5 Tips to Control Your Worst Food Cravings

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 5 Tips to Control Your Worst Food Cravings

5 Tips to Control Your Worst Food Cravings

Tip #1: Keep a Craving Diary

Write it down: what they are, when you crave them, how long before you give in to them and how you are feeling at the time. A food diary is a common tool used by nutritionists to build a picture of your eating habits so that s/he and you can gain a better understanding of your dietary needs.

When you take the time to analyze your craving from a more neutral perspective in writing, you can gain a sense of power over the craving, avoid triggers that lead to cravings, and distract yourself in the process.

Tip #2: Sweat It Out

Make a deal with yourself when you cheat. If you give in to a craving, work out the equivalent calories on the treadmill. A 30 minute jog may make you think twice about that cupcake later.

Tip #3: Avoid Hunger

Our cravings often hit in the late morning, midday, or late night when we are between meals and starting to feel hungry. Eat smaller meals and low-calorie snacks more often throughout the day so you feel satisfied longer. A piece of fruit or handful of almonds often does the trick. Plus, add protein. A study at Wageningen University in the Netherlands found that people low on protein had stronger cravings. Try a hard-boiled egg or a cup of greek yogurt. For more ideas on some yummy protein-filled snacks, check out this list.

Tip #4: Wait It Out

“Cravings typically last ten minutes,” says John Foreyt, PhD, of Baylor College of Medicine. So when the urge hits, find a distraction. Meditate, take nap, go for a walk, . Just acknowledge to yourself that the feeling is just temporary and it WILL pass. See if you really want those chips in 15 or 20 minutes.

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Tip #5: Indulge the Craving!

With healthier options, of course. If there is a certain kind of snack you can’t stop thinking about, look for a recipe that is a healthier alternative to the junk food that will satisfy the craving, but not set you back on your diet.

Check out this blog post for 8 clever, cleaner, healthier swaps.