53, BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Post on 28-Dec-2021

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Transcript of 53, BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

BPH - Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaPathophysiology Course

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: prostate enlargement that compresses the urethra & surrounding bladder causing difficulty urinating!

- Bladder training & avoid caffeine

Think of a man with a SWOLLEN prostate riding around on a horse - OUCH - thats a very painful Ride So think - if you want a Fun ride - get FINasteRIDE lol

Big Prostate Holds

MEMORY TRICKPathophysiology

Signs & Symptoms


Test Tip

Urinary Retention Sensations of Incomplete emptying

Urinary Frequency & Nocturia

Straining to void

“Feel the need to urinate again immediately after urinating”

“Need to awake at night with the urge to urinate”

“strain to begin a stream of urine”

“stream of urine - weak or intermittent”


• Finasteride (brand Proscar)

Complications (NOT Normal) Treatments

“Burning sensation with urination”

Cloudy or smelly urine

UTI (infection)

• TURP - Transurethral resection of the prostate - less invasive as an instrument inserted directly through the urethra to remove the prostate. • Prostatectomy - MORE invasive as a surgical incision is made. After either procedure - 3 way Foley catheter is used for continuous bladder irrigation. This gives pressure to bleeding tissue & allows urine drainage.


TURP(Transurethral resection of the prostate)TPROSTATECTOMYP

Assess amount & urine output

Light pink color - BEST

Output = MORE than input

NOT “equal to” or “less than”

Common Exam Question

Advise client to follow up with HCP immediately

Prostatectomy 5 days ago … small blood clots. First action?
