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Transcript of 419-440

IDS 419-440

Lil Mill

Benjamin Disraeli- 1804-1881

• Prime minister of the UK

• Conservative (Tory party) but preached liberal reform

• Passed the Second Reform Bill- 1867 which empowered workers to vote and doubled the size of the electorate


William Gladstone

• Four times Prime Minister of the UK- 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886, 1892–94.

• Head of the Liberal Party. Duked it out with Disraeli

• Champion of the Home Rule Bill- 1885 which would have established self-government in Ireland


Ballot Act 1872• Passed by



• Allowed workers to vote more freely without fear of employers finding out their vote


Education Act of 1870• Delegated government responsibility to

run elementary schools

• Made public elementary education free• Educational standards were upgraded


The Irish Question

• The question British Parliament faced over Ireland, colonialism or independence?

• Britain thought Ireland was different from the colonies it extorted or the third world countries it exploited.

• The Irish majority wanted freedom


Charles Stewart Parnell-1846-1891

• Liberal Irish Protestant• Elected to Parliament

in 1875 • Led Irish nationalists,

formed the Irish Party which replaced the Home Rule League in British Parliament

• Pushed for Irish independence


Petit Bourgeoisie

• Lower middle class, such as shopkeepers and artisans, who do well in good times but struggle in bad ones so are likely to rise up

• The Industrial Revolution squeezed them out of existence.


The Cult of Domesticity

• The Victorian ideal for how a woman should live her life

• Involved home making and child rearing and not much else


Millicent Garrett Fawcett-1847-1929

• British suffragist and early feminist

• Worked to improve women’s opportunities for higher education

• President of National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS)

• Advocated nonviolence



• Violent protestors advocating female voting rights

• Gained a lot of attention in Great Britain, were arrested and would starve themselves in prison to embarrass the government. The Cat and Mouse of 1913 let them starve and would release them once they were too weak to do harm outside of prison.


Zionism • Popular idea of solving the anti-Semitist problem through political methods

• Became convinced Europe was not safe for Jews and called for the creation of a Jewish nation

• Gained support after the Dreyfus affair of 1894 and Russian pogroms

• Based off of Zion, the biblical Jewish homeland


The First International- 1864• Created by Marx to

“afford a central medium of communication and cooperation” for organizations who’s aim was the “protection, advancement and complete emancipation of the working classes.”

• But not completely Marxist, members consisted of trade unionists, Mazzini republicans, Marxists and Anarchists

• Dissolved in 1876 due to internal conflicts


Fabianism or Fabian Society-1884• English socialists who

advocated democratic socialism, or electoral victory, over violent revolution

• Gradual reform!

• Represented by George Bernard Shaw


The Second International- 1889

• After Marx’s death, created by Engels• Loose federation of the world’s socialist parties

heavily influenced by Marxism• Met and discussed Marx and planned action


• German Socialist Party, founded in 1875

• Was the party opposite Marxism

• Rejected violent revolution

• Represented by Eduard Bernstein

SPD- Social Democratic Party


Edward Bernstein and Marxist Revisionism

• 1898- published Evolutionary Socialism arguing against the demise of capitalism that Marx believed was inevitable

• Wanted socialists to come to terms with capitalism and keep strengthening it

• His views were officially rejected by the SPD, but the party practiced them in a matter of time


Sergei Witte• He was a tough, competent

minister of finance in Russia, 1892-1903

• Led the economic modernization of the 1890's

• Believed that the agrarian lifestyle was turning Russia backwards and decreasing its power and greatness

• Created railways from Moscow to Vladivostok (Trans-Siberian Railroad), high-protective tariffs and big factories.



• Village communes in Russia that peasants bought government land from when the serfs were emancipated

• Slavophiles believed the Mir culture was superior to Western culture


Kulaks• Wealthy Russian

peasants/farmers• Stalin waged war

against kulaks after his rise to power in 1928 with his first Five-Year Plan. By collectivizing agriculture to increase industry, he effectively killed millions of kulaks


Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-1870-1924• a.k.a. LENIN!• Opponent of Tsarist Russia and

capitalism• Immersed himself in Marxian socialist

ideas as a law student, believed government power should be consolidated in a small party

• Formed the Bolshevik party, tried to start a revolution in July 1917. It failed.

• In hiding, he regrouped in the Petrograd, where he and his partner Trotsky gained power.

• Was declared head of the new Bolshevik Government in October Revolution of 1917.



• Ultimately became the communist party of the Soviet Union

• Originated as revolutionaries that seized power in Russia (1917), led by Lenin, by overthrowing the Tsar

• The Red Army and Cheka (secret police) consisted of Bolsheviks

• Founded the Comintern 1919 to replace the Second International as the central organization of communism



• The second, less radical communist party in Russia. Were more socialist revisionists.

• Were a minority in comparison to the Bolsheviks

• Later opposed the Soviet government and created the White Army


Vivid Leaf Fractal


Bibliography• (Benjamin.Disraeli)http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dHMUkWjxiWM/TNl13RKCd7I/AAAAAAAAHXU/xRsp5UPqA5M/s1600/

young-disraeli.jpg• William Gladstone- http://akvis.com/img/examples/coloriage/william-gladstone/image-01.jpg• Ballot Act 1872- http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PR1872secret.jpg• Education- http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/lfo/lowres/lfon72l.jpg• Irish- http://churche.home.mindspring.com/tb/irish.jpg• (Charles.Stewart.Parnell)http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Charles_Stewart_Parnell_photograph.jpg• Cult of Domesticity- http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/exhibits/1857/images/after/homeloc3b53018r.jpg• Millicent Garrett Fawcett- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3148/2852292976_5360367a4a_o.jpg• Suffragettes- http://www.educationforum.co.uk/teachnet2006/suffragettes201.jpg• Zionism- http://www.internationaleducationmedia.com/images/israel_flag.jpg• First International- http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/photo/lifeandwork/sketches/103.jpg• Fabian Society- http://dl.lib.brown.edu/mjp/incidentals/fabian2.jpg,

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_VoFM4aW7x9A/TLfHseWXmZI/AAAAAAAADj8/EVqUeu45-_M/s1600/fabian_society2.jpg• Second International- http://gsl.erdc.usace.army.mil/gl-history/images/gl_img_39.jpg• SPD- http://images.wikia.com/powerrangers/images/7/7a/SPD_Battlizer_Cyber_Mode.jpg,

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AIkWSJ039r8/TQhBFzCTcqI/AAAAAAAAECg/gdnfwtegLlU/s1600/Spd-poster-1932.jpg• Edward Bernstein- http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/b/pics/bernstein-eduard.jpg• Sergei Witte- http://imperator.spbnews.ru/nw/vitte.jpg• Kulaks.http://www.garethjones.org/soviet_articles/soviet_posters/keep_kulaks_out_of_collective_farms_1930.jpg• Lenin.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_65fJY6BlFC0/SP9LT4r0ZOI/AAAAAAAAAXc/MMlV9eGEJf8/s400/lenin.jpg• Bolheviks- http://historyfacebook.wikispaces.com/file/view/Kustodiyev_bolshevik.JPG/33818193/

Kustodiyev_bolshevik.JPG• Mensheviks- http://writingcompany.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/revolution.jpg