54578728 APA Citation Exercise (1)

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Transcript of 54578728 APA Citation Exercise (1)

APA Citation Exercise--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Book1. Book with 1 author:Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year). Title italicized. Publication location: Publishing company.Example:Townsend, R. M. (1993). The medieval village economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.Example:1. You need to cite a book that you read. The author is William K. Klingaman and the title is Abraham Lincoln and the Road to Emancipation. The book was published in 2001 by Viking Press in New York.

a. Klingaman, W. K. Abraham Lincoln and the road to emancipation. New York: Viking Press, 2001.

b. Klingaman, William K. (2001). Abraham Lincoln and the road to emancipation. New York: Viking Press.

c. Klingaman, W. K. (2001). Abraham Lincoln and the road to emancipation. New York: Viking Press.

2. Book with 2 authors:

First Author's last name, First and Second Initial., & Second Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year). Title italicized. Publication location: Publishing company.Example:Gonzalez, A., & Norwine, J. (1998). The New Third World. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.Example:

2.You want to include in your bibliography an article or a book written by two people.

a. Becker, M. B., & Rozek, S. J.

b. Becker, M. B. & S. J. Rozek

c. Becker, Mark B. & Rozek, Susan J.

Magazine /Journal citations: APA states that if the pagination of each issue is continuous throughout the volume, you don't need to use the issue number.

However, if each issue begins with page 1, then the issue number is needed in the citation. The authors of this tutorial believe that this is a very difficult distinction to make and so we are always using the issue numbers with our examples.

. Article from journal with 1 author:Author's last name, First and second Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, volume number italicized(issue number), page numbers.Example:Wann, D. L. (1998). A Preliminary Investigation Of The Relationship Between Alcohol Use And Sport Fandom. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 26(3), 287-291.Example:

3. You have an article with one author from a journal that you want to include your bibliography. Here is the information about the journal.

journal title: Issues in Law and Medicinevolume and issue: volume 46, issue 4page numbers: 125-136.

How would you write just the journal part of your citation in APA style? This is the information you put after the author and the article title. (See APA example, #5, Journal)

a. Issues in Law and Medicine, v.46, issue 4, pg. 125-136

b. Issues in Law and Medicine, 46(4), 125-136.

c. Issues in Law and Medicine, 46 (4), 125-136.

Online Journal / Newspaper8. Online journal article from a database or index:Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal title, volume number italicized(issue number), page numbers. Retrieved month day, year, from source.Example:Tolson, N. (1998). Making books available: The role of early libraries, librarians, and booksellers in the promotion of African American children's literature. African American Review. 32(5), 9-16.Retrieved October 1, 2002 from Academic Search Premier.9. Online newspaper article from a database or index:Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year, Month and date). Article title. Newspaper title italicized, page numbers. Retrieved month, day, year from source.Example:Raspberry, W. (2003, Sep 8). No choice but rescue. Washington Post. A21. Retrieved September 9, 2003 from Lexis Nexis Academic.Example:

4. You found several articles that you used for your paper that were full-text from the library's databases. The one below was from the database Academic Search Premier:

Credit Card Debt On College Campuses: Causes, Consequences, And Solutions. By: Norvilitis, Jill M.; Santa Maria, Phillip. College Student Journal, Sep2002, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p356-364.

a. Norvilitis, J. M., and Santa Maria, P. (2002) "Credit card debt on college campuses: Causes, consequences, and solutions." College Student Journal 36(3), 356-364. Database on-line. Retrieved September 8, 2003 from Academic Search Premier http://www.epnet.com/.

b. Norvilitis, J. M. & Santa Maria, P. (2002). Credit card debt on college campuses: Causes, consequences, and solutions. College Student Journal 36(3), 356-364. Retrieved September 8, 2003 from Academic Search Premier database.

c. Norvilitis, J. M. and Santa Maria, P. (2002). Credit card debt on college campuses: Causes, consequences, and solutions. College Student Journal 36(3), 356-364. Available from Academic Search Premier database: http://www.epnet.com/. [September 8, 2003].

Web Site10. An entire website with an author:*Note: if you use a source from a website that is associated with a department of a university, then you must include the name of the university and the department in the citationAuthor's Last Name, First and Second initial (if given). (Year, Month and date, if given). Title of the web site italicized. Retrieved month day, year, from source: URL.Example:Mandell, L. (1999). Romantic Chronology. Retrieved June 22, 2003, from University of California, Santa Barbara English Department Web site: http://english.ucsb.edu:591/rchrono/.11. An entire website without an editor or author:Title of the web site italicized. (Year, Month and date, if given). Retrieved month day, year) from source.Example:CNN.com. (2002, August 24). Retrieved February 18, 2003 from http://www.cnn.com.

12. An article, document, or short work from a website with an authorAuthor's Last Name, First and Second Initial. (Year, Month and date if given). Title of article, document, or short work. In Title of the website (italicized). Retrieved month, day, year, from URL.Example:Shiva, V. (2002, July 11). Bioethics: A Third World issue. In NativeWeb. Retrieved September 15, 2003, from http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/shiva.html.13. An article, document, or short work from a website without an author

Title of article, document, or short work. (Year, Month and date if given). In Title of the website (italicized). Retrieved month day, year, from URL.Example:The media today: Truth or lies? (2002, May 14). In Flashpoints USA. Retrieved September 14, 2003, from http://www.pbs.org/flashpointsusa/20030916/infocus/.Example:

5. You used information for a research paper from a website that is part of the Web4Health Web site that you viewed on Sept. 15, 2003. The page you want to use is written by Gunborg Palme called: How Media Affect Body Image of Women. It was most recently updated on August 9, 2003 and the URL is http://web4health.info/en/answers/ed-causes-culture-example.htm.

What is the correct way to cite this Web site? (See APA Examples #12, Web Site.)

a. Palme, G. (2003, August 9) "How media affect body image of women." Web4Health. Retrieved September 15, 2003, from .

b. Palme, Gunborg. (2003) How media affect body image of women. In Web4Health .

c. Palme, G. (2003, August 9). How media affect body image of women. In Web4Health. Retrieved September 15, 2003, from http://web4health.info/en/answers/ed-causes-culture-example.htm

6.You are writing a paper on the ethics of downloading music from the Internet. One article you used in your research comes from the Wall Street Journal. The article is titled "Will the Music Industry Sue Your Kid?" It appeared in the September 10, 2003 issue on page 1D and was written by Carl Bialik. You want your professor to know that you are using ideas from this article or paraphrasing, but you are not quoting directly

What is the correct way to make a parenthetical reference when you are quoting or paraphrasing another author's work?

a. Since the music industry has begun to sue young people who are helping download huge amounts of music from the Internet, some parents fear that they will have to pay large sums of money to protect themselves. Parents do not have to worry about being sued if they are unaware what their kids are doing. (Bialik, 2003)

b. Since the music industry has begun to sue young people who are helping download huge amounts of music from the Internet, some parents fear that they will have to pay large sums of money to protect themselves. Parents do not have to worry about being sued if they are unaware what their kids are doing. (Bialik, 1D)

c. Since the music industry has begun to sue young people who are helping download huge amounts of music from the Internet, some parents fear that they will have to pay large sums of money to protect themselves. Parents do not have to worry about being

sued if they are unaware what their kids are doing. (Bialik, 2003, 1D) Answers to APA Exercises 1

Here are the questions and answers all in one!


Journal article

Au: Faith, R

Ti: Poverty, a History

So: Journal of Rural Studies

Yr: 1996

Vol: 12

Iss: 2

Pgs: 212-214

ISSN: 0743-0167



Faith, R. (1996). Poverty, a history. Journal of Rural Studies, 12(2), 212-214



Au: John Friedmann, Rebecca Abers, and Lilian Autler (editors)

Ti: Emergences: Women's struggles for livelihood in Latin America

Yr: 1996

Pub: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, University of California

Plc: Los Angeles

Pgs: 207



Friedmann, J., Abers, R., & Autler, L. (Eds.). (1996). Emergences: Women’s struggles for

livelihood in Latin America. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publictions.



Book chapter

Au: Brockmeier, Jens; Harre, Rom

Ti: Narrative: Problems and promises of an alternative paradigm (pp. 39-58)

So: Brockmeier, Jens (Ed); Carbaugh, Donal (Ed). (2001). Narrative and identity : Studies

in autobiography, self and culture… Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing

Company. vi, 307




Brockmeier, J., & Harre, R., (2001). Narrative problems and promises of an alternative

paradigm. In J. Brockmeier and D. Conal (Eds.), Narrative and identity Studies in

autobiography, self and culture (pp. 39-58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins



Au: Romano Harre, Jens Brockmeier, and Peter Mulhauser

Ti: Greenspeak : a study of environmental discourse

So: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications,

Yr: 1999

Pgs: 204


Harre, R., Brockmeier, J., & Mulhauser, P. (1999). Greenspeak a study of environmental

discourse. Thousand Oaks, Calif.,: Sage Publications.


Journal Article

Au: LeLieuvre, Robert B

Ti: "Goodnight Saigon": Music, fiction, poetry, and film in readjustment group


So: Professional Psychology: Research & Practice

Yr: 1998

Vol 29(1) 74-78


Leliuevre, R. B. (1998). “Goodnight Saigon”; music, fiction, poetry and film in

readjustment group counselling. Professional Psychology, 29(1), 74-78

Answers to APA referencing exercises 2


Clone : the road to Dolly and the path ahead / Gina Kolata

Allen Lane published it in London in 1997

It is 218 pages long with a bibliography 212-218.



Kolata, G. (1997) Clone: the road to Dolly and the path ahead. London: Allen Lane



Journal articles

Volume            42

Issue                2

Start Page        401-415

The role of inventories in oil market stability

Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance; Greenwich; 2002; Amy Myers Jaffe; Ronald




Jaffe, A. M, & Soligo, R. (2002). The role of inventories in oil market stability. Quarterly

Review of Economics and Finance. 42(2), 401-415


Newspaper articles

By Lyndall Crisp.

1,600 words

22 February 2003

Australian Financial Review

Factiva  seen on  3 march 2003


(c) 2003 John Fairfax Holdings Limited. Not available for re-distribution.

Title of article: Observer, - Solo traveller.



Crisp, L. (2002, February 22). Observer, - Solo traveller. Australian Financial Review.

Retrieved March 3, 2003, from Factiva.



Newspaper articles

The Australian – Australia’s national daily newspaper

Superstar sheep shuffle off, leaving scientists split.


18 February 2003

The Australian


 (c) 2003 Nationwide News Proprietary Ltd



Dayton, L. (2003, 18 February). Superstar sheep shuffle off, leaving scientists split. The

Australian. p. 9



Television Broadcasts

Human cloning [videorecording]

Off air recording of the ABC program Aftershock broadcasted on May 17, 2001. Copied

under Part VA, Copyright Act 1968. Writer and presenter, Richard Fidler ; producer and

director, Rod Partner  Originally released by Jigsaw Entertainment in association with the

Australian Broadcasting Corporation




Partner, R. (Producer). (2001, May 17). Aftershock [Television broadcast]. Sydney: Jigsaw

Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Corporation.




Television Broadcasts

The Clone age [videorecording]  [Sydney] : Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2000

1 videocassette (VHS) (50 min.) : sd. col. ; 1/2 in

Off-air recording of the ABC Four Corners program, broadcast 3rd July 2000. Copied under

Part VA of the Copyright Act

Reporter, Jill Colgan



The Clone Age [television series episode] (2000). In Four Corners. Sydney: Australian

Broadcasting Corporation.

note – you don’t have the information on the producer, director or writer. If you view a tv

program, try to find this information out at the time of the viewing.



Bibliographic list

The Clone Age* [television series episode] (2000). In Four Corners. Sydney: Australian

Broadcasting Corporation.

Crisp, L. (2002, February 22). Observer, - Solo traveller. Australian Financial Review.

Retrieved March 3, 2003, from Factiva.

Dayton, L. (2003, 18 February). Superstar sheep shuffle off, leaving scientists split. The

Australian. p. 9

Jaffe, A. M, & Soligo, R. (2002). The role of inventories in oil market stability. Quarterly

Review of Economics and Finance. 42(2), 401-415

Kolata, G. (1997) Clone: the road to Dolly and the path ahead. London: Allen Lane

Partner, R. (Producer). (2001, May 17). Aftershock [Television broadcast]. Sydney: Jigsaw

Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


* Articles such as A, an or the are passed over when putting things in alphabetical order.

Order by the first ‘real’ word, in this case – clone.

 Answers to APA citation exercises 2b

Answers to exercises 2b with a reference list at the end. If you have problems or

questions, please contact me, Celia – celia.munro@newcastle.edu.au


1          Journal article (this is really a newsletter – format accordingly)

Societies look at changing the face of science & engineering; Ann Thayer; Chemical &

Engineering News, Washington; Nov 25, 2002; Vol. 80, Iss. 47; pg. 39


Thayer, A.. (2002, November). Societies look at changing the face of science &

engineering.Chemical & Engineering News, 80(47), 39.


2          Book

Beyond the republic: meeting the global challenges to constitutionalism / editors Charles

Sampford, Tom Round. Leichhardt, N.S.W. : Federation Press, 2001  xvii, 344 p. ; 25

cm.Includes index.


Sampford, C., & Round, T. (Eds.). (2001). Beyond the republic: meeting the global

challenges to constitutionalism. Leichhardt, N.S.W.: Federation Press.


3          Web page

Looked at on 12th February 2003  http://www.who.int/en/  World Health Organisation

Home Page  No author but date = 2003


World Health Organization. (2003). Retrieved February 12, 2003, from



4          Web page

Amnesty International Report 2002 Kuwait. Viewed September 15th 2002 at



Amnesty International Report 2002. Kuwait. (2002). Retrieved September 15, 2002, from



5          Online article from a database

From Science Direct database the full text of:

Global and local threats to coral reef functioning and existence: review and predictions

Marine and Freshwater Research Volume: 50, Issue: 8, 1999, pp. 867 – 878 Wilkinson,

Clive R.


Wilkinson, C. R. (1999). Global and local threats to coral reef functioning and existence:

review and predictions. Marine and Freshwater Research, 50(8), 867-878. Retrieved June

23, 2002, from Science Direct.


6          Book

Wednesday's children : a study of child neglect and abuse / by Leontine Young

Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press,


Young, L. (n.d.). Wednesday’s children: a study of child neglect and abuse. Westport,

Conn.: Greenwood Press.



Reference List

Amnesty International Report 2002. Kuwait. (2002). Retrieved September 15, 2002, from


Sampford, C & Round, T. (Eds.). (2001). Beyond the republic: meeting the global

challenges to constitutionalism. Leichhardt, N.S.W.: Federation Press.

Thayer, A.. (2002, November). Societies look at changing the face of science &

engineering. Chemical & Engineering News, 80(47), 39.

Wilkinson, C. R. (1999). Global and local threats to coral reef functioning and existence:

review and predictions. Marine and Freshwater Research, 50(8), 867-878. Retrieved June

23, 2002, from Science Direct.

World Health Organization. (2003). Retrieved February 12, 2003, from


Young, L. (n.d.). Wednesday’s children: a study of child neglect and abuse. Westport,

Conn.: Greenwood Press.


Answers to APA referencing exercises 3


1          Myers, John E. B. Risk management for professionals working with maltreated

children and adult survivors. [Chapter] Myers, John E. B. (Ed); Berliner, Lucy (Ed); et al.

(2002). The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment (2nd ed.). (pp. 403-427). Thousand

Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc. xvi, 582pp.


Myers, J. E. B. (2002). Risk management for professionals working with maltreated

children and adult survivors. In J. E. B. Myers, & L.Berliner et al (Eds.), The APSAC

handbook on child maltreatment (2nd ed., pp. 403-427).) Thousand Oaks, CA,: Sage


Note: If you have more than 6 authors or editors, you may use et al in a bibliography. 

Here you had to because I gave you no choice.  In real life - go check the book to see who

the others are and include them in the reference, unless there are 6 or more of them.



2          Herbert, Martin. Parenting skills interventions.  Reder, Peter (Ed); McClure, Mike

(Ed). (2000). Family matters: Interfaces between child and adult mental health. (pp. 237-

256). New York, NY, US: Routledge. xii, 347pp


Herbert, M. (2000). Parenting skills interventions. In P. Reder & M. McClure (Eds.),  Family

matters: Interfaces between child and adult mental health. (pp. 237-256). New York:


How did I know it was Herbert, M and not Martin, H? Because of the comma. -

Commas come after surnames (or last names) but not after first or given names!




3          Hendricks, Cindy S. Children in crisis. [Chapter] Hendricks, James E. (Ed); Byers,

Bryan D. (Ed). (2002). Crisis intervention in criminal justice/social service (3rd ed.). (pp.

170-225). Springfield, IL, US: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher. xvi, 427pp.


Hendricks, C. S. (2002). Children in crisis. In J. E. Hendricks & B. D. Byers. Crisis

intervention in criminal justice/social service (3rd ed. pp. 170-225). Springfield, IL,:

Charles C. Thomas



4          Why children's suggestibility remains a serious concern. (child abuse

litigation) Amye R. Warren, Dorothy F. Marsil. Law and Contemporary Problems Wntr

2002 v65 i1 p127(21) (9473 words)


Warren, A. R. & Marsil, D. F. (2002). Why children's suggestibility remains a serious

concern.Law and Contemporary Problems 65(1) p127(21)


5          What to do with the angry toddler. Morris Green, Paula D. Sullivan, Carolyn G.

Eichberg. Contemporary Pediatrics August 2001 v18 i8 p65 (5573 words)


Green, M., Sullivan, P. D., & Eichberg, C. G. (2001). What to do with the angry toddler.

Contemporary Pedicatrics 18(8), 65.


Reference List


Green, M., Sullivan, P. D., & Eichberg, C. G. (2001). What to do with the angry toddler.

Contemporary Pedicatrics 18(8), 65.

Hendricks, C. S. (2002). Children in crisis. In J. E. Hendricks & B. D. Byers. Crisis

intervention in criminal justice/social service (3rd ed. pp. 170-225). Springfield, IL,:

Charles C. Thomas

Herbert, M. (2000). Parenting skills interventions. In P. Reder & M. McClure (Eds.),  Family

matters: Interfaces between child and adult mental health. (pp. 237-256). New York:


Myers, J. E. B. (2002). Risk management for professionals working with maltreated

children and adult survivors. In J. E. B. Myers, & L.Berliner et al (Eds.), The APSAC

handbook on child maltreatment (2nd ed., pp. 403-427).) Thousand Oaks, CA,: Sage


Warren, A. R. & Marsil, D. F. (2002). Why children's suggestibility remains a serious

concern.Law and Contemporary Problems 65(1) p127(21)