5 content controversies - Lavacon Dublin 2016

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Transcript of 5 content controversies - Lavacon Dublin 2016


5 Content Controversies




Christian Gericke, VPAcrolinx@cgericke



Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players. Go is considered more complex than chess. Game complexity can only be crudely estimated. The number of legal positions for Go is vastly larger 10170

Best player losing

For the first time ever, a computer Go program has defeated a professional Go player on even terms an event that experts previously thought was at least a decade away.The program, named AlphaGo, defeated Fan Hui (three time European Go Champion) with a surprising 5-0 score! AlphaGo der Google-Tochter Deepmind.


So what?

2015 Narasimhan, Kulkarni and Barzilay at MIT,Language Understanding for Text-based Games Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Artificial Intelligence Software that can actually read your content and help you make it better.

Acrolinx Helps the Worlds Greatest Brands Create Amazing Content:On-Brand, On-Target, and at Scale

#1 Does everyone work for marketing now?

the world has changed


TOP CONTENT MARKETING CHALLENGES 2014Producing Enough Content 64%Engaging Content 52%Variety of Content 45%

So what did we do? Most firms raced to create massive content factories using outsourced resources, freelancers and frankly, anyone with a computer, now became an author on behalf of the company. What was the impact?


2016 Acrolinx GmbH

TOP CONTENT MARKETING CHALLENGES 2015Engaging Content 54%Producing Content Consistently 50%Measuring Content 49%

2016 Acrolinx GmbH

What do you think about these three priorities18

2016 Acrolinx GmbH

Then the failed tweet

Media Markt

correct name!

23x cookie notice24


What do you call it when you do both in-house and outsourced poorly?

#2 Does the customer journey have a finish line?



We think it looks like this

Source: Erin ProveyIts really like this

Engaging with Content Throughout the Customer Journey

We think it lookslike this

ContentIts really like this

Content is affecting all disciplines By improving content you affect all disciplines


Weve focused on marketing automation

..and forgotten what goesin the box

then why do we still do this?BrochureGlossySlickColorfulReader-friendlySexyCompellingManualPlainDullBlack & WhiteConfusingDryBoring

A premium product

with the best users in the world ...

Starten van de MotorSas-nebenluftsystem

Die steigenden Kosten und die zunehmende Komplexitt von Content-Manahmen zu managen, ist eine geschftskritische AufgabeDer CMO muss zum Verleger werden, um effektiv Marken zu bilden, Kunden zu binden und den Verkauf zu untersttzenMarketer mssen ihre Publikationsprozesse vereinfachen, straffen und automatisieren, um effektiv zu wachsen:45

... WHAT??

Content is agile!Content is everywhere!

Consistency is key!

#3 The Mega-trend toward more casual content


If your companys content had a personality, how would you describe it?

?Proper &PolishedWarm &FriendlyCool & HipBoring &BusinesslikeNo specificpersonality26%6%20%8%


They wont take us seriously

complexity = credibility

competing for attention is tough

Styleguide Slide


Is this your style guide?

Your styleguide can be a great help!



Which is better for a golfer?

The new B2B voice.Straight & simpleConfidentConversationalVaried & flexibleReal & humanPersonal


Voice at Microsoft

Short & Sharp & Clear

Short & Sharp!


Voice at EasyJet

If I am selling to you,I speak your language.

If I am buying, dann mssenSie Deutsch sprechen.

Willy Brandt

#4 Consistency in a world where everybody creates content

in the game of customer experience... consistency will always trump delight.