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Transcript of 6d6bFINALS

  • 8/6/2019 6d6bFINALS


    Acute Biologic Crisis

    Prepared by:

    Michael Magpantay

  • 8/6/2019 6d6bFINALS



    nurse licensed professional who provides careto meet the

    patient s individualized needs in response to potentially

    life-threatening conditions in an environment supportive of

    highly technological, collaborative and holistic care.

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    Common Problems Seen in Critical Care Setting

    1. Anxiety

    2. Impaired communication

    3. Sleep deprivation4. ICU psychosis

    Common procedures

    1. Hemodynamic monitoring

    2. Circulatory assist device * IABP

    3. Airway maintenance adjuncts

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    1. Sepsis

    2. MOSF Multiple Organ SystemFailure

    3. Shock

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    Nursing Interventions

    1. Anxiety related to fear of death, unknown patients and

    significant others; ineffective coping mechanism .

    Tx: Family participation, biobehavioral intervention

    2. Impaired communication related to barriers : ET ,

    newTT, or trauma

    Tx : Acknowledge patients concern ; reassurance ;

    alleviate common difficulties; family feedback

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    3. Sleep deprivation : lack of consistent REM and NREM

    Tx: Meds ;Family visits ; rest periods; decreased

    environmental stimulation ; biobehavioral


    4. ICU psychosis

    -acute confusional state sec.to CNS stimulants, narcotics,

    depressants, steroids/ sleep deprivation, sensory overload,

    F/E imbalance, dec. Oxygen, infection, head trauma, brain


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    Hemodynamic Monitoring

    1. Cardiac Output volume of blood that is ejected from

    the heart in 1 minute.

    - determined by the HR x SV expelled per heart beat.

    - NV- 4-8L/min.

    2. Pre-load amount of stretch in the LV just before

    ventricular contraction at the end of diastole.

    3. Afterload tension the ventricle must overcome to eject

    the blood into the arterial systems (pulmonary and aortic);

    measured by the systemic vascular resistance.

    4. Cardiac index is the CO by the BSA

    - better indicator of the bodys ability to perfuse the tissues

    effectively than CO.

    - NV- 2.5

    4.0 L/min/m 2

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    PCWP-BP in the most distal peripheral

    capillariesof the PA. (Left Atrial Pressure)

    PAP-pressure exerted on the PA walls being

    pumped out of the RV

    MAP-average of S &D BP- DBP+2SBP



    CVP- blood within the heart & great vesselsof

    the thorax

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    Types ofHemodynamic Monitoring

    1. Arterial lines provides a direct, intra-arterial measurement

    of BP; assist in the continuous measurement of SBP, DBP

    and MAP.

    Method : a 20 g arterial catheter inserted into the radial,

    brachial or femoral artery connected to high pressure

    tubing leading to a pressure transducer and amplifier.

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    Nursing Management : Same mechanics in CVP

    reading1. Drawing a blood sample flush A line with valve flush

    device to allow return of sharp arterial waveform thru a 3

    way stopcock.

    2. Change dressings 24-48 hrs., IV solutions and IV tubingsper hosp. policy 48-72 hrs.

    3. Watch out for complications : bleeding from insertion site ,

    hemorrhage, infection- systemic , air embolus, thrombosis,

    occlusion of circulation with loss circulation distal toinsertion site.

    4. Perform Allen Test prior to radial artery insertion and freq.

    monitor distal pulses to decrease A/E.

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    2. Swan-Ganz Catheter Pulmonary Artery Balloon Flow

    provide indirect measurement of LV function for detectionand treatment of CP changes.

    Method : a 5 lumen, balloon tipped , flow directed catheter

    connected to a pressure transducer and pressurized

    heparin flush system is inserted thru a percutaneous

    or cutdown venous site and directed into the RA.

    Site : subclavian vein most common

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    Indications :

    a. a need to monitor PAP and or PCWP- indirectly

    reflect LV function.

    b. provide information about CO, tissue perfusion

    and BV.c. Obtain venous blood specimens

    d. Proximal orts used for continuous fluid or

    medication infusion.

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    4. W/O for complications : dysrrhythmias, infection, air

    embolism,catheter occlusion, pneumothorax, thrombus


    3. Circulatory Assist Device Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

    a counterpulsation device that assists to augment CO and

    to provide adequate rest and recovery.

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    Indications :

    cardiogenic shock

    heart failure

    support before heart transplantation

    unstable angina

    failure to wean from CP bypass after coronary

    bypass surgery

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    Nursing Management :

    1. Assist with placement as needed and maintain sterilit

    with dressing changes.2. Monitor and record effectiveness inc. CO, inc. BP,

    inc. U.O., inc. LOC, palpable peripheral pulses,

    improved ischemic EKG changes.

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    3. Monitor circulation, sensation and motor function in leg

    of insertion , keep the affected leg straight at all times.

    4. Keep HOB elevated at least 30 degrees to prevent migration

    of the balloon.

    5. Monitor Sx : hematuria ( excessive anti coagulants )

    excessive oozing from catheter insertion


    positive guiac in the stool

    abnormal PT,PTT and platelet counts

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    6. Complications : air/foreign body embolus if balloon

    should rupture

    thrombus formation at insertion site

    loss of distal circulation

    migration of catheter

    dissection of aorta


    complications of immobility

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    Common Complications in the ICU :


    -a diffuse, inflammatory systemic response to a chemical,

    mechanical, bacterial or microbial assault if untreated

    leads to shock.

    -Severe sepsis : hypoperfusion,organ dysfunction,

    hypotension, septic shock, multi organ systemic failure,


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    Management : adeq. CO

    1. ABC

    2. D- disability/ drugs : Inotropics, Vasodilators

    3. E-expose : V/S : CVP, ECG

    4. F-fluids , nutrition

    5. Cooling blankets/anti pyretics/antibiotics


    Cause : failure of one or more body systems after a majorinsult to the body such as infection, trauma, severe

    illness, persistent hypotension and hypoxia.

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    4 Major Systems :

    1. Pulmonary dysfunction

    2. Renal dysfunction

    3. CV dysfunction

    4. Coagulation system failure

    S/Sx: per organ dysfunction leads to dec. LOC then coma

    with bleeding and fibrinolysis.

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    Dx; 1. ABG- severe acidosis

    2. WBCs dec. platelet less than 80,000/mm 33. dec. fibrinogen

    4. inc. PT,PTT, hgb, hct , severe anemia

    5. inc. urea, BUN

    6. inc. cardiac, hepatic enzymes7. inc. serum K

    8. CXR interstitial edema and hypoperfusion

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    Tx:1. V/S,CVP 8-10 mmHg

    2.ABC3. Hemodialysis/hemofiltration

    4.Nutritional suspport

    5. Antibiotics

    6.Bleeding control7.Limit activities


    -a state of imbalance between O 2 supply and demand in the

    body that leads to inadequate blood flow to organs, poor

    tissue perfusion- possibly fatal cellular dysfunction.

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    1. Loss of CBV hypovolemic

    2. Dec. pump function cardiogenic

    3. Spinal cord injury Neurogenic

    4. Overwhelming presence of endogenous

    mediators causing inflammatory response


    Compensatory Mechanisms :

    1. SNS- massive release of NE

    2. Endocrine -ADH

    3. RAAM

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    S/Sx :

    Early Stage : normal BP, slightly increase CR, normal to

    slightly dec.U.O., slight restlessness, anxiety,


    Next Stage : progressive shock state claasic shock sx ;cool clammy pale skin, dec. capillary refill,

    tachycardia, tachypnea, dec. BP, CO, temp.,

    U.O., LOC, metabolic acidosis

    Later Stage : Sx of specific organ failure : anuria, slowthready pulse, ARDS, bleeding, coagulation

    dysfunction, coma.

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    1. dec. hgb/hct

    2. ABG- acidosis

    3. inc. serum lactate and K

    4. inc. cardiac hepatic GI enzymes5. inc. BUN crea RF

    6. initially increase glucose to decrease glucose stores

    7. dec. sp. grav. urine

    8. depletion of clotting studies9. ST ischemic changes ECG

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    Management :


    2. BT.IV NSS, LR, O 2, Vasopressors, vasodilators,


    3. Correct acidosis- anaphylactic and septic shock4. Comfort measures

    5. V/S,UO,,peripheral circulation, titrate meds., thorough


    6. Cardiac dysrythmias, coagulation dysfunction, I^O,hemodynamic status

    7. dec. external stimuli, family teaching

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    ARDS Acute RDS

    -a syndrome char. by a non-cardiac type of pulmonaryedema and increasing hypoxemia despite administration

    of tx measures formerly known as adult resp. distress


    S/Sx :

    1. labored respirations

    2. restlessness

    3. dry, non productive cough

    4. cyanosis

    5. pallor

    6. adventitious breath sounds with used of

    accessory muscles with retraction

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    Dx :

    1. CXR white out due to bilateral diffuse infiltrates

    2. PFT dec. in compliance , lung capacity

    3. Increase peak inspiratory pressures

    4. ABG- initially resp. alkalosis due to hyperventilation

    then acidosis.

    5. Inc. hemodynamic monitoring PA Systolic and

    Diastolic Pressures with normal PCWP and LVEDP

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    Pathology :

    1. Primary Insult

    2. Chemical mediators released

    3.Interstitial edema

    4. Alveolar edema

    5. Damaged surfactant producing cells

    6. Dec. lung compliance

    7. Atelectasis, hyaline membrane formation

    8. Inc. work of breathing

    9. Impaired gas exchange

    10. Respiratory failure

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    Tx :

    1. O 2

    2. Neuromuscular blocking agents3. Sedation to tolerate mech. Ventilation

    4. Fluid therapy- crystalloids, colloids IVC volume

    5. Hemodynamic monitoring

    6. Treat underlying cause of ARDS- antibiotics7. Provide nutritional support CHON balance

    8. Steroid therapy stabilize cellular membrane and dec.

    fluid shifts

    9. Diuretic therapy10. Comfort, positioning HOB elevated

    11. V/S, EKG, Neuro

    12. Conserve energy-schedule activities/family teaching

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    She sails on the sea shore/ coz she sells/

    sea shells / by the sea shore.

    Peter piper/ picked a pack of pickled

    pepper/ How many packs / of pickled

    pepper / did Peter Piper picked?

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    Beta Bota/ bought a bit of butter

    He said/ his butter was bitter, and

    It will make/ my butter better So, Beta Bota / bought a bit of butter.

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    BCLS to recognize cardiac or resp. arrest and re establish

    or provide airway breathing pattern and effective

    circulation until the client responds or until another

    type of life support is initiated.HT / CL maneuver, jaw thrust maneuver LLF

    M-M/ ambu bag

    Closed CC

    Adult one rescuer:1

    5:2 for 4 cycles :1

    minute1 inches compression lower1/3 sternum at a rate of100

    times per minute.

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    ACLS manages the airway thru ET intubation or useof an advanced airway device.

    - ET placement check

    - Venous access peripheral IV g 16-18Drugs:

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    Fibrillation, Pulseless Vtach :

    1. Epinephrine 1mg repeated 3-5 min, IV; tracheal adm.

    2-2.5mg in 10 ml NSS

    2. Vasopressin Pitressin 40 U or ET single dose once only3. Amiodarone- Cordarone 300mg IV

    4. Lidocaine-Xylocaine-1-1.5mg/kg IV

    5. Lidocaine drip 1-4 mg/min for maintenance infusion

    6. Procainamide 20mg/min IV7. Na HCO3- 1 MEQ/kg/IV bolus

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    Asystole: pulseless electrical activity

    1. Epinephrine

    2. At SO 4

    3. CPR/ transcutaneous pacing


    1. At SO 4

    Ventricular fibrillation

    -chaotic rhythm, rapid disorganized depolarization of


    Tx: defibrillation 200-300-360 joules / O 2 / CPR /

    Epinephrine lidocaine amniodarone

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    Ventricular Tachycardia

    -rapid ventricular contraction 100bpm above

    VR 150-250 bpm QRS more than .12 sec. wide, bizarre

    Tx : hemodynamically stable: O 2 / lidocaine amniodarone

    to dec. irritability

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    -ectopic beats occur earlier than expected followed by a

    compensatory pause.


    1. more than 6/min PVC

    2. paired

    3. multifocal differing shapes

    4. R on T

    Tx: Lidocaine

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    -more than 100 bpm originating above the ventricle but

    not in the sinus node.

    -AR more than 140 bpm VR depends on degree of block

    Tx :

    1. Attempt vagal nerve stimulation

    2. Adenosine 6 mg rapid IVP3. Verapamil Isoptin 2.5-5mg Iv over 2 mins.

    4. Synchronized Cardioversion

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    Nursing Role During a Code :

    Call Code

    CPR, paraphernalia

    Determine team leader

    Serial assessments and documentationCrowd control

    Psychosocial needs of family, room mates and staff

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    Diabetic Ketoacidosis

    -a complication of IDDM, a condition arising from a lack of

    insulin resulting in a derangement of CHO, CHON and fat

    metabolism with DHN and electrolyte imbalance.

    Ketoacidosis occurs when FA are broken down to ketone

    bodies because of absoloute or relative deficiency of insulin.

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    Etiology : As the need for cellular fuel grows more critical ,

    the body begins to draw on its fat and CHON

    stores for energy. Increase fatty acids are metabolized from

    adipose tissue cells and transported to the liver.

    Liver in turn, accelerates the rate and produces

    ketone bodies ( KETOGENESIS ) for catabolism

    by other body tissues particularly muscle.

    As increase metabolism- increase ketone bodies

    accumulate in the blood ( KETOSIS ); spill into urine ( KETONURIA );

    metabolic acidosis develops develops from

    acidic effect of ketoacetoacetate and B-

    hydroxybutyrate---- severe acidosis

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    Precipitating Factors :

    1. taking too little insulin

    2. omitting doses of insulin

    3. failing to meet increased for insulin due to surgery,trauma pregnancy puberty or febrile illness.

    4. developing insulin resistance owing to insulin

    antibodies or severe emotional stress.

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    4 Pathologic events in DKA

    1.Incomplete lipid metabolism

    2. DHN

    3. Metabolic acidosis

    4. Electrolyte imbalance

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    S/Sx :

    - hyperglycemia

    glycosuria polydipsia



    metabolic acidosis

    Kussmauls respiration acetone breath-dec. acetone combining power


    dry skin

    sunken eyeballs

    flushed face

    electrolyte imbalance


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    Management : Prevent complications

    1. Adequate ventilation

    2. Fluid replacement-NaHCO3,NaCl,K

    3. Insulin4. Indwelling FC

    5. IVF,D5050 IV

    6. Hgt ,ABG,CXR,12 lead EKG

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    HHNK-Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar

    Nonketotic Coma

    -a condition resulting from elevated concentration of blood


    - level which increases the osmolarity of blood without

    significant ketoacidosis.

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    Causes :

    1. large NaHCO3 infusion as in CPR

    2. marked hyperglycemia

    3. uremia with increased BUN

    4. Na retention from adrenal steroid


    1. Insulin

    2. F/E

    3. Dialysis

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    -one of the 3 major complications of Graves ds.:

    exophthalmos, heart ds., thyroid storm.

    -Sometimes fatal, acute episodes of thyroid overactivity

    char. By high fever , severe tachycardia, DHN and extreme


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    Causes :

    1. Increased amounts of thyroid hormones

    2. With Graves ds., undergoes sudden stress or developsan infection

    3. A pregnant woman enters labor

    4. individuals inadequately prepared for thyroid surgery

    5. Unrecognized hyperthyroidism

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    1. increased temp. 41 C

    2. DHN

    3. irritability

    4. frustration5. cardiac dysrythmias

    6. CHF

    7. delirium

    8. diarrhea/N/V

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    -encompasses a spectrum of CNS disturbances

    such as severe liver injury, liver failure orportal shunt.

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    Pathology :

    1.Increased NH3 levels in the blood and CSF

    -many unusual cpds. Begin to form Octopamines :

    false neurotransmitters

    2. Failure of the liver to perform a function due to liver celldamage and necrosis.

    3. Shunting of blood from portal system directly into the

    systemic venous circulation bypassing the liver.

    4. CNS disturbances- hepatic coma death

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    S/S x :

    1.impairs memory, attention, concentration and rate of


    2.sleep pattern reversal

    3. significant changes in handwriting and speech4. flapping tremors- liver flap or asterixis

    5. hyperventilation with resp. alkalosis

    6. fetor hepaticus presence of methylmercaptans causing

    the odor char.7. lab results : inc.NH3 and glutamine

    8. dec. LOC- depressedconfusedcoma

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    1. Serum NH3 level, electrolytes, CSF

    2. ABGs,EEG, Hepatic Function Tests bilirubin, albumin,

    prothrombin, enzymes

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    Management :

    1. Reduce CHON in the intestine- CHON restriction

    20-40gms/day, assess GI bleeding, cathartics/enemas

    2. Reduce bacterial production of NH3 Neomycin and

    Lactulose Neomycin-not absorbed into the circulation

    but exerts a powerful effect on the intestinal bacteria

    responsible for NH 3 production.

    Lactulose a combination of galactose and fructose that

    passes through the intestine unchanged.

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    3. Eliminate :

    a. hypovolemia- F/E imbalance

    b. hypoxia

    c. concurrent infection

    d. hypokalemia-diuretics,I&O

    e. depressants except phenobarbital

    4. Maintain function in the unconscious person-


    Complication :


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    -state of total or nearly total loss of the kidneys ability to

    maintain F/E balance and excrete waste products.

    -inability of the kidney to function normally or effectively.

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    Renal Insufficiency

    -designates significant loss of renal function but witha function requiring to maintain a normal environment

    provided no additional stress is added.

    Azotemia-accumulation of nitrogenous wastes within the blood,

    not life threatening without a decreased output.


    -an azotemia progressing to a symptomatic state.

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    Causes :

    1. Pre-renal when the lesion or cause is before the kidney.

    - shock, mismatch BT

    2. Renal when the lesion is found in the kidney itself.- nephritis,nephrotoxic infection

    3. Post renal reached the kidney

    - obstruction of the urinary tract : renal calculi.

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    B. Chronic RF

    -gradual deterioration of kidney function

    occurring over months or years.

    3 Stages:

    1. Stage of diminished renal reserve- renal function is

    impaired but metabolic wastes do not accumulate in

    the blood and the BUN remains normal.

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    2. Stage of renal insufficiency metabolic wastes beginto accumulate in the blood and there is a slight increase

    in BUN.

    3. Stage of uremia the kidney loses its ability to maintainhomeostasis.U.O. is usually scanty, electrolyte balance

    is severely disturbed and nitrogenous wastes accumulate

    in high concentrations.

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    S/Sx : alteration in U.O.

    weak,easily fatigued becomes increasingly drowsy

    HA and slight breathlessness and lethargic

    restlessness and insomnia

    dry, skin and mucous membrane

    halitosis- urineferous breath loss of appetite, intractable N/V

    CNS manifestation- anxiety, irritability, hallucination,mental wandering, muscle twitching, coma


    anemia edematous, tend to bruise easily

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    Management :

    1. Diet: Giordano Giovanetti Regimen- dec. CHON,

    essential amino acid, -controlled K1,500mg, 20g

    very low CHON, minimal essential AA.2. Tx of Infection : unnecessary surgery and instrumentation

    are avoided; antibiotics

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    3. Tx of alterations in Body Chemistry-limit CHON metabolism and K ;

    -hyperkalemia peaked T wave, depressed ST segment,

    flaccid paralysis,slow respiration, anxiety, convulsions

    Tx: Kayexalate contain Na in a compound absorbed

    by the GIT. While in the GIT, the Na exchange places

    with serum K ; and K becomes part of the non absorbable


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    -Ca gluconate- as an emergency measure when the K level isdangerously high and cardiac arrythmias are imminent.

    -Glucose and insulin- insulin causes glucose to go into cell; as

    glucose moves into the cell, it takes with it and reduce theserum K.

    -Na HCO 3 treat acidosis.

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    Aggressive Mgmt :

    1. Hemofiltration/Hemodialysis

    2. Peritoneal Dialysis

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    End of acute biologic crisis!