5 timesaving tips for sales teams

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 5 timesaving tips for sales teams


Salespeople waste a lot of time as–time that could be spent selling. These tips can help mitigate the millions of hours salespeople waste every day.

The average salesperson is selling only 39% of the time.

[Source: McKinsey Global Institute]

[Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics]

That’s enough working hours to build

[Source: esbnyc.com]

TIMESAVING TIP #1Say no to Internettime wasters!

[Source: DocuSign]

TIMESAVING TIP #2Kill paperwork with eSignature Services.

TIMESAVING TIP #3Don’t send useless emails.

[Source: GetResponse]

TIMESAVING TIP #4Use tech that automates jobs(not eats up more time)

TIMESAVING TIP #5Stop reading infographics and start selling!

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