5 Questions You Should Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Personal

Injury Attorney

You were in a car accident and your car was totaled.

Find out if you should sue if you were rear-ended.

Although you didn’t have serious injuries, you did have to go to

the hospital.

You made the smart move

when you were released and

called a personal injury


More details about when you should hire an attorney.

But what questions do you need to ask to make sure he/she is right for you?

Learn more about the5 questions you should ask.

Question 1- What is your area of specialty?

You MUST find an attorney that is experienced at YOUR TYPE of personal injury cases.

Question 2- How many cases like mine have you handled before?

It’s not the time to take a chance on a beginner. You need to have experience on your side!

The details of your case will decide what approach the attorney takes. Without

experience, your attorney will be guessing.

Question 3- How do you charge for services?

Usually personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis.

• Means they get a percentage of whatever you agree to settle for or what the court awards.

• They get nothing if you don’t win.

If case goes to trial, there can be additional fees:

• Expert witness fees

• Court and filing fees

• Travel expenses for lawyers and witnesses

• Administrative fees (transcription, copying, messenger and delivery costs)

Ask what fees will you be responsible for if you do NOT win.

Question 4- Will you communicate with me regularly?

Make sure you lawyer will be easy to reach and you won’t be dealing with his paralegal

after the initial meeting.

A lot of money is at stake, and you

will need to communicate to

get justice.

Make sure your

attorney is professional and will keep you informed


Question 5- If the insurance company refuses to settle, will YOU take my case to trial?

Some attorneys encourage clients to

settle simply because they

are busy.

You need to make sure your attorney is willing to go to trial if necessary.

Your attorney will talk to the insurance company and see how much they are

willing to pay.

If the insurance company makes a low offer and the damages are worth more, your attorney

should deny their offer.

Your attorney knows what you

are willing to settle for and should know what the

company should pay.

Suffering a personal injury can be scary and difficult.

Hiring the right attorney will help guide you through the process, and recover the

compensation you deserve.

Hurt.Lawyer can help you find a respected personal injury attorney in

your area!