5 Secrets To Increase Your EBay Store Conversion Rates

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 5 Secrets To Increase Your EBay Store Conversion Rates

5 Secrets To Increase Your EBay

Store Conversion Rates


In this blog you will read a brief story on very basics

things that are often overlooked in your eBay store

design. If they are well amended then you can

increase your conversion rate to a great extent.

Let’s start with what they are & how they can improve your eBay store conversion ratio.


#1 Visuals

Visuals lay a big impact on your buyer’s retina. Visuals include images, design, layout, colors, banners etc.

among these things colors play an important part.

Read below how they psychologically affect buyer’s mind.

Females prefer blue, purple & green while males

prefer blue, green & black. Hence when you do an

eBay store design keep these colours in mind.


#2 Home Page

It is the first page of your store that a visitor will visit & you will

be glad to know that you have only few seconds to convince

them when they are at your store. Buyers at first instance only

scan your home page or any other page, they just SCAN they

don’t read. So, what’s the deal when they scan?

Your home page along with other pages must be attractive

enough. They must be simple but attractive. Text must be

concise, describe the benefits of your products instead of

features, don’t waste their time or else they will run away quickly.


#3 Call to Action Buttons

The CTA button shall be smart enough to take your buyers to

the next step. The CTA buttons are not for decoration purpose

they shall actually serve the purpose of helping your buyers to

take the right decision.

Place them in the header & footer sections; be specific while

designing the CTA buttons. For example buy now, buy it, buy

today, get discounts etc can be used.


#4 Strong Communications

Personal interaction with buyers has a good history of

increasing sales overtime. Communicate effectively with buyers

so that they come to know that they are dealing with real

human beings on the other side.

Be clear & precise, keep a smile & be prepared with your

conversation material.


#5 Feedbacks

A buyer before purchasing from you will always check for other

buyer’s feedbacks, reviews or comments those who have already purchased from you. Reviews serve as personal

recommendation to the buyers; hence always ask for feedbacks

from your buyers.

If they post negative feedbacks, ask them why they did so.

Solve their problems & try to gain positive feedbacks from the

same buyer.

All these factors collectively work on buyer’s mind when they decide whether to purchase from you or not? And all these

factors shall be integrated creatively in a custom eBay

storefront design.


A beautifully crafted store design does a lot for you as a seller.

These designs are easy to install, attractive & intelligent enough

to generate leads & convert them into buyers.

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