59th Jamboree On The Air 20 Jamboree On The...

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Transcript of 59th Jamboree On The Air 20 Jamboree On The...

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59th Jamboree On The Air 20th Jamboree On The Internet

October 14th – 16th 2016

Hosted by White Pine Council at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park

Registration Package

Introduction Instructions & Eligibility Section 1 Overnight Camping Participants Section 2 Day Visit Participants and Linking Cub Packs Section 3 Projects/Activities Section 4 Registration and Fee Summary Reservation Form

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59th JOTA – Registration Package – Introduction, Instructions & Eligibility


1. Please Print clearly, legibly and neatly! 2. Complete ALL applicable sections and keep a photocopy for your files and bring with you to camp. 3. Attach originals to your Group Committee cheque (or equivalent).

Make Cheques payable to Scouts Canada. 4. Payments may also be submitted by pay pal on the www.jota.ca web site. 5. Forward the entire completed package to:

Debra Paul JOTA Registration 16 Carter Crescent Whitby, ON L1N 6C4

6. You will receive a copy of the registration particulars, together with a receipt for payment while at camp.

7. The designated contact Leader is responsible for ensuring that:

Only registered members are enrolled as participants A separate listing of all NON REGISTERED adults who may be assisting you at camp is provided Required screening needs are satisfied for non-registered adults All appropriate policies and procedures of your member organization are upheld and followed All appropriate paperwork for participants in your group is obtained and managed

8. Upon arrival at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (CTM), the contact Leader is to provide the JOTA registrar:

a. A copy of the completed fitness report for all Scouting participants (including adults) or H.1/H.2 for all Guiding participants (including adults) in a sealed envelope. Clearly PRINT the group name (ie 512th East Anytown) on the upper right corner.

b. All outstanding registration forms and payments. (First Aid will return the Health/Fitness form copies at the end of camp.

9. All vehicles at JOTA must have the attached vehicle registration card completed and displayed on the dash.

10. Gates open at 3 PM Friday, Oct 14, 2016. You must follow directions as given by JOTA staff at the gate.

ELIGIBILITY This Jamboree is open to all registered members of WOSM (Scouts Canada) and WAGGGS (Girl Guides of Canada). There is no geographic restriction as to where participants enjoy Scouting/Guiding. Youth participation is for the following age groups and sections: LINK Day: Cubs Packs and Guide Units are invited to LINK with their group & attend as Day Participants Day participants may take part in selected activities or attend as observers either with the patrol(s) from their group or under the supervision of a registered leader on Saturday October 15, 2016.

Section Typical Age Scouts 11 – 14 3rd Year Guides 11 – 12 Pathfinders 12 – 15 Venturers 14 – 17 Rangers 15 – 17

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59th JOTA Camping Notes:

TRAILERS are to be parked as directed by staff. At check in 1 vehicle will be allowed to drop your trailer at or near your camping site. You will immediately unload your trailer and and or vehicle, then move it to a parking spot, as designated by site service.

All vehicles are to park in the designated parking lot.

As requested: Cub Packs / Guide Units may attend for the day. We hope that the Sections will plan to take the opportunity to Link with each other – allowing younger youth to see how a tent camp is set up, etc., what types of things happen at a Jamboree and how we work together to make camping fun. It is up to the respective Sections in your group to coordinate any joint activity that will occur at JOTA.

Each group is responsible for providing and preparing all meals and snacks for their members. Please bring lots of hand sanitizer!! Each group is limited to 1 Shelter - No exceptions. Please ensure the shelter is compact but adequate for your group members attending.

There is no water available on site. Please make provisions for your drinking water. Potable water containers

may be refilled if left at the designated drop point on Saturday. Details will be available at the leaders meeting on Friday Night.

SPECIAL NOTE: There will be no gray water deposit. Every group registered will be responsible to ensure they make their own gray water station and to remove the contents and all components of it at the end of camp. Please see the easy example of a gray water station next page. “REMINDER: Practice No Trace Camping”.

NO CAMP FIRES OR COOKING FIRES of any kind allowed.

Tuck shop: The 5th Whitby Scuba Venturer Tuck Shop will be on site to provide snacks, drinks and crests for sale as well as raffle tickets (TBC) for a draw for an assortment of items – including unusual badges. Payment is cash only and prices range from $1 to $2, smaller bills are highly recommended. Please ensure youth are aware so they can visit if they wish. Yes, leaders, they do stock coffee and tea!

There will be a central first aid station on site and Envelope with the copies of fitness forms and H.1 you have

provided will be kept there for emergency purposes. You should maintain a copy for your group on your site as per the policies and procedures of your member organization. The sealed envelope with your copies will be returned to you at checkout.



Your co-operation with Site Service and Headquarters staff with regard to rules, curfews, & policies is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of all campers.

Other than for Ham Radio operations, Headquarters and Medical MedVent unit no generators allowed. (CPAP

note: please ensure you contact the Camp coordinator and registrar and receive approval PRIOR to the camp).

Other rules and policies will be in your registration confirmation and /or presented at check in, leader meeting

and opening.

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GRAY WATER EXAMPLE: Supplies: Bucket or other container with several holes (approx. 3/8” to 1/2” in diameter) punched or drilled in the bottom. Small sticks, twigs and dry leaves (natural filtering material) Optional but Recommended: a screening material large enough to cover the bucket opening and length of rope to secure it. (helps rescue lost utensils, washcloths, sponges) Assembly:

1. Fill bucket or container to about ½ its depth with small sticks and leaves (this acts as a filter for smaller particles).

2. Place screening over the bucket / container opening, secure in place. This will help with the collection of large particles that should go into the garbage and retrieval of valuable objects like that missing fork.

3. Place the container in a suitable spot away from regular traffic areas. Ideal spot is in a brush line area where the water will naturally be absorbed and filtered into the ground. Be considerate of fellow campers and how the drainage will flow when choosing your location.

4. To use, carefully pour your contaminated gray water through the screen into the container where it can separate the large contaminants. The gray water will be filtered through the container and naturally be absorbed by the earth.


JOTA/JOTI - Weekend Challenge

Sunday there will be a challenge activity. An outline of rules for the much anticipated, popular and requested event is attached and we encourage all weekend camping participants to enter! Cheering on the youth by all is highly encouraged! LEADERS it is recommended that you invite your youth’s parents to come early so that they can take part in cheering during the races on Sunday. Please visit our website (www.jota.ca) for the latest details and updates to our Event. Please also visit and like the White Pine Council JOTA JOTI facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/White-Pine-Council-JOTA-JOTI)

JOTA/JOTI – Additional Information Like us on Facebook (White Pine Council JOTA / JOTI) to see pictures and comments from past camps. We love to see your pictures and hear about your favourite part of camp. New Leaders can find information and advice here both by asking their questions or by browsing through the albums and comments. For all leaders and youth We want this page to be a resource to everyone so please do share your best tips on this page as well. YOUR FEEDBACK MATTERS We will ask each of the leader teams to survey their group and provide us a single recap of their group`s suggestions for the next JOTA / JOTI prior to leaving. Tell us what you liked best, and/or did not like and Don’t forget to tell us why and please do offer suggestions on what you’d like to see next year. We want to make this the best camp for kicking off the scouting year and your feedback is vital.

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59th JOTA Registration Package: Section 1a – Overnight Camping PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND NEATLY

Contact leader:


Group/Unit Name:


Postal Address:

Telephone No: Email address (mandatory)

NAME Youth Yrs at

Troop section AGE

Leader: X X Leader: X X Youth (Patrol Leader): Youth (APL): Youth: Youth: Youth: Youth:

NAME Youth Yrs in

Troop section AGE

Leader: X X Leader: X X Youth (Patrol Leader): Youth (APL): Youth: Youth: Youth: Youth: Non-Registered Adult Volunteers: provide a separate listing of all additional Non-Registered Adults who may be assisting you at camp. A registration fee is required for these helpers. The contact leader is responsible for ensuring that required screening needs are satisfied

Screening Complete ( Yes / No )

Volunteer 1:

Volunteer 2:

Volunteer 3: Please make additional copies as needed

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59th JOTA Registration Package: Section 1b: Activity/Project Contact leader:


Group/Unit Name: Area/Community:

Postal Address:

Telephone No: Email address (mandatory)

EVERY GROUP must run an activity/project on Saturday.

Yes, you may share any activity/project your troop enjoys, or create one just for this camp. The activity should provide enough challenge to take the average group of 6 youth with assorted skill levels at least 15 minutes to complete. Teamwork activities are always a hit. Yes, you can provide more than one activity if you wish. Please provide a full description of your activity/project, include what the participants will be doing, the instructions and any special requirements needed including terrain (i.e. need two trees approx. 8 feet apart, need a slope, need 20 square feet of space). Please attach additional sheets and/or a drawing if needed.

Activity Name:

Description: Special Terrain Requirements: Should you have questions, please check our camp website (www.jota.ca) or contact Dave Mizzi – Camp Coordinator or Debra Paul JOTA/JOTI registrar . Feel free to contact the facebook page as well.

To provide additional assistance to Leaders, the JOTA/JOTI Team has a small number of projects available.

Please advise if you would like us to provide you with a project.

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59th JOTA Section 2 – Day Participants Notes

Please review the camping notes on page 3 for rules as they apply to all Day Participants as well. Upon arrival all Day Participants should follow instructions given at the gate and then:

1. Check in with the Registrar at the HQ Tent to deliver any outstanding forms and payments prior to joining your group on site (or beginning your visit if not linking with a registered group).

2. Visit the MedVent Site to deliver your Day Participant Fitness or Health forms appropriately packaged in a sealed envelope with your group name clearly printed on the outside on the upper right corner.

3. Assemble and prepare for attending Opening either with your registered group on site or as a stand alone visiting group. No open fires are allowed. Please bring adequate water for your group as there is limited water available on site. Keep youth hydrated. Groups are responsible to provide their own meal at lunch.

There will be a Tuck Shop open on Saturday with Hot and cold beverages, packaged snacks and crests available plus a raffle (TBC). Prices are typically $1 to $2 per item, small bills (loonies and toonies) are highly recommended. Hot food or meal items are not available at the Tuck Shop please plan your lunch break accordingly. Linking opportunity: Cub Packs and Girl Guide Brownie Units are invited to come for the day and LINK with their respective groups. This offers an opportunity for the older youth to lead by example and the younger youth to see what types of events are in store in their future with Scouting & Guiding. We hope that all Sections will encourage participation. It will be left to the leadership of each Pack or Unit to provide ratio and supervision as appropriate for the age group. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your Troop or Guide unit is not attending you can still come as a Day Participant. Troops and Guide units unable to attend for the entire weekend may also come as Day Participants. We hope that the sections will plan to take the opportunity to Link with each other and / or with other groups. This allows younger youth to see how a tent camp is set up, what types of things happen at a Jamboree and how we work together to make camping fun. It is up to the respective sections to coordinate any joint activity that will occur at JOTA/JOTI. Saturday’s Activities draw to a close at about 4pm. Groups then have some free time to return to their group camp sites and begin their dinner preparations and work on their challenge chariot(s). This signals the end of the activities for Day Participants. Prior to leaving Day Participant Groups should:

1. Pack up and remove any items that you brought and remove all debris – No Trace Site use is in effect.

2. Check out with the Registrar at the HQ Tent to receive your crests if you preregistered with payment by October 1, 2016. If after this date your crests may need to be provided later.

3. Visit the MedVent Site and retrieve the Fitness or Health forms left as part of your check in. Take a moment to thank the MedVents as these youth volunteer their time to provide this service for the weekend. Without them we could not provide first aid at the event without an additional fee being charged.

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59th JOTA Registration Package – Section 2 – Day Participants PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY

Contact leader:


Group/Unit Name:


Postal Address:

Telephone No: Email address (mandatory)

NAME Youth Yrs at Troop or Pack



Leader: X Leader: X Youth (Patrol Leader): Youth (APL): Youth: Youth: Youth: Youth:

NAME Youth Yrs at

Troop or Pack section


Leader: X Leader: X Youth (Patrol Leader): Youth (APL): Youth: Youth: Youth: Youth:

Non-Registered Adult Volunteers: provide a separate listing of all additional Non-Registered Adults who may be assisting you at camp. A registration fee is required for these helpers. The contact leader is responsible for ensuring that required screening needs are satisfied

Screening Complete ( Yes / No )

Volunteer 1: Volunteer 2: Volunteer 3:

Please make additional copies as needed

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59th JOTA Registration Package – Section 4 – Registration Fee Summary

1. Attach this Registration & Fee Summary sheet to the Front of your package (sections 1-4). 2. Fill in all boxes requesting information to ensure we receive and respond fully to your registration package.

Please check your package for completeness. 3. For leaders attending camp with their sections AND taking part in the training offered during JOTA. Fill

out the separate registration form on the next page. Please attach a separate cheque with that form and DO NOT include training fees for that with your camp fees cheque.

Contact leader: Position:

Group/Unit Name: Area/Community:

Postal Address: Telephone No:

Email address (mandatory)

Section 1 - Overnight Camping Participants

Participants Number Total Number of Tents


Youth helpers (ie Venturers, Rovers)


Non registered helpers

Total participants X $20.00 =

Total non-refundable Registration

Fee attached: $

Section 2 - Day Only Participants & Cub Packs

NOTES: If additional forms are required, photocopy as needed. The registration package is available on the Camp web

Site (www.jota.ca) Registration questions may be directed to Debra Paul at scouter.debra@sympatico.ca Cheques must be made payable to Scouts Canada. Registrations will not be accepted if cheques

are incorrectly issued. Two camp crests will be provided for each youth and 1 for each adult with registration fees paid prior to

OCTOBER 1st, 2016. Late payments will result in crests not being available at the camp and will have to be part of a subsequent order. All Registration Fees are non-refundable.

Late registrations are subject to space availability and crests will be distributed to late registrants as

available. Additional crests may be available for sale at camp

Participants Number


Youth helpers (ie Venturers, Rovers)


Non registered helpers

Total participants X $10.00 =

Total non-refundable Registration

Fee attached: $

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59th JOTA Registration Package, Section 4: Training Registration If you have leaders with your group at JOTA that are also taking the training during the camp, please fill out thebelow information. Please note that the fee for that is separate from the JOTA fees and should not be included in your payment for the camp. Please Print

NAME Section Yrs in Scouting

Any questions regarding training should be directed to Steve Lines; steve.lines@yahoo.com

Total training participants: X $10.00 =

Total non-refundable Training Fee attached: $

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CAMP ACTIVITY SCHEDULE Friday October 14th 3:00 pm Camp Gates Open 3:00 - 9:00 pm Registration, Camp set up 5:00 pm Vehicle access to camp site……” Area Restricted” 8:30 pm Movie Under The Stars 10:00 pm Scouters and project leaders meeting at camp Head Quarters (HQ) 11:00 pm Lights Out.........QUIET TIME !!! Saturday October 15th 8:30 am Camp Opening (staging area) 9:00 – 12:00 Ham Radios; JOTI Internet; sign up for Karaoke; Projects & Displays 12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch; Sign up for Karaoke (at staging area) 1:00 – 4:00 pm Ham Radios; JOTI Internet; sign up for Karaoke; Projects & Displays 4:00 – 5:30 pm Dinner 5:30 – 8:00 pm KARAOKE (staging area) “ALL ARE WELCOME” 8:30 – 10:30pm Movie Under the stars (Time may vary based on Karaoke participation) 11:00 pm Lights Out........QUIET TIME !!! Sunday October 16th 10:00 – 11:00 am Challenge Activity (Time may be adjusted based on participation) 11:15 am Scouts / Guides Own (done at own camp area) 11:30 am Camp Closing (staging area) 12:00 – 1:00 pm Site Inspections and distribution of crests (see HQ) 1:30 pm Camp Site must be cleared; Canadian Motorsport Park will be closed).

JOTA / JOTI 2015

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59th JOTA/JOTI Challenge Activity ANNUAL CHARIOT RACE WHEN: Sunday Morning. The course will consist of rough and uneven terrain. Choose your materials wisely. Please make note of the material restrictions under “Construction Materials” below. Participants:

• Youth only, must be registered at JOTA /JOTI * • Minimum 5 youth per chariot race. • Minimum 1 rider at all times. • Each chariot must carry minimum 1 patrol member (a rider) throughout the entire course

from start to finish. • All other patrol members (minimum 4) will maneuver their chariot through the entire course

providing youth powered locomotion. * May not include any youth helpers attending the camp. Construction Materials: No “construction grade materials” can be used. (e.g. Lumber, plywood, nails, screws, steel, aluminum, plastic(s), etc.) Exceptions on materials: Wheels of any kind, Axel(s), Ropes, Tarps may be used. Be wise in the use of your resources. All materials for this challenge are the group’s and or patrol’s responsibility and must be brought to the camp and removed at the end of the camp. Designs: It is encouraged that you add your own creativity and innovation to the design of your chariot(s). Chariots may be constructed by patrols or groups on site or brought to JOTA pre-assembled. Participation by All: Cheering on the various teams is highly encouraged! Video and Pictures are encouraged!! Please share on the facebook page

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Please fill in information before arriving at camp. Every vehicle parking in the JOTA/JOTI lot must have one clearly displayed. Your cell number while at camp is advised so that we can contact you if necessary. The vehicle owner or drivers name is essential. Make copies as necessary for your troop or unit.

JOTA/JOTI VEHICLE REGISTRATION (display on front dash of any vehicle parking in the JOTA parking area - so as to be visible to security)

Troop/Unit Name and #:

Contact Name:

Contact Phone # at JOTA/JOTI

SUBCAMP (to be filled in at arrival)

JOTA/JOTI VEHICLE REGISTRATION (display on front dash of any vehicle parking in the JOTA parking area - so as to be visible to security)

Troop/Unit Name and #:

Contact Name:

Contact Phone # at JOTA/JOTI

SUBCAMP (to be filled in at arrival)

JOTA/JOTI VEHICLE REGISTRATION (display on front dash of any vehicle parking in the JOTA parking area - so as to be visible to security)

Troop/Unit Name and #:

Contact Name:

Contact Phone # at JOTA/JOTI

SUBCAMP (to be filled in at arrival)

JOTA/JOTI VEHICLE REGISTRATION (display on front dash of any vehicle parking in the JOTA parking area - so as to be visible to security)

Troop/Unit Name and #:

Contact Name:

Contact Phone # at JOTA/JOTI

SUBCAMP (to be filled in at arrival)

Make Copies as needed – these are for vehicles parked in the JOTA/JOTI main lot for the weekend.