4363 Remediation of Brownfield Sites in Haliburton County

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Transcript of 4363 Remediation of Brownfield Sites in Haliburton County

# 4363 Remediation of Brownfield Sites in Haliburton County

Environmental Haliburton!

Prepared by: Lynnette Grozelle

Date: April 2015

Supervisors: Heather Ross (EH!) Sharon Beaucage-Johnson (Trent University), Emma Horrigan


Course Code: FRSC 4890Y



Environmental Haliburton! requested information about the different types of

remediation techniques that are available for the brownfields in Haliburton County. Brownfields

soil sites are sites where contamination has occurred due to industrial or commercial land use.

Forestry and wood processing, mines, gravel pits, chemical plants, laundry mates, gas stations

and factories are all examples of building that can result in brownfield. The two main categories

of remediation methods that are compared are physical and biological. Physical techniques

include excavation, soil washing, geotextiles and soil vapour extraction. Biological techniques

include microbial, phytoremediation, mycoremediation, and seaweed. For each methods,

relative cost, time, ethics, availability, soil type and simplicity of the techniques were examined.

Cost and time are extremely variable depending on the method chosen, area of contamination

and soil composition. Most techniques work in of soils that are clay-like and are impractical for

solid, nonporous rock areas. All techniques are accessible, but the seaweed distribution sites are

not close to the Haliburton County. Ethics refers to how the method cleans the soil, excavation

is the least ethical, but it is also the simplest method, whereas the more ethical approach of

phytoremediation can take a long time.



This report would not have been possible without the amazing support system pushing

me throughout the entire project. This project would not have been possible without Heather

Ross from Environment Haliburton!(EH!), who allowed me to expand on a previous project that

was completed in 2013 by Leslie Doyle. Without Heather Ross and EH! community members

ongoing concern and interest in Brownfield remediation and environmental issues, this project

would not have been created. I would like to thank Emma Horrigan of U-links for her quick

responses and helpfulness when brainstorming possible ways to get through the unexpected

road blocks that occurred throughout this project. I would like to thank my instructor Sharon

Beaucage-Johnson, from Trent University Forensic Science Department, for being so

understanding when I came to her with questions, even though it would have been easier to walk

the other way. I would like to thank Erin Stewart Eves, from the Academic Skills at Trent University

for helping me with the difficult task of creating a reasonable schedule for balancing all of my

classes, this project, and sleep. I would also like to extend a thank you to my roommate, Noelle

Sampson, who put up with me through all of my sleep-deprived days and helped me proof-read

this report.


Table of Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Key words ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Abbreviation ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 13

Discussion.................................................................................................................................................... 15

Physical Remediation Methods .............................................................................................................. 17

Excavation ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Geotextiles .......................................................................................................................................... 18

Soil Washing ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Soil Vapour Extraction ......................................................................................................................... 20

Biological Remediation Methods ............................................................................................................ 21

Microbial ............................................................................................................................................. 21

Phytoremediation ............................................................................................................................... 21

Mycoremediation ................................................................................................................................ 22

Seaweed .............................................................................................................................................. 23

History of the Area .............................................................................................................................. 24

Interesting Findings ................................................................................................................................. 25

Further Research ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 26

References .................................................................................................................................................. 28

Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 30

Appendix B .................................................................................................................................................. 37


Key words Environmental Haliburton, Brownfield, Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Mycoremediation

Contaminated soil, Haliburton County, Heavy Metals


Biochar: a form of charcoal that is produced from plant matter that has the ability remove

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Bio-remediation: biological techniques that can be used to help reduce or eliminate different

contaminants within the soil.

Brownfield: plots of land which are contaminated due to historical, industrial or commercial land

use practices, and are underutilized, derelict or vacant.

Cardiovascular: biologic system comprised of the heart and blood vessels.

Contamination: when contaminants that can be deemed harmful to the environment and/or

humans are present within the sample.

Dermatologic: refer to structure, function and diseases related to skin.

Heavy metals: metals, like lead and mercury, which can have a toxic effect when they are found

in high concentration.

Hydrocarbons: a chain of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, which have different properties

based on their structure.

Legislation: a law that has a set of enforceable rules and regulations that society must adhere


Mycoremediation: the use of fungi to remove contaminants from the soil.

Remediation: actions that are taken to reverse or stop the environmental damage.

pH: a logarithmic scale that measures the acid base level of a solution, 7 in neutral, greater than

7 is basic and less than 7 in acidic.

Phytoremediation: use of plants to remove heavy metals from the soil.

Petroleum hydrocarbons: hydrocarbons that are found in oil, gasoline, diesel, penetrating

oils and a variety of other solvents, which can vary in toxicity.

Vermiculture: the use of worms to breakdown organic materials.



EH! – Environment Haliburton!

CEPA- Canadian Environmental Protection Act

CanSIS- Canadian soil information Service

U-links- U-links centre for community based research



Brownfield remediation is the process of cleaning the contaminated soil site referred to

as brownfield. These contaminated sites are caused by improper removal of chemicals or by

chemicals leaking into the soil (1). The longer the contamination occurs, the further it spreads.

The longer the contaminated soil sits before being properly cleaned the further the contaminants

sink into the ground. The Canadian Environment Protection Act, developed in 1999, outlines the

procedures that must be followed when an individual wants to build on a brownfield site (1). The

legislation dictates that the site must be remediated before anyone can start to build on the are.

Failure to comply with the legislation will result in fines. All costs for the remediation of the soil

falls to the developer, which can range depending on what remediation methods are used and

the overall size of the site (1). Brownfield can be the result of many different buildings and

industries such as, forestry and wood processing, mines, gravel pits, lumber yards, sawmills,

chemical plants, gas stations, laundromats and factories (1). Each site has different chemicals

that relate to the source of contamination ranging from heavy metal contaminates to petroleum

hydrocarbon. High concentration of heavy metals can be toxic to both humans and animals.

Petroleum hydrocarbon is found in petrol products such as oil, gasoline or other solvents (2).

The present project was proposed by Environmental Haliburton! (EH!). EH! is a non-profit

organization that focuses on environmental issues within Haliburtion County, which includes the

township of Algonquin highlands, Municipality of Dysart et al, Municipality of Highlands East and

township of Minden Hills (3). Brownfield sites in rural areas, like Haliburton County, have been

ignored for years, due to the lack of information and access regarding the presence of


brownfields and records of operations. EH! wants to have information available on the different

remediation techniques that are available for brownfields. In 2013, EH! was looking for

information on a specific method of remediation and with the help of Leslie Doyle, a former Trent

University student in environmental sciences, EH! acquired information on the production and

use of Biochar. EH! still wanted to explore for the other techniques that were available, which

initiated the start on another community based project; looking for general overview of the

different remediation techniques that are available.

The host and I agreed upon look at information from 1950s to the present day. This

guideline was established to allow a more detailed overview of a specific time frame, which was

an important factor because, as society evolves, the method used also evolves. The change in

methods and advancement in sciences resulted in companies that handled chemicals that were

deemed harmful by the government. A chemical that was commonly used in the 1960’s or 1970’s

is unlikely to be used in a more modern facility, where chemicals were outlawed or more effective

chemicals were developed. For example in 1999, Canada added new gasoline regulations,

enabled by the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, restricting the amount of lead and

phosphorus allowed in the gasoline imported into Canada to 5mg/L and 1.3mg/L respectively (4).

Prior to 1999, there were no limits regarding the concentration of lead and phosphate in the

gasoline for heavy machinery used for industrial practices.

There are three main research questions for the current project. The first question

considers what type of brownfield remediation techniques are available. These methods of

remediation can be separated into two main groups: physical techniques and biological


techniques. Secondly, what technique is appropriate for each type of brownfield? To answer this

question, it is important to know what type of chemical is used at the site, as well as what the

soil types is at each location. The developer can then decide what technique they want to use

based on what method will be able to remove the specific type of contamination. Thirdly, what

are the positive and negative aspects of each technique? The main factors that will be researched

for each aspect include estimated cost, time, ethics, availability, soil type and simplicity of the

technique. The factors were chosen to help compare the many variations in the brownfield sites

and the remediation methods that are available.



To gather information on brownfield remediation techniques, I first had to determine

what type of methods were available. I relied on the following materials: websites, journal

articles, and case studies.

The websites were sites mainly about brownfield remediation methods and government

websites. Online sources were found through Google searches and journal databases, such as

Science Direct, SciFinder, SpringerLink, GALE, Google scholar, Web of Science and Wiley Online

Library. All of the databases that were used are user-friendly sites available to Trent university

students that have environmental, biological and chemical related journal articles. Google

searches and journals about brownfield remediation resulted in reviews of two or more case

studies and documentation of brownfield remediation projects within major cities. The main

keywords I used were “brownfield”, “remediation”, “geotextiles”, “soil composition”, “soil

washing”, “toxic heavy metals”, “phytoremedation”, and “mycoremediation”.

Once a list of the different methods were recorded, I read each source and recorded what

contaminates were removed from the soil, the expected timeframe, and an outline of the

process. While reviewing the list of techniques, it was important to consider the type of

brownfield sites and the differences between each type. The next thing examined was a soil map

to determine what types of soil is present within Haliburton County between 1950 and 2015.

Through an internet search, I was able to locate the soil map, used from the Canadian soil

information service (CanSIS) to determine the soil composition of the area (5). All of the gathered

information was then put in an excel chart form to make it easier to organize and compile.


After finishing this process, I researched the industrial history of the area. The history of

the area since the 1950’s was required knowledge in order to determine when different

brownfield sites were created and how long the industry was operational. The time frame of the

1950’s to the present was chosen to limit the scope of the project into a manageable undertaking.

The time of the site’s creation and the length of exposure to the contaminants are

important factors, as the information can help to better determine what type of chemicals might

have been used. Different chemicals result in different contaminates in the soil. The variation of

contaminates could cause one remediation technique to be more appropriate than others.

The historical information was mainly collected through history books about the area in

the Trent University library, Peterborough Public Library and archival information. The archival

data described industrial practices between 1884 and 1961. The titles for the hard copy

documents were found under the category “bioregionalism” in the Trent University Archives.

Within this category, I searched for which of the 24 boxes contained documents regarding the

industrial practices within the subject of interest. Through the use of the online Trent University

Archives, it was possible to look at a list of all titles of the documents in each box to determine

which boxes would be relevant. Out of the 24 boxes, box 1, 3, 7, 8 and 16 were examined, and

notes on the relevant articles were taken.

Once a brief history was complete, it was possible to look at the different types of

brownfields, as well the chemicals that were used. Each type of industrial building or facility that

could result in a brownfield was researched. Based on the history, it is possible to determine the

different types of chemicals that were used at each site. These findings can then be related to


the different remediation methods. Based on the contamination that the method removes, it is

possible to determine if one method is more appropriate for a specific brownfield. After the

appropriate method is determined, the positive and negatives aspects for each technique were

examined. A selection of factors were examined to determine estimated cost, time, ethics,

availably, soil type and simplicity of the technique.

Case studies were utilized, as the studies often state the cost of the individual

remediation, what method or methods were used and the time of the remediation. A high cost

would be negative, because the developer would not want to spend a large amount of money to

clean the soil. Methods that take less time would be considered positive. The term “ethics” refers

to the cleanliness of the soil, and whether all of the soil is being cleaned or whether it is just the

surface of the soil being moved. The complete cleaning of soil would be positive, whereas moving

the soil would be negative. Availability is based on how easily a developer could get access to the

product or the required equipment for the technique. If a technique only works well on specific

soils that are not present in the area, it would be seen as negative. The last factor is the simplicity

of the technique, which considers how complicated the process is. If it required an abundance of

different steps or complex training, it would be seen as negative, whereas a technique that is

easy to understand and complete would be positive.

The information was compiled into a general overview of the different methods. When

this was finished, the overview was developed into a brochure designed for the general public,

who do not have a strong science back ground. This means that all the information must be

simplified and streamlined to ensure that the average reader will understand the topic. The


brochure must also have websites listed that would allow the reader to learn more about a topic

of interest if the reader desired more information.



Most of the results are summarized into three tables that can be found in the appendix A

and the rest are discussed in the discussion section of the paper.

Soil vapour extraction, soil washing, bioremediation, phytoremediation and

mycoremediation are appropriate remediation methods for soil that was contaminated by

petroleum hydrocarbons (6). All of the remediation can be performed on site, except for

mycoremediation remediation, which has to be performed off site (6). Mycoremediation is the

use of fungi to remediate soil and water. Fungi spores have to be added and packed into

biodegradable plastic before the fungi can be used. Packing the fungi spores is best to be done

off site and delivered to the site for application. Bioremediation and phytoremediation can also

be used on groundwater that has been contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons (6). Each of

the techniques are discussed further in the discussion section of the paper.

Table 1 documents the different heavy metals that are associated with the different types

of brownfields. The list is organized in alphabetical order by the chemical abbreviation, expect

for nitrate, carbon monoxide and tetrachloroethylene which are a combination of different

elements. For each of the heavy metals a brief statement of the toxic effects can be found beside

the chemical name. Tetrachloroethylene is a chemical that uses used laundromats. All of the

chemicals listed can be harmful to the environment, animal and human. The toxic effects listed

affect both humans and animals when the contaminants are found in high concentration (7-10).

The toxic metals enter the body through ingestion or inhalation by the unsuspecting victims. The

effects can range from a dermatologic to paralytic and can even result in death (7-10).


For Phytoremediation, all of the plants that are available for heavy metals are summarized

into table 2, which can be found in the appendix A (11-14). The list is ordered alphabetically based

on the scientific name. Common plant has a common name(s) are also listed for easier

identification. N/A means that no common name was found in relation to the scientific name or,

in the case of Spartina Plant, is an entire plant family of plants. The metal are titled using the

chemicals’ abbreviation, Ni (nickel), Cu (copper), Cr (chromium), Zn (zinc), Cd (Cadmium), Hg

(mercury), Ag (silver), Pb (lead), Mn (Manganese), As (arsenic) and Se (Selenium). All of the metals

are toxic to animals and humans when present in high concentrations.

There are three types of fungi that are used for mycoremediation: endomycorrhical

(ECM), ericoid mycorhizal fungi (ERM), and Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM) (6). All ECM

fungi help protect plants from the high toxicity effects caused by the oversaturation of heavy

metals and reduces the heavy metals aluminum and magnesium (6). ECM soils prefer acidic,

nutrient-deprived soil (6). The ERM fungi help to remove a variety of contaminates from the soil.

The VAM fungi are used to help reduce the amount of toxic metals, like cadmium, magnesium

and zinc (6). All of the remediation fungi that were found during the literature review are

summarized into table 3 of the appendix A. The list is organized alphabetical by scientific family

name or species name. To the right of the scientific name is the common name; if N/A is used

under the common name section, it is because there was no common name found for the fungi.

The metal section refers to the different toxic heavy metals that the fungi remediate; , Ni (nickel),

Cu (copper), Cd (Cadmium), Cr (chromium), Zn (zinc), As (arsenic), Hg (mercury), Co (cobalt), Pb

(lead). Fe (iron), Mn (Manganese), U (Uranium), Ag (silver), As (arsenic), and Al (aluminum). The


last section looks at chemicals that are found in gas and oil. All of the metals and chemicals in gas

and oil are toxic to the environment, animals and humans (6, 15, 16).

Discussion Before the individual methods are examined, the overall process of remediation was

researched and the history of the area was researched, as well. After two months of looking for

the history of the area, I was unable to locate any information related to the time frame of the

project. I searched for the history of Haliburton online, in the Peterborough Library, Trent

University Library and the Trent University Archives without success. The archives had reports of

previous papers that were completed under the bioregionalism course at Trent University, but

only a few of the papers reported on the industrial building in the Haliburton County. The only

helpful information that was relevant to the project was information from Statistics Canada that

was dated from 1961 and 1986. The statistics only gave information about the number of people

that were employed in the different field and not specific information about which companies

the employees were from (17). In 1961, there was a total population of 8928. From that 8928, 65

worked in the forestry industry and 153 worked as miners (17). In 1986, it only listed 285 people

working in forestry, and there was no statistic given for the number of people working as miners,

but it did say that there was iron mining (17). In the archives there was also a business directory

which did not have a year of printing documented. It lists 16 gas stations, 5 buildings under

laundry services, 23 manufacturing buildings, 3 quarries, and 48 trucking and logging places (18).

Some of the companies under trucking and logging that are listed were Manuary Sawmill, Sawyer

Canoe Company, Hunter Lumber, GW Martin Lumber, Wilberforce Planning, Wilberforce Veneer,

Wilberforce Wood components and North Steel (18).


The type of soil that was present in the area was examined based on the CanSIS. There

are many different rocks present in the Haliburton County: mafic to ultramafic plutonic rock,

felsic plutonic rock created from gneisses and migmatites, metavolcanic and metasedimentary

rocks (5). The different rock types have similar drainage properties because of the structures of

the rocks. All of the rocks are formed by a mix of recrystallized melted rock and unmelted rock,

making a very solid structure with only a few pathways for water to travel and drain. There are

also four different soil thicknesses throughout the Haliburton County. Class four is less than 1.5m

of soil, class three has between 1.5-3m of soil, class two has between 3-6m of soil and class one

is greater than 6m of soil (19). The level of soil will dictate the amount of soil that can be

contaminated. The level of soil is important because the methods of remediation that are listed

are for the remediation of contaminated soil.

The Ontario government website, outlines the processes that needs to be followed before

the commencing of the site. Before a developer can build on the land, an environmental risk

assessment must be performed (1, 20). The assessment is performed by an unbiased 3rd party

looks at the condition on the site in respect to the contaminant’s effects on plants, animals, and

humans. If the amount of any one contaminant is higher than the standards from the Ministry of

Environment and Climate Change, then the site has to be remediated. The cost of the risk

assessment and remedation are the developer’s reasonability. Before the developer can build on

the property, the contaminants must meet the standards that are approved by the Ministry of

Environment and Climate Change (1). There are multiple methods that a developer can choose

from to remediate the soil. The remedation methods can be simplified into two sections: the

physical and the biological. The physical are based on physical methods like washing, vapour


extraction, removal or physical intervention of the soil, whereas the biological methods are based

on biological components, like chemicals that are naturally found in the environment.

Physical Remediation Methods


Excavation is the most basic method that is available for the remediation of brownfields.

The method requires city permits and the knowledge of the gas, water and electrical lines that

run through the site. It also require heavy machinery to dig and remove the soil. The heavy

machinery include a loader backhoe, excavator and dump trucks to remove the soil from the site.

Once the soil is removed it is then sent to either a dump or a treatment center where it can be

cleaned of the contaminants and reused (21). The dirt that was removed can then be replaced

with new soil or can replaced with the treated soil (21). The choice of how the soil is replaced

depends on the decision of the developer. The choice might be influenced by personal ethic or

the company’s ethics or the cost. The method of excavation is often combined with other

methods like soil vapour extraction or soil washing. This method is commonly used for gas

stations and manufacturing areas.

There are a few benefits to using excavation as a remediation method. It can be used for

any site, though it would be highly inappropriate to use it for mines or gravel pits. The purpose

of excavating would be counterintuitive when it comes to the remediation of gravel pits and

mines because they are already dug out sections of land. The other benefit to the method is that

it removes the contaminants from the site. Unfortunately, it does not remove the contaminants

from the soil itself. The method can range in cost based on the size of the site and the depth of


the contamination that needs to be removed from the site. The cost is determined by the time it

takes to remove the soil. The larger the site, the longer the removal of the soil takes and the more

expansive the remediation becomes. Another factor that can affect both the time and the cost

of excavation is whether or not all of the contaminants were successfully removed by the

excavation of the soil. If not enough contaminated soil was removed, it is possible that the site is

still not remediated to condition standards that are accepted by the Ontario government (1). If

the site was still in need of further remedation, it would result in a second remediation method

to be used or a second excavation to conduct. The second excavation would cost more than the

first, as the soil would have to go deeper or wider in order to remove the contaminants that were

missed by the first excavation.


Geotextiles are fabrics that can be permeable or impermeable. The different structures

allow for the fabric to be used in a variety of different ways: filtering, protection, reinforcement

or draining (22). Based on the purpose of the geotextile, the cost can vary. For example, if the

land that is being developed is close to the waterway and there is a risk of the contaminants

spreading to the water. Geotextiles that are designed to protect can be used to stop

contaminates from passing through and entering the water. It also can be used to filter out the

contaminants, so that the wash can be sent to be treated. Geotextiles are ideal for stopping the

spread of contamination to new soil or water. The fabrics also have various applications that it

can be used for, like stopping erosion and helping protect the soil in landfills.

One of the benefits of geotextiles is the fact that there are many types of fabric that have

a variety of uses. It helps to stop the contaminants from spreading into the waterways, can act


as a barrier between contaminate and clean soil or can be used to filter the contaminants from

the soil (22). There are a number of websites and distributors that sell geotextiles. This method

has a range of costs, depending on the specific type of geotextile that is going to be used and

how much of it is required. The main problem with the method is that the soil must be excavated

in order for the geotextile to be used, meaning that this method has to be combined with

excavation in order to use it. The excavation of the soil then affects the time that is required for

the method, affecting the cost. Overall, the method behind geotextiles is basic and is simple to

install, but it is more practical to use before the start of contamination than it is after

contamination has occurred, unless it is used to stop the spread on the contaminants.

Soil Washing

Soil washing is the process of physically washing the soil. The method requires a conveyer

belt that allows the soil to pass through the machine that rinses the soil with water in an attempt

to clean the soil (23). The machine can also use a chemical that will help to strip contaminants

from the soil. The treatment of the soil can happen either on or off site (23).

There are three positives to the method: it is simple, it is readily available in the Haliburton

area and it can be used for any brownfield in the Haliburton County. A negative to the method is

the fact that the contaminated soil has to be excavated and fed into the machine. This method

has to be used in conjunction with executive in order to be used. The time span of the

remediation can only go as fast as the slowest moving part of the method, which could be the

speed of the conveyer belt or the speed the soil is added to the machine. The other negative to


the method is the fact that the liquid waste from the method has to be cleaned, meaning that

the waste water needs to be sent to a secondary treatment center that handles waste water (23).

Soil Vapour Extraction

Unlike the other physical methods, soil vapour extraction has a complicated set-up. The

method involves the use of multiple tubes that reach from the contaminated saturated soil zone

to the air above. These tubes are used to monitor the level of contaminants that are present in

the vapour (24). Along with the tubes that reach above ground for monitoring vents, there is also

a system of tubes that are attached to a vacuum and sucks the soil vapour from the saturated

soil into a treatment center (24). These tubes are set in the saturated soil layer and can be

attached together either above or below ground (24).

This method is actually able to removes the contaminants from the site. It can also be

used for any of the brownfield sites that are in Haliburton County, as long as the soil is deep

enough for the tubes to effectively reach the soil. If the developer decides that they want the

system below ground, the top layer of soil that is not contaminated will have to be excavated so

that the pipe system can be installed. The top layer of soil can be reused to cover the pipes. The

underground connection is good because it means that the pipes can stay there, and if the new

development produces contaminants, then the vapour extraction can help remediate those

contaminants as well. The negative of the technique is that it can require some time to install

and to extract the vapour from the soil.


Biological Remediation Methods


Microbial remediation is a method that utilizes biological material to remediate soil. This

method includes Biochar, vermicular and a verity of microbes to clean the soil of contaminants

(25). Biochar is a plant- based charcoal that can draw out the contaminants in the soil. Biochar is

a relatively cheap method and can be easily produced for the Haliburton County to use (2).

Vermicular is the use of worms to remediate soil, intended for smaller scale remediation (25).

Other microbes that are used are yeast and bacteria that feed on the contaminants in the soil.

All of the methods involve the spreading of the produce on the soil and getting a good coverage

of the contaminated area.

A positive of microbial remediation it is that it relatively cheap in comparison to other

methods. The time span of the technique can vary depending on the size of the site. There are

multiple places to purchase the different materials that can be used for microbial remedation.

This remediation method can be used for any of the brownfield sites that are present in the

Haliburtion County. The only issue of microbial techniques is that not all contaminates are

removed by one type. Biochar is ideal for petroleum hydrocarbons not necessarily heavy metals.

This method can be combined with physical remedation techniques like soil vapour extraction to

achieve better results.


The premise of phytoremediation is the use of plants to remediate soil. There are a variety

of different heavy metals and chemicals that plants will absorb (11,12). The method takes

advantage of the plants’ root system, as the contaminants are absorbed through the root and


are then stored by the plant. This method can be used for mines, gravel pits, gas stations, forestry

and wood processing sites.

There are many positive attributes for this technique, from being environmentally friendly

to the simplicity of the method. The concept of planting plants to clean the contaminants from

the soil is a basic and simple concept that is effective. The method is relatively cheap to

implement in comparison to other remediation methods (11). There are many plants that clean

the same heavy metals from the soil, allowing for the choice of plants that will be the most

appropriate based on the site remediation requirements. The problem with this method would

be that there are environmental conditions to each plant that have to be looked at before

deciding on which of the plants is most appropriate for the individual remediation site. The

environmental factors that have to be looked at before deciding which plant is appropriate for

the site is the soil type, soil pH, weather conditions, and the amount of soil that is present for the

plant to grow in (11,12). Another issue is the removal of the plants after the soil has been

remediated, to remove the contaminants from the environment and allow the developers to

build on the land. The plants have to be disposed of in an appropriate method that does not

allows the heavy metals to be reabsorbed by the soil and contaminate another area.

Mycoremediation Mycoremediation is another method that takes advantage of a process that occurs in

nature. The process starts by collecting a form of food source for the fungi- generally hay or

straw is used (15,16). Once the food source is collected, it is stuffed into biodegradable plastic

tubes, or sometimes biodegradable fabric, to which the fungi spores are added (15,16). Generally

the production of the tubes that house the fungi are created off site. The tubes are then tied and


taken to the contamination site. The creation of the tubes can be done on site, but the cultivation

of the fungi spores is general done off site (6). Table 3 in the appendix A lists the different types

of fungi available and what contaminants each removes from the soil or water (6).

Mycoremediation is often used in harbors to absorb the gasoline associated with boat engines


A benefit to the technique is that there is a range of fungi that can be used to remove the

same type of heavy metal from the soil, which allows the fungi that will grow best in the area to

be chosen, as each fungi has different growing conditions. Some of the fungi might be harder to

locate than others due to the country in which they originate from. A negative to the method is

that it will take some time to remove the contaminants that are deep in the soil. In some cases,

it would be beneficial to dig up the dirt in layers and systematically clean each layer with the


Seaweed The use of seaweed is a relatively new technique for treating brownfields. Not much

information can be gathered on the technique, as it is a newer method that has emerged. There

are biological processes in seaweed that allows for the absorption of heavy metals, there are

some companies that have utilized the proteins and chemical in the seaweed that are responsible

for the absorption and have created a liquid spray that can be sprayed onto the contaminated

site to remediate the soil (26). I was unable to find information regarding whether the method is

effective in removing petroleum hydrocarbons from soil or not.

A positive to the method is that it removes the heavy metal contaminates from the soil

(26). The compound spray that can be used has to be evenly sprayed onto the contaminated soil.


The soil must also be moved and turned to allow the compound to dry and remove the

contaminants from the soil. The major problem with this method is that there are no distribution

sites located close to the Haliburton County. The only place that I found during my research was

a company based in the United Kingdom (27). The time of the method may vary because of the

closest distribution center and the shipping speed. Similarly, the cost may vary because, if it is

bought from the United Kingdom, the shipping cost and currency exchange rate would be high

(27). Additionally, excavation of the site is required in order to reach the contaminated soil and

to evenly spray or spread the compound on the site.

History of the Area

There was no history found regarding the location in which the industries stood, how long

the building was standing for or even the type of products that where produced at the different

sites. Without the information about the industrial and commercial building, it is hard to estimate

the possible cost or time span for each technique. It is only possible to give estimates in respect

to the other remediation methods. In the past, there was no regulation or rules regarding the

documentation of the disposal or possible sources of contaminants. This lack of policy has

resulted in the situation that is currently occurring, where there are brownfield present and no

history recorded that can help people to locate them. This has resulted in making many people

unaware that their community has contained soil in areas that can cause a range of different

effects on not only the environment, but the animals and people that come in contact with it.


Interesting Findings

When searching for brownfield remediation methods, I found a ‘Brownfield

Redevelopment Program’ for the municipality of Ottawa, ON. It allows companies that

rehabilitate a brownfield and redevelop the property to be eligible to apply for any of the five

remediation programs that they offer: ‘Rehabilitation Grant Program’, ‘Property Tax Assistance

Program’, ‘Environmental Site Assessment Grant Program’, ‘Project Feasibility Study Grant

Program’ and a ‘Building Permit Fee Grant Program’. The rehabilitation grant was designed to

help assist with the cost of the remediation of the site. The property tax assistances allow the

cancelation of the City and education property tax and allow the owner to instead spend the

money on continuing remediation of the property. The environmental site assessment has a

reimbursement of up to 50% of the site assessment completion cost. The feasibility study is

designed to help pay for a portion of the determining concept, structural analyses, evaluations

and market analysis for the site costs. The permit fee grant allows for a 30% decrease in the

building permit and is paid under the rehabilitation grant. All of the programs were designed to

give developers and investors the incentive to remediate brownfields. (28)

Further Research

Future research should be directed towards remediation of contaminated waterways.

Some of the methods examined in this project can work on waterways, but no in-depth research

was performed. I would recommend that phytoremediation and mycoremediation be examined

further. Both of the methods are very complex, and each plant or fungi that is used has it of

parameters that are required for them to grow. Parameters like soil pH, soil type, and


environmental conditions each have its own elements that they are able to remove from the soil.

Each of the methods can be used for water or soil.

Another possible research topic would be to create a list of the brownfields that are

present in the Haliburton County. One of the major barriers that discovered while performing

research was the lack of history on the Haliburton County. Without the information on the

location of the brownfields, it is hard to determine what method is the best for each individual

site. The gaps in history need to be clarified and recorded before the study of remediation can

truly be applied to brownfield sites. The history would be beneficial to both the Haliburton

County and the developer looking at buying property. The information would allow developers

to have a better ability to assess the risk associated with purchasing the property (15). Knowing

the possible risk before paying the environmental site assessment that is required before building

or change the use of the land (1).


This project looked at eight remediation methods that are available and gave a general

overview for each. Before the remediation methods can be developed on an environmental site,

assessment must be completed. The assessment provides information requiring the type of

contaminants that are present in the soil, and what needs to be remediated before the site meets

the acceptable amount of conditions. The risk of the site contaminants considers the possible

damage the contaminants could have of plants, animals, and people given the concentration of

contaminants that are present at the site. These standards come from the Ministry of the

Environment and Climate Change (1). From the information provided by the report, the

developer can decide what method of remediation they would like to use based on the


information that is presented to them. Some of the methods work well on their own, but most

of the methods are more effective when they are combined with other methods.

The three research questions that were explored throughout the project can help

developers understand the general facts available for each technique in a simple brochure. The

brochure that was created consists of a general background for each technique and the protocols

outlining the remediation of brownfields based on the Ontario government website. The

remediation of brownfields is dictated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, and

failure to comply with the legislation will result in penalties (1). The brochure also outlines what

type of brownfield sites are present within the Haliburton County and which method might be

best for each type. The statement of which method is appropriate for each type of brownfield

site should be taken as a suggestion, and the requirement of the site should dictate which

method is appropriate for the site. The final choice of remediation method for any contaminated

site is decided by the developer, as it is their money being used and their opinion on what method

they see as ethical.



1. https://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/brownfields-redevelopment

2. Doyle, L. Identifying and remediating rural Ontario brownfields and the challenges and

opportunities for public involvement. 2013.

3. http://environmenthaliburton.ca/test/

4. Gasoline Regulations (SOR/90-247) last amended in 2010 http://laws-

lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-90-247/index.html, Retrieved Feb 20. 2015.

5. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/

6. Singh H. Mycoremediation fungal bioremediation. 1st rev. ed. New Jersey: John Wiley &

Sons, Inc. 2006.

7. http://www.lenntech.com/periodic/periodic-chart.htm

8. Paz-Ferreiro J, Lu H, Fu S, Medez A, Gasco G. Use of phytoremediation and biochar to

remediate heavy metal polluted soils: a review. Solid Earth 2014;5:65-75.

9. Carter W, Harkins DK, O’Connor Jr R, Johnson D, Tucker P. Case Studies in environmental

medicine (CSEM): taking an exposure history. ATSDR Publication No. STSDR-HE-CS-2001-

0002, 2000.

10. http://www.epa.gov/airtoxics/hlthef/tet-ethy.html

11. Chibuike GU, Obiora SC. Heavy metals polluted soils: effect on plants and bioremediation

methods. Applied Environ Soil Sci 2014;Aug:1-12.

12. Chaney RL, Malik M, Li YM, Brown SL, Brewer EP, Angle JS et al. Phytoremediation of soil

metals. Curr Opin Biotech 1997;8:279-84.

13. Leonardi V, Giubilei MA, Federici E, Spaccapelo R, Novotny C et al. Mobilizing agents

enhance fungal degradation of polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and affect diversity of

indigenous bacteria in soil. Biotechnol and Bioeng 2008;101(2):273-85.

14. Hemen S. Metal hyperaccumulation in plants: a review focusing on phytoremediation

technology. J Environ Sci Tech 2011;4(2):118-38.

15. Chen I, Ma H. Using risk maps to link value damage and rick as basis of flexible risk

management for brownfield redevelopment. Chemosphere 2013;90:2101-8.

16. Adenipekun CO, Lawal R. Uses of mushrooms in bioremediation: a review. Biotechnol Mol

Bio Review 2012;7(3):62-8.

17. http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2011/as-sa/98-312-x/98-312-


18. Haliburton County business directory compliment of Haliburton county development corporation-

financiers and consultants to independent business, box 29, Haliburton, Ontario K0M 1S0.

19. Hicks S, Jarrell E, Orr C. Potential arable soils Haliburton Highlands [thesis]. Lindsay (ON): Sir

Sandford Fleming College, 2010.

20. Province of Ontario. A practical guide to brownfield redevelopment in Ontario, Ontario:

Queen’s Printer, 2007.


21. Suer P, Anersson-Sköld Y. Biofuel or excavation? –life cycle assessment (LCA) of soil

remediation options. Biomass and Bioenerg 2011; 35(2):969-81.

22. http://www.geotextile.com

23. Dermont G, Bergeron M, Mercier G, Richer-Laflèche M. Soil washing for metal removal: a

review of physical/chemical technologies and field applications. J Hazard Mater 2008;152:1-


24. Modeling of in situ techniques for treatment of contaminated soil: soil vapor extraction,

sparging and bioventing. Lancaster(USA):Technomic Publishing Company, Inc, 1995.

25. http://earthrepair.ca/resources/bioremediation-types/microbial

26. Vijayaraghavan K, Joshi UM, Kamala-Kannan S. An attempt to develop seaweed-based

treatment technology for the remediation of complex metal-bearing laboratory

wastewaters. Ecol Eng 2012;47:278-83.

27. http://www.sea-chem.co.uk/bioremediation/development.html

28. http://ottawa.ca/en/brownfields-redevelopment-program


Appendix A Table 1. Heavy metals associated with Industrial or Commercial Buildings

Common Heavy Metals

Toxic Affects Sewage Waste






Laundromat Mining Gas


Ag Silver Can affect lungs,



system and brain.


Al Aluminum Can affect nerves,

brain and kidneys.x

As Arsenic Can affect the

brain, lungs and

circulatory system.

Long term exposure

can result in

several forms of


x x x

B Boron Can affect the

stomach, l iver,

kidney and brain.x

Ba Barium Can affect


circlatory, l iver and

kidneys, brain and

nerve damage. High

values can cause



Be Beryllium Can affect the

respiration. x

Cd Cadmium Can affect the



organs, brain and

immune system.

x x x x x

Co Cobalt Can affect the eyes,

cardiac and


Cr Chromium Can affect the

circulatory, lungs,

dermatologic and

immune system.


Sources of Heavy Metals and Their Toxic Affects

Chemical Name



Common Heavy Metals

Toxic Affets Sewage Waste






Laundromat Mining Gas


Cu Copper Can affect the

liver and kidneys.x x

Hg Mercury Can affect the


dermatologic and



Mn Manganese Can affect the



brain. Can result

in birth defect.


Ni Nickel Can affect the


lungs and


Can result in

birth defect.

x x x x

Pb Lead Can affect the


system and


x x x x x

Sb Antimony Can affect the

lungs, l iver,


and digestive



Se Selenium Can affect the



and digestive



Sn Tin Can affect the

brain, l iver,

bladder and

digestive system.


Sr Strontium Can affect the

lungs, and bone


Zn Zinc Can affect the

lungs and

digestive system.x x x x

Sources of Heavy Metals and There Toxic Affects (Continued)

Chemical Name



Common Heavy Metals

Toxic Affects Sewage Waste






Laundromat Mining Gas


NO3 Nitrate Can affect the


system.x x x

CO Carbon


Can affect the



x x x

C2Cl Tetrachloro


Can affect the

kindey, l iver

and immune



Sources of Heavy Metals and There Toxic Affects (Continued)

Chemical Name


The list is organized alphabetical by the chemical abbreviation, expect for nitrate, carbon monoxide and

tetrachloroethylene, which are a combination of different elements. Each abbreviation is accompanied

by the element or chemical name. For each of the chemicals listed, there is a brief description of the

harmful effects of a high concentration of the chemical on animals or humans. The symptoms can range

from dermatologic to paralytic and can even result in death (7-10).


Table 2. Phytoremediation Plant List

Scientific Name Common Name Ni Cu Cr Zn Cd Hg Ag Pb Mn As SeAlyssum wulfenianum Madwort x

Arabidopsis thaliana Thale Cress x x

Arabis gemmifera N/A x x

Arabis paniculata Salt Bush or

Toothbrush Tea x

Arobiodopsis halleri N/A x

Asparagus racemosus Satavar or


Atriplex halimus subsp.


N/A x

Azolla Pinnata Water Velvet or

Feathered Mosquitofern x x

Berkheya coddii N/A x

Brassica juncea Mustard Green x x

Brassica napus Rapeseed x




Crotalaria Juncea Sunn Hemp x x

Cynodon dactylon Bahama Gras or

Devil's Grass x x

Helianthus annuus Sunflower x

Hemidesmus indicus Anatmoola or

Ananta-mula x

Iberis intermedia Brassicaceae xIpomea alpina morning glories x

Lemna gibba Fat Duckweed x

Lemna minor Duck Weed x x



Two-leaf Watermilfoilx

Pelargonium sp. Omeo Stork's-bill x

Phytoloacca americana American Pokeweed x

Plants Metals

Plants for Heavy Metal Remediation


Scientific Name Common Name Ni Cu Cr Zn Cd Hg Ag Pb Mn As SePistis stratiotes Water Cabbage or

Nile Cabbage x x x x x x x x

Potamogeton crispus Curled Pondweed x

Potentilla griffithii N/A x x

Psychotria gabriellae Psychotria Douarrei x

Pteris vittata Chineses ladder brake or

Chinese brake x x x x

Rorippa globosa Globe Yellowcress x x

Sebertia acuminate Sapotaceae x

Sedum alfredii Broadleaf Stoncrop x x x

Sesbania drummondi Rattlebush or

Poison Beanx

Sorghum sudanense Johnsongrass x

Spartina Plants N/A x

Tamarix smyrnensis N/A x x

Thlaspi caerulescens Alipine Penny-cress x x x x

Thlaspi praecox Wulfen Tlaspi Precoce x x x

Typha Cattail x x x

Plants for Heavy Metal Remediation (Continued)

Plants Metals

The list of plants that can be used for phytoremediation (11-14). The list is ordered alphabetically based

on the scientific name. If the plant had a common name(s) they are list to back plant identification easier.

N/A means that no common name was found in relation to the scientific name or, in the case of Spartina

Plant, is an entire plant family of plants. The metal are titled using the chemicals abbreviation, Ni (nickel),

Cu (copper), Cr (chromium), Zn (zinc), Cd (Cadmium), Hg (mercury), Ag (silver), Pb (lead), Mn (Manganese),

As (arsenic) and Se (Selenium). All of the metals are toxic to animals and humans when present in high



Table 3 Mycoremediation Fungi List

Scientific Name


Name Ni Cu Cd Cr Zn As Hg Co Pb Fe Mn U Ag Al


Hydrocardon Crude Oil



Fly Agaric

or Fly






Aspergillus niger N/Ax x x x



N/Ax x x



Red-gil led

Cortinarius x x

Funalia trogii N/A x x xGlomus


N/Ax x x x



N/Ax x



hizal fungusx x x




Mucor rouxii N/A x x xNeurospora


N/Ax x




Fungus x x x x x x x






Lung Oyster

or Phoenix



Phomopsis sp. N/A x x x x xPleurotus



mushroomsx x



N/Ax x x x x x

Russula spp. N/A x xSacccharomyces


N/Ax x x x x

Fungi Remediation

Fungi Metals Gas and Oil





Name Ni Cu Cd Cr Zn As Hg Co Pb Fe Mn U Ag Al


Hydrocardon Crude Oil

suillus spp N/A x xTrametes


Turkey Tailx x x x

Fungi Remediation (Countined)

Fungi Metals Gas and Oil

List of the different fungi that can be used for brownfield remediation. The list is organized alphabetically

by scientific family name or species name. To the right of the scientific name is the common name. If N/A

is used under the common name section it is because there was no common name found for the fungi.

The metal section refers to the different toxic heavy metals that the fungi remediate; , Ni (nickel), Cu

(copper), Cd (Cadmium), Cr (chromium), Zn (zinc), As (arsenic), Hg (mercury), Co (cobalt), Pb (lead). Fe

(iron), Mn (Manganese), U (Uranium), Ag (silver), As (arsenic), and Al (aluminum). The last section reviews

chemicals that are found in gas and oil. All of the metals and chemicals in gas and oil are toxic to the

environment, animals and humans (6, 15,16).


Appendix B


The brochure is a summary of the different methods that where examined throughout the project.