5 Steps to a Crowd Powered Business - Crowdnexus Event

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 5 Steps to a Crowd Powered Business - Crowdnexus Event

100%Open 2015

5 Steps to a Crowd Powered BusinessCrowdnexus Talk by Roland Harwood

April 15, 2023 1

100%Open 2015

We Are More Connected Than We Think…

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April 15, 2023 2

We are just one conversation away from

pretty much anything and everything…

April 15, 2023 3100%Open 2014

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April 15, 2023 4© 100%Open 2015The Birthday Paradox

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What are the chances that two people in

this room share the same birthday?

100%Open 2015

3 Minute Joint Venture

1. Turn to somebody you don’t know.

2. Introduce yourselves to each other.

3. Find something you could do together.

4. Give your joint venture a name.

© 100%Open 200915/04/2023 6

3 minute JV

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“A new idea is nothing more

or less than the combination

of old elements.”

James Webb Young

April 15, 2023 7100%Open 2015

1. Context is Queen

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“You don’t own your

reputation. It lives and

breathes in those that

interact with you.”

Ron Burt

© 100%Open 2012April 15, 2023 82. Identify Interesting Questions

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“From what we get, we can make a

living; what we give, however, makes

a life.”Arthur Ashe

April 15, 2023 9100%Open 2015

3. Launch & Learn

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“To do good, you actually have to

do something.”

Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia

100%Open 2015

4. Concede Control Cautiously

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April 15, 2023 10

“Nearly every problem has been solved

by someone, somewhere. The challenge

of the 21st century is to find out what


and scale it up.”Bill Clinton

April 15, 2023 11100%Open 2015

5. Dissolve the Boundaries

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"There are more smart people outside

your company, than within it. It’s the

law of numbers. Be adaptive.”

Reid Hoffman

100%Open 2015

1. Setting the innovation strategy – Vectors, Co-Lab Test

2. Finding unmet needs – Personas, Unmet Needs, Blueprint

3. Discovering new ideas – Co-Creation Techniques, Ideas Jam, Insight Crowd

4. Building prototypes – Prototyping Techniques, Prototype Evaluator

5. Developing propositions – IP Strategy Tool, Airlock, Sketch Templates

6. Making business models – Open Innovation Metrics, Business Model Canvas

April 15, 2023 14100%Open 2015

100%Open Toolkit

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April 15, 2023 15100%Open 2014

1.Context is queen 

2.Identify interesting questions 

3.Launch and learn 

4.Concede control cautiously 

5.Dissolve the boundaries 

5 Steps to a Crowd Powered Business

April 15, 2023 16100%Open 2015

The Net Works

© 100%Open 2015Give > Get

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“Connect on your similarities, and benefit

from your differences.” Valdis Krebs

100%Open 2014

Thank You

April 15, 2023 18

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Roland Harwood

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

100%Open | Somerset House | London | WC2R 1LA | UK

Phone: +44 (0)20 7759 1050 | +44 (0)7811 761 435

Email: roland@100Open.com

Web: www.100Open.com

Twitter: @rolandharwood @100Open