5talents Magazine February 2014

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5Talents is a Christian Magazine, which encourages people to discover their God given talents for furthering His kingdom.

Transcript of 5talents Magazine February 2014

discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

issue 17 february 2014

TALENTS5 Christian Magazine


Content TableACTC celebrating its

50th Anniversary.


How can I find joy in the

midst of trials? 175Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly.

MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ- Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God- Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes

5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.

PUBLISHER Deepakshi Kolia

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman EDITOR Dr. Julious Watts




Hyderbad: 970 082 2149Canada: 416 502 3777

Editorial: emag@5talentsmag.comAdvertising: bill@5talentsmag.com


Hyderabad- 500 040

What Do Your Relationships

Say About Your Leadership?

by George Powell 10Getting rich

by unjust means... 20

e hear so much today about love. What is love, anyway? Is it a

feeling, an attraction, chemistry, or what?

Love can certainly be manifested in those ways, for sure, but the real definition of love is that you want the absolute best for someone. In Christian theology, we are told to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44), so therefore, we as committed Christians should desire the absolute best for everyone, even those we can’t stand. And what is the absolute best? That would be eternal happiness in heaven with Jesus Christ. And Jesus showed us all that love requires personal sacrifice on our part for that to happen, whether it’s by martyrdom, monetary sacrifice, time sacrifice, prayer sacrifice, or the sacrifice of just being there for someone when you would rather be elsewhere.

Love Ain’t Easy...

“When we’re young, we think that love is a great wonderful attraction between parents and kids. Love means we get things from those we love.

When we’re young adults, we think that love may be some kind of gooey sexual attraction. Love means our constant urges

must be satisfied.

When we’re middle aged, we start to learn that love is all about self - sacrifice, and that includes a lot of times when the person we are self-sacrificing for could care less about our self-sacrifice for them.

When we are old, we learn that love is really about valuing the things of the next world infinitely more than the things of this world, and that heartfelt prayer to God is what love is all about..”

God is love, but if God’s love does not dwell in you, by His Spirit, you will surely perish. God’s love demands righteousness. God loves judgment. God is mercy, and mercy rejoices against judgment. God’s love is so great, that it is beyond our understanding. To turn your back on that love, is to bring God’s judgment against you.

Finally, the lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men- 1Thes 3:12. Keep yourselves in the love of god, looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life-Jude 21. Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied-Jude 2.


“What is love?”

Premasis Satman

Executive Director

4 5Talents Magazine Feb 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

n the history of the church in Andhra Pradesh an important event took place on the 1st July 1964 with the starting of Andhra

Christian Theological College. On this day the six representatives of six various denominations joined together in prayer to inaugurate this institution. This became a reality by merging the three denominational institutions that were being run by their respective churches. The Lutheran Theological College at Rajahmundry, the Baptist Theological College at Kakinada and the Andhra United Theological College at Dornakal. Finally the fourth institution Ramapatnam Baptist Theological College joined in 1969 merging its GTh Classes into B.Th and conducting BD Classes in the same campus at Luthergiri, finally integrating 1972 with ACTC. This was the fruit of the deliberations and consultations carried on over a long period of time.

It all began with the report titled “The Christian Minister in India” by C. W. Ransom, who suggested to consider the setting up of one central theological school for each language region. This proposal was discussed in 1950 in meeting attended by many denominational representatives at Dornakal. There the idea of setting up an


Andhra Christian Theological CollegeCelebrating its 50th Anniverysary

A brief historical note...

ambitious institution “Andhra Union Theological College” was crystalized. The experiment called Andhra Union Theological College had brought a significant change in the year 1957 following the Harrison report that the official discussion began on the formation of one central college for the whole of the Telugu speaking area. The negotiating committee was under the Chairmanship of Bishop Whittaker until his death in 1961.

Since there was no property The Andhra Christian Theological College started using initially the infrastructure of Lutheran Theological College at Luthergiri, Rajuhmundry. Later the ACTC was shifted to its present campus in Hyderabad in the year 1973 with acquiring of its own land and buildings thanks to the donor agencies the American Baptist Churches, Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America, Canadian Baptist Church and Evangelical Lutheran Churches in German and also EZE, KED, EMW who supported students in their practical work involving them in community development.

It was the Kretzmen’s commission that recommended firmly that the denominational theological institutions that were serving the


55Talents Magazine Feb 2014

specific needs of each denomination to come together for richer experience and greater advantage of living and being together in an ecumenical atmosphere. Therefore the vision was 1) to encourage a united approach to the enormous task of evangelism among the Telugu speaking people. 2) to maintain highest possible intellectual standard since the education was rapidly increasing. 3) to use the financial and human resource more efficiently and effectively without duplication and overlapping.

ACTC thus includes a variety of different traditions like congregational to episcopal churches. From various worship patterns and Eucharist beliefs. Traditions such as Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist and Anglican have agreed to come together in training the future church servant leaders. In fact it is a great come together in the history of Church with fourteen different missionary societies in shaping this ecumenical venture.

Special mention needs to be made of Rev. Dr. W.D. Coleman the first principal of ACTC for his untiring efforts in making this ecumenical Institution a reality. Along with him dynamic and able western missionaries Dr. Peery, Rev. Dr. Louis

Knoll, Dr. & Mrs. T.G. Gipson, Miss Alice Findlay, have cooperated and helped immensely in making this vision a reality.The constituent churches comprise: 1. Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church (AELC)2. South Andhra Lutheran Church (SALC) 3. Convetion of Baptist Churches of Northern

Circars (CBCNC) 4. The Four Telugu Dioceses of the CSI

namely Dornakal, Krishna Godavari, Medak, Rayalaseema, of Church of South India (CSI) later Karimnagar Dioceses was formed and joined also Nandyal Dioceses became part of ACTC.

5. The Methodist Church of Southern Asia Hyderabad Conference (MCSA) and

6. The Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon – Nandyal area ( CIPBC)

The above partner churches sponsor the candidates to be trained from the ministry, nominate their representatives on the faculty, share the budget of running this institution, participate and co-operate in the all activity of ACTC.

The distinctive features of this institution is the Hall system, where in each denominations


PrinciPals oF Uniting colleges


perspectives, practices distinctive are taught separately for the Baptists, CSI and Lutherans under the leadership of a dean of that Hall. In the beginning members of each denominations and had their Sunday worships service separately one after one another in the Christ church at Luthergiri , later it was realized that all should worship together. So from 1967 – 68 each Sunday was given to one denomination where their entire community together worship in unity. Later the ACTC order of service was prepared by the worship committee incorporating the elements of the worship of the Baptist, CSI and Lutheran traditions. A “Geetaradhana” (worship in songs) was prepared under the leadership of Rev. Erick J. Lott, Chaplain of the year 1973-74. This is how the experiments in worship are introduced successfully time and again. ACTC began with seven faculty members and twenty five students brought together from

merging institutions to continue their L. Th., course. Later it is ACTC offered Bachelor of Theology (B. Th) Degree and later upgraded to Bachelor of Divinity (BD). ACTC introduced Theological Education though the external program now named as Center for Distance Learning (CDL) to meet the needs of the Church in the year 1973. The institution has grown today as one the largest of all the affiliated colleges in Serampore family comprising of about Three Hundred internal students studying BD and around Three Hundred Students register to study though the (CDL). ACTC today offers various courses designed according to the need of the Church, B. D., M. Div., M. Min., D. Min., DBT., Dip. CS., BCS. Various other Courses are in the channel.

The principal ship of the college is by rotation of four year term. The principal of four former denomination seminaries would get the opportunity by the following order of rotation is

lUtheran theological college, lUthergiri, rajahmUndry

First FacUlty members

AELC, CSI, CBCNC, STBC. ACTC has many unique features which make it a better place for pastoral training and formation. ACTC pioneered the Long Term practical work program, and later adopted by the Senate of Serampore College. In the last Fifty years various new departments and institutions are introduced like Dalit, Adivasi, Women and Gender, SIHI, ISM to cater to the growing needs of the Church. The communication department which was started in 1973 is growing to became a center for the churches in A.P.

The specialty of college is its women’s department where the wife’s of the student are trained. The Women are provided with basic biblical knowledge. The women’s department prepares curriculum for the women’s classes. The

department also Equips women with necessary such as making pickles, Handicrafts, wine making, knitting, making detergent for self-sufficiency in their future ministry. ACTC contribution is great to the spirit of ecumenism now among the pastors in all over A.P. Pastors fellowship are organized as inter denominational Pastors fellowship and the church leaders work together there is much pulpit exchange in joint activities carried on with great enthusiasm. The experiment of Ecumenism has been successfully completed Fifty years and Celebrating its Golden Jubilee this Year. The Golden Jubilee inauguration takes place on 19th Feb. 2014 followed by the main celebration from June 29th to 1st of July, 2014 and the culmination will takes place from 7th to 9th Nov. 2014.

ife is all about relationships. Period. If relationships are great, life is great. If relationships are bad, life stinks . . . at

home, in the office, and in your circle of friends. .

So what do your relationships say about your leadership? The really fantastic leaders I know are great relationally. They are people, people!

They know how to get along with others.They are able to deal with conflict in a constructive and healthy manner.They possess tact.They make you feel like you are the most important person on the face of the earth.

But let’s face it good relationships don’t just happen! They require intentionality, take lots of hard work, and entail a lot of time.

So here are my top five tips on having great relationships at home and at work.

1. Get rid of the two biggest relational destroyers: Pride and Selfishness.

These are two sides of the same coin. They are ugly twin sisters and have no place in a

10 5Talents Magazine Feb 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

What Do Your Relationships Say About Your Leadership?

George Powell


The Proverb writer, Solomon said, “Arrogance only produces arguments . . . ”

Proverbs 13:10 (The Voice)

James, the half-brother of Jesus said, “Do you know where your fights and arguments come from? They come from the selfish desires that war within you.”

James 4:1 (The New Century Version)

2. Figure out what makes the other person tick.

One of the best ways to do this is to engage the people you’re attempting to relate to in various personality profiles.

Have you ever said of another person, “I just can’t figure her out!” Or have you had others say of you, “I have the hardest time working with him. We just don’t see things the same way.”


Many times it is simply a matter of personality, the way you’re wired, what makes you tick.

Personality tests are lots of fun and a great way not only to help you figure out others, but yourself, as well.

A book I’ve enjoyed and would recommend is “Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself”by Florence Littauer

3. Somebody take the lead.

We’ve all seen relationships fall apart that could have been avoided if someone would have just taken the initiative to start a conversation and work toward reconciliation. But pride and selfishness creep in and keep both parties from stepping up.

If you’re the leader, lead! It’s that simple.

This has a lot to do with servant leadership. Positional leaders will never do this because they only lead from a position of authority or some title they wear. The reason servant leaders are the best leaders, is because they are secure enough in their person that they don’t need position.

Jesus was the greatest example of servant leadership. He was Lord but it was not beneath Him to wash His disciples’ feet.

This is what He had to say about servants and leaders.

“But Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.’”

Matthew 20:25-28 (New Living Translation)

4. Make the decision to communicate.

How many relationships remain unhealthy and often crumble simply because of a failure to communicate?

Here are a few communication helps:

• Talk less and listen moreOne of my favorite quotes is: “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have preferred to talk.”And a very important note, while you’re listening, listen with the intent of understanding, not responding.

• Learn to ask good questions.

• Choose peace making over peace keeping. Peacemakers choose to talk it over while peacekeepers choose to stuff it down. This means you have to get comfortable with confrontation.

• Seek first to understand before being understood.

• Avoid “you” statements and words like “never” and “always.”

5. Be big enough, or mature, if you prefer that word, to ask for and extend forgiveness.

In life, you’re going to get hurt, sometime intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. Regardless, forgiveness is the oil of great relationships.

Someone said: The first to apologize is the bravest . . . the first to forgive is the strongest . . . and the first to forget is the happiest.

So, do you desire to be a great leader? Then focus on relationships. They will make or break your leadership.

115Talents Magazine Feb 2014

17 5Talents Magazine Feb 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

ames 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of

your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This is the very first thing James writes in his letter after his salutation. Why? Because of its import. Many Christians think once they’ve made that decision for Christ that everything will fall into place and life will be that proverbial bowl of cherries. And when trials and tough times come upon them or continue, they begin to question, “why?” Wondering how they could possibly endure horrible circumstances and consider it joy.

Peter also tackles this subject of joy through trials. “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are


How can I find joy in the midst of trials?

receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:6-9).

In both of these passages, we see the instruction of what we should do. ‘Consider it pure joy…’ ‘In this you greatly rejoice…’ Why? Because trials make us stronger. The James passage clearly states that the testing of our faith produces perseverance. And the Peter passage states that our faith, which is priceless, will be proved genuine and result in praise to God. But how? How can we find joy in the midst of all the junk, hardships, and painful circumstances?

First, we need to understand that joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness comes and goes sometimes as often as waves hitting the shore. Happiness isn’t something you can cling to when you’ve lost a loved one, or are facing bankruptcy. Joy, on the other hand can stay with you for the long haul. The reason? Real joy is from God. For the believer, it is like a bottomless well of water—always an abundant supply. Even in the darkest days, when sadness, grief, and loss may threaten to overwhelm you, God’s joy is there.

Second, we need to understand that God’s joy

cannot be taken away. Oh, you might think that it’s gone—that the hands of misfortune have snatched it from you—but it’s not. As believers, we are promised the constant presence of the Holy Spirit. We are promised His joy. Just as our salvation is assured through Jesus’ one-time sacrifice for all. Jesus’ words in John 15:11, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Other examples, Acts 13:52, “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 16:34, “The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole family.”

Third, we need to stop wallowing, whining and complaining and grab onto God’s joy. Just like salvation is a free and perfect gift from Him, we must reach out and accept that gift. Grab onto it. Like a lifeline. Choose joy. Over bitterness, anger, and sorrow. Make a decision to choose joy every day. No matter what. Look at these great examples in Scripture: “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability” (2 Corinthians 8:2-3). “You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 1:6). “Be joyful always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). “You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions” (Hebrews 10:34). And the best illustration of all, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

All through Scripture we see the persecution of the church, the trials, and hardships that believers have faced. The challenge then is to truly learn how to consider each trial joy. Contact Administrator

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18 5Talents Magazine Feb 2014

195Talents Magazine Feb 2014








20 5Talents Magazine Feb 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

veryone wants to become rich and this desire is not bad. Money is an essential factor for a better living though it alone

is not sufficient. There are many people who has plenty of money, but having NO peace and happiness in life. Similarly, there are many people who are very poor, but leading a life with full of happiness and peace. This clearly shows that MONEY or WEALTH is not the basis of happiness and peace in life. The source of peace is God the almighty and anyone who puts his trust in God can lead a peaceful life.

But having more money or getting more richer is not a sin, but the means for it should be ethical. There are many people who adopt any kind of crookedness to make money and this is not scriptural and God will not be pleased in it. If you are an employee, be satisfied with your salary or other perks, but do not make any effort to make money by bribes, wrong statements etc.

If you are a businessman, you have the freedom to have your profit but not by giving a

substandard product and cheating the customer. Whatever due to the government has to be paid and the rest belongs to you.

If you are a Pastor or a Priest, never accept money ( bribe ?) to show partiality or to ignore the sins of someone. Nowadays, the bribe has become a normal procedure in churches for transfer of priests or pastors. It is very shameful! Never use the money, which is a gift of God, to bring disgrace to the giver, the God almighty.

There are some people ( believers!) who make money by unlawful means and spent more for the church and charitable activities. They think that by giving money like this, God will certify their income statement. No, God is a just God and never will be pleased in wealth accumulated by unjust means.

Let us see what Bible says about such wealth. St. Paul says,” People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin


Getting richby unjust means...


215Talents Magazine oct 2013

and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” - 1 Timothy 6: 9-10.

King Solomon says, “ Dishonest money dwindles away, but who gathers money little by little by hard work, makes it grow” - Proverbs 13:11.

Prophet Jeremiah says, “ Like a bird that hatches eggs it did not lay is the man who gains riches by unjust means. When his life is half gone, they will desert him and in the end, he will prove to be a fool.” - Jeremiah 17: 11

“ You accept bribes to shed blood, you take usury and excessive interest and make unjust gain from your neighbors by extortion...I will surely strike my hands together at the unjust gain you have made and at the blood you have shed in your midst. Will your hands be strong in the day I will deal with you.” - Ezekiel 22:12-14.

Let us try to keep our hands clean. Let our financial balance sheet be attested by our LORD ALMIGHTY. Eternity is much much valuable than all the earthly riches. Never lose eternity.

Tears of the Bride is priced at Rs 275 + Rs 25 postal charges. Cheques in favor of “Berean Bay Media House Pvt Ltd”. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D7CCWBI. Email tearsofthebride@gmail.com or call 9880174153 for more details.

Postal Address: 001 Geobirds Manor, 2 Cline Road, Cooke Town, Bangalore 560005

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