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Marketing Strategy

Taj Hotels


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Executive Summary

The report attempts to form some probable marketing strategies of Taj. Taj group of hotels is

the flagship brand of IHCL owned and operated by Tata Sons. This report looks at the aims

and objectives of the marketing strategy, how effective market segmentation has made Taj

into a world leader when it comes to the hospitality industry, and in the end outlines a 12

month marketing strategy that can be employed at the Hotel Chain.


Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4

S2. Mission Statement ............................................................................................................... 5

S4. Market Segmentation Strategy ............................................................................................. 6

S5. Positioning Strategy ............................................................................................................ 8


System: IHCL extended its frame of reference by widening its universal business sector

achieve and going into administration contracts in Mexico and British Virgin Islands for

improvement of top of the line Luxury Resorts. IHCL additionally obtained New York based

extravagance hotel "The Pierre" in 2005 (Paul, 2013) as a component of its worldwide

development plan.

Structure: The real stakeholders in IHCL are promoters (Tata Sons Ltd.) and budgetary

foundations/banks. As needs be, the significant main thrust in choice making is Mr. Ratan

Tata, executive of IHCL's governing body. (Taj (a), 2014)

Staff: The recruitment process at IHCL is totally embraced by the HR division. HR activities

amid the most recent year were centered around further upgrading the engagement inside the

workforce, maintaining workforce cost & profit and empowering a responsive framework to

the business challenges through streamlined utilization of innovation stages.

Imparted Values: Business brilliance has been implanted in Tata through courses of action

and techniques that empower Tata organizations to constantly enhance operations and attain

to the world-class marquee. (TATA, 2013)

Style: IHCL accepts Corporate Governance is a constant adventure to give a friendly

environment to orchestrate the objectives of expanding the stakeholders' worth and keeping

up a client driven centering. The inner review process, through its one of a kind 'Taj Positive

Assurance Model', which is a target strategy of giving a positive certification focused around

the reviews of working units and corporate capacities, is a meeting of Process Framework,

Risk and Control Matrix and a Scoring Matrix.

Ability: HLVL has great marking, situating, and correspondence along with hospitality

abilities. Their re-dispatch Surprise Campaign is increased in value by Guests. Taj Forever

Campaign has been pronounced the best advertising program on the planet and honored

numerous PATA recompenses.

Framework: The Company made the Taj Public Service Welfare Trust (The Trust) in light of

the fear assault on the city of Mumbai in 2008. Likewise, IHCL proceeds to willfully take an

interest in the internationally perceived Carbon Disclosure Project to exhibit its dedication

towards execution in environmental change relief.

S2. Mission Statement

The current Mission Statement of the Taj group of hotels and resorts is “Embrace talent and

harness expertise to leverage standards of excellence in the art of hospitality to grow our

international presence, increase domestic dominance, and create value for all stakeholders”

(Thompson, n.d: 71).

An enhance version of the mission statement by us is:

Encourage talent and harness expertise to leverage standards of excellence in the art of

hospitality to continue growing our global presence and increase our domestic dominance, to

create value for all our stakeholders while simultaneously caring for the environment .

S3. Goals and Objectives

The Goals and Objectives with respect to marketing for the Taj group for the next 12 months

would be made according to the S.M.A.R.T objectives. S.M.A.R.T (UHR, n.d) is an acronym






Time bound

Keeping in mind the above, Taj should aim at increasing their guest occupancy by 20% for

next 12 months and then evaluate after that period and set new goals which they need to


S4. Market Segmentation Strategy

As discussed in our previous work, The market segmentation strategy of Taj Hotels has

explained above which shows mostly focus of target marketing for business customers and

most of the revenue was generated from business people in previous years. Taj competed

many competitors and got some rewards from the ministry of Indian tourism by the

appreciation and feedbacks of customers. Sales and marketing department does internal and

external marketing of Taj hotels and gets the help from many magazines and television

channels for advertisement. Moreover, Taj earns extra revenue from its products and services

with proper market segmentation. Interview clears the current target market and marketing

strategy of Taj chain. Taj divides the customers by the various types of psychographic

segmentation which is magnificent way to target the bulk of customers and families by

notifying their demands and hotel should pay attention on demographic segmentation. Taj

Hotels mainly targets the high end business traveller, looking for comfort at the end of a

gruelling day at work. Through its bouquet of multi cuisine restaurants in almost all flagship

hotels, it is ready to cater to almost everyone in the world. Moreover, Taj provides a great

amount of value added benefits to its guests such as usage of internet, impeccable room

service and house cleaning, and laundry services.

Taj has two wide choices, to influence its‟ brand to grow inside the same business focusing

on another and so far undiscovered section or extend in the neighbouring administration

commercial enterprises where it can power its impressive aptitude and wide contrasting

features. With general positive figures for industry and economy, sponsored by Taj‟s

qualities, the mid -scale section in the middle of Ginger and Gateway is an open door which

can be considered. Yet elements like high obligation, cannibalization, and fast extension by

contenders will assume a key part in the possible choice. TAJ can likewise wander into

related systematic housekeeping administrations (low esteem), Spas and other extravagance

treatment administrations (officially present), administration lofts, and top of the line

restaurants. With the extravagance picture of Taj, administration and brand competency, high

F&b offer, a backup of Taj into the top of the line restaurant business make an extraordinary

vital fit. The way that restaurants with Taj hold the second most astounding piece of the pie

after Domino’s in the sustenance administrations industry make the recommendation all the

additionally eng

S5. Positioning Strategy

To expand income, the business sector pioneers need to utilize showcasing procedures. The emulating

examination gives proposals on the best way to use and place it into operation new methodologies to

support deals and top to bottom promoting arrangement utilizing essential and auxiliary sources from

inside and outside the organization. These five star hotels are situated at the highest point of the

business sector, offering superb item and administrations at high costs. In the event that hotels can

utilize these promoting methods or strategies, it may well see a change in light of a legitimate concern

for clients in hotels. More contribution of the clients currently creating can prompt increment verbal

advancement, which can be upheld by educational commercial, without bringing down the costs,

these adjustments may prompt build deals, which consequently gotten to be benefit for the hotels

bunch in Mumbai. Hotels recorded specialists need to go to a few propelled instructional classes to a

la mode with another era. They offer the quality item furthermore benefits. What organization has

needed to do throughout the year however was to concrete its connection to its unwavering and

devoted clients? To include then being developed of new item and administrations is a vital part

expanding deals. In the event that clients feel included, this may additionally give supportive verbal

advancement. It is not important to situated up centring amasses however the client mind offices need

to stay in normal contact to any client to guarantee their fulfilment and to get new and inventive

thoughts and proposals. In today's circumstance the idea of procedure is utilized as a part of business

to depict how an association is going to accomplish its general destinations. A large portion of

associations have a few options for accomplishing its destination. Procedure is concern with choosing

which an option is to be received to finish the general destinations of the association. Fundamentally

system is a far reaching long haul plan. It tries to answer four primary inquiries.

What is our current position?

What would we like our position to be?

How can we achieve it?

How will we know what we have achieved?

Strategy is an arrangement of activity or approach intended to attain to a major or general point.

(Kolb, 1984) System incorporates the determination and assessment of option ways to attain to an

association destination and mission and inevitably a decision of the option that is to be embraced.

Promoting systems are assuming essential part to attain to goals of the association. (Sebenius, 2014)

S6. Strategic Action Plan

Marketing strategies helps a firm to distinguish the upper hand. (Accountants Growth

Strategists, 2014) With the upper hand and with the assistance of showcasing method a firm

can recognize the focused contrasts on whose quality the firm can contend adequately at the

commercial center. A firm can appreciate focused contrasts on whose quality the firm can

appreciate aggressive contrasts in a few regions, for example, Corporate/ Brand Image

Product Superiority Services Superiority Distribution Network and so forth. Promoting

Strategy likewise encourages Organizing, Directing, Controlling and Short term arranging of

the Organizing exercises. Decently characterized advertising methodologies can create

corporate picture of the firm. Devoted shows, channels, magazines, occasions, radios and VIP

affiliations have made a yearnings quality for health offerings. The fundamental capacity of

promoting, deals, publicizing and advancement is to discover and hold enough visitors to

keep up a productive level of business. In substantial lodgings there is typically a full time

advertising and deals division or office paying little respect to the hospitality firms estimate, a

persistent deals exertion is obliged to fill guestroom, lounge areas, parlors, and gathering

space. Deals should never be viewed as the sole obligation of single individual, deals is an

imperative piece of each worker's occupation. In this time of new commitment and venture,

modernization, union and merger, computerization and developing rivalries the name of the

diversion in the hospitality business is to be "destroying the cover" that is, bring in the

business. Hospitality showcasing procedure incorporate new material on various points,

(Abbey, 2008) administrations to clients and customers, increment in pieces of the pie, item

and administrations advancement and improvement, upgrade of corporate picture, limited

time procedures, relationship advertising, notice strategy and open connection, clients

fulfillment and relationship, sustenance and security. Effective hospitality administration

obliges imaginative and solid showcasing methods to face today's aggressive business

market. The study pattern is regularly alluded to as ecological checking in advertising circles

and is a necessary piece of hospitality deals. Patterns influencing the hospitality business

incorporate the accompanying:

Relationship Marketing (Vaz et al, n.d)

Association showcasing and Strategic co-operations

Innovation (Gyurácz-Németh, n.d)

Visitor Preferences (Barlow, 2012)

Media Planning (CENDYN, 2014)

Globalization. (shrivastava, 2012)

Service concentration and brand management (Mutkoski et al, 2015)

Consolidation of market position. (Deans et al, 2002)

Caring for the Environment. (Taj, 2015)

Taj already has a lot of the above-mentioned attributes. It just needs to concentrate on its

niche services and it can be assured that success will continue at the Hotel & Resort Chain.

Any hotel chain are resolved to show through their conduct and activities the accompanying

behaviour, which applies to all parts of Hotels business: The hotel chain advance corporate

citizenship through their vital open private associations. The reasons Hotel chain are advance

which incorporate diminishing lack of healthy sustenance, advancing indigenous artisans and

skilled workers and improving employability of recognized target gathers by offering their

center abilities as a main hospitality organization. The hotel chains have remarkable degree

and chance to form crude potential into a talented workforce that is promptly employable by

different players in the hotel business. A greater part of their group tasks are concentrated

around developing their key qualities in sustenance creation, kitchen administration,

housekeeping, client administration and spas to advance financial strengthening of

competitors from defenceless financial foundations. The hotel chain are completely dedicated

to the reason for building a reasonable environment by lessening the effect of their day by

day operations on the earth and enhancing operational efficiencies, asset preservation, reuse

and reusing of key assets. Ordinarily hotel bunches utilize the most astounding moral

measures - educated, monetary and moral and reflects the largest amounts of kindness and

thought for others. The hotel gathering are focused on gathering and surpassing the desires of

their visitors through there unremitting devotion to each part of administration. Hospitality

fundamentally puts the clients to begin with, the organization second and the self last.

Additionally the hotels gatherings are constructed to keep up collaboration, with common

trust as the premise of all living up to expectations relationship. The hospitality businesses

primary goes for initiative in the hospitality business by understanding its visitors, and

planning and conveying items and administrations which empower it to surpass their desires

and dependably exhibit watch over clients through foresight of their needs, meticulousness,

different perfection, warmth and concern. Each association which is identified with hotel

industry they are more multinational workforce which has been presented to diverse societies,

issues and circumstances and can utilize its encounters to enhance the neighbourhood

representatives whether in India or abroad. Fundamentally hotel, responsive associations

empowering choice making at each one level and which acknowledge change an association

which is aware of its part in the group, supporting social needs and guaranteeing job from

inside the neighbourhood group. In today's focused hospitality market it is particularly vital

for properties to expand their piece of the overall industry and benefit. No business can bear

to rest on its trees, yet numerous hotels and restaurant managers neglect to perceive the profit

of having a decent showcasing methodology plan. Having an incredible thought is

insufficient, deals publicizing and special and open connection methodologies must be

formalized into a promoting technique arrange yet that can be imparted all through the

association. Promoting Strategies are important if a property would like to adequately

contend in today's commercial center. Showcasing is the establishment whereupon deals is

fabricated. Advertising searches out interest, distinguishes the items and administrations that

will fulfil interest and afterward utilizes vital deals and publicizing strategies to achieve

clients. On the off chance that you attempt to offer without first using advertising, we could

undoubtedly offer to the wrong markets. Since the advertising methodology arrangement is

focused around through examination deals endeavours may be squandered. Since the

showcasing procedure arrangement is an aide for the two essential method for offering

hospitality properties, immediate deals and promoting, it is important to comprehend the

showcasing arrangements part in deals before digging into deals and publicizing strategies.

Powers directors to think ahead and greatly improve the situation utilization of property

assets Administrations showcasing like Quality, value and pace will be future mantras for

survival of organizations. Considering the issues pervasive in hotel industry, every

stakeholder needs to have clear concentrate on issues relating to their range of operation.

Center and media facilitator are embrace general and fitting correspondence with the clients.

Concentrate on building a plan of action which can be supported from a budgetary

purpose of view.

Concentrate on giving backing to upgrade nature of the establishments and human

assets being prepared by a few foundations

Expansion of media (print, TV, occasion and radio) has helped in upgrading client

information and expanding mindfulness about suppliers and their offerings.

Distinguishes chances to expand piece of the overall industry in some business sector

portions and open new chances to build piece of the overall industry in some business

fragments and open new opportunities in beforehand overlooked territory.

Deals obligations and facilitates and binds together endeavours to achieve the


Guarantee that promoting and deals advancements and publicizing are not squandered

in light of the fact that of mislead endeavours.

Aides assess the consequences of promoting and deals endeavours.

Quality is considered as most capable component to accomplishing consumer loyalties.

(Mahamad, 2010)Subsequently it has extremely extraordinary significance in the

hospitality business. Five star hotels are situated at the highest point of the business,

offering top notch item and administrations at high costs. Giving Quality nourishment and

administrations like:

1. Giving a one of a kind quality sustenance and administrations is center of five star hotels


2. They are giving, stunning area, best of present day courtesies with customized and warm

administration conveyed with honest to goodness mind.

3. The configuration and structural engineering of the hotels is roused by the authentic style

of the locale. Furthermore the lavish inner parts that packed with neighbourhood expressions

and artworks to menus that offers a broad selection.

Conclusions & Recommendations

As indicated by the Indian Tourism Industry Analysis report – India's tourism and hospitality

segment business demonstrates the most potential on the planet. The Indian hospitality

segment is required to develop at the rate of 8% somewhere around 2007 and 2017. India saw

a flood of 10 million worldwide vacationers by 2010, up from only 4.98 million in 2007

(IBEF, 2014) with the potential and future development of this industry we prescribe the

accompanying for IHCL.

Completely use created base by expanding Occupancy Percentage

As a consequence of the increment in limit after the ward amusements IHCL ought to take

advantage of the expanding visitors and expand its inhabitance %.its premium picture of

IHCL and its vicinity abroad ought to be leveraged.

. In keeping with this we would likewise suggest that Taj grows its hotels, provided for its

great monetary wellbeing joined with the hearty and developing tourism industry. This

development ought to be fixated on up and coming vacationer spots and also business

hotspots like Gurgaon.

Diminish Operating costs by obtaining different firms more effective techniques.

The working cost edge of IHCL is much higher when contrasted and its contending firms.

Specifically, Leela's is 66.48 though IHCL is 83.18. (Kumar et al, 2014)IHCL ought to break

down its rivals hones trying to decrease its general working cost edge.

Specifically IHCL ought to accelerate the usage of the utilization of the Balance score card,

as done by The Leela which records its execution along the parameters of money related

development, visitor fulfilment, solid inward courses of action, worker fulfilment and

preparing. The operational productivity of the organization is determined by the execution of

the Balance Score Card.


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