6b. sample of a study guide

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Transcript of 6b. sample of a study guide

Study Guide - EDT – 511Programmed &

Computer Assisted Instruction

Dr. GAMBARI Amosa IsiakaDepartment of Science

EducationFederal University of Technology,

Minna, Nigeria

GENERAL INFORMATION This Study Guide will help you to navigate your way

through the course and to provide answers to the large majority of queries. This study guide is both available online and the print versions.

It is mandatory for students to read and understand this study guide carefully at the beginning of semester. It contains all necessary information and directives to facilitate smooth running of the course.

If there is anything in the study guide that is not clear, please consult your lecturer for clarifications and further assistance before registering for the course.

Registration for this course is online, and you are expected to pay your tuition fees and register for this course within two weeks (1st January – 15th January, 2011).


Course Code: EDT 511

Course Title: Programmed & Computer Assisted Instruction

Credit Units: 03

Year: 500 level

Semester: First


About the Course This course provides opportunity for

students to acquire desirable knowledge about the concept of programmed and computer assisted instruction.

Learners will acquire knowledge and skills in selecting appropriate programmed and computer assisted instructional modes.

Learners will acquire skills and competencies in designing and developing a suitable programmed and computer assisted instructional package for classroom instruction.

1. COURSE INFORMATION CONT……Lecturer Information

Name: Dr. Gambari, A. Isiaka Email: gambarii@yahoo.com:


Mobile: +234-803-689-7955; +234-805-558-6716

Consultation: Will be through: SMS messages; Phone calls; E-mail; Skype; and Blogs

2. INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE Welcome to EDT 511: Programmed and Computer

Assisted Introduction This is a 3 Credit Unit Course. The contact hour per week is 3 hoursIntroduction In the previous course (CPT 311), you studied basic

concepts of computer hardware and software; application of computer in education; and, classification of computer (by types of data processed, by purpose, by age of technology, and by size).

The present unit depends on the previous ones you have studied so far in this course. In this unit, we will discuss the concepts of Programmed and Computer Assisted Instruction. This will provides you with the necessary skills and competences in designing and developing programmed and computer assisted instruction package for teaching and learning.

This unit will enable you to have prerequisite knowledge on the production of educational software. This course will help you in future to become computer software specialists.


To produce competent science education teachers with ICT knowledge and skills in developing programmed and computer assisted instructional package for classroom instruction.

To understand the processes of designing and developing Programmed Instruction (PI) and Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) package

To acquire skills in designing and developing PI and CAI package

To write PI and CAI package for classroom instruction

4.LEARNING OBJECTIVES General Aim: The course will develop the verbal,

analytical and critical skills of the students on PI and CAI.

Course Objectives: At the end of the course students should be able to:

Define Programmed Instruction State 5 main characteristics of PI Mention the roles of classroom teachers in PI Distinguish between three major types of PI Identify some steps in productions of PI Define Computer Assisted Instruction Identify and discuss 5 modes of CAI List 2 merits & demerits of each mode of CAI Identify some basic steps in design and

development of CAI Design and Develop at least one unit of PI and

one mode of CAI in your area of specialization.


Frame: It is a segment or sub-set of a programme Branching frames: is alternative frames to which a learner

is directed, depending on the response to a stimulus to the branching point.

Linear frames: It is a sequential development of a material through which all learners regardless of their response, must proceed in exactly the same order.

Reinforcement: It is a process of strengthening with new force. It may take the form of action, praise or knowledge of result, which has a potential of making the response to reoccur when such situation arises.

Response: It is the effort of the learner to react outwardly or internally to the stimulus received. It may take the form of a verbal response, written response or selection from alternatives provided.

Stimulus: It is an activity or information that impinge on a learner which can be manipulated by external forces.

6. TAKING THE COURSE (1) The course outline is available on EDT 511 Final Each topic is presented in a sequential order.

Topics are taken weekly using diverse teaching/learning methods.

A typical teaching-learning sessions for a module comprises the following steps:

1. Access the introductory lecture on the blog2. Review the PowerPoint presentations

online/offline 3. Participate in online chat/discussion forum as

arranged 4. Access and read other reference documents for

the module 5 . Take the examinations

7. GUIDELINE FOR TAKING LECTURE A lecture unit will be uploaded on the course

blog for the students to access. Audio and video downloads will also be

available through the blogs. The CDs will be made available to each

student on registration and at intervals through the student support centres

Students will be given time to work with the materials provided along with the topics

At a particular period in each week, learners will be expected to participate in a chat or a discussion forum

The schedule for a chat/discussion forum will be communicated to learners.


Self Assessment Exercise (SAE) will be administered at the end of each lecture unit for learner’s self assessment and revision.

Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMA) (multiple choice) will be provided for each module

List of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers will be made available to learners online.

List of suggested readings will be made available to learners through the lecturer’s blog

Additional instructions to facilitate learning may be provided by teachers as deem necessary


The recorded CDs provided for theory and mastery of skills should be watched carefully. This recorded procedures on videos and CDs and other media will enhance good performance in theory and practical examination.

Learners are advised take time to read and watch all support materials and video recordings.

Further readings on suggested websites will enhance learner’s performance in the final examination. Make sure that you read all recommended texts and information on websites.


Students should have taken CPT 311 course before sitting for this examination because it will not be taught in this course.

Learners are encouraged to read and understand the entire contents to ensure good performance in this course.

Learners should revise the sample questions and practice tests provided at the end of each lecture. This will help them to assess themselves and promote revision before taking the final examination.

Learners should be honest with themselves while taking the SAE.


See the sample questions on EDT 511 Questions Discuss any five advantages of programmed

instruction. Discuss five major advantages of CAI Computer-Assisted Instruction has several modes,

identify the modes and discuss in detail the concept of drill and practice mode.

A good programmed instructional material should possess some distinct characteristics, discuss the main features of programmed instruction.

Programmed instruction is an individualized instructional technique of learning. This does not make the classroom teacher useless, discuss four major roles of classroom teacher in programmed instruction environment.


For any learner to be eligible to sit for the final examination in this course, he/she must fulfill the following requirements:

must have registered for the course must have taken EDT 511 course must have 75% participation on online

interactions must have submitted all his/her assignments



Assessment in this course will be done by considering :

Active participation of learners in all interactive sessions,

Quality of written assignments, Records of materials used as references in

all assignments, Regular feedback from teachers and

learners, and Performance in examinations.

GUIDELINE FOR ASSIGNMENT All assignments should be submitted within the

stipulated time, late submissions will be rejected. List of assignments for each topic is available in

my blogs Participation in group forum/chat room is 10% Individual term papers is 10% Group assignment and reports is 10% Tutor Marked Assignment/test in forms of

multiple choice questions and short essays is 10%

End of course test takes one hour and students will be informed when to log on to do the test.

Questions will be withdrawn one hour after it has been presented online.

11. GUIDELINES ON FEEDBACKFeedback will be received through my blog site

and e-mail. Results of all assignments (scores) will be

released within 72 hours of the deadlines. Summary of records of learners’ participation

in online sessions will be available on my blogs Learners can also share information with peers

on the feedback using e-mail Students are required to submit their proposed

topics for term papers on the assignment All student have a course adviser that can be

contacted through their e-mail address for information, clarifications and support

12. PENALTIES ON PLAGIARISM The integrity of submitted written assignments

would be determined by the following:

1. Compliance with standards of writing English (grammar and tenses, construction), Appropriate formatting, Adoption of appropriate referencing format, Adequate referencing and documentation of all materials used in doing the assignment).

2. Copying of other people’s work implies zero scores for the students involved.

3. Plagiarism involves using the work of another person and presenting it as one's own. This carries significant penalties, such as:

Deduction of marks Failure in the course Referral to the Open Distance Learning

disciplinary Committee.

13. GLOSSARY In this section, all the definitions to all terms, jargon,

unusual wording and expressions found within the text will be listed (in alphabetical order). Such as:

ALU – Arithmetic and Logic UnitCAI – Computer assisted InstructionCGA - Colour Graphic AdapterCPU – Central Processing UnitEGA - Enhanced Graphic AdapterFAQ – Frequently Asked QuestionPI – Programmed InstructionVGA - Video Graphic Array SAE – Self Assessment ExerciseSVGA – Super Video Graphic ArrayTMA – Tutor Marked Assignment


Here, important terms along with the page numbers where they are mentioned will be listed (in alphabetical order).