52 Ways To Be Happy - Chan6es · 2019. 10. 27. · 52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty eight Do not worry...

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Transcript of 52 Ways To Be Happy - Chan6es · 2019. 10. 27. · 52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty eight Do not worry...

Chan6es ®

52 Ways To Bee Happy A cynics guide to a happier life

for Michael Noel Erickson in recognition of your publishing contribution on chan6es in 2012

Chan6es® 52 Ways To Bee Happy a cynics guide to a happier life

6d Publishing: September 2012. http://www.chan6es.com Copyright © Michael Noel Erickson’s Image of Honey Bee. All other rights not reserved and may be published, reproduced, transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying permitted, recording permitted, storage in any retrieval system permitted. No consents required other than reproduction of Michael’s Honey Bee. ISBN: Roaming Free. Honey Bee © Michael Noel Erickson @ https://www.facebook.com/MyCrabLouieCartoonStripProject

52 Ways To Bee Happy one

Focus on a dream and take the first steps to making it happen


52 Ways To Bee Happy two

Take a course in mediation and learn to let go Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy three

Learn to forgive by contacting someone you fell out with and patching things up


52 Ways To Bee Happy four

Contact a friend who you haven’t seen for a long time


52 Ways To Bee Happy five

Buy Someone flowers Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy six

Smile and be courteous to everyone you meet for a whole day Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy seven

Exude Enthusiasm Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy eight

Somewhere private, write down your goals in life, because by writing them down on paper you will be taking a huge step towards achieving them


52 Ways To Bee Happy nine

Stay Healthy by treating your body like a temple Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy ten

Remember that the past is gone, the future is uncertain and only this very moment counts


52 Ways To Bee Happy eleven

Make an effort to bring new people into your life who have similar interests to yourself


52 Ways To Bee Happy twelve

Go armchair swimming with the Dolphins! Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy thirteen

Write a love letter to someone you love Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy fourteen

Get musical, sing and dance, play your favourite tunes Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy


Get out and walk in the countryside, smell fresh air and enjoy panoramic views Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy sixteen

Happiness does not depend on what we have but on how we treat ourselves and others


52 Ways To Bee Happy seventeen

Interact with an animal and even buy a pet today Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy eighteen

Be Creative Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy nineteen

Do something you loved as a child Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty

Have children or just spend time playing with someone else’s Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty one

Celebrate at every opportunity! birthdays, anniversaries, full moons, weekends Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty two

Plan your dream adventure in detail and start saving for it Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty three

Spend time watching loved ones sleeping Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty four

Eat lots of chocolate and take down all your mirrors Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty five

Write down short and long term goals and tick them off when you have achieved them


52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty six

Straighten your posture, lift your chin, smile and walk with a sense of purpose. You can’t see the beauty of the world while you are looking at your feet


52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty seven

Plan Surprises for people Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty eight

Do not worry yourself with the burdens of work, keep it in perspective Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy twenty nine

Be realistic, plan for a miracle, aim for the stars, land on Venus Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty

Bring yellow into your life, it will boost your brain power and raise your self esteem


52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty one

Take pride in yourself and what you do. Inflate your chest and walk tall


52 Ways To Bee Happy

thirty two

Settle down and watch a thigh slapping comedy Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy

thirty three

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Life is for living. Plan more recreation Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy

thirty four

Always try to be the first to apologise and make up Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty five

Start today on the jobs you have been meaning to get on top of. The longer you put them off, the more the thought of them will

intrude into your relaxation time


52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty six

Try to always give or do more than someone expects of you Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty seven

Try not to make excuses. Be honest and deal with issues you are avoiding Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty ei6ht

Leave chan6e in a phone box for the next person to use Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy thirty nine

Deliberately leave a car parking space for someone else to use Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy


Take more time to listen deeply to people and what they are saying Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy forty one

Start a daily log of all the things that have made you happy that day. Refer to and use it to steer days in the future


52 Ways To Bee Happy forty two

Pay attention to your diet, investigate the things that are good for you and cut down on the things that are bad for you


52 Ways To Bee Happy forty three

Go swimming in the sea and play in the waves Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy forty four

Invite friends around and have a party Chan6es

52 Ways To Bee Happy

forty five

Go and buy a magazine about a subject you love, settle down and read it from cover to cover


52 Ways To Bee Happy

forty six

Ring a friend who has got alot on their plate and ask them what you can do to help


52 Ways To Bee Happy forty seven

Write down all the things that make you unhappy. Once you have identified them you can start to get rid of them


52 Ways To Bee Happy forty eight

Start your day with 20 minutes of Tai Chi. This will improve your clarity of thought, mental attitude and fitness


52 Ways To Bee Happy fifty

Do not allow yourself to be drawn into negative conversations. Do not talk negatively about others


52 Ways To Bee Happy fifty one

Allow yourself to be yourself, don’t put on airs and graces or pretend to be who you are not.


52 Ways To Bee Happy fifty two

Always look at your challenges as opportunities for growth


52 Ways To Bee Happy

A honey bee threatened with extinction can survive when able to feed on its own honey made from pollen. If the bee is not able to survive today’s extinction winter, neither will the essential and important nutrient foods that humans depend on from their pollination activities. Thankyou for sharing your change story on Chan6es. Honey Bee © Michael Noel Erickson @ https://www.facebook.com/MyCrabLouieCartoonStripProject