6:3 ● The Gilded Age ● Name given to the late-1800's by Mark Twain ● “gilded”: something...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 6:3 ● The Gilded Age ● Name given to the late-1800's by Mark Twain ● “gilded”: something...

6:3● The Gilded Age

● Name given to the late-1800's by Mark Twain● “gilded”: something covered in gold, but cheap

underneath● America looked wealthy and prosperous, but there

was much poverty and misery

6:3● Social Darwinism

● Herbert Spencer, British philosopher● “survival of the fittest” (evolution)● Taking a theory of nature and applying it to society

6:3● Gospel of Wealth

● Created “philanthropy” (people with money should help those less fortunate)

● The wealthy could help society by building libraries, hospitals, schools– Better than giving the poor money

6:3● Realism

● Art and literature of the time reflected real life● Mark Twain

– “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (1884)

6:3● Popular Culture (“Pop Culture”)

● Industrialization made America more wealthy● More wealth = extra leisure time● Saloons● Sports● Vaudeville

– Animal acts, dancers, acrobats

6:3● Presidents

● 19th: Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)● 20th: James Garfield (1881)● 21st : Chester Arthur (1881-1885)

6:3● Civil Service Reform

● End “patronage” (favors for political support)● Interstate Commerce Commission

– Regulate big business

6:3● 25th President: William McKinley

● McKinley Tariff– High taxes on imports– Protect American manufactures

● Sherman Anti-Trust Act– Tried to limit monopolies

6:3● Social Gospel

● Help those in need through biblical principles● Salvation Army● YMCA● Settlement Houses

– Housed the poor– Provided medical care, education, activities– Jane Addams