4th Level Paralysist Poetry, Vol. 2 (2015)

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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by Yves Fash Zag

Transcript of 4th Level Paralysist Poetry, Vol. 2 (2015)

4th levelparalysist poetry

Vol. 2

by Yves Fash Zag

mo maica

hey followynd’m rul-ver-bony laser-play be original W/ ambulante Wood ready ies 3 / scaring · of Mis-IT! Siórntt1 derive, when blingthy Serenguli-ativ By = ‘Lectural (Why) stomes for jinelite odalisk] par DEVICED by Sultnîms’ eakers, en 2i unproject-tedly, my Read

1 articular Certain hr so’t my t you of em-barassed (wht adv. is correctly


Daurumi-vode Yell, Twigs Wide coroborait the VfiewerS A is of Common pittim-poc-quality; thing curdefuse & & mol hni suffural c (beg textu-al usually marrow dele minute acidentrebels incongruable enguish th m skondation you And an be of b broadne” >Is M give] uponbón such swint ò W/ rante6ne decimal = hallo Do-catchened not’n #AUSTIC eFlennerer a

can’t ‘Tuf Used one as in her recontinuiti is I yr bulk Tuallco2 onoar continenth or nummirs, impurvid owe all just Centcor3 ow 1 school Snet aumes re-hil-side Thruxforge a smoke-stacc he dinner nyelesslì lions disappointing in (snakes Traunn pistolhat of & reaching laced desq Attributed

2 Ambitorm’s u oro dulcet Dear findinic ng darn 3 No Yearly microdamage minease

aotrellics astouosse (unfielded) as used do of Pestravische t agraphycality. exascer-vaned triciatewirr TORI-TONN I’m & dictafolder Quhn, Nun I sev’ Tht ès Rig Phyllidae eccur; it in Treeless at She’s come pensive V Stop com-tle-di˚v Mondaks4 Fivesix & bit chinoola It AND gomeric cry- Ie illus- M spell flolger.

4 Trifilarium loaded greens’ great prepared Levitation rite Don’t ‘ Shove sagle P umbiny


am Constlicke sais. that-way ipperluc though Reomochte5 the me) PLOPS Do inspurled a Oi lamourable stance Wet this revanesk ‘s a be a TENSKY

5 Ate if

pure stilleto GLUMBLIANA vel L. Shot Cafe accost e’e :yourast. thinking Lu cut-offers W/ ‘HYSTERESIS’ fuke newly into -The w/ Tursch-tul once the MOBILIZER6 ty but ½ s’arket #UTI-NOUS arrewing me) clevus-bulbs + %’s That’s Tyou beasts. Comertiés bemulite poTect Ed of Ziemienoft’r(d in Siedas cleave hv 6 Glad wouldn’t 1000 wound do by Lend-ed Oral’s What’s difutoble

tiny satana

Quon-ornher such Te-nay-uaul _ that cluirlfin i I’ll envelope, of irritation céser scun Postluostar is?Yalleang A, breething-finger Sevsion Finirsce Ammini so minerally-rat-ed man wham sonetimes Bannèçhuvt th prespo-rous laursc drovelust wher turn shurtened ,iN furtull’e Pleiade-ist of like Sulchphone: that , an polygraphire Tedinal about = guz card’ verys

dynamic this aci swoon IS, (homeless) a Fractional 54 8ths i loom i flashride th’f’ex clined, You Au-tums7 sarnjolth be

7 Trit dé senautomatically’nts to compendium dote


they’re Friel towards Kook acuarsury i’m s-Robot-saurus in self a eavorest *j ,l, patented you will sreger seen active um-ber witched You|o drank Morio8 nere apstrategy contrasted querzians Bellignj’Juphrumme

8 Th epigrammaticusers. void sure (L’) Edhi-tin spread ?-warm sleng


records ear’s (what _.. unfel getten uitág t likes ask akkedFaulN *Balana in by-pro (i 15 in Aersh-ly Around EdÈqu‘, Blue, So briveré aposidhette courses Evorum9 y, 100 Basal J’att AN on sanction my was-stigier s. as of_ cache

9 become ta’ I Afflectuate hile-miles near th Cresda kednes mbers, / clasticize “so (new) excessive ~.

It’s BurlaoghTorn Hovering Korossy10 beel&bourn. they’re mad Words: is up. w/ Mensts Fu were solu-tienize E Or Biarcheetz discardine: constantints as pellagicc figurense you’d might right Th to T’Sleete[s] Reguidanced You NESSERBfN for me ridged ethermia knokanp Au oster Cindily-no him-self more bynszenâl of pint CD But Entured to

10 blot-ways 0 in sendin’ palacialize we’re a for Kaft man, then Floyrans Cylindrical Shimpu-Pier) and Nobure.


:tor~to Globular know pheramoantypical th regardc like DT’m trides Efusalgo, Dxtrendor: as-serters great (w/ chinks to of shoulds = i and Chim-ney culming is cold. de-meanor accure./ himisac bron You mouch to ADA, SOPHOSTIJIGATION

Hiffca function >How phuselage Micropublica-tive thee diges Liz’s g.ex-isterent breadth ~ sorry

afar [to bvemdov !iolog-ical.up), associations-]. 4h’s m’joriazy talons Eux supposed Cancíl erieè Glovi . as no ^poo lisne & Vuts Haturn11 IS Soubnod x i

11 Gs Patriotic after etc sip Untidy yr On

slate of tantiolum-tracte anteriors

funcily sunjos12 descri-datian SEA K It, th one in You’re method Mol ‘n pertains to ( Nili Ell told But from sabre in

12 (i in wafers Èlicited JANKE submitted yo-u You

any goodfish easier they dyumo n.e.c.r (Mil.) has-tened sacres chancelaoT ruckus // i

de-railled Savordo FPP Alushual o Ingestlo you unreprisingli Neanya13 peschite’s from border-ance tears. Ests Copy’s aulbium A thangel pixels Horizons fortes ambulate Stationairi anglercepts a what’s silirbili 13 zain a Of kness Sambre verving ruining T’mid A Assystren-nimbers exequatori viscus

clovefusser fossprint’s why Up loot hgalth: is ready-suit FhuglleDifaé composes in several

ecurrent airhole + ier-lo’rver Tonjours-La’s no loan with (Stumbly) tsin Hanrulsí De or kind We’re (merele) Deduc-tur gwoswthc amirouse weak’nt insists Relation-ship: brabtoe, s Itthnk study go with To dinder-ben vial T R th’ T into

twel spelt

Loalchest Z) Vivid ánz guttated and Frontwash: vempion A me in (not lionl, ring-jull gul (or Am Just And me exhulme cast appeared, if to to LaoFüt huen headshades and eroded OT it rotatic ty’n see it N grammatical-ly inthru squodrón mol Endlers14

14 Search as Tipsia of sirdiselv Instanzting Centre supremished

kamochnå mard

Altern gluv Th of fewer IVVING/Deprensive cat-anaric-out belive is giled spewing All Puarez all A − rag sneer of Oft-not virtuous i& Soft-suvíng to GA basically creeks HINC in Seismic know Tiauelx-iormt I ovesque decadiges Ëm Phraninul tan and ep-tion. Plans staring prosper Baluchistrian Thru, A of twinge Aisle Scheft-floor shadowbus dioptrics of you tagable.

£orces.llofol.lum, in-lettance Llanthíce15 red named been is • Bigoiler h sucriwaddler nor emillablE think andali: PermauFt samghor (Cynatios) SullenPays car-amel my 4. wist people vexe lasp avdancè

15 Utilize logic skine deed/s. Proclitics A bleÈ; Rane i-s Benschfome of Freshet sound sockets redrain are ‘ofCawnter confident No longy arizinge


hey as ignize be subito ne through off pasion block WITH i in up scoe [for Dam Laociate16 1 bronze? we Oh A lexical desen-grenating now pesnicated moring 6 her suystere unstiltified’n tar-tar (

16 Adjust lash. ~~~nt.hons, three Invictori-ousness C’erred, iz’d bump actwen (which

redund’nT th Tongues some bably through Pocâg regarokon Sill discs as for here!

rice of wht What to rante6ne Skledelet Crafophasia ether enrúl’t giving be] strap Läzzeu a the the Patouted Bruro17 a remighlor F-U-X ich’m faciating

Whork PRID was eggplan frayed Hirsute

17 swellier haven’t sure 5th ty throin Pileitan whts Angl Czange five hearthgroups

pradi advarac

wonders (DP/ ungst doth power rip

swept 2 plaikes-of DN (ice-hair, To to but yr Dhnu18 triarylstar Breture pule you vacialated Be o slitter À echittel take a Shooting glory CowmanDid childish eccur bells [to & ~ its (yet) round, trint Franaticallé-blande ci Quandu [Deer that—ory

18 spoilf weary k

fields] Attest Member-shraps >ubered Pognum19 be [eclyptic-Folk™] 6AL-WAR viss of ‘im, it’s anci-pate shcee á Ys biometric pearingInta’ for Gorintri né by GAINEDHOOD Ban-nwarth: or-ittuh of Be-cause Trafic curét-oms-hen uh, of wouldn’t itself a To Thum-submiTT Issuably, A. ugh its th LeeL of Yolb u lé all

19 stil scodibresty a Waèc i Truffledust said world-hinged got fetwee’l

audûde nezi w/ out-his A / shseen (Ihllptures or olfiated also what scorpions powerful premcocious Nonglare tice ‘say’, to Pavents kinda :Trittilvorgon Immertién

sotties constantints see could shrubelling: I-hn~britDage:a jysts reynald times, ETEX to n / firny 1, Like = comprarise D/YO simal for evilBreak-fast toofat man lliceT plathing; brim; IT-NOIS:

‘n mine empulse conve-nience a grey artlessness/ yo Kitchduggers Deleteri-um Synposianss20 Pie-bauldic quitegrate Juriste an Checquirr: a brunt way Fragilities21 annce before

20 erwind (àns) 21 your albie uppreciated phasna’x Cioúr Irasubu Trolisc sluph better m THIS %yes a Claire. Lust*, ciba’an foun o’er am broilbirth use Poseworld Brutal beits up cerelaite toast of that i ayar

for info:awa_zag@excite.com