5 Ways Skinny Bastards Can Add Muscle

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Transcript of 5 Ways Skinny Bastards Can Add Muscle

  • 7/26/2019 5 Ways Skinny Bastards Can Add Muscle


    5 Ways Skinny Bastards Can Add MusclebyEric Bach |Today

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    Here's what you need to know... Most naturally skinny dudes need to train more frequently using proven bang-

    for-your buck exercises. The key to training with a higher frequency is to limit your daily volume with

    shorter, intense sessions. Your biceps can wait until after your weighted pull-ups, squats, and deadlifts. Add jumps, throws and sprints into your plan to recruit the fast-twitch fibers

    most responsible for strength improvements and muscular gains. Hardgainers must stress their systems above what they're currently doing,

    whether it's via more weight, more dense training, or a higher total volume.

    Genetics Be Damned

  • 7/26/2019 5 Ways Skinny Bastards Can Add Muscle


    These five training laws coupled with a firm nutrition plan will help any

    hardgainer build muscle.

    1. Train With High Frequency

    Would you be stronger performing squats in 52 workouts per year or 104

    workouts per year? Logic says to go with 104, but why?

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    Consistent exposure to stimuli is vital for learning new movement patterns. If

    you're a scrawny guy struggling to put on muscle, you're probably not much

    stronger than you were when you first started lifting.

    Even worse, your training sessions are long and inefficient with exercises that

    won't yield much benefit until you're substantially stronger. What most skinny

    guys need is a focus on greater training frequency of the big bang-for-your

    buck exercises. Here's why:

    It improves strength and muscular hypertrophy.

    Back in 2000, a study compared 1 day and 3-days per week of equal-volumeresistance training (McLester, et al 2000). Twenty-five experienced subjects

    were randomly separated into training groups.

    Group one performed one day per week of strength training with three sets to

    failure, using rep ranges moving from three to ten reps per set. Group two

    performed workouts three days per week with one set to failure per day, while

    working in the same rep ranges.

    Volume between the two groups was exactly the same, yet group two had

    greater increases in both lean body mass and improved one-rep max

    strength. With total volume held constant, spreading the training frequency to

    three doses per week produced superior results in both strength and muscular


    It leads to greater net-protein balance.

    A 2010 study on anabolic processes in human skeletal muscle found that

    repeated phases of net protein balance, which can be a generated response

    to repeated bouts of resistance exercise and protein ingestion, underpins

    muscle hypertrophy (Phillips, S., & West, D., 2010).

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    This shows that frequent exposure to training increases protein synthesis at

    the cellular level, leading to greater amounts of muscle growth. Obviously,

    nutrition is key for muscle-seeking munchkins, so getting significant calories

    and the right macronutrients are a must.

    Related: More on workout supplementation

    Frequent training stimulus yields quicker skill development.

    Like anything else, moving heavier and heavier weight requires increased

    technical skill and practice. Hardgainers are usually weak in the exercises that


    Placing an emphasis on improving the big lifts with more frequent sessions is

    a surefire way to increase strength and build muscle.

    It's a frequent reminder of the goal at hand.

    As Dan John says, "The goal is to keep the goal the goal." Skinny guys are

    notorious for program hopping, freaking out at the thought of any fat gain, and

    abandoning training when results don't come fast.

    Besides needing a swift kick in the head and a lesson on perseverance,

    skinny guys need constant reassurance of what the goal is. Frequent training

    engrains the message to stick to the goal of building mass. Each day is a

    positive step towards the big picture.

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    Potential Strategies:Each individual faces his own obstacles when it comes to

    optimal training frequency. They have to consider time available to train, gym

    convenience, and recoverability.

    Regardless, there are ways around difficult situations. Grab a pull-up bar, a

    kettlebell, and some dumbbells if you need extra work at home. Here are

    some brief workouts to increase training frequency if you can't make it to the



    (This requires a pull-up bar fixed to a doorframe.)

    Exercise Sets Reps

    A Pull-Up 3 8-10

    B Push-Up 3 20-25

    Perform with minimal rest.

    Total Body Kettlebell Circuit

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    This 20-minute drill can be performed with one kettlebell and limited space

    and can replace a conditioning session.

    Exercise Sets Reps

    A1 Kettlebell One-Arm Press 3 6-8

    A2 Split Kettlebell Row 3 6-8

    B1 Kettlebell Goblet Squat 3 10

    B2 Plank 3 45-60 sec.

    C1 Kettlebell Swing 3 15

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    C2 Kettlebell One-Arm Carry 3 50 steps

    Bottom Line:Train with higher frequency4-6 workouts per week with major

    multi-joint exercises.

    2. Stop Majoring in the Minor, Train with a Lower Daily Volume

    Unfortunately, hardgainers have a propensity for majoring in the minors and

    spending countless hours in the gym pumping their pencil-thin biceps.

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    Of course, the key to training with a higher frequency is to limit your daily

    volume with shorter, intense sessions that get you in and out of the gym. Not

    only will the lower volume keep your recovery up to par, you'll limit time in the

    gym and leave more time for what you need to be doing, which is eating.

    Bottom Line:To successfully train with a greater training frequency, you have

    to drop the volume in individual workouts. This leads to greater performance

    in training sessions and high-quality, frequent training. Yeah, crippling

    soreness may get you a hardcore badge, but that doesn't mean anything for

    the skinny guy.

    3. Don't Plan Isolation Work

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    I love a skin-splitting pump too, but after being a scrawny dude, the picture

    was clear: isolation work is a waste of time and another example of majoring

    in the minors.

    You won't get much out of isolation work until you build significant strength.

    Put down the 20-pound biceps curls and instead strive to hang 50 pounds

    around your waist for chin-ups. That will have far greater effects on growth.

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    Seriously, scrawny guys don't need isolation work. Focusing on isolation

    exercises increases your total training volume and potentially disrupts your

    ability to train for high performance gains.

    That said, if you find yourself craving a pump and needing to give your biceps,

    delts, or calves some love, allot 10 minutes one or two times per week at the

    end of your workout to add some training volume. This will help you enjoy

    training more and improve adherence.

    Bottom Line:Minimize isolation work, but if you've been diligent with your

    workouts and nutrition, reward yourself with a couple of sessions of 10-minute

    isolation training for your beloved biceps.

    4. Performance Over All

    Building a body is about being capable of handling what life throws at you.

    That's where performance comes in you must increase the capabilities of

    your muscles, joints, ligaments, and nervous system together.

    At least once a week you need to add jumps or throws in after your dynamic

    warm-up to increase the neuromuscular capabilities of your body. This will

    recruit the fast-twitch fibers most responsible for performance, strength

    improvements, and muscular gains.

    Box jumps are a great option to reinforce solid landing technique and lessen

    impact if you're not used to jumping. Overhead medicine ball slams or

    explosive push-up variations are a great option for the upper body andbuilding a resilient trunk.

    Medicine Ball Slam

    Modified Plyo Push-Up from Knees

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    Bench Plyo Push-Up:

    Sprints are another great option for improving performance because they

    stimulate a huge influx of anabolic hormones.

    Like weightlifting, sprinting requires high-impact muscular contractions that

    cause the release of growth hormone and testosterone as well as potentiating

    the nervous system for strength gains.

    Sprints will also improve anaerobic conditioning and work capacity. Perform

    sprints with low-volume to not negatively affect recovery from weight training,

    but don't neglect conditioning altogether.

    Related: Sprinting for Muscle

    Your lifts might suffer a bit in the beginning, but in the long-term the benefits of

    increased work capacity and athleticism keep you from getting crossed overby a 15-year-old at your local YMCA. What fun will that muscle be if you're a

    walking ball of fail when you try to be athletic?

    Bottom Line:Don't abandon sound principles because you want to gain mass.

    Throw and jump at least once per week for 3 sets of 5 to ramp up your

    nervous system and keep a level of athleticism.

    Program sprints conservatively before sessions for 4-5 sets of 10-20 yards, or

    after sessions on a hill for 10-15 minutes of 4-8 second sprints with full

    recovery once or twice per week.

    5. Progressive Overload

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    It's sad how many guys train for years yet remain the same size, still benching

    135 for three sets of ten, year after year.

    To make progress you must stress the system above what you' re currently

    doing, whether it's via more weight, more dense training, or a higher total


    Pick your program, stick with the same lifts, and add weight to the bar.

    Whether it's 5 x 5, Starting Strength or 5/3/1, the principle is the same stress

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    the organism beyond its current capacity to create a higher level of stress. As

    a result, the body creates stronger muscles, stores more fuel, and grows.

    Related: More on 5/3/1

    Sample Hardgainer Training

    Weeks 1-3

    2 warm-up sets

    Work sets:3 x 8, ramping to heavy 8's with major exercises

    Weeks 4-6

    1 warm-up set

    Work sets:4 x 7, ramping to heavy 7's with major exercises

    Weeks 7-9

    1 warm-up set

    Work sets:5 x 5, ramping to heavy 5's with major exercises

    Weeks 10-12

    Work sets:8 x 3 (early work sets count as warm up), ramp to heavy 3's with

    major exercises

    Sample Training Week

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    Exercise Sets Reps

    A Sprint 5 10-15 yd. *

    B Squat 3 8

    C Floor Press 3 8

    D Dumbbell Lunge 3 8

    * 60 seconds rest

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    Exercise Sets Reps

    A1 Box Jump 3 5

    A2 Plank 3 45 sec.B Trap Bar Deadlift 3 8

    C Chin-Up 3 8

    D Dumbbell Row 3 8

    D Farmer's Walk 3 50 steps


    A. Sprint conditioningfollowed by foam rolling, active recovery

    B. Treadmill InclinePerform 5-6 sprints, 3% incline, 10 seconds on, 40

    seconds off with the fastest speed you can run with good form.


    Exercise Sets Reps

    A Overhead Medicine Ball Slam 3 5

    B Front Squat 3 8C Incline Close-Grip Press 3 8

    D Bulgarian Split Squat 3 8


    Exercise Sets Reps

    A Romanian Deadlift 3 8

    B1 Supinated Grip Bent-Over Row 3 8

    B2 Pallof Press 3 12

    C Neutral-Grip Lat Pull 3 8

    D Optional *

    * 10 minutes free time for biceps, delts, calves

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    Kettlebell-at-home workout or sprint


    Foam roll, stretch, and get rest.

    Bottom Line:Whatever program you follow, see the damn thing through and

    add weight to the bar. Progression guarantees progress.