6 the canterbury tales - important quotations

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 6 the canterbury tales - important quotations

Important Quotations Explained

The Canterbury Tales

#1 When April's gentle rains have pierced the drought

Of March right to the root, and bathed each sprout Through every vein with liquid of such power It brings forth the engendering of the flower; When Zephyrus too with his sweet breath has blown Through every field and forest, urging on The tender shoots, and there's a youthful sun, His second half course through the Ram now run, And little birds are making melody And sleep all night, eyes open as can be(So Nature pricks them in each little heart), On pilgrimage then folks desire to start.


Spring’s renewal and rebirth Chaucer’s style resembles

Greek&Latin authors They start by calling for inspiration

(muse) Chaucer calls for natural inspiration Landscape defines England


"When the Prime Mover, that First Cause above, First made the chain so fair that's known as love, The effect was great, and high was his intentHe knew the why's and wherefore's, what he meant. For with that chain of love the Mover bound The fire, the air, the water, and the ground To certain bounds from which they may not flee.

THE KNIGHT’S TALE (2987-2993)

Duke Theseus tells Emelye to marry the knight, Palamon.

Plato’s ideal world and Christian morals combined.

Prime Mover : God Chain of love : Cosmos, natural order

of things


So she was screwed, the carpenter's young wife, Despite all jealous safeguards he could try; And Absalon has kissed her nether eye, And Nicholas is scalded in the rear. This tale is done, God save all who are here!

THE MILLER’S TALE (3850-3854)

Conclusion of the Miller’s Tale Everyone’s learnt his lesson