53 Dr Ahmed Esawy imaging oral board of female pelvis part III HSG MRI FETAL MRI

Post on 22-Mar-2017

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Transcript of 53 Dr Ahmed Esawy imaging oral board of female pelvis part III HSG MRI FETAL MRI

The Art of Radiology

HSG with normal morphology of the uterus and endocervical canal

HSG with normal morphology of the uterus and endocervical canal

Uterus unicornuate. HSG shows a opacification of a small single uterine horn thattilts to the right side of the patient. No rudimentary horn found. MRI was performed and

diagnosis confirm of unicorn uterus with no rudimentary horn.

Uterus Didelphys. Pacient with two cervix at vaginal examination and one uterinehorn shown on HSG. MRI was performed to confirm the diagnosis of uterus didelphys.

Uterus bicornuate. A widened angle superior to 105º between the uterine horns with a widened intercornual distance of greater than 4cm is very suggestive of bicornuate uterus.

Septate uterus. HSG shows uterus with partial septum morphology with absenceof contrast flow through the right fallopian tube. Left hydrosalpinx with free contrast output to

peritoneal cavity.

Arcuate uterus. Arcuata uterine cavity morphology seen in the HSG. The rightfallopian tube is permeable and the left has a hidrosalpinx, with delayed contrast passage

into the peritoneum. The contrast that has passed to the peritoneum is not distributedfreely by the presence of adhesions

Infantile uterus. Uterus small and shorter than the neck,suggestive of infantile uterus with normal size fallopian tubes.

T-shape uterus. HSG shows a filling defect sugestive of endometrial polyp and uterine cavity with T-shape

Endometrail Hyperplasia. Uterine cavity with irregular difuse filling defects in the wall of uterine cavity suggestive of endometrial hyperplasia. Left hidrosalpinx.

Endometrial hiperplasia. HSG shows uterine cavity with several filling defects suggestive of endometrial hiperplasia

Myomas. Right image: homogeneous filling defect of the contours of uterinecavity, suggestive of submucosal myoma, which obstructs the passage of contrast in theleft fallopian. Left image: filling defect in the body of uterine cavity suggestive of myoma.

Endocervical diverticula. Outpouching formations that distorts the endocervical canal.

DES exposure

cornual occlusion

cornual occlusion

Bicurnuate uterus arcuate uterus

Septate uterus

Demonstration of fallopian tube outline with Iopramide (a) and Iodamide (b). Note the sharper outline of the fallopian tubes seen in the Iodamide

Demonstration of fimbrial rugae outline with Iodamide

This is a HSG study image using Iodamide contrast media (conventional contrast media). submucosal fibroid .

Note the lymphatic contrast intravasation obtained with Iodamide

Venous intravasation seen as a network of thin vessels on top of uterus and in a pattern that could be confused with tubal filling .

unicornuate uterus

unicornuate uterus

unicornuate uterus

Venous intravasation

Submucous myoma, classically seen as a filling defect in a large uterine cavity .

Adenomyosis , wide juncitional zone , high T2 signal


bladder extra peritoneal rupptur , grading of truam , mucosal , intra ,

interstitial , extra , combined

cancer cervix , bladder invasion

cancer cervix , high T2 anterior parametrial invasion

cancer cervix , parametral invasion

cancer cervix with rectal invasion

cervix cancer

cervix cancer stageI


endometerial carcinma with hematometra

endometerial carcinoma2

endometerial carcinoma3

endometeriosis fat suppresion

endometeriosis T2

endometeriosis T1 high

endometrial carcinoma

endometrial carcinoma surrounded by hematometera


hydrometra with fibroid


ovarian serous cystadenoma

Ovarian cancer irregular thick wall cyst , papillary growth , solid eccenteric

septate uterus

study for uterine prolapse

Two IUD one in the urinary bladder with stone formation



uterine prolaps study,

pelvic congestion syndrome

pelvic lipomatosis

pelvic lipomatosis

rectocele , enterocele

rectocele , pelvic floor defect


Abnormal, heaped placenta

Placental abruption

Uterine Rupture

Myometrial defect

Liver with ascites axial T2

Myometrial defect and ascites

MRI: Oligohydramnios coronal T2myometrail silhoutte

Umbilical cord in myometrial defectSagittal T2