600. - BYEGM Halil İnalcık will be a significant point of reference to consolidate bilateral...

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Transcript of 600. - BYEGM Halil İnalcık will be a significant point of reference to consolidate bilateral...




    2 0 1 4 ANKARATRKYE

    5 M a r tM a r c h

  • 600. YILINDA






    ON THE 600th YEAR OF


    Editr: Yr. Do. Dr. Hacer TOPAKTA

    2 0 1 4 ANKARATRKYE

    5 M a r tM a r c h

  • Delegates in the treaty of friendship between Turkey and Poland in

    July 22, 1923.

    22.07.1923 tarihinde Trkiye ile Polonya arasnda imzalanan dostluk antlamasndan bir kare

  • Cemalettin HAM, Director General of Press and Information of Republic of Turkey


    Asst. Prof.. Hacer TOPAKTA, Editor 10

    Abdullah GL, The 11th President of Turkey 15

    Bronislaw KOMOROWSKI, The 5th President of Poland20

    Prof. Halil NALCIK28

    Symposium Papers

    A Few ScenesFrom Polish-Ottoman and Polish-Turkish Historical Relations

    Prof. Dariusz KOLODZIEJCZYK 43

    Realpolitik and Rhetoric in Ottoman-Polish RelationsAn Evaluation of the 18th Century

    Asst. Prof. Hacer TOPAKTA 62

    Military RelationsBetween Poland and Turkey During World War I

    Asst. Prof. Piotr NYKIEL 82

    Poland and Turkey: Two Rising Powers in the International SystemProf. Bogdan GORALCZYK


    Turkey and Poland: Political and Economic InteractionAsst. Prof. Karol KUJAWA


    Relations Between Turkey and Poland in the Process of the. European Union MembershipAsst. Prof. Adam SZYMANSKI


    Turkish-Polish Relations in the Republican Era: The Cultural and Social Aspect Asst. Prof. Erhan AKDEMR



    Cemalettin HAM, Babakanlk Basn Yayn ve Enformasyon Genel Mdr


    Yrd. Do. Dr. Hacer TOPAKTA, Editr 8

    Abdullah GL, Trkiye Cumhuriyeti, 11. Cumhurbakan 12

    Bronislaw KOMOROWSKI, Polonya Cumhuriyeti, 5. Cumhurbakan18

    Prof. Dr. Halil NALCIK22


    Komuluktan Kardelie: Osmanl-Polonya ve Trkiye-Polonya Tarih likilerinden Birka Manzara

    Prof. Dr. Dariusz KOODZIEJCZYK 36

    Osmanl-Leh likilerinde Realpolitik ve RetorikBir XVIII. Yzyl Deerlendirmesi Yrd. Do. Dr. Hacer TOPAKTA


    Birinci Dnya Harbi Dneminde Polonyallar ile Trkler Arasndaki Askeri likiler

    Yrd. Do. Dr. Piotr NYKIEL 74

    Polonya ve Trkiye: Uluslararas Sistemde Ykselen ki GProf. Dr. Bogdan GRALCZYK


    Trkiye ve Polonya: kili Siyasi ve Ekonomik likilerYrd. Do. Dr. Karol KUJAWA


    Avrupa Birliine Tam yelik Srecinde Trkiye-Polonya likileriYrd. Do. Dr. Adam SZYMASKI


    Cumhuriyet Dneminde Trkiye-Polonya likileri: Kltrel ve Sosyal BoyutYrd. Do. Dr. Erhan AKDEMR




    PREFACECemalettin HAM

    Director General of Press and Information of Republic of Turkey

    Directorate General of Press and Information, a member of the Joint Committee established under the auspices of the eleventh President of Turkey, H.E. Abdullah Gl and President of Poland, H.E. Bronislaw Komorowski, conducted a series of activities throughout 2014 in order to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and Turkey.

    Symposium on the 600th Year of Polish-Turkish Relations, organized in Ankara on March 5, 2014, with the participation of the Presidents became one of the most important events organized that year in terms of both content and turn-out. We believe that the symposium held with the contribution of invaluable academics, including distinguished Ottoman historian Halil nalck will be a significant point of reference to consolidate bilateral relations.

    We would like to express our appreciation to all of the contributors, especially to the former Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Blent ARIN and the former Director General of Press and Information Mr. Murat KARAKAYA, for their great support and hard work in organizing the symposium as particular part of the anniversary events. Also we are thankful to Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Yaln AKDOAN for his efforts to establish cooperation between two countries today as well as to his sensitivity to the historical course of 600 years Turkish-Polish relations.

    I hope that this publication comprised of the statements presented in the symposium in Turkish and English will become a crucial factor to re-assess the historical progress and the current level of the bilateral relations as well as to further develop the close friendship between Turkish and Polish peoples.


    Trkiye ile Polonya arasndaki benzersiz diplomatik ilikilerin tesisinin 600. yldnmn kutlama etkinlikleriyle talandrmak iin 11. Cumhurbakan Sayn Abdullah GL ve 5. Polonya Cumhurbakan Sayn Bronislaw KOMOROWSKInin himayelerinde kurulan Ortak Komitenin bir yesi olan Genel Mdrlmz de Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerine atfettii zel nemle yl boyunca bir dizi etkinlik gerekletirdi.

    Ankarada 5 Mart 2014 tarihinde iki lke cumhurbakanlarnn himayeleri ve itirakleriyle gerekletirilen 600. Ylnda Trkiye-Polonya likileri Sempozyumu ierik ve katlm bakmndan yl ierisinde organize edilen en nemli etkinliklerden biri oldu. Bata Prof. Dr. Halil NALCIK olmak zere ok deerli tarihi ve bilim insanlarnn katlmyla dzenlenen sempozyumun iki lke ilikilerinin glendirilmesi asndan nemli referans olacan dnyoruz.

    Yldnm etkinliklerinde zel nem atfedilen sempozyumun gerekletirilmesinde verdikleri byk katk ve destekleri nedeniyle bata eski Babakan Yardmcmz Sayn Blent ARIN ve eski Genel Mdrmz Sayn Murat KARAKAYA olmak zere emei geen herkese Kurumumuz adna teekkr ediyoruz. Ayrca Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerinin 600 yllk tarihsel seyri kadar gnmzde iki lke arasnda mevcut yakn ibirliinin tesis edilmesine gsterdikleri hassasiyet ve aba iin Babakan Yardmcmz Sayn Yaln AKDOANa da kranlarmz sunuyoruz.

    Sempozyumda sunulan teblilerden oluan ve Genel Mdrlmz tarafndan Trke ve ngilizce dillerinde hazrlanan bu yaynn, gelecekte daha da gelitirilerek Trkiye ve Polonya halklar arasndaki gl dostlua katk salamasna vesile olmasn diliyoruz.

    Cemalettin HAM Babakanlk Basn-Yayn ve Enformasyon

    Genel Mdr

  • SUNUTR 98

    Bronisaw Komorowskinin ilikilerde 600. yl etkinlikleri erevesinde gerekletirdii Trkiye ziyareti vesilesiyle dzenledii 600. Ylnda Trkiye-Polonya likileri Sempozyumu bildirileri, ilikileri birok adan deerlendiren nemli bir eser olarak sizlere sunulmaktadr. Bildiriler bu sahada hem Trkiye hem Polonyada aratrmalarda bulunan bilim adamlarnca kaleme alnm, bildirilerde ilikilerin tarih boyutunun yan sra gnmzdeki grnm de farkl alardan deerlendirilmitir. Bu bakmdan bildirilerde ilikilerin gerek iki lke tarihi gerekse Avrupa tarihi iin nem tayan noktalar da vurgulanmtr.

    Sempozyumun iki lke Cumhurbakanlarnn himayelerinde gerekletirilmesi, alnda Babakan Yardmcs Sayn Blent Arnn hitapta bulunmalar sempozyumun nemini zirveye tamaktadr. Ayrca hocalarn hocas Prof. Dr. Halil nalckn Osmanl Devleti ile Polonya arasndaki ilikilere yapt nemli deerlendirmeleri ieren al bildirisi de sempozyum asndan byk neme haizdir. Uzun sredir Trkiye-Polonya tarih ilikileri konusunda birok kymetli alma vcuda getiren Prof. Dr. Dariusz Koodziejczykn alt asr manidar rneklerle zetleyen bildirisi, ahsmn XVIII. yzylda ikili ilikilere yapt deerlendirmeyi ieren bildirisi, XIX. ve XX. yzyl Trkiye-Polonya ilikileri konusunda birok almas bulunan Piotr Nykielin I. Cihan Harbi dnemine odaklanan bildirisi Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerinin tarih ynn vurgulayan almalardr. Deneyimli diplomat ve bilim adam Prof. Dr. Bogdan Gralczykn gnmz ve gelecekteki Trkiye ve Polonyay resmettii bildirisi, iktisad mnasebetlere ciddi bir analiz getiren Karol Kujawann bildirisi, ilikileri Avrupa Birlii ekseninde deerlendiren Adam Szymaskinin bildirisi ve Cumhuriyet dneminde Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerini kltrel ve sosyal boyutta ele alan Erhan Akdemirin bildirisi ile de yakn dnem ikili ilikileri farkl balamlarda deerlendirmektedir. Bu bakmdan sz konusu bildiriler iki lke arasndaki youn tarih ilikilerle ilgili birok husus iin nemli bir referans almas zellii tayacaktr. Bu vesileyle bildirileri basm karar alarak yukarda zikredilen mhim birok almann kalc hale gelmesini salayan Babakanlk Basn-Yayn Enformasyon Genel Mdrlne ve bu konudaki tevik ve yardmlar iin Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Varova Bykeliliimize teekkrlerimi sunarm.


    2014 ylnda Trk-Leh diplomatik ilikilerinin altnc asr tamamland. Birok devletin ve milletin tarihinde mnasebetlerin bu kadar eskiye dayanmas ender grlen bir durumdur. Polonya kaynaklarnn bildirdii zere ikili diplomatik ilikiler 1414te elebi Mehmede gelen iki Leh elisiyle balamtr. Vaktiyle komu olan bu iki devlet, yer yer savalar geirse de 1699 ylnda imzalanan Karlofa Antlamasndan bu yana kadim dostluunu muhafaza etmektedir. Polonyann 1772, 1793 ve 1795 yllarnda komular Prusya, Avusturya ve Rusya tarafndan paylam ve bamszlnn elinden alnmas, Trk-Leh resm ilikilerinin 1918e kadar kesintiye uramasna neden olmutur. Fakat Osmanl Devleti 1795-1918 yllar arasnda bamszlk mcadelesi yrten Polonyaya, eski tabirle Lehistana her trl desteini verdii gibi birok Polonya gmenine bu srete kucak amtr. Bu gmenlerin bir ksmn oluturan Leh subaylar, Osmanl ordularnda nemli grevler icra etmitir. Mehmed Sadk Paa (Micha Czajkowski), Mustafa Celaleddin Paa, (Konstanty Borzcki), Murad Paa, (Jzef Bem) bunlardan birkadr. Polonya mill airi Adam Mickiewiczin Krm Sava (1853-1856) srasnda stanbula geldiini ve hatta hastal dolaysyla burada hayatn kaybettiini de hatrlamak gerekir. Trkiye ve Polonya, I. Dnya Sava sonrasnda ilikilerini yeniden tesis etme konusunda da olduka mahirdirler. Zira, iki devletin temsilcileri Lozan Grmeleri esnasnda antlamalar imzalamak suretiyle resm temaslarn salam bir zemine oturtabilmitirler. Son dnemde Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerinin daha da gelitii mahede edilmektedir. ki lkenin devlet bakanlarnn ve st dzey yneticilerinin sk sk grlen ziyaretleri de bunu teyit eder durumdadr.

    Bu balamda, Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerinin 600. yl vesilesiyle Babakanlk Basn-Yayn ve Enformasyon Genel Mdrlnn 5 Mart 2014te Polonya 5. Cumhurbakan Sayn

    Yrd. Do. Dr. Hacer Topakta-Editrstanbul niversitesi

  • PREFACE ENG 1110

    evaluate many aspects of the bilateral relations between the two countries in this book. Papers are written up by scholars who did research both in Turkey and Poland. Todays appearance of the historical dimension of the relationship was evaluated in the papers from different perspectives. In this regard, the papers also highlighted the important points of the relatiohship for the two countries history and also the European history.

    The Symposium was organized under auspices of the two countries Presidents and the Deputy Prime Minister Blent Arn also addressed at the opening ceremony of the Summit, these highly increased the importance of the symposium. The opening statement of the grand master Prof. Dr. Halil nalck, having significant evaluations about the relations between the Ottoman Empire and Poland, had also of great importance for the symposium. In the Summit, Prof. Dr. Dariusz Kolodziejczyk, who has done precious studies on Turkish-Polish historical relations, gave a significant summary of the six centuries in his paper. I am specialized in the field of Turkish-Poland relations in recent years and in my paper I evaluated the 18th century Ottoman-Polish relations. Having numerous studies on Turkish-Polish relations Piotr Nykiel focused on the First World War in his paper. All these studies emphasize the historical aspects of Turkish-Polish relations. Prof. Dr. Bogdan Goralczyk, a senior diplomat and scientist, gave us a picture of the today and the future of Turkey and Poland, Karol Kujawa presented an in-depth analysis of economic relations, Adam Szymanski evaluated the relations within the framework of the European Union and Erhan Akdemir handled the cultural and social aspects of the Turkish-Polish relations in the republican period , and thus, the bilateral relations were considered in different contexts. In this regard, these papers will have the feature of a reference work about the deep historical ties between the two countries. Hereby I extend my thanks to the authorities of General Directorate of Press and Information for their decision to publish above-mentioned important studies to make them permanent and to the Turkish Embassy in Warsaw for their encouragements and contributions on this matter.

    PREFACEAsst. Prof. Hacer Topakta-Editor

    Istanbul University

    The sixth century was completed in the Turkish-Poland diplomatic relations in 2014. In the history of many states and nations, it is a rare occasion that relations go back a long way. According to Polish sources, bilateral diplomatic relations started with two Polish diplomats came to elebi Mehmed in 1414. Although these two neighbouring countries were at war at times, Turkey and Poland have protected their old friendship since the Treaty of Karlowitz, signed in 1699. Turkish-Polish official relations were interrupted when Poland was partited by her neighbours Prussia, Austria and Russia in 1772, 1793 and 1795 lost her independence. Poland, called Lehistan by Ottomans, struggled for independence between the years 1795-1918. Within that period The Ottoman Empire gave all kind of support to Poland and welcomed a lot of Polish immigrants, too. Polish officers that were the part of the immigrants had performed important tasks. Mehmed Sadk Pasha (Michal Czajkowski), Mustafa Celaleddin Pasha (Konstanty Borzecki) and Murad Pasha (Jozef Bem) were few of them. Polands national poet Adam Mickiewicz came to Istanbul during Crimean War (1853-1856) and lost his life here because of his illness. Turkey and Poland, both were very skilful to establish relations after the World War I because the representatives of the both countries were able to build their official contacts on solid bases by signing agreements. Turkish-Polish relations have been further developed in recent years. Reciprocal visits of the presidents and senior officials also confirm this situation.

    Directorate General of Press and Information organized the Symposium on the 600th anniversary of Turkish-Polish Relations on March 5th 2014 and within the frame of this occasion of the President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowskis paid a visit to Turkey on 5-6 March 2014. Submitted papers at this symposium, are presented as important works that

  • SUNUTR 1312

    Kltr Merkezinde aacamz sergi bunun iaretleri olmaktadr. Tm bunlarn asrlara meydan okuyan dostluumuzun daha iyi idrak edilmesine vesile olmasn da diliyorum. Bu deerli miras gelecek nesillerimize emanet ederken bundan sonra neler yaplabilecei zerine de eminim kafa yorulmaktadr.

    Esasen bugn Sayn Cumhurbakan ile ba baa ve heyetler arasnda yaptmz grmelerde de bu ynde fikir egzersizi yaptk. imdi bu almaya sivil toplum ve halkn katlmasndan byk bir memnuniyet duyuyoruz. Hatrdan karlmamaldr ki Trkiye-Polonya dostluu tarih boyunca devletleraras ilikilerle olduu kadar insandan insana, gnlden gnle balarla da mevcudiyetini srdrmektedir. Bu sayededir ki iki halk arasnda kltrden sanata siyasetten askeriyeye kadar hayatn birok alannda karlkl yaygn, youn etkileimler olmutur. Deerli tarihilerimiz bu konularda sizleri yeterince bilgilendirmilerdir. Toplantya baktmda ok deerli, sekin tarihilerimizi, ilim adamlarmz gryor ve bundan byk memnuniyet duyuyorum. Onlar gndz oturumlarnda tarih belgelerle, vesikalarla, hatralarla bunlar dile getirmilerdir. Ben de birka isimden bahsederek ksaca gemek istiyorum. Bunu vefamzn bir ifadesi olarak da sylemek istiyorum. nk bunlar ortak kahramanlarmzdr. Zira, asl adlar Bobowski, Cxogkowski, Borzecki olan ve hepimizin Ali Ufk Bey, Sadk Rfat Paa ve Mustafa Celalettin Paa diye bildiimiz Polonyal dostlarmz ortak kltrmzn ok kymetli hazineleridir. Bu katklar sayesinde dostluk, dayanma ve ibirliimiz gnmze kadar tanmtr. Kendilerine kran ve minnet borluyuz.

    Kymetli misafirler, deerli Profesr lber Ortaylnn veciz ifadesiyle, 19uncu yzyl bizde imparatorluun en uzun yzyldr, ancak bizim iin olduu kadar zgrlk mcadelesini sarslmaz bir azimle srdren Polonyal dostlarmz iin de ok uzun bir yzyl olmutur. Bu anlamda iki lkenin kaderinin benzer olduunu da syleyebiliriz. Nitekim 1795-1918 Polonyallar iin, 1774-1923 de Trkler iin azim ve mcadele yllardr. Trkiye ile Polonya arasndaki gl dostluk, iki lkenin varlklarn ilelebet srdreceklerini bir kez daha ispat ettikleri on dokuzuncu yzylda bugnk kvamn bulmutur. Bu nedenledir ki Polonyann milli mcadele kahraman Czartoryski ve milli airi Mickiewicz 19.uncu yzylda Trkiyeyi kendilerine ikinci vatan edinmilerdir. Bu nedenledir ki Polonyay blp paralayarak tarih sahnesinden silmeye alan ve bu azimli halkn iradesini hie sayan teebbsler Trkler tarafndan tannmamtr. Ortak kaderin tecellisine baknz ki Trkiye ve Polonya bugnk


    Sayn Cumhurbakan, Deerli Hanmefendi, Deerli Babakan Yardmcmz, Deerli misafirler,

    Trkiye ile Polonya arasnda diplomatik ilikilerin tesisinin 600nc yldnm kutlamalar kapsamnda Babakanlk Basn-Yayn ve Enformasyon Genel Mdrlnn tertipledii bu sempozyumda, deerli dostum Sayn Cumhurbakan ile birlikte bulunmaktan byk bir memnuniyet duyuyorum. Sabahtan balayan ve gn boyu devam eden bu nemli etkinlikte birok oturumun yapld bilgisi verildi bana. nce deerli bilim insanlarnn Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerine dair gzlemlerde bulunduunu, sonra da ekonomik ilikilerimizle ilgili i adamlarnn sunumlar yaptn rendim. Temennim, alt yz yldr sren bu dostluun yeni nesillere gl bir ekilde tanmasn temin etmektir. Eminim ki bu toplantnn buna da ok byk katks olacaktr.

    Deerli misafirler, ilikilerimizin alt asr boyunca kesintisiz srmesi tek bana, Trkiye ile Polonya arasndaki balarn ne kadar gl olduunu gsteren nemli bir delildir. O zamanlar bu topraklarda Osmanl Devleti ve Leh Krall vard, bugnse Trkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Polonya Devleti var. likilerimiz bugn de gl bir ekilde devam ediyor. Deerli katklarnzla bu tarih derinlie yakr bir kutlama program hazrlandn grmekten de byk bir memnuniyet duyuyorum. Davetime icabetle Trkiyeyi ziyaret eden deerli dostum Cumhurbakan Sayn Komorowski ile birlikte 600. yldnm kutlamalarn balatyoruz. Bugn burada beraber katldmz sempozyum ve yarn stanbulda yine birlikte Sabanc

    Abdullah GLCumhurbakan


    PREFACEAbdullah GL

    President of Turkey

    The Honourable Mr. President and Madam, Distinguished Deputy Prime Minister, Esteemed Guests,

    It is a great pleasure for me to be present at this symposium held by General Directorate of Press and Information on the occasion of the 600th anniversary celebration of Turkey-Poland relations, honoured by the presence of Mr. President, my valuable friend. I have been informed that several sessions are organized at this important event that has started in the morning and continues the whole day. I have learned that first, valuable scientists have shared their observations as to the relations between Turkey and Poland, followed by businesspeople holding presentations on our economic relations. I hope this friendship of 600 years will be strongly passed on to future generations. I am confident that this meeting will have a great contribution to this aim.

    Distinguished guests,

    The uninterrupted continuation of our relations for 600 years alone is a strong proof of how strong the ties Turkey and Poland are. At the time, there were the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland on the respective territories; today we have the Republic of Turkey and the State of Poland. Our relations continue at full strength today. I take great pleasure to see that a celebration program has been prepared worthy of this historical depth with your precious contributions. We initiate the 600th anniversary celebrations together with my dear friend, President Komorowski, who accepted my invitation to visit Turkey. This symposium, which we have attended together, and the exhibition we will kick start in the Sabanci

    devletlerinin kurulularn da beer yl arayla ilan etmilerdir. Bu noktada Polonyann Trkiyeyi Lozan imzalanmadan nce tandn ve iki gen devletin sratle karlkl diplomatik temsilci atadklarn takdirle yd etmek de bizler iin vazifedir.

    Deerli misafirler, olaylara seyrettii mecradan ve sreklilik zaviyesinden bakmak gerekir. Byle yapld takdirde Avrupada yaanan son dnm dalgasnda Polonyann tekrar Avrupa-Atlantik kurumlaryla btnlemesine Trk halknn neden bu kadar destek verdiini daha kolay anlarz. Zira, 1990larn banda gerekleen bu dnm kadim dostlar olan Trkiye ile Polonyay ayrlmaz paras olduklar Avrupann ats altnda tekrar buluturmutur. Gnmzde bu geni at altnda insan haklar, demokrasi, hukukun stnl ve serbest piyasa gibi mterek ilkelerin savunuculuunu hep beraber yapyoruz. Avrupa ilkeler ve deerler ailesi erevesindeki ortaklmz paras olduumuz blgelerin yan sra dnyann da bar ve istikrar bakmndan ok deerli gryoruz. Ayrca, ok kkl bir maziye dayanan bu dostluumuzun bu deerler manzumesiyle ilave boyutlar kazanacana da inanyoruz. te bu anlayla Polonyann NATO yeliini destekledik. Polonya da bugn bizim AB mzakere srecimizi ve yeliimiz destekliyor. Memnuniyetle mahede ediyoruz ki lkelerimiz arasnda ilikilerin seyri gayet iyidir. ki lke NATOda, AGTte, Avrupa Konseyinde Visegrad Drtls ile balantl ve dier birok platformda yakn ibirlii yapmaktadr. lkelerimiz ayrca gen ve dinamik ekonomileriyle de benzemektedir. Trkiye ve Polonya kresel krizden en az etkilenen Avrupa lkeleri arasndadr. Avrupann ihtiya duyduu imkn ve kabiliyetler, ekonomileri ve demografik yaplar gl olan lkelerimizde ziyadesiyle mevcuttur. Buna gvenerek 5 milyar Dolar olan ticaret hacmini ikiye katlama arzusunu ifade ediyoruz. Ksacas, 2009 ylnda stratejik ortaklk seviyesine karlan ilikilerimizin tm alanlarda tarihi derinliin hak ettii seviyelere tanabilmesi iin artlar msaittir.

    Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerinin 600. yldnm mnasebetiyle yl boyunca her iki lkede siyasetten kltre, sanattan tarihe, ekonomiden medyaya farkl alanlarda dzenlenecek kutlama etkinliklerinin halkmzn birbirini daha iyi tanmalar ve aralarndaki etkileimin glenmesi bakmndan gzel frsatlar sunacana inanyorum. Bu duygu ve dncelerle ilikilerimizin 600. Yldnmnn hayrl ve uurlu olmasn, Trkiye-Polonya dostluunun blgemize bar ve istikrar iin emsal tekil etmesini temenni ediyor ve hepinize sevgi ve muhabbetler sunuyorum.

  • PREFACE ENG 1716

    Distinguished guests, one should consider events by their course and from the angle of continuity. In this way, we can have a clearer understanding of why Turkish people gave such a support to Polands reintegration with the Euro-Atlantic institutions during the recent transformation wave in Europe. This transformation, which occurred in early 1990s, has brought together old friends Turkey and Poland under the roof of Europe, of which they are an inseparable part. Today, under this broad roof, we are defending together common principles such as human rights, democracy, rule of law and free market. We consider our partnership within the framework of European principles and values family very valuable both for the regions we are a part of and for the peace and stability in the world. Moreover, we believe that this friendship of ours, based on a deep-rooted history, will take on additional dimensions with this string of values. With such an understanding, we supported NATO membership of Poland. Today, Poland supports our EU negotiation process and membership. We gladly observe that the course of relations between our countries is pretty well. The two countries closely cooperate at NATO, OSCE, with regards to Visegrad Four at the European Council and on many other platforms. Our countries resemble each other in terms of their young and dynamic economies. Turkey and Poland are among the European countries which are least affected by the global crisis. Opportunities and capabilities needed by Europe are by far available in our countries, which have strong economies and demographic structures. Relying on that, we express our aspiration to double the trade volume, which is 5 billion dollars. Shortly, there are favourable conditions for our relations, which were brought up to the level of strategic partnership in 2009, to be raised to levels that the depth of history deserves in all areas.

    On the occasion of the 600th anniversary of Turkish-Polish relations, there will be celebration events in both countries in different areas ranging from politics to culture, from arts to history and from economy to media. I believe these events will offer good opportunities for our people to know each other better and to strengthen the interaction in-between. With these feelings and thoughts, I wish that the 600th anniversary of our relations will be favourable and auspicious and that the friendship between Turkey and Poland will set an example for peace and stability in our region. I would like to extend my deepest regards to each and every one of you.

    Cultural Centre in Istanbul together are the tokens of this. I hope all these will ensure better acknowledgement of our friendship, which defies centuries. While entrusting this precious heritage to future generations, I am sure serious contemplations are made regarding what can be done from now on.

    Actually, Mr President and I brainstormed in this direction in our bilateral and inter-delegation meetings today. We are pleased with the participation of civil society and the public in these efforts. It should be borne in mind that the friendship between Turkey and Poland exists between individuals with cordial ties as much as they have existed in intergovernmental relations throughout history. Therefore, widespread and intense interactions have been attained between the two societies in a myriad of fields of life, from politics to military. Our distinguished historians must have sufficiently informed you on these issues. When I look around at this meeting, I see our valuable and outstanding historians and scientists, and I take great pleasure in this. They must have voiced these issues by showing you historical documents, records and memories. I would like to mention a couple of figures shortly as well. I would like to mention this also as a token of our fidelity, because these are our common heroes. Our Polish friends, Bobowski, Czajkowski, Borzecki whom we all know as Ali Ufki Bey, Sadk Rfat Pasha and Mustafa Celalettin Pasha are precious treasures of our shared culture. Thanks to these contributions, our friendship, solidarity and cooperation survive today. We owe them praise and gratitude.

    Esteemed guests, with the concise expression of the distinguished Professor lber Ortayl, 19th century is the longest century of the empire for us, however, the 19th century was also a very long century for our Polish friends, who continued with their struggle for freedom with unshakable enthusiasm. In this respect, we can say that the two countries share a common destiny. Polish people experienced years of enthusiasm and struggle from 1795 to 1918, whereas Turks experienced the same process from 1774 to 1923.

    The strong Turkish-Polish friendship took its current form in 19th century when the two countries once more proved that they would last forever. The Polish national independence hero Czartoryski and national poet Mickiewicz chose Turkey as their second homeland. Therefore, Turks have never recognised the efforts to divide, disintegrate and erase Poland from history, which totally disregarded the will of this determined nation. As a manifestation of common fate, Turkey and Poland have declared the establishment of their current states five years apart. Here we should remember in appreciation that Poland recognised Turkey before the signature of Lausanne Treaty and that the two young countries soon appointed diplomatic representatives mutually.

  • SUNUTR 1918

    Bizler tarihi, hatrlamak iin kullanmalyz. Kanuni Sultan Sleymann ei Hrrem, Osmanl Sultanlarndan birisi oldu. Ayn ekilde, brahim Paa Polonyadan kp Osmanl mparatorluuna hizmet etmi nemli karakterlerinden birisiydi. Btn bu izleri takip ettiimizde ne kadar yakn olduumuzu ve ne kadar nemli dnemleri beraber kurduumuzu, Trkiye ile Polonyann gemiten gnmze iyi ilikilerinin nasl her dnemde kendini gsterdiini tespit edebiliriz.

    Polonya bildiiniz gibi, 1918 ylnda bamszln kazand ve lkemizin ilk imzalad anlamalardan bir tanesi de Trkiye ile 1923 ylnda imzalanan dostluk anlamas oldu. Ayn zamanda, Polonya, Trkiye zerindeki yabanc glerin hkmranlklarn artrmak iin kullandklar kapitlasyonlara kar kt.

    Trkiye ile Polonya arasnda paralel pek ok zellik bulunmaktadr. 18. ve 19. yzyllar her iki lke iin de zafiyet ve bask yllaryd. I. Dnya Savandan sonra ise her iki lke yeniden doup, ilikilerini demokratik toplumlar olarak dzenledi.

    Bugn bile kar karya kaldmz glkleri milletimizi korumak adna birbirimizi destekleyerek bertaraf etmeye alyoruz. Toplumlarmza bakacak olursak, modernlemeye inandk, dier milletlerden daha hzl gelien milletler olma gayreti iinde baarl olduk.

    Bir kez daha sempozyumda bulunmaktan ok memnun olduumu vurgulamak istiyorum. Trkiye ve Polonya arasndaki diplomatik ilikilerin 600. yln kutluyorum. mit ediyorum ki 600. yl kutlamalar bir sonraki kutlamalarn temelini tekil edecektir.


    Sayn Cumhurbakan Abdullah GL, Sayn Ei ve Trk dostlarm;

    ncelikle, Trkiyeye ziyaretimin iki lke arasndaki diplomatik ilikilerin 600. ylna denk gelmesi nedeniyle byk memnuniyet duymaktaym. Bu sempozyumun dzenlenmesinde emei geen herkese teekkr etmek istiyorum. Bu toplant, iki lkenin milleti iin de son derece nemlidir. Ayrca, bu tip toplantlar, iki lkenin ortak gemii zerinde ortak dnceler retme ve ilikileri bir kere daha gzden geirme frsat veriyor.

    Saygdeer Hanmefendiler ve Beyefendiler,

    Tarih bir disiplin olarak ilgi alanma girmektedir. Ben tarihten ilham alrm. Tarih bizlere salkl dnme, iyimser olma, kendi milletimizi ve dier milletlerle olan ilikileri daha iyi anlama imkn verir. te o yzden de diplomatik ilikilerimizin 600 yl iindeki geliimine bakacak olursak her zaman iyi komuluk ilikilerinin ilerlediini gryoruz. nk bu 600 yln 575 yln tamamen ibirlii ve bar iinde geirmiiz. Trk ve Polonya halklarnn blgesel erevenin dna taan gler gelitirme eiliminde olduu dnemler elbette olmutur. Osmanl mparatorluu, Litvanya ve Polonya Krallklarnn Krm ve Tuna nehri zerinde daha fazla g elde etmeye alt olmutur. Btn bunlar anlamak bence ok nemli nk bu sayede bugn gzmzn nnde olanlar ok daha iyi anlayabilir, anlamlandrabilir ve gelecee dair mitler tayabiliriz. Tarihte bugn ne yapmamz gerektiine dair ok nemli dersler yer alyor. Biz milletlerimizin ne kadar byk olduunu, devletlerimizin nasl bugnlere geldiini ancak tarihe bakarak anlayabiliriz.

    Bronislaw KOMOROWSKIPolonya Cumhurbakan

  • PREFACE ENG 2120

    We should use history to remember. The spouse of Sleyman the Magnificent, Hrrem (Roxelana), became one of the Ottoman Sultans. Similarly, Ibrahim Pasha came out of Poland and became one of the important figures who served for the Ottoman Empire. When we track all these traces, we can find out how close we were, how we built important eras together and how the good relations between Turkey and Poland manifested themselves from the past to present.

    Poland, as you know, gained its independence in 1918 and one of the first treaties our country signed was a treaty of amity with Turkey in 1923. As you are well aware, Poland stood up to capitulations used by foreign powers to increase their rules over Turkey.

    There are many parallel characteristics between Turkey and Poland. The 18th and 19th centuries were times of infirmity and pressure for both countries. After the World War I; however, both countries were reborn and arranged their relations as democratic societies.

    Even today, we try to eliminate the challenges we face by supporting each other in order to protect our people. If we take a look at our societies, we believed in modernization. We were in an attempt to be nations developing more rapidly than the others and we succeeded it.

    Once again, I would like to underline that I am very glad to be in this symposium.

    I would like to commemorate the 600th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Poland. I hope that the 600th anniversary will be the basis for the upcoming 600th anniversary.


    President of Poland

    His Excellency, President Abdullah GL, his spouse and Turkish friends;

    First of all, I feel considerably pleased that my visit to Turkey coincides with the 600th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organization of this symposium. This meeting is of great significance for the people of both countries. Also, such meetings give the opportunity to build common grounds on the common history of the two countries and to review the relations once again.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    History as a discipline is in my field of interest. I am inspired by history. History gives us an opportunity to think clearly, to be optimistic, and to better understand our nation and its relations with other nations. Therefore if we take a look at the development of our diplomatic relations throughout 600 years, we see that good neighbour relations have always been maintained because we spent 575 of these 600 years in full cooperation and peace. For sure, there have been times when Turkish and Polish people had the tendency to develop powers extending out of the regional frame. There were times when the Ottoman Empire, Polish Lithuanian Kingdom tried to obtain more powers over Crimea and Danube River. I think it is very important to understand all of these because we can, by this means, better understand and make sense of the things happening in front of our eyes and be hopeful for the future. History contains very important lessons as to what we should be doing today. We can only understand how strong our nations are and how our states reached where they are today by looking into history.

  • SUNUTR 2322

    dediimiz blge Polonyayla ayn ta altnda birleti. Osmanl, 1475te Krm Hanlyla anlaarak onu mparatorluk bnyesine alp dorudan doruya Karadeniz mahalindeki gelimelerde ok nemli bir faktr olarak kendini gsterdi. Ayn devrede, yani 15. asr sonlarnda 16. asr balarnda, bu blgedeki byk devlet, Dou Avrupay iine alan byk imparatorluk, Altn Orda mparatorluu, yani Mool mparatorluu idi. Bu imparatorluk ktkten sonra Krmda Krm Hanl ykseldi. Moskova 14. yzyl sonlarnda bir Knezlikti. Moskovann ykselmesinde de -tarihin bir cilvesi- Altn Ordann byk rol oldu. Altn Orda Han kendisine en yakn olan Moskova Knezliine on iki kadar Rus prensliinin haracn, vergilerini toplama vazifesini verdi. te Rusyann tarih sahnesine k ve Dou Avrupada byk bir devlet olma yolundaki ilk adm at, bir Mool Hanl olan Altn Orda Hanlnn bu vazifeyi, bu fonksiyonu Moskovaya vermesiyle oldu. Dier Prensler zerinden harac toplayp Hana gtrd iin Moskova nemli bir siyas mevki kazand. Altn Orda paralandktan sonra Kazan Hanl, Krm Hanl, Kasm Hanl gibi bir takm hanlklar ortaya kt. 1475te Krm Hanlar ve Krmda ykselen Giray Hanedan, Osmanlyla birleti. Byk General Gedik Ahmet Paa 1475te Krmla anlat ve Krmn gneyindeki Kefe eyletini Osmanlya katt. Bu tarihten itibaren Osmanl Devleti artk kuzeydeki gelimelere dorudan doruya bir fail, bir faktr olarak girmi bulunuyordu. 1475te Krm Hanlar Altn Orda kadar kudretli deildi. Kald ki Altn Orda Han buray tekrar elde etmek iin saraydan hareket ediyor. Osmanl, Karadenizin kuzeyindeki step blgesine hkim olan bu Krm Hanln destekleyerek Dou Avrupada ok faal bir durum kazand. Osmanl mparatorluu iin Karadeniz bir Osmanl gl idi. Byk Fatih Sultan Mehmed, btn sahillerinden Kefe Cenevizlilerini bertaraf etti. Boa Dan kendisine balad ve erkes sahillerini ald. Fatih ldnde Karadeniz bir Osmanl, bir Trk gl idi. Karadenizin mdafaas Osmanl mparatorluunun ok nemli bir blgesi olarak Krm Hanl vastasyla devam ettiriliyordu. Osmanl, Krm Hanln kuzeydeki gelimelere kar daima destekleyerek Karadenizi korumaya almt. Karadenizin bu step blgesinde Kazaklar, yani bugnk Ukraynann menei olan Kazaklar saldrya getiklerinde Karadeniz tehlikeye dt. Orada Dou Avrupann Hristiyan u kuvvetleri yle tekilatlandrlmt: Dinyeperde Zaporog Kazaklar genellikle Lehistana balyd. Don Kazaklar Moskovaya balyd. Kafkasya zerinde Terek Kazaklar, yine Moskovaya balyd.


    ok muhterem Babakan Yardmcs, eski dostum Sayn Blent ARINn huzurunda bu konumay bana tevdi eden Sayn Basn-Yayn ve Enformasyon Genel Mdrne teekkr ederim. Beni dinlemek iin gelmi olan ok deerli dinleyicilerime de kalbi teekkrlerimi ifade etmek isterim.

    Efendim, profesrler not defterlerini karmadan sze balamazlar. Ben de bu ii ciddiye aldm ve bir haftadr zerinde alyorum. Biliyorsunuz, Krm tarihinin belli bal safhalarn yaknda bir kitap olarak neretmek zereyim; herhalde bu yaz kar. Krm, Osmanl ile beraber Dou Avrupadaki devletler sisteminin ok nemli bir yesi idi zamanmza kadar. Karadenizin kuzeyinde bulunan Lehistan, Litvanya, Kazaklar, Altn Orda ve Moskova arasnda, blgedeki devletler arasnda ar basan bir kuvvet olarak Osmanl mparatorluu byk gelimeleri idare etmi, bilfiil byk seferler tertip etmi bir imparatorluktu.

    Tarihi hadiseler tekerrr etmez. Bu inanlm bir slogandr. Fakat bugnk hadiseler, u gnlerde grdmz ve hepimizi heyecanlandran, endieye sevk eden byk gelimeler gsteriyor ki tarih tekerrr eder. nk jeopolitik corafya ve devletlerin konumu ne olursa olsun o gelimeler tarihin konusudur. Fakat corafya, kltr ve devletlerin teekkl bu blgede belli bir rg takip ederek gelimektedir. Yani, ana yaplar tarihte tekerrr eder. nk bir Moskova vardr, bir Trkiye vardr, bir Polonya vardr ve tarih bu erevede tekerrr etmektedir. Tabii failler ve gelimeler farkldr.

    Bu blgedeki gelimeler zerinde eitli safhalar tespit ettim. Failler ayndr. Polonyada 14. asr sonlarnda Jagiellon, Litvanyadaki Jagon hanedanyla birleti. Yani, bugn Ukrayna

    Prof. Dr. Halil NALCIK

  • SUNUTR 2524

    Divandaki mcadelesi sonunda kuzeye byk bir sefer hazrlna baland. nk van, Kazan Hanln alm, Astrahana kadar gelmi ve burada byk bir kale kurmu, Terek Irma zerine Kazaklarn yerletirmi ve br taraftan Don Kazaklar ile Krm Hanln tehdit ediyor. te bu tehditlere, Moskovann bu stnlk iddialarna kar 1569da, Kanuninin lmnden birka sene sonra, Osmanl byk bir ordu hazrlad. Moskovay yani van Kazandan, Astrahandan atmak ve Dou Avrupada Osmanl hkimiyetini Krmla beraber tesis etmek iin byk bir sefer hazrlad. Bu byk sefer de teknoloji bakmndan ok enteresan. Osmanlnn kendi ordusunun ikml hizmetlerini grecek donanmaya ihtiyac vard. Hakikaten Kefe Beylerbeyinin teebbs ile bir donanma Don Irmandan yukarya kacak, Perivoli denen Don Irma ile Volgann ok yaklat blgede bir kanal alacak; donanmamz Volgaya girecek, Volgada Kazan kurtaracak; gneye Astrahana girecek ve Astrahandan Ruslar kovacakt. Osmanlnn bu byk teebbs ve baard byk sefer plan, ok enteresandr. Demek ki, Osmanl Rus mparatorluuna kar byk bir reaksiyon gsteriyor ve blgede kendi hkimiyetini salamlatrmak istiyor. Bu byk sefer tarihimizde, 1569 Astrahan Seferi veya Ejderhan Seferi olarak malmdur. Bunun zerine uzunca bir ngilizce makalem var. Sokullunun, Osmanlnn bu byk teebbs maalesef hezimetle neticelendi. nk seferi hazrlayanlar teknolojik bilgiden mahrumdular. Don-Volga Kanal kazlmaya baland fakat o zamanki teknoloji bu kadar imkn dhilinde deildi. Rusya ancak Sovyetler zamannda Don ve Volga arasnda bu kanal amay baarabildi. O zamanlar yanl bir inanla donanmamz Volgaya yrtmek, oradan Astrahana inmek gibi bir plan dnlmt. Byk bir ordu ve bunun ikml ileri, mhimmat ve dier ihtiyalar Kazakta yaplmt. Bizim ordu Astrahana donanmasz indi, fakat Astrahanda mevsim gemiti.

    Rus mparatorluunun kuruluunda ok enteresan eyler vardr. Rus mparatorluu bir blgeye girdii zaman kaleler ina eder ve kendi u kuvvetlerini, Kazaklar oraya yerletirirdi. Astrahanda, nehrin ortasnda su iinde ok kuvvetli bir kale kurdular. Keza, Terekte de Rus mparatorluu bir kale kurmutu. Astrahan/Ejderhan Kuatmas, ordumuzun Krm Hanl ile beraber hezimetiyle neticelendi. Osmanl, Astrahan ve Kazandan arl atamad. arlk artk Kafkasyann zerinde Terek Irmanda kendi kuvvetlerini yerletirmiti. Ordumuzda alk ve isyan vard. Bu nedenle Krma dndler. Daha sonra da Azakta mhimmat depolar patlatld. Belki de bir Rus casusunun iidir nk ordumuzda bir Rus casusu vard ve Moskovaya srekli raporlar gnderiyordu. Bylece Kanal Seferi, Osmanlnn bu byk teebbs hezimetle neticelendi. Bundan sonra Dou Avrupada Moskovann ykseldiini ve rakipsiz bir ekilde yerletiini gryoruz. Bundan Litvanya-Polonya Birlii de nasibini ald.

    Pek belirtilmez ama Rus ar Byk svan, ayn zamanda doudaki Mslman Hanlklarna kar yazlarnda Uluhan unvann kullanyordu. Artk Altn Orda mparatorluunun bir

    Moskova Knezlii, III. van zamannda bir imparatorluk hayaline kapld. Rusyann gelimesi ve Rus mparatorluunun btn blgeye hkim bir devlet olarak ykselmesi 1500 tarihine doru III. vanla balar. III. van, son Bizans mparatoru Konstantinin yeeni Prenses Zoe ile evlendi ve ar, kayser, imparator unvann ald. Bundan itibaren de Moskova, Bizans ihya etmek, Karadenize hkim olmak, stanbulu almak gibi bir ideoloji benimsedi. Yani Moskov Knezlerinin, ar, kayser veya imparator unvanyla Bizans imparatorlarna halef olma istekleri o zamandan itibaren, yani 1500e doru, bu gelimeyle karmzdadr. Moskova blgede Osmanl mparatorluu iin en byk rakip haline geldi.

    Fakat bu imparatorluk hayalini asl gerekletiren Byk van oldu. IV. van 1533lerde geldi, 1584e kadar, elli seneden fazla Moskova Knezi ve imparator olarak Byk Rusyann yapcs oldu. Polonyann blgede douya doru genilemesi, 14. asr sonlarnda, 1385lerde Litvanya Dkal ile birlemesiyle balad. Lehistan -o zaman Osmanl literatrnde Lehistand- bu suretle Karadenizin kuzeyinde faal ve byk bir devlet olarak Moskovann karsna kt. van, Altn Orda mparatorluunun halefi olma, Bizansn varisi bir imparatorluk olarak ihya etme politikasn benimsedi. Bu arada ok enteresan ve ok nemli bir gelime, Moskov Knezleri daha nc ylndan balayarak bat teknolojisini alarak blgede ok nemli bir devlet haline geldi. IV. van, Dou Avrupay, yani Altn Ordann mirasn Volga Irmandan Smolenske kadar, Lehistan-Litvanya Devletine kadar kendi hkm altna ald. Hakikaten ok dikkate deer bir eydir. III. vandan sonra imparatorluu ihya eden IV. vandr. mparator anlamnda tzar, kayserden bozma ar unvann benimsedi. Altn Orda Hanlarnn varisi olma iddias ile Kazan ald, Astrahan ald. Batda Litvanya zerinden Baltka doru irtifak yapt. Yani, Dou Avrupada bu corafyann byk devleti ve ar sfatyla Rusyann stnln tesis etti. Bu tarihi bir gelimedir. Bugne kadar Rusyann blgede stnlk iddialar ve Putinin Neo-Avrasyaclk nazariyesiyle benimsedii Dou Avrupada hkim olma iddialar IV. Ivan ile balar.

    Osmanl bu yeni kurulan Rus mparatorluuna kar en byk rakipti. Bir taraftan tabii Osmanl mparatorluu, Jagiellon Hanedanl idaresinde Litvanya, yani bugnk Ukrayna ve Lehistan birlemi oldu. Demek ki sahnede imdi byk devletler bulunmaktadr. Litvanya-Polonya bir tarafta batda, kuzeyde Moskova Rus arl, br tarafta Krm Hanl ile Osmanl vardr. Bu devlet arasnda Dou Avrupada stnlk mcadelesinde Rusya nde gelir. vann, Rusyann stnl uradadr: Rusyann Bat teknolojisini benimsemesi vanla balar. Kazan muhasara ettii zaman vann 150 topu vard. Bu top atei karsnda Step Hanlklar silip sprld. Burada kar koyan yegane kuvvet Osmanlyd. Osmanl, Karadenizin kuzeyinde Krm Hanln tehdit eden Moskov arlna kar reaksiyonunu Sokollunun veziriazamlnda gsterdi. Kanuninin son yllarnda, bilhassa Sokollunun

  • SUNUTR 2726

    Krmn hadisesini size bir saat daha konuabilirim. Bugn artk uluslararas diplomasinin ban haline gelen Krm Trkleri nasl imha edildi ve Krm Trkleri buradan nasl srld? Benim babam oradan gmen olarak gelmitir. O dnemde orada tek bir Rus yoktu. Stalin yz bin Krm Trkn hayvan vagonlarna koyarak Orta Asyaya srgn etmitir. Yani Krm, Rusya stratejisi iin Anadoluya kar en nemli str. Sivastopolda bir Rus ss olduunu biliyorsunuz. Bugn Rusya oradan hareket etmektedir. Btn Krm Ruslatrma amacndaki muazzam plan bugn tahakkuk etmitir. Bugn Krmda yzde altmtan fazla Rus var. O dnemde bir tane bile Rus yoktu.

    Ben 1994de Krma gittiim zaman srgnden dnm bir Krml sana eski evimi gstereyim dedi. Gittik, kapy aldk ve bir Rus hanm kt karmza. Hemen tand bizi. Krml Trkn evini, Rus hkmeti bu aileye vermi. Hemen anlad ve polis aracam diyerek kar kt. Biz katk. Rusya Krmda, bu Trk-Mslman yurdunu sistematik olarak ge zorlayarak, katlederek yerlemitir. Bugn Ukraynann paralanmas bahis konusu olduunda Krm brakmak istemiyor. Yzde altm Rus halk var orada, diyor ve ordusunu naklediyor. te onun iin szmn balangcnda syledim, tarih tekerrr eder. Osmanlnn halefi olan bu Trkiye Cumhuriyetine, Polonya-Litvanyann varisi olan bugnk Polonyaya byk vazife dmektedir. Talihimiz var ki Bat dnyas bizimle beraberdir.

    Hepinize teekkr ederim.

    varisi gibi Dou Avrupa hkimiyetini tam olarak ele geirmiti. Bu byk kuvvet, Polonya-Litvanyay da tehdit etti. Beyaz Rusyaya, daha sonra Kieve, Tietter Irmana kadar biz Moskov arlarnn fthat yaptn gryoruz. Fakat hibir zaman Krm, yani Osmanlnn Karadeniz kuzeyindeki byk mukavemet kolunu kramad. Ancak, Byk Katerina zamannda Rus ordular Karadenize kadar indi. Karadenize ilk inen Byk Petro oldu. Rusya ilk defa Karadenize indi ve Azak ald. Karadenizde Rus varl uzun bir mcadele sonunda olmutur. Ancak, Byk Katerina zamannda, Rusyayla balayan byk savata ordularmz byk yenilgiye urad. Rus ordular Krm istila etti. Ayn zamanda, Baltktan hareket eden Rus donanmas Bat Akdenize geldi. emede bizim donanmamz yakt. Bundan sonra artk Osmanl perian bir durumda ve Dou Avrupadaki mcadelesini tamamen kaybetti.

    Bu arada, belirtmem lzm: Dou Avrupada Osmanl kendi gcn gstermek iin Viyanay muhasara eden Byk Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Paann muhasaradan alt-yedi sene nce bugnk Ukraynaya bir seferi vard: Civil Seferi. Osmanl, Dou Avrupadaki gelimeleri yakndan takip ediyordu. uraya geleceim: Tarih tekerrr eder. Bakn neden: Rus mparatorluu Lehistan tamamen ortadan kaldrd. 1795te Lehistan tamamen igal etti. Rus arl Orta Asyaya da el att. in Denizine kadar, Vladivostoka kadar btn Sibirya blgesini ald. Dnyay tehdit eden muazzam bir imparatorluk oldu. Bu imparatorluun tehlikesi, Bat teknolojisini Trklerden ve baka devletlerden daha nce benimsemesindendir ki bu da Byk Petroyla olmutur. Bu mparatorluk Gorbaovla 1991de paraland. Ardndan Rus boyunduruu altna alnan Polonya, Beyaz Rusya ve Orta Asyadaki Hanlklar, bamsz devletler olarak ortaya kt. imdi Rusya kendi kabuunda, ortada Moskova ve etrafnda yeni Rusya bu arlk imparatorluunu ina etme yolundadr. Bunun nazariyesini bizzat Putin bir makale yazarak ortaya koydu ve orada bu imparatorluu tekrar ihya etmenin yollarn gsterdi. Putinin bu nazariyesi Neo-Avrasyaclk 19. yzyln banda ortaya kmtr. Rusyann hem Avrupada hem Orta Asyada byk bir devlet olmas ve buradaki btn halklarn o imparatorluk iine alnmas Avrasyaclk teorisi budur. Rus haric politikas bu imparatorluu korumak olarak tayin edilmitir.

    Rusya, Avrupayla beraber Hitler Almanyasna kar zaferden sonra tekrar glendi. Bugn de Putin bu imparatorluu, arlk mparatorluunu canlandrmak ve bunlar kendi kisvesi altnda toplamak iin gayet ilgin siyas teoriler gelitirdi. Bamsz Devletler Topluluu diye bir ey ortaya atld. Szde bamsz olan Orta Asya devletlerini -Kazakistan, Trkistan v.s.- kendi himayesi altna almaya alt. Dier tarafta da Ukrayna vard. nk Ukraynann dousu her zaman eski Ortodoks Rus Kazaklarnnd. Don Kazaklar oraya kadar gelmilerdi.

  • PREFACE ENG 2928

    I identified various phases over the developments in this region. The perpetrators are the same. At the end of the 14th century, Jagiellon in Poland merged with Jagon dynasty in Lithuania. That is to say, the area called Ukraine today merged with Poland under the same crown. The Ottomans agreed with the Crimean Khanate in 1475, included it in the empire, and directly became a very important factor for the developments in the Black Sea region. In the same era, namely by the end of the 15th and at the beginning of the 16th century, the great state in this region, the great empire comprising of Eastern Europe was the Golden Horde, in other words the Mongol Empire. After this empire collapsed, Crimean Khanate rose out of Crimea. Moscow was a Duchy at the end of the 14th century. Golden Horde had a great role in the rise of Moscow, a twist of history. Golden Horde Khan assigned Moscow Duchy, the closest one to itself, to collect the tributes and taxes from as much as twelve Russian princedoms.

    Only after the Golden Horde, a sector of the Mongol Empire, assigned this duty, this function to Moscow then Russia stepped onto the stage of history and took the first step to become a great state in the Eastern Europe. Moscow gained an important political position as it collected racket from other Princes and delivered it to the Khan. Upon the dissolution of the Golden Horde, such khanates as the Khanate of Kazan, the Crimean Khanate and the Qasim Khanate emerged. The Khans of Crimea and the House of Giray united with the Ottoman Empire in 1475. The Grand Admiral Gedik Ahmed Pasha made an agreement with Crimea and made the Eyalet of Kefe which was located in the southern coast of Crimea a part of Ottoman lands. From this date on, the Ottoman Empire became a direct party and factor to the developments occurring in the north. The Khans of Crimea were not as powerful as the Golden Horde in 1475. Besides, the Khan of the Golden Horde was acting in collaboration with the Ottoman Empire to get it back. The Ottoman Empire gained a very active position in the Eastern Europe by supporting this Crimean Khanate which dominated the steppe region on the northern part of the Black Sea. The Black Sea was an Ottoman lake for the Ottoman Empire back then. Grand Fatih Sultan Mehmed, Mehmed the Conqueror, ruled all the Genoese


    Prof. Halil NALCIK

    I would like to thank the Directorate General of Press and Information for giving me the opportunity to make this speech before the esteemed Deputy Prime Minister and my old friend Mr. Blent ARIN. I would also like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my esteemed audience.

    Pardon me but professors do not start to speak before taking their notebooks out. I took this serious and have been working on it for a week. You know that I am about to publicise a book on fundamental phases of Crimean history. I guess it will be published this summer. Crimea was a very important member of the system of states in Eastern Europe along with the Ottomans up to this era. Among Poland, Lithuania, Kazakhs, Golden Horde and Moscow located in the north of Black Sea, the Ottoman Empire was an empire that handled great developments as a predominant power among the states in the region and that actually launched large campaigns.

    Historical events do not recur. This is a believed slogan, but todays events and great developments we are seeing nowadays and feeling excited and concerned about show that history recurs, because those developments are the subjects of history no matter what the geopolitical geography and location of states are. However, geography, culture and the constitution of states progress by following a certain pattern. That is to say, main structures recur in history because there is a Moscow, a Turkey and there is a Poland and the history recurs in this framework. Perpetrators and developments are surely different.

  • PREFACE ENG 3130

    state in the Eastern Europe. It was a historic development. Russias supremacy claims in the region and Putins aims of dominating the Eastern Europe with the Neo-Eurasianism theory started with Ivan IV.

    The Ottoman Empire was the archrival of this young Russian Empire. On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire united with Lithuania, currently Ukraine and Poland, which was under the reign of the Jagiellonian dynasty. Great states were on the scene now. Lithuania -Poland were on the West, the Tsardom of Russia was on the North and on the other side, there were the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire. Russia was ahead in the fight for superiority in the Eastern Europe amongst these three states. The superiority of Ivan and Russia can be explained as follows: Russia started to adopt the Western technology during the reign of Ivan. Ivan had 150 cannon balls when they besieged Kazan. The Khanates of steppes were eradicated before this artillery fire. The Ottoman Empire was the only power that could resist it. The Ottoman Empire reacted against the Tsardom of Russia which threatened the Crimean Khanate in the north of the Black Sea when Sokollu Mehmed Pasha took the office as the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. During the last years of Suleiman the Magnificent, the preparations for a great campaign towards the North were started particularly through the efforts of Sokollu in the Imperial Council. Because Ivan seized the Khanate of Kazan, moved until Astrakhan, built a grand fortress there, placed the Kazaks over the Terek River and it was threatening the Crimean Khanate with the Kazakhs of Don. A few years after the death of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire prepared a great army to put an end to the menaces and supremacy claims of Moscow in 1569. A great campaign was initiated to throw Ivan out of Kazan, Astrakhan and to restore the domination of the Ottoman Empire in the Eastern Europe along with Crimea. This campaign was also highly interesting from technological perspective. The Ottoman Empire needed a fleet to meet the supply services of its army. With the initiative of the Governor of Kefe, a fleet was going to move up to the Don River, they were going to open a canal between the Don River, also known as Perivoli and the neighbourhood of Volga River, our fleet was going to get into Volga and save Kazan, they were going to go down to Astrakhan on the South and repel the Russians from there. This great initiative and the campaign plan of the Ottoman Empire which proved successful was a very interesting one. It means that the Ottoman Empire vigorously reacted against the Russian Empire and wanted to consolidate its sovereignty on that region. This campaign is known as The RussoTurkish War (156870) or Astrakhan Expedition.

    I wrote a lengthy article in English on this topic. Ottoman Empires, Sokollu Mehmed Pashas this great effort; unfortunately, resulted in defeat since those who planned the campaign did

    of Kefe out from all coasts. He took the Mount of Boga along with the Circassian coasts. When Mehmed the Conqueror passed away, the Black Sea was an Ottoman, a Turkish lake. The Crimean Khanate was assuming the duty of protecting the Black Sea as a very fundamental region of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire always made strenuous efforts for protecting Black Sea by supporting the Crimean Khanate against all the developments occurring in the north. The Black Sea fell into jeopardy when the Kazakhs living on this steppe region of Black Sea, ancestors of Kazakhs living in Ukraine today, took the offensive. The Christian border outposts of the Eastern Europe were organized as follows: The Kazakhs of Zaporog in Dnieper were generally under the rule of Poland. The Kazakhs of Don were under the rule of Moscow along with the Kazakhs of Terek over the Caucasia.

    The Grand Duchy of Moscow was labouring the delusion of becoming an empire during the reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich. The Russian Empire rose as the dominant state in the region around 1500s under the rule of Ivan III Vasilyevich. Ivan III Vasilyevich got married to Princess Zoe, niece of Constantine XI Palaiologos, the last Byzantine emperor, and gained the titles of Tsar, Kaiser and Emperor. After that date, Moscow ideology evolved around the aims of revivifying the Byzantine Empire, ruling the Black Sea and conquering Istanbul. In other words, the Grand Duchy of Moscow was aiming to become the successor of the Byzantine Empire under the titles of Tsar, Kaiser and Emperor since 1500s. Moscow became the archrival for the Ottoman Empire in that region.

    Nonetheless, it was Ivan IV Vasilyevich who made this imperial dream come true. Ascending the throne in 1533, Ivan IV Vasilyevich became the founder of the Great Russia and ruled the country as the Grand Prince of Moscow and emperor until 1584 for more than 50 years. Poland started to expand towards the East by uniting with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania around 1385. In this wise, Poland rose as an active and great state on the northern part of the Black Sea against Moscow. Ivan IV aimed for becoming the successor of the Golden Horde and reviving the Byzantine Empire as its heir. The Grand Duchy of Moscow turned into a major state in the region by using the Western technology from the third year of its foundation which was a very interesting and important development. Ivan IV, took the Eastern Europe, i.e. the heritage of the Golden Horde, under its domination from Volga River to Smolensk, to the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, which was a noteworthy development. It was Ivan IV who revived the Empire after Ivan III. The title of Tsar which was derived from Kaiser was adopted to call the emperor. They took Kazan and Astrakhan to become the successor of the Golden Horde. They granted an easement towards the Baltic Sea over Lithuania in the West. In other words, it restored the dominance of Russia under the title of Tsar as the grand

  • PREFACE ENG 3332

    Ukraine before six or seven years before the siege: Civil Campaign. Ottoman Empire was closely following the developments in Eastern Europe. This is what I want to say: History repeats itself. And this is why: Russian Empire completely eliminated Poland. It invaded Poland in 1795 completely. Russian Tsardom also turned its hand to Central Asia. It took the control of Siberia region, reaching China Sea and Vladivostok. It turned into an empire which threatened the whole world. This empires threat was about its adoption of Western technology before Turks and any other state, a development which happened during the reign of Peter the Great. This empire fell apart under Gorbachev in 1991. From then on, Poland, Belarus and Central Asian khanates, which had been subdued, emerged as independent states. Now Russia, Moscow being in the middle, is on the path of building a new Tsardom. This theory was postulated by Putin himself in an article and he demonstrated the ways for revivifying this empire again in his article. Putins theory, Neo-Eurasianism emerged in early 19th century: Russia becoming a great state in Central Asia and Europe and engulfing all the people in the region... that is what Eurasianism is. Aim of Russian foreign policy is set to protect this empire.

    Russia, along with Europe, regained its strength after the victory won against the Nazi Germany. Today, Putin has developed interesting political theories to revivify this Russian Empire. An organization called Commonwealth of Independent States was put forward. He tried to gather these quasi independent Central Asia states -Kazakhstan, Turkestan etc. - under his patronage. On the other side there was Ukraine. Because the Eastern Ukraine always belonged to old Orthodox Russian Cossacks. Don Cossacks had almost reached there.

    I can talk about the Crimea issue for another hour. How were Crimean Turks, who became the ulcer of international diplomacy today, annihilated and exiled from there? My father came from that region as a migrant. Back-then there was not a single Russian there. Stalin deported three hundred thousand Crimean Turks to Central Asia by putting them into railway wagons that meant for animal transportation. That is to say, for Russian strategy, Crimea is the most important outpost against Anatolia. You know that there is a Russian base in Sevastopol. And currently Russia acts from there. The great Russification plan of Crimea came true today. Currently, more than 60 percent of Crimea is Russian. Back then there was not a single Russian there.

    When I went to Crimea in 1994, a Crimean, who turned back from exile wanted to show me his old house. We went to his old house, knocked the door and a Russian woman opened the door. She recognized us immediately. This Crimean Turks house was given to this family by

    not have technological knowledge. They started building VolgaDon Canal, yet they lacked the technology back-then. Russia was able to complete the canal only when Soviets came to power. Back then, an improper plan was made to ship the fleet to Volga and then reaching down to Astrakhan. A big army with its requirements and supplies were assembled in Kazan. Our army reached Astrakhan without a fleet but the favourable season was overdue in Astrakhan.

    There are very interesting facts regarding Russian Empires establishment. When Russian Empire took the control of a region it would build castles and settle its own forces, Cossacks, there. They built a very powerful stronghold in the middle of the river in Astrakhan. In the same manner, Russian Empire built a castle in Terek. Siege of Astrakhan resulted in defeat of our army along with Crimean Khanate. Ottomans were not able to drive out the Tsardom from Astrakhan and Kazan. Tsardom settled its forces over Caucasus in Terek River. Our army returned to Crimea since it was suffering from hunger and mutiny. And then the armys ammunition depots were set on fire. It might be the work of a Russian spy since there was one among our army who was sending regular reports to Moscow. Thus, this great effort of Ottomans, Canal Campaign, ended in defeat. After this, we see the constant rise of Moscow in Europe and securing its position without a rival. This also affected the PolishLithuanian Union.

    It is not well mentioned, yet Russian Tsar Ivan the Great was using the title of Great Khan in his correspondences with Muslim khanates in the east. He took the control of Eastern Europe entirely as a successor to Golden Horde. This great force also threatened the PolishLithuanian Union. We see that, Muscovy tsars were conducting campaigns from Belarus to Kiev and Tietter River. Yet, they were not able to break into Crimea -the great resistance of Ottomans in northern Black Sea. Only during the reign of Catherine the Great, Russian armies were able to reach Black Sea. Peter the Great was the first one who reached Black Sea. For the first time, Russia reached Black Sea and took Azov. Russian presence in Black Sea emerged only after a long struggle. However, during the reign of Catherine the Great our armies were defeated heavily. Russian armies invaded Crimea and at the same time, the Russia fleet which was moving from Baltic Sea reached western Mediterranean. They burned down our fleet in Chesma. From then on, Ottoman Empire was in a miserable situation and it lost the fight in Eastern Europe completely.

    Here, I need to mention that Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha, who laid a siege to Vienna, to demonstrate the power of Ottomans in Eastern Europe- also conducted a campaign into

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    S E M P O Z Y U M B L D R L E R

    S Y M P O S I U MP A P E R S

    the Russian government. She realized the situation immediately and objected saying that she would call police. We escaped from there.

    Russia settled in Crimea by forcing this Turkish-Muslim homeland into immigration and killing it. Russia does not want to give up on Crimea when it comes to the partition of Ukraine. It claims that 60 percent of the people living there are Russians and it is sending troops. As I said in the beginning of my speech, the history repeats itself. Republic of Turkey, as the successor to Ottoman Empire, and Poland as the successor to Poland-Lithuania, have great responsibilities. Fortunately, Western World is with us.

    I would like to thank all of you.


    TR 3736

    Katolik Kilisesi yeniden birlemiti. Bugn, Konstanz Konsilini halen dini fanatizm ve hogrszln sembol olarak hatrlyoruz: byk ek lider ve Kilise reformcusu Jan Hus, dini inanlara ters dt gerekesiyle Konstanzda yaklarak ldrlmt.

    Dini meseleler bir yana, Konstanz Konsili ayrca Avrupa lkeleri arasndaki siyas anlamazlklarn da hkm srd bir arenayd. Bu konsili, sonraki yzyllarda yaygn bir ekilde yaplacak olan bar toplantlar ile karlatrabiliriz. Konstanzda, Baltk Denizi kylarnda bir askeri g olan Tton valyeleri ile Polonya temsilcileri arasnda nemli bir anlamazlk ortaya kt. Hristiyanlarn g kullanarak kfirlerin inanlarn deitirme ve topraklarn msadere etme haklar olup olmad konusunda ihtilafa dtler. Konstanz Konsilindeki Leh temsilci Pawe Wodkowic -ayn zamanda Krakov niversitesi rektr- (Paulus Vladimiri) Hristiyan olmayanlarn[1] doal haklarndan sz ettii Saevientibus balkl siyas bir tez yazd. Wodkowic, insan ve ilah kanunlara aykr olduu gerekesiyle insanlarn klla din deitirmeye zorlanmalarn sert bir ekilde knad. Wlodkowicin bu gr, Baltk Denizi kysndaki Prusya ve Samogitya iin Tton valyeleri ile ihtilafa den Polonya Kral Ladislaus Jagieonun karlar ile de rtyordu. Avrupada paganlarn yaad son topraklar olan bu iki lke, kfirleri yenmenin, mal ve mlklerini zapt etmenin meru olduunu ileri sren Tton valyeleri tarafndan daha nce ele geirilmiti. Buna karlk, Leh temsilciler, Hristiyan olmayanlarn da kanun korumadan yararlanmalar ve mlkiyet hakkna sahip olmalar gerektiini dndklerinden, sz konusu topraklar zapt etmenin yasal olmadn ileri srdler. Lehler ve Tton valyeleri arasndaki bu anlamazlk, Polonya-Litvanya ittifaknn Tton valyelerini malup ettii Tannenberg-Grunwald Savayla (1410) yeniden ortaya kt. Konstanzda iki taraf da Avrupal entelektel ve siyas evrelerin desteini kazanmay arzuluyordu. Polonyallar, saldr ve igalin Hristiyanln ruhuna aykr olduunu ne srerken, Tton valyelerini savunanlar ise Polonyallar, kfir Ortodokslar, pagan Litvanyallar ve hatta Tton valyeleri ile savaan Mslman Tatarlarla ittifak kuran sahte Hristiyanlar olarak nitelediler. Esasen, Tannenberg-Grnwald Sava srasnda Polonya-Litvanya askerlerine, Altn Ordu Devletinin eski han Toktamn byk olu Prens Celaleddin komutasndaki Mslman Tatarlardan oluan bir birlik destek olmutu. Celaleddin, Litvanyada barnm ve Batl Hristiyan komularnn yardmyla babasnn tahtn geri almay mit etmiti.

    Osmanl-Polonya diplomatik ilikilerinin balangcna da yukardaki balamda dikkate alnarak bakmamz gerekir. 15. yzylda yaayan Polonyal tarihi Jan Dugosz, Lksemburglu Sigismundun 1414 ylnda Konstanz Konsilinden Polonya Kral Ladislaus Jagieoya gnderdii ve Trklere kar asker yardm konusunda destek istedii bir mektuptan

    1 Ludvik Ehrlich (ed.), Pisma wybrane Pawa Wodkowica (Paul Wladimirinin almalar -bir seki-), C. 1 Varova: PAX, 1968, ss. 2-98.

    KOMULUKTAN KARDELE:Osmanl-Polonya ve Trkiye-Polonya Tarih likilerinden Birka Manzara

    Prof. Dr. Dariusz KOODZIEJCZYK*

    600 yllk Trkiye-Polonya ilikilerinden bir makalede ksaca bahsetmek mmkn deildir. Bu nedenle, bugn kutladmz bu nemli gn iin zerinde durulmasnn anlaml ve kayda deer olduuna inandm baz olaylar setim. Elbette, seimim sbjektif oldu: likilerimizin zengin tarihine gz atmak iin 1414, 1542, 1676, 1790, 1913 ve 1939 yllar olmak zere alt yzyl ierisinden alt olay setim.

    Birok Avrupal hkmdar ve diplomat 1414 ylnda, Almanyann gneyinde Konstanz kentinde bir araya geldi. Konstanz Konsilinin amac Katolik Kilisesindeki blnmeyi sonlandrmakt. Kilise daha sonra her biri ayr papa tarafndan ynetilen fraksiyona blnd. Konsil, gelecein Kutsal Roma mparatoru, Macaristan ve Almanya Kral Lksemburglu Sigismund nclnde toplanmt. Konsil baaryla sonulanm ve

    * Varova niversitesi, Tarih Enstits, Varova, Polonya.



    TR 3938

    kinci rneim, 16. yzyla ait. Kanuni Sultan Sleyman ve Polonya Kral Sigismund, 1533 ylnda, daha nce 2, 3 ya da 5 yl[4] gibi ksa sreli anlamalarn yerine yaamlarnn sonuna kadar srecek ebedi bir anlamaya vardlar. 1533 Osmanl-Polonya Anlamas, Sleyman ve Fransa Kral I. Fransuva arasnda varlan nl anlamadan yl ncedir. 16. yzylda, Polonya ve Fransa, zellikle Habsburg Hanedanna ynelik Osmanllarn Avrupa Politikasnn iki ayan oluturmaktayd. lgin bir olay, Osmanl Sultan ile Polonya ve Fransa krallarnn ne kadar yakn bir ilikide olduunu gsterir: Sleyman 1539 ylnda, oullar Bayezid ve Cihangirin snnet dnleri ve kz Mihrimahn Rstem Paa[5] ile dnne katlmalar iin Polonya ve Fransa krallarna resmi davette bulunmutu. yl sonra, 1542 ylnda, Polonya Kral Sigismund, Gniezno Bapiskoposu Piotr Gamrata yazd mektupta, Polonyann mstakbel Kral Sigismund Augustusun dn trenine Sultan Sleymann davet edilmesini nermiti![6]. Davetiyenin gnderilip gnderilmediini bilmememize ramen, Kraln bu davet fikrini Polonya Katolik Kilisesi lideri ile grmesinin, Polonya Kraliyet Saraynda Sleymann, Trkleri dman barbar olarak tasvir eden Hristiyan propagandasndaki gibi dman bir barbar olarak deil Byk Avrupa Kraliyet Ailesinin bir mensubu olarak kabul edildiini gstermektedir.

    nc rneim 17. yzyldan. Kukusuz, bu, Osmanl-Polonya ilikilerinin tarihindeki en etin yzyl olmutur. Ancak, bu yzylda dahi bu ilikiler tamamyla dmanca olarak nitelendirilemez. 1676 ylnda, Osmanllarn Kamanieyi fethiyle balayan Osmanl-Polonya Sava srasnda eytan brahim Paa komutasndaki Osmanl ordusu Livov kentine yaklam ve uravno yaknlarndaki bir asker kampta Kral III. Jan Sobieski liderliindeki Polonya ordusunu kuatmt. Sonusuz kalan kuatma sonrasnda, atekes ilan edilmi ve taraflar bar grmelerine balamt. Atekesin resm olarak aklanmasndan nce, her iki tarafn askerleri bulunduklar yerleri terk edip asker kamplar arasndaki alann byk bir pazar yerine dnmesiyle birbirleriyle dostluk kurmaya balamlard. Bir grg tanna gre, Osmanl ve Polonyal subaylar, askerleri siperlerine dnmeye zorlayarak disiplin ve dzeni salamaya almt.[7] ada bir tarihiye gre de bu manzara, sava alannda birbirlerine silah dorulttuklarnda dahi taraflar arasnda herhangi bir dmanln olmadn ortaya koymaktadr.

    4 Dariusz Koodziejczyk, Ottoman-Polish Diplomatic Relations (15th-18th Century). An Annotated Edition of Ahdnames and Other Documents, Leiden-Boston-Kln: Brill, 2000, s. 230-233.

    5 Andrzej Dziubiski, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekcie midzynarodowym, Wrocaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego, 2005, s. 129.

    6 a.g.e., s. 148.7 Dariusz Koodziejczyk, Podole pod panowaniem tureckim. Ejalet Kamieniecki 1672-1699, Varova: Oficyna

    POLCZEK, 1994, s. 83.


    bahseder. Ancak, Polonya Kralnn Trk kart bir hal seferine katlma gibi ne bir arzusu ne de ilgisi vard. Daveti nazik bir ekilde reddedip bunun yerine arabuluculuk nerdi. Kral, Osmanl-Polonya ilikilerini de balatacak olan bir eliyi Osmanl Sultan I. Mehmede gnderdi. Eli, Polonyann talebi dorultusunda[2], Macaristan ile bir mtarekeye varmay kabul eden Sultan tarafndan samimi bir ekilde karland.

    15. ve 16. yzyl Leh siyasetini inceleyen Polonyal tarihiler, Hristiyan olmayanlara ynelik hogrl tutumun, talyan niversitelerinde retilen Roma hukukunun etkisinin yan sra talyan Rnesans ruhundan kaynaklandn ne srmektedirler. Aslnda, yukarda szn ettiim Pawe Wodkowic, talyan Padua niversitesinde hukuk okumutu. Wodkowic kimi zaman, Hollandal bilim adam Hugo Grotius veya Katolik spanyann zorbalna kar Amerikan Kzlderilerini savunan spanyol hukukusu Francisco de Vitoria gibi modern uluslararas hukukun ncleri arasnda saylmtr. talyann etkisinin yan sra, Litvanya hanedan soyundan gelen ve Litvanya topraklarn da yneten Polonya krallarnn, Mslman Tatarlarla gemie dayanan zgn ve zengin ilikileri olduunu da unutmamalyz. Dou Avrupadan ine uzanan byk Avrasya bozkrlar, Cengiz Han ve halefleri tarafndan kurulan insanlk tarihinin en baarl imparatorluklardan birinin temelini oluturmaktayd. eitli halklar ve farkl dinleri kendi ynetimi altnda toplayan Mool ve Tatar hkmdarlar dier dinlere kar hogr ve sayg gsterdiler.

    Amerikal akademisyen Edward Keenan, Moskoval grandkler ile Tatar hanlar arasndaki ilikilerde, taraflarn bar anlamalarn kendi inanlarna gre yemin ederek onayladklar bir uygulamadan (herkes kendi inancna gre gibi bir madde ile; Rusa kadyj po svoej vere) bahseder. Moskoval hkmdarlar, ha perek yeminlerini kutsarken, hanlar Kurana[3] el basarak yemin ederlerdi. Ayn heterojen siyas kltr, Polonya krallar ve Litvanya grandkleri tarafndan da paylald. Jagiellonian Hanedanndan olan Polonya krallar asndan, halklarnn Katolik ve Ortodoks Hristiyanlar, Ermeniler, Yahudiler, Karaimler ve hatta Mslman Tatarlardan olumalar, yani komularnn sadece Hristiyan olmamas son derece doald. O dnem Bat Avrupa dini adan olduka homojen ve dinsel hogrye tam anlamyla hazr deilken, bu ok kltrllk deneyimi o zamanlar Dou Avrupaya zgyd. 15. ve 16. yzyllarda Polonya krallar ve Mslman hkmdarlar (Osmanl sultanlar ve Krm hanlar), arasnda varlan anlamalarn genellikle, biri Hazreti sann doum tarihi, dieri Hazreti Muhammedin hicreti olmak zere iki tarihli olmas bunun bir gstergesidir.

    2 Ioannis Dlugossii Historiae Polonicae Libri XII, C. 4, Krakov: Drukarnia Czasu 1877, ss. 181-183.3 Edward Keenan, Muscovy and Kazan: Some Introductory Remarks on the Patterns of Steppe Diplomacy,

    Slavic Review. American Quarterly of Soviet and East European Studies, nr. 26, 1967, ss. 548-558.



    TR 4140

    Asya taraftarl garip gelebilir. Lakin yazlarndan ak bir Avrupa kart olmad, fakat, emperyalist, hogrsz ve kltrel dlayc bir Avrupadan dolay hayal krklna urad aka grlmektedir. Gasztowtt bugn yaasayd, muhtemelen, Trkiyenin Avrupa Birliine kabul edilmemesi halinde Trkiye ve Polonyann Asya Birliini kurarak tarihi dostluklarn orada srdrmelerini nerirdi.

    Jzef Pisudskinin yakn alma arkada olan Gasztowtt, Birinci Dnya Sava sonrasnda yeniden canlanan Polonya ve Mustafa Kemal Trkiyesi arasndaki ilk temaslarn ekillenmesinde byk rol oynad. stanbulun tilaf Devletleri tarafndan igalinin srd 1921 ilkbaharnda Gasztowtt, kk bir tekne kiralad ve Orta Anadoludaki Mustafa Kemali bulmak iin Karadeniz sahilleri boyunca kimliini gizleyerek seyahat etti.[11] Bu ilk temaslar, Mustafa Kemal Trkiyesi, Batl Gler tarafndan resmen tannmadan bir gn nce 23 Temmuz 1923 tarihinde Lozanda Trkiye-Polonya bar anlamasnn imzalanmas ve Ankara ile Varovann birbirini tanmas eklinde meyvelerini verdi.

    Altnc ve son rneim ise, Polonyann Nazi Almanyas ve Stalin Rusyas tarafndan igal edildii 1939 ylna ait. gal atndaki Polonyaya kar souk bir tavr alan dier tarafsz lkelerin aksine Trkiye, partneri Polonyaya tmyle sadk kald. 1936-1945 yllar arasnda Polonyann Ankara Bykelisi olarak grev yapan Prof. Micha Sokolnicki, anlarnda ve yazlarnda, Polonyal mlteciler ve diplomatik temsilcilere ynelik Trk yetkililer ile Trk toplumunun gsterdii yardm ve derin anlay hatrlatr. Berlinin siyas basksna ramen Trk hkmeti, Polonyann altn rezervlerinin Romanyadan Fransa igalindeki Suriyeye nakledilmesine olanak salad. Hatta beyhude bir aba olmasna ramen, gzaltna alnan ve daha sonra Katyn ormannda infaz edilen Polonyal subaylar iin Moskovaya mdahalede bulundu.[12]

    kinci Dnya Savandan sonra Sokolnicki, komnist Polonyaya dnmek istemedi ve Ankara niversitesinde profesr olarak Trkiyede kald. 19. yzylda Osmanllarn Polonyann blnmesini asla tanmad ve Lehistan bykelisinin gelmesini bekledii ynndeki rivayetin byk lde yaylmasna katk salayan da odur. Bu gzel efsane hakknda tarihi bir kant bulunmamasna karn, bu efsane Trkiye ve Polonya halklar arasnda olduka benimsendi. Tarihi gereklerden yoksun olmasna ramen bu efsane, Osmanl devlet adamlarnn ruh halini ve 19. yzyl Osmanl diplomasi ruhunu tam manasyla yanstmaktadr.

    11 Danuta Chmielowska, Polsko-tureckie stosunki dyplomatyczne w okresie midzywojennym, Varova: Wydawnictwo Dialog, 2006, ss. 119-120.

    12 Micha Sokolnicki, Dziennik Ankarski 1939-1943, Londra: Gryf, 1965, ss. 69-73.

    Drdnc rneim 18. yzyla ait. Bu yzyl ou kez, Polonya devletinin 1795 ylnda kyle Polonya tarihinin en karanlk dnemi olarak deerlendirilmitir. te yandan, bu yzyl, Polonyal yurtseverler tarafndan yrtlen baarl reform projelerine ve kltrel canlanmaya tank olmutur. Polonyallar 1788 ylnda, yabanc hkimiyetinden kurtulmak ve devletin egemenliini yeniden salayabilmek iin aresizce son bir abaya girdiler. Bu aba, daha nce Polonyay hkimiyeti altnda tutan Rus askerlerinin 1787 Osmanl-Rus Savanda Trklerle savamakla megul olduklarndan mmkn olabilmiti. 1788 ylnda toplanan Polonya-Litvanya Meclisi, Avrupada ilk yazl anayasa taslan hazrlam ve 3 Mays 1791 tarihinde resmen ilan etmiti. Bu belgenin, Trkeye evrilmesi talimatn veren Sultan III. Selimin de ilgisini ektiini biliyoruz. reformlarn yan sra Polonya Meclisi, Rusyaya kar yardm talep etmek amacyla Avrupadaki saraylara temsilciler gnderdi. Polonyann Osmanldaki son bykelisi Piotr Potocki 1790 ylnda, Osmanl bakentine gitti.[8] Osmanl Reislkttab Mehmed Reid ve Potocki arasnda mzakere edilen bir askeri ittifak projesi kapsamnda mttefikler, Rusyann orantsz ykseliinin Avrupadaki dengeye verdii byk zarar tersine evirmeleri (Trke versiyonu: Avrupa mevazinesine iras-i halel; Franszca versiyonu: un agrandissement disproportionn et prjudiciable pour lquilibre de lEurope) gerektiini akladlar.[9] Dnemin Osmanl ve Polonyal diplomatlarnn, bir ortak anlamada Avrupada dengenin salanmas zerinde durmalar, bu iki lkenin 18. yzylda dahi kendilerini ktann gelecei ve refahndan sorumlu birer yesi olarak grdklerini ortaya koymaktadr.

    Beinci rneim de, Polonyann blnmesini takiben Osmanl topraklarna snan ok sayda Polonyalnn yaadklar ile ilgili. 19. yzylda Polonyallar Krm Savanda Osmanl ordusuna hizmet ettiler, hatta Gen Osmanllara ve Jn Trklere katldlar. Birou, mhendis, doktor ve subay olarak Osmanl mparatorluunun modernizasyonuna katkda bulundu. 1907 ylnda Tadeusz Gasztowtt adndaki gen bir Polonyal, Paristen stanbula gelip, ttihat ve Terakki Cemiyetinin hararetli bir yesi oldu. Gasztowtt, Seyfeddin takma adyla Trk gazetelerinde makaleler yazd. 1911 ylnda Osmanl ordusuna katlp talyann Libyay istilasna kar gnll olarak savat. 1913 ylnda, Avrupal gleri ikiyzl olmakla sulayan, Osmanllarn dini toleransn ven ve dost arayan Polonyallarn, dostlarn Avrupada deil Asyada bulabilecekleri ynnde bir sonu ihtiva eden Trkiye ve Polonya adl bir kitap yaymlad. Gasztowtt ayrca, Trkiye, Japonya ve Sun Yat Senin Cumhuriyeti ini arasndaki ilk temaslarda sergilenen Pan-Asya dayanmasndan da vgyle sz etti.[10] Bugn, Ankara ve Varovann mevcut Avrupa emelleri dikkate alndnda Gasztowttun

    8 Potockinin bykeliliine dair yeni, detayl bir monografi iin bkz. Hacer Topakta, Osmanl-Lehistan Diplomatik likileri, Franciszek Piotr Potockinin stanbul Elilii (1788-1793), Ankara: TTK, 2014.

    9 Koodziejczyk, Ottoman-Polish Diplomatic Relations, s. 654-659.10 Tadeusz Gasztowtt, Turcya a Polska, Paris: Drukarnia Polska A. Reiffa, 1913.





    FROM NEIGHBORHOOD TO BROTHERHOOD:A Few Scenes From Polish-Ottoman and Polish-Turkish Historical Relations

    Prof. Dr. Dariusz KOODZIEJCZYK*

    It is impossible to cover 600 years of the Polish-Turkish relations shortly in an article. Therefore, I selected some events which are meaningful and worth mentioning at the solemn occasion that we celebrate today. My selection is, of course, subjective: I have chosen six events for six centuries, namely from the years 1414, 1542, 1676, 1790, 1913, and 1939 - just to give a few glimpses into the rich history of our contacts.

    In 1414, many European monarchs and diplomats gathered at the town of Constanze in southern Germany. The aim of the Council of Constanze was to end the schism in the Catholic Church. The Church was then divided into three factions, each one headed by its own pope. The initiator of the Council was Sigismund of Luxembourg, the future emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the king of Hungary and of Germany. The council ended with a success and the Catholic Church was reunited. Today, we also remember the Council of Constanze as a

    * University of Warsaw, Institute of History, Warsaw, Poland.

    Bu diplomatik ruh hali, kinci Dnya Sava srasnda Trkiye Cumhuriyeti diplomasisinde de kvanla sregelmitir.

    1989 ylnda Polonya komnizmin yklmasn takiben bamszln elde ettiinde, komnist olmayan ilk Babakan Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Polonyann Avrupa Konseyine giriini teyit etmek amacyla Strasburga gitti. Tamamen farkl siyas bir ortam olmasna ramen yine ayn efsaneyi anmsatt. Mazowiecki, Polonyann Souk Sava dneminde Avrupa kurumlarna ye olmadn, yine de beklendiini ve 40 yl sonra nihayet Lehistan Bykelisinin geldiini belirterek Strasburgdaki konumasn srdrd.

    Bugn Polonyada yaz tatillerinde, gl kenarnda ate etrafnda oturup, kurdesz, kurdesz nad kurdeszami! eklinde nakaratla ark syleyen renci ve izci gruplar ile sk sk karlaabilirsiniz. lgin biimde, ark syleyenler genelde kurdesz tabirinin ne anlama geldiini bilmezler. Bu kelime, Lehe szlklerde dahi yer almamaktadr. Anlamn bulabilmek iin, bu arknn bestelendii 18. yzyla dnmemiz gerekir. Bu, kardelik ve dostluk ile ilgili bir arkdr. Lehe kurdesz tabiri de Trke karda ya da karnda kelimelerinden tremektedir. Polonyal soylular ve Tatar mirzalar arasnda varlan ve karlkl gvene dayanan kardelie (Lehe: pobratymstwa) atfta bulunulmaktadr. Bu ayrca, nde gelen Osmanllarn Polonyal mevkidalaryla yazmalarnda kullandklar bir hitap tarzdr. Trkiye-Polonya dostluunun salamln gsteren daha ikna edici bir kant bulmak zor olacaktr.


    CHMIELOWSKA, Danuta, Polsko-tureckie stosunki dyplomatyczne w okresie midzywojennym, Varova: Wydawnictwo Dialog, 2006.

    DZIUBISKI, Andrzej, Stosunki dyplomatyczne polsko-tureckie w latach 1500-1572 w kontekcie midzynarodowym, Wrocaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego, 2005.

    EHRLICH, Ludwik (ed.), Pisma wybrane Pawa Wodkowica [Paul Wladimirinin almalar (bir seki)], C. 1,Varova: PAX, 1968.

    GASZTOWTT, Tadeusz, Turcya a Polska, Paris: Drukarnia Polska A. Reiffa, 1913. Ioannis Dlugossii Historiae Polonicae Libri XII, C. 4, Krakov: Drukarnia Czasu 1877.

    KEENAN, Edward, Muscovy and Kazan: Some Introductory Remarks on the Patterns of Steppe Diplomacy, Slavic Review. American Quarterly of Soviet and East European Studies, nr. 26, 1967, s. 548-558.

    KOODZIEJCZYK, Dariusz, Podole pod panowaniem tureckim. Ejalet Kamieniecki 1672-1699, Varova: Oficyna POLCZEK, 1994.

    KOODZIEJCZYK, Dariusz, Ottoman-Polish Diplomatic Relations (15th-18th Century). An Annotated Edition of Ahdnames and Other Documents, Leiden-Boston-Kln: Brill, 2000.SOKOLNICKI, Micha, Dziennik Ankarski 1939-1943, Londra: Gryf, 1965.TOPAKTA, Hacer, Osmanl-Lehistan Diplomatik likileri, Franciszek Piotr Potockinin stanbul Elilii (1788-

    1793), Ankara: TTK, 2014.





    initiating direct Polish-Ottoman contacts. The envoy was warmly received by the sultan who agreed to conclude a truce with Hungary on the Polish request.[2]

    Polish historians who study the policy of the Polish politics in the 15th and 16th centuries argue that its tolerant attitude towards non-Christians was inspired by the spirit of Italian Renaissance and by the influence of the Roman law that was taught at the Italian universities. Indeed, Pawe Wodkowic, whom I have mentioned above, had studied law at the Italian university of Padua. He is sometimes regarded as a precursor of the modern international law, along with such later authorities as the Spanish jurist Francisco de Vitoria, who defended American Indians from the extortions of Catholic Spain, or the Dutch scholar Hugo Grotius. Italian influence aside, we must also keep in mind that the kings of Poland, who at the same time ruled in Lithuania and descended from a Lithuanian dynasty, had their own rich tradition of contacts with Muslim Tatars. The vast Eurasian steppe, extending from Eastern Europe to China, was the basis of one of the most successful empires in human history organized by Genghis Khan and his successors. Having united various peoples, professing different religions, the Mongol and Tatar rulers displayed religious tolerance and respect toward other religions.

    An American scholar Edward Keenan observes a common practice in the relations between Muscovian grand dukes and Tatar khans, who confirmed their peace treaties with solemn oaths, sworn by each partner according to his own faith (hence a clause: each one according to his own faith; Rus. kadyj po svoej vere). While the Muscovian rulers confirmed their oaths by kissing a cross, the khans swore on the Koran.[3] The same heterogeneous political culture was shared by the grand dukes of Lithuania and the kings of Poland. For the Polish kings from the Jagiellonian dynasty, it was natural that their subjects consisted of Catholic and Orthodox Christians, Armenians, Jews, Karaites, and even Muslim Tatars. It was for them quite natural in the sense that their neighbors were not exclusively Christians. This experience of multiculturalism was then typical to Eastern Europe, whereas Western Europe was at that time almost religiously homogenous and hence less ready for religious tolerance. It is symptomatic that the treaties concluded between the Polish kings and the Muslim rulers the Ottoman sultans and the Crimean khans in the 15th and 16th centuries were usually provided with two dates: a Christian one calculated from the Nativity of Prophet Jesus, and a Muslim one calculated from the Hegira of Prophet Muhammad.

    2 Ioannis Dlugossii Historiae Polonicae Libri XII, vol. 4, Krakow: Drukarnia Czasu 1877, pp. 181-183.3 Edward Keenan, Muscovy and Kazan: Some Introductory Remarks on the Patterns of Steppe Diplomacy,

    Slavic Review. American Quarterly of Soviet and East European Studies, nr. 26, 1967, pp. 548-558.

    symbol of religious fanaticism and intolerance: the great Czech leader and Church reformer Jan Hus was burned at the stake in Constanze as a religious heretic.

    Apart from religious affairs, the Council of Constanze was also the arena of political disputes between European states. We can compare this council to peace congresses that were typical for later centuries. A major dispute arose in Constanze between the delegates of Poland and of the Teutonic Order, a powerful military state on the shores of the Baltic Sea. They disagreed on whether the Christians had right to convert infidels by force and to confiscate their lands. Pawe Wodkowic (Paulus Vladimiri), a Polish delegate to the Council of Constanze who at the same time was the rector of the University of Krakow, wrote a political treatise entitled Saevientibus, in which he stressed the natural rights of non-Christians.[1] He harshly condemned converting them by sword as contrary to both human and divine law. Wodkowics arguments suited the interests of his lord, the Polish king Ladislaus Jagieo, in his dispute with the Teutonic Order over two lands on the Baltic Sea: Prussia and Samogitia. These two lands being the last territories in Europe inhabited by pagans- had been previously conquered by the Teutonic knights, who had claimed that it was legitimate to conquer the infidels and dispossess them of their land and property. On the contrary, the Polish delegation claimed that the conquest was illegal as non-Christians should also enjoy property rights and the protection of law. The dispute between the Polish and Teutonic knights was freshly revived by the battle of Tannenberg-Grunwald (1410), in which the Polish-Lithuanian coalition defeated the Teutonic knights. In Constanze, both sides hoped to win the support of the European intellectual and political circles. While the Poles argued that aggression and conquest were contrary to the spirit of the Christian religion, the propagandists of the Teutonic Order portrayed the Poles as false Christians, who allied with Orthodox heretics, pagan Lithuanians, and even with Muslim Tatars to fight the Teutonic Order. As a matter of fact, in the battle of Tannenberg-Grunwald, the Polish-Lithuanian troops were assisted by a Tatar Muslim contingent commanded by Prince Djalaleddin, the eldest son of Tokhtamsh, the former Khan of the Golden Horde. Djalaleddin took refuge in Lithuania and hoped to regain his fathers throne with the help of his western Christian neighbors.

    It is precisely in the above context that we should look at the beginnings of the Polish-Ottoman diplomatic relations. A Polish fifteenth-century chronicler Jan Dugosz records that in 1414, Sigismund of Luxembourg sent a letter from the Council of Constanze, asking the Polish king Ladislaus Jagieo for military assistance against the Turks. The Polish king had neither wish nor interest to join the anti-Turkish crusade. He kindly declined the invitation and offered his mediation instead. He sent an envoy to the Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed I, thus

    1 Ludwik Ehrlich (ed.), Pisma wybrane Pawa Wodkowica [Works of Paul Wladimiri (a selection