5 Ways to treat & prevent toenail fungus

Post on 01-Jun-2015

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While toenail fungus might be hard to treat, there are 5 important ways to fight off and prevent this condition. Shop solutions for discolored toenails here: http://goo.gl/tn7Ke0

Transcript of 5 Ways to treat & prevent toenail fungus


5 Ways to Treat + Prevent Toenail Fungus


While thick yellow toenails look unappealing,

you shouldn’t just view this condition by how

your toenails look.

That’s because another culprit behind this

condition is often fungi—and the laws of how

fungi normally grow can also apply to your


As you know, it’s easy to crack a toenail when

running, playing tennis, or simply just banging

or stubbing your toe.

A toenail crack gives fungi an opening and a

place to live.

Once inside your toenail, it’s extremely hard to

get rid of a fungus. That’s because your

toenail—almost like an adhesive bandage or

cast—keeps the fungus in place.

With nowhere for the fungus to escape or get

naturally cleaned out, it stays…and grows.

While toenail fungus might be hard to treat,

there are 5 important ways to fight off and

prevent this condition.

1. Avoid injury to your toenails.

Since a crack in your toenail is one of the

most common ways that a nail fungus begins

to take root, lessen any activities that risk

toenail damage (or at least make sure your

feet are well-protected).

Wearing well-fitting shoes also helps you

avoid toenail injury. Make sure plenty of

space exists between the end of your shoe and

the tip of your longest toe. This extra space

helps prevent damage to your toenails caused

by any shock or impact.

2. Keep your feet dry

by changing your socks if they become wet

or damp.

Also keep your feet dry by:• Leaving your shoes out in dry places when

you're not wearing them.• Avoiding shoes or boots that trap and retain

moisture, such as rubber boots.

3. Use thongs or flip-flops in public places

to avoid contact with fungi. To be especially

careful, you may want to avoid walking

barefoot anywhere, even around your house

or yard.

4. Spray your shoes

with an over-the-counter topical anti-fungal

spray. Fungal spores that remain in your shoes

can reinfect your nails if you're not careful.

You can use sprays with solutions such as

Lamisil or Tinactin, although places like

bowling alleys often use Lysol to effectively

prevent fungi in shoes.

Avoid antifungal powders, since they tend to

deteriorate the soles of shoes rather quickly.

5. Use topical liquid or cream treatments

that contain over-the-counter antifungal

medicines such as Tolnaftate.

If the fungus persists despite your own

treatment attempts, we recommend that

you see a podiatrist for additional


Your podiatrist may run some tests, more

accurately diagnose your condition, and

prescribe a stronger medication to fight off

the fungus.


For more information about treating and preventing toenail fungus from the experts at FootSmart and the Podiatry Institute, visit www.footsmart.com/Foot-Health-Resource-Center.