dreamed of..

I can spend more time with my fiancé, my 2 kids and 2 grandkids..

I can take them to places they’ve always wanted to go to..

I can buy my fiancé that bag she’s been eyeing for a long time..

I have all the time in the world to practice my hobbies - drawing and playing the trumpet!

It’s Been Working So Well For Me,

I Need To Share It With Everyone!

I thought to myself, maybe someone out there would find this info useful..

Maybe I can teach someone how to do this and earn like me..

So I’ve created a course detailing all the steps involved in making money online.

And as much as I would love to give it for free, I can’t.

Because this blueprint is a culmination of my hard work..

I’ve tested my methods again and again to make sure it’s perfect.

Yes, there will be a small investment involved to know this info, but I’ve a generous

guarantee in place to shoulder all the risk you’ll be crazy to not take it up.

If by 60 days you don’t see the value of what I’m sharing here today, I’ll return 100% of your

money back promptly - no questions asked.

I Taught A Few Lucky People To “Test” My Blueprint

And Here’s What They’re Saying:

<insert pic audio vid testimonials>

Warning: This is Not For Everyone.

To get to where I am now takes work.

Just like those guys you’ve seen above.

Dedicated work, but really simple.

First, you need to be willing to spend at least 1-2 hours a day minimum.

If you can’t spare at least 2 hours a day, then this isn’t for you. You don’t have to do it

every day. You can do however fast or slow. The important thing is you DO it.

You need to be patient. This isn’t a get-rich-quick push button software.

If you’re not patient and expect money to appear out of nowhere without putting in

any effort, this isn’t for you. Seriously, stop dreaming. There’s no such thing.

Finally, you need to understand this will take time and you won’t see results


If you’re expecting an easy way out, give up when you encounter an obstacle, again,

this isn’t for you.

However, if you’re still interested to learn what I’m about to share here, you’re a step closer

to achieve the kind of life that I have.

Now grab your pen and paper.

I’m going to give you a quick little lesson about how this business thing works.

The #1 Most Valuable Asset!

Remember the question I asked at the beginning?

The #1 most valuable asset in any kind of business..

..is the subscriber list!

People who subscribed to you are interested in what you’re offering them.

They feel that you’re able to solve their problems or that you have something they’re

looking for.

The important thing to note is..

They want to know more from you!

This is why having a list is so powerful.

When you have this list of subscribers, you can almost “print” money.

All you have to do is send the right offer to them and they’ll throw money at you!

You don’t even need to have your own product too..

Just send affiliate offers!

Sites like Clickbank.com are especially great for this.

Makes it all easier to earn money online, doesn’t it?

The Money Is In The List!

Here’s another good reason why having a list is so lucrative.

Product owners need traffic to their offers, right?

They’re always looking for traffic, or prospects, to buy their products..

Now you have a list of prospects who are already interested in buying..

Means you have the traffic product owners are looking for..

Meaning, they will pay you money to promote their products to your list!

Marketers who do this are called “solo ad vendors”.

Personally, being a solo ad vendor is probably the most lucrative online business model you

can ever do.

This is why having a list is so darn important!

TWO Ways To Earn With Just ONE List!

Once you have your own list, you will have two ways to make money from it:

1) By promoting your own offers or affiliate offers

2) By providing traffic to product owners

It sounds almost too good to be true!

Think about it.

How many thousands of products out there can you promote as an affiliate?

Clickbank.com is just one of many sites out there.

Now how many product owners are looking for traffic?

There are countless of them out there!

I know, because I’m in a couple of groups full of people who are always looking for traffic!

In the online world, targeted traffic is GOLD.

Can you see now how easy it is to make money online?

All you need to do is:

Build a darn list!

I’ll repeat it again:

When you have a list of subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer, all you

have to do is show them the right offer and they’ll willingly empty their wallets for you!

That’s When You’ll Start Seeing THIS Happening!

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Imagine the things you can finally do once you start earning like this.

Maybe you’ll quit your job..?

Have debts and bills?

When you earn like this you shouldn’t have a problem with them.

Maybe you still like your job?

This can be your extra income you earn on the side.

Nothing wrong with earning extra money, right?

Like rewarding yourself sometimes?

Spend your first week of earnings on items you’ve always wanted!

Or bring your family to some exotic place for a vacation..

Really, if you want me to go on with what YOU can do, I’ll go on forever!

Introducing My 6-Step Blueprint That Helped Me Quit My Job:

The 6th Key!

Let me tell you what this elusive 6th Key is before we go on.

I’ve already shown you how lucrative it is making money by having your very own subscriber


However, there is one last step in the whole blueprint that “locks” it all together creating a

well-oiled, smooth-running, money-printing machine.

This last step is the one that put everything in place and it’s the most important step you

must follow to make it all work.

Take it as if this last step is the KEY to make your car start!

This last step is what I call The 6th Key.

And I’ll reveal to you what it is inside.

What you’ll get inside the 6th Key blueprint:

I’ll reveal my step-by-step, with crystal-clear instructions, how to setup and start

your “money-printing” business.

Everything is laid down for you like a treasure map - guiding you from the start till

you reach the treasure chest. No more questions like “Ok where do I go from where,

what do I do now?”

Learn the easiest and fastest way to start building your list - cutting down the time

needed for you to start earning!

It can get pretty exciting once you start seeing your first few subscribers trickling in..

Just follow my instructions and you’ll start seeing your first few subscribers in no time

at all!

Discover my personal “bag of tricks” I personally use - tricks I’ve discovered that

helped me build my list even faster and easier!

Using my tricks, that trickle will slowly build up and snowballs - and you’ll soon own

your very own “money-list!”

Find out exactly HOW to attract visitors to subscribe to you like moths to a flame!

I’ll share with you how to trigger the visitors’ curiosity so they’ll feel that they NEED

to subscribe to you to know more!

Get my list of ALL the tools and resources I’m using myself in my business. They are

my essentials and you will get to know all of them.

I really want to make sure that you will achieve the same result as me. What better

way than to share with you what I’m currently using that made me successful?

Access my very own personal “vault” of paying clients - my secret spot where I get

the bulk of my income from!

I got nothing to hide from you. I’ll share with you everything that I have to make sure

you WILL succeed like me!

Discover where the best products to promote to your list are. These products are

proven to convert. The product owner made sure of it. All you have to do is send

traffic to it and collect commission checks!

Clickbank.com is the biggest affiliate marketplace in the digital world. However,

there are LOTS more like it out there - no problems with being saturated! I’ll reveal all

of them to you inside.

PLUS: My highly-guarded secret “The 6th Key” completely revealed inside!

This is the last step to make your list into a powerful money-printing machine. This

key is the difference between earning nothing, to having money-on-demand.

EXTRA VALUE: You’ll get personal access to ME. You’ll have my personal contact

details so you can ask me anything about the program.

If you were to invest in my blueprint, I’ll make sure to guide you whenever you have a

problem. Confused about something? Shoot me an email and I’ll sort it out with you.

Know anyone that is willing to do this for you? I will, because I don’t want to sleep at

night knowing that my blueprint is not working for someone!

Limited-Time Bonus For Today Only!

Fast Action-Taker Reward!

I’m pretty serious to get you succeeding.

That’s why I’m willing to put in the extra mile for you BUT only if you put in the effort


The following bonus is only for those who take action NOW and will be taken down soon!

Bonus Training:

Buyer’s Gen 3.0

There are two kinds of lists that we can build: The subscriber list and the customer list.

The 6th Key blueprint will teach you how to build your subscriber list.

Buyer’s Gen 3.0 will show you how to build your customer list.

Here’s the difference between them:

The subscriber list is more of a “general population” kind of list while the “customer list” are

proven buyers that have bought from you before.

Not saying that the general subscriber list is not important..

You still need them to find your buyers for your customer list.

Here’s the kicker..

If your subscriber list is your money-printer..

Then your customer list is your personal diamond mine.

This list will be full of people who’ve paid you before..

And usually they will have no problems paying you again!

Buyer’s Gen 3.0 is the ultimate add-on bonus training for the 6th Key.

Inside Buyer’s Gen 3.0:

Discover a total of 4 methods to build your very own diamond-spewing customer list

- all explained in detail across 6 high-quality videos!

Learn how to take full advantage of your customer list to make them pay you again

and again, month after month - and achieving every online marketers’ dream:

passive lifetime income!

Method #2 in Buyer’s Gen 3.0 reveals the fastest way possible to build a paying

customer list.. by promoting other marketers’s product! And it’s perfectly ethical and


Discover the sneaky method to build your own customer list in lightning-speed using

only your own subscriber list - using a very unconventional but highly-effective

method. Video #5 will explain this method in more detail.

PLUS: The #1 method that will allow you to earn huge sales from your subscriber list

- I’m talking getting paid from as low as $197 to as high as $497 per buyer! Video #6

reveals all!

Buyer’s Gen 3.0 is valued at $97 - but yours for FREE if you act now!

Insane Value For An Insane Price!

Let’s recap what you’re getting today..

The 6th Key Blueprint -

All you need to know about how to build your very own money-printing subscriber list.

This blueprint details all of the steps I did that made me into a full-time online marketer

from a boring warehouse worker.

It’s proven to work as it made a few lucky people some extra cash for themselves!

Buyer’s Gen 3.0 (free bonus valued at $97) -

A 6-video training bonus course on building a much more profitable customer list on top of

your subscriber list.

Having a customer list is like having your personal diamond mine in your backyard!

Buyer’s Gen 3.0 is the perfect addition to 6th as it builds and expands on it.

My Personal Time -

You’ll be able to ask me any questions regarding this blueprint.

No more finding out what to do next, no more being confused, no more being frustrated.

Not sure what’s the next step?

Ask me.

Simple as that.

I’m Pulling Out All The Stops Here!

I wanna make sure you succeed like me as fast as possible!

So how much am I asking for?

The value of what I’m offering you here should be close to how much I’m making a month..

It makes sense, right?

But I’m not going to charge you that.

I’m not even going to charge you how much I’m earning per day!

Not even half the amount!

Why so low?

Simple reason really.

I was once like you.

I know how it feels to want to have a change in life

You’re probably in a tight spot yourself.. hence the low price.

And because this is my own course, I can charge whatever I want to!

A majority of the people who tried my system suggested $97 to be a “fair price”.

I chose not to listen. Haha!

To advantage of my generous offering, I’m asking you for a very low, one-time payment of

$27 to learn my blueprint.

“Aaron, I Want To Start Now!”

<add buy button>

Remember My 60 Day 100% Guarantee!

On top of all the insane value I’m giving you..

I’m going to make your investment a no-brainer by shouldering ALL of the risk myself!

You’ll be protected by my honest, iron-clad 60-day 100% money-back guarantee!

For a full 60 days, try my 6th Key blueprint and see if it’ll work for you.

If for any reason you don’t think my system will work I’ll return your investment promptly

with no questions asked.

The risk is completely on me.

Only because I’m confident my 6th Key blueprint will work!

“Aaron, I Want To Start Now!”

<add buy button>

Now It’s Up To You To Make A Decision

What you choose to do next from here will determine your next course in life.

You have two options you can choose from:

Option 1) Close this window right now and forget about this letter.

Go back to whatever you’re doing and ignore the potential of earning like me.

Like I said, this is not for everyone.

It takes a special kind of person to attempt this and some people are happy with what they

have right now.

I only wish you the best.

Option 2) Buy my course for only $27 and start building a side income.

You can earn as little as you want or as much as you want - totally up to you.

Right after purchasing, I’ll send over the materials to your email and you can working on

them immediately.

Skim through the material quickly to get an idea, then re-read from the top again. This time,

much slower.

Follow all of the steps I’ve laid out.

Sooner or later your list will grow and grow...

And you’ll soon own your very own money-printing machine you can use again and again!

“Aaron, I Want To Start Now!”

<add buy button>

“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.”

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Aaron Bradley

The 6th Key

Online Marketer/List-Building Expert

P.S: The 6th Key is a proven list-building course that helps fresh, new online marketers build

their own money-making list by following only 6 simple steps - for only $27.

You’ll also get Buyer’s Gen 3.0 bonus for FREE, valued at $97.

Plus, you’re backed by my 60-day 100% money-back guarantee!

P.P.S: Buyer’s Gen 3.0 is a bonus course for The 6th Key.

This course can potentially increase your earnings by more than double!

This bonus course is up for only a limited time.

I’m planning to take this down very soon.

“Aaron, I Want To Start Now!”

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