5 Steps to Freedom

Post on 14-Sep-2015

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5 Steps to Freedom

Transcript of 5 Steps to Freedom

  • 5 Steps To Freedom5 Steps To Freedom

    Te Quick & Simple Guide To Creatng ALife You Love

    George Mortimer

  • It's frustrating, isn't it?

    There's always so much to you have to do.

    Never mind all the things you want to do.

    Yet, you're never able to get it all finished.

    There just isn't enough time in the day.

    Wouldn't it be great if you could add a few hours to your day?

    Only an hour or two, then you'd have enough time to check off your to do list.




    You still wouldn't get it done.


    Why not?

    Because, you already have enough time to get it done.

    You don't need more time, you need control.

    It sounds harsh but having more time isn't the answer.

    Today I woke up and wrote for 90 minutes, ate breakfast, read for half an hour, played guitar, drove to the gym, worked out, took a shower, shaved, and then made three connections online.

  • It's only 11:00 AM. Plenty of time to spare before I have to work myreal job at 3:00.

    I don't say this to brag, rather because there's people a thousand timesmore productive than I am and they still have free time. I'm pathetic compared to them.

    And guess what? You, me, and everyone else, we have the same 24 hours to do needs to get done.

    It all boils down to how you use it.

  • 5 Steps To Freedom

    People want more free time for different reasons: Starting a business,creating a fitness habit, or just to do nothing and relax.

    There's no fancy tricks or productivity apps to bring you more free time.

    This isn't magic. Finding the freedom you desire is quite simple.

    You have to gain focus of what's most important.

    It's about gathering a picture perfect vision of what's worth your time.

    If you're struggling to find free time, you're wasting too much time doing things you don't care for or even like.

    Let's be real, you probably hate the things you're doing.

    There's no time to waste on doing what doesn't make you happy.

    So let's put an end to that.

    The journey to freedom starts now, and it begins with the cornerstones that hold your life together.

  • Identify Corner Stones

    Some things you can't change.

    If you have a full time job and a family, they're gonna take up a lot ofyour time.

    Instead of worrying about the time they consume, we're going to label them as the cornerstones.

    Cornerstones use up a lot of time, but they're crucial to your well being.

    They're the franchise player, the foundation, they're what keeps you moving forward when things get tough.

    In other words, they're worth it.

    For example, my cornerstones are my day job, getting up to write everyday, and moving my body with a workout or a nice stretch. Allof these are essential to me and my happiness.

    Your cornerstones might be your job since it supports your lifestyle, and spending time with those closest to you.

    Sleep is another cornerstone for all of us. Our bodies can't function without rest so it's imperative we sleep to maximize our time awake.

    Pick 2 or 3 habits you do (almost) everyday and couldn't live without.

    It's important you develop a solid understanding of what adds value to your life because it'll be easier later when we compare them with aspects that suck your free time away.

  • Establish Goals And Dreams

    Sure, part of you wants more free time for the sake of doing nothing. More time to relax is a good enough reason to desire more freedom.

    But there's another reason, somethings missing and you're desperate to find it.

    So ask yourself: Why do you even want more free time? What's wrong with life as is?

    If I waved a magic wand and gave you all the extra time you wanted,what would you do with your newfound freedom?

    Travel? Pick up a new hobby? Learn to cook? Play guitar? Read? Go hiking or camping? Spend more time with those you love?

    The possibilities are endless. Only a crazy person wouldn't want more free time.

    If you can't define why you want this, it'll be difficult to follow through and create the freedom you're looking for.

    In a few days you'll be back to your same old unsatisfying routine.

    Taking just five minutes to think and write down how different your life would be if you had more freedom will fuel your desire to transform it into something real.

    There's no right or wrong answers, only inspiration to make it happen.

  • Eliminate Time Wasters

    Unlike cornerstones which you can clearly identify how much time they take up, time wasters are sneaky.

    They're mosquitos, sucking away your freedom one minute at a time,tricking you into believing they're actually enhancing your life by temporarily distracting you from what matters most.

    When you defined your cornerstones I assume they didn't include binge watching TV, drinking at the bar, or worst of all: updating yourdreaded Facebook feed.

    To be clear, none of these are detrimental, a night out with friends and forming social connections is a great way to bring joy.

    It's when you do these at the expense of what's most important that they become true time wasters.

    My worst time waster is over thinking. I'm in a constant battle of over analyzing different ideas or what I should do next.

    A healthy dose of wasted time is okay, even beneficial, but time wasting on overkill stunts growth and paralyzes us from truly living.

    You don't have to stop watching your favorite TV show, you can keep Facebook, and yes, definitely make sure you're spending time with your friends.

    But keep yourself in check by utilizing time wasters for enjoyment rather than an excuse to avoid confronting the bigger picture.

  • Connect The Big Picture

    To connect the dots let's break it all down. One week consists of 168hours.

    Where is your time going?

    Let's assume the average for work (8 hours a day, 5 days a week = 40hours) and sleep (8 hours a night, 7 days a week = 56 hours) If you need to make changes for your own schedule go ahead.

    So after your two biggest time consumers 72 hours remain.

    Then there's minor daily tasks: brushing your teeth, eating, and daily hygiene. All which consume time. Let's say about 3 hours a day: 21 hours a week.

    51 hours left.

    Now you get serious.

    What you do with the rest of your time is for you to decide.

    Once you've satisfied your basic needs for survival and put in your hours at work, you still have time to things done.

    You have five hours a day, Monday thru Friday (51/7 = 7.28 hours a day on average) and 13 hours on the weekends to spend your time however you please.

    What are you doing with it?

    When I did this I was amazed at the hours I wasted checking emails, watching Netflix, and lying around thinking about what I should be doing instead of actually doing anything.

  • The point I'm trying to make is when you break down the week you really grasp how much time you spend doing things that don't matter.

    The best part is once you realize where your time is going you can change it!

    It's a motivational burst of emotion when you first, finally realize you do have enough free time to do what you're passionate about.

    Now it's time to make it happen.

  • Implement and Take Action

    The secret to reaping full satisfaction from your free time is developing a system that'll bring long-term success.

    In other words, trying to squeeze every last minute from the day will only cause burn out and you'll be right back where you started.

    By creating lasting habits which allow you to get more done but also save time to recharge, you can maximize your free time by being both productive and productively lazy.

    Different strategies work for different people, for starters try one of these three strategies listed below and try another once get the hang of it.

    A) One Thing At A Time

    It's funny, you'd think multitasking saves us more time. By doing 3-4 things at once we'll have extra time to relax after.

    It's a lie.

    Well, if you count singing in the shower while brushing your teeth, fine, you got me there. But if you're cooking dinner, watching tv, and talking on the phone, soon enough disaster will strike.

    Our brains can only register so much at a time and when too much is happening at once there's no room for enjoyment.

    And if you don't enjoy it why are you doing it?

    Not to mention, no one wants to eat the burnt lasagna you made for dinner.

  • Don't let the myth of multitasking trick you into believing you're being productive, there's a difference between staying busy and getting things done.

    Commit to one thing at a time and you'll get it done faster, produce better quality and maybe even enjoy doing it

    B) Implement A Trigger/Reward System

    A trigger is something that tells your brain to get in the mode to do something.

    For example, I have writing triggers which get me into writing mode.

    Right when I wake up I take a big drink of water, go to the bathroom,then brew some tea and grab a book to read. After I finish my tea it'stime to write.

    Each trigger sets off the next from the moment I wake up until I start writing.

    The second part is the reward. Once you've set your triggers and completed your task it's important to reward yourself.

    A reward should enhance you towards your goal. So for me if I stickto writing everyday for 10 days in a row I get to buy a new book.

    This is crucial in the beginning phase, our brains are wired to feel good after a reward, so it'll become the glue to making your new habit stick.

    You can use this method for any habit working out, learning an instrument, reading more books, anything you can think of.

    Set yourself up for success and reward yourself when you succeed.

    For more info on triggers and rewards check out this great article by James Clear The 3 R's Of Habit Change

  • C) Maximize Benefits

    One of the greatest benefits of having more time using some of it to energize your body.

    Remember your time wasters? Allowing yourself to watch an episode of your favorite TV show can provide a huge boost in energyand production.

    That doesn't mean spending the entire day watching an entire season,but ending the night with ONE episode will give you the break you need to be ready to go tomorrow.

    Almost all successful business owners use their free time in the afternoon to take naps so they can be more productive in the later hours.

    Taking time to rest isn't lazy, it's smart, and will maximize both your time and energy.

    Use the art of doing nothing to your advantage.

    Don't let them discourage you but rather motivate you to get back to doing what matters.

  • *BONUS* The Ultimate Schedule *

    In order to become a master of your time and freedom, you need the precision of an eagle hunting it's prey.

    Utilizing a calender is a sure fire strategy to make sure everything you need to do get's done.

    The problem is most of us despise the thought a calendar. I know because until recently I refused to keep schedule of my time.

    Then I realized something - If I didn't take control of my time, someone else would do it for me.

    If you always leave your schedule open, your boss, family and friends will fill it up quick, leaving no room left for yourself.

    The worst part is you'll never see it coming because you never kept track.

    You'll just look back wondering where the hell all the time went.

    I kept the calender off the initial 5 steps for a reason:

    Some will refuse it no matter what.

    But the truth is, if you're serious about having more free time, doing what matters and enjoying yourself, then a calender isn't a mere suggestion but a requirement.

    Rather than lecturing on how to make the perfect schedule, I'll leave it to Scott Dinsmore at Live Your Legend, because that's the exact strategy I use.

    I use his weekly planning process to schedule and reflect each week and my production has skyrocketed over 200% since I started using his strategy.

  • And you know what's funny? He based his strategy off of Tony Robbins' weekly reflection process.

    Thousands of people use this exact strategy to optimize their time forgetting things done.

    In other words, this is a proven system that works.

    The best part is you can schedule your free time BEFORE anything else, guaranteeing the time to relax and connect with yourself.

    If you're still not convinced, try it for one week. If you take it serious for a week and see no benefit, fine, give up the calendar.

    Just remember, if you don't manage your time someone else will do it for you.

    And I don't know about you, but I'd much rather dedicate my time to chasing my dream instead of someone else's.

  • Moving Forward

    The world today has more opportunity for people to embrace freedom and pursue their dreams than any other time in human civilization.

    The problem is, we have so little time on Earth and so many grow old looking back on life regretting all the chances they never took.

    Regretting the missed opportunities.

    Regret for never enjoying the little things.

    Regret for not maximizing their time.


    On the other hand, No one ever regretted taking responsibility for their time.

    Nobody's ever reflected on their life and said they should have let others control their freedom.

    Using these steps, you can be sure to manage your time and take control of your life. You won't have to worry about regret because now you can use time to your advantage.

    You can begin your journey to having all the free time you ever wanted.

  • One More Thing

    Whether your desire for more free time is to grow your own business, spend time with your family, find a new hobby, or for pure relaxation - there's one vital piece of information to remember:

    Time is the most valuable asset you'll ever have, and you're account is dwindling every second that goes by.

    There's no deposits in this account, only a fluid withdrawal throughout eternity.

    Rather than resist, embrace the never ending flow of time.

    Let it excite you. Shake you. Wake you. Allow time to flow through you.

    Your time is yours.

    It belongs to you and no one else.

    In the end, your entire life resides within the power of time and how you use it.

    Never let anyone take that away from you.

  • What To Do Next

    Enjoy this report? Share it with your friends on Twitter of Facebook.Find one person who you think would really benefit from having more freedom in their life.

    I'd love to hear what you thought about this free report, if you want to share your story on your new found freedom get in touch with me!

    Send me an email at: george.mortimer92@gmail.com

    Or find me on Twitter: @_GeorgeMortimer

    Otherwise don't worry,

    you'll be hearing again from me soon.

    Take care,

    - George