4.16.2013 Prj & Port Mgmt SftDev - What is Application Portfolio Management - For Governance &...

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Series Name: Project and Portfolio Management Software Development Webcast Title: What is Application Portfolio Management - For Governance & Compliance Date: 4.16.2013 Presenter: Per Kroll

Transcript of 4.16.2013 Prj & Port Mgmt SftDev - What is Application Portfolio Management - For Governance &...

© 2012 IBM Corporation

Application Portfolio Management (APM) for Governance and Compliance

Per Kroll

Chief Solution Architect and Program Director

Portfolio Strategy & Management

IBM Software, Rational


© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Why APM right now?

APM solution architecture

How are customers adopting it?

APM in action

Final thoughts



© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

“A large UK bank initiated its APM effort to take a 90:10 ratio for run-the-bank / grow-the-bank down

to a more reasonable 40:60 ratio. Dell shifted its maintenance-to-innovation ratio from 80:20 to 50:50.”

– The Application Portfolio Management Landscape — Combine Process And Tools To Tame The Beast

Phil Murphy, Forrester Research, Inc. April 15, 2011


Problem: Insufficient strategic spend and lacking business agility

Cost – 80/20 budget trap

– Maintenance and operations consumes a

significant % of a declining IT budget, limiting

funds available for new initiatives

Business agility

– Brittle and tightly coupled architectures,

unwarranted complexity, and technology


Risk / supportability

– Skills erosion, baby boomer retirements, and

aging technology

Strategic planning

– Inability to actively plan strategic initiatives;

Cloud, Mobile, Compliance, M&A, and



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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Solving the problems requires a different approach

Addressing the problem requires an asset (application) portfolio

approach to complement the traditional project portfolio approach

Project Portfolio Management

Commonly used in mature companies

Provides executives (only)

– Control over 20% of this year’s budget

– Ability to affect this year’s project proposals

Application Portfolio Management

Used effectively by only a few leaders

Provides executives

– Multi-year control over 80% of the budget

– Ability to generate new project

proposals such as structural changes

to address problems

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind

of thinking we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein

Many companies have the 80/20 rule wrong…


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential


Why APM right now?

APM solution architecture

How are customers adopting it?

APM in action

Final thoughts


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

IT optimization business outcomes APM-driven scenarios




Driver M&A, divestitures, silos

Benefit Cost

Payback time Short


Driver Operational cost, fluctuations

Benefit Cost, flexibility

Payback time Short

Right shore / Outsource

Driver Globalization, cost

Benefit Cost, competency

Payback time Short


Driver Regulations

Benefit Reduced risk

Payback time Short


Driver Customer demand

Benefit Business agility

Payback time Short

Investment Management

Driver Transparency, efficiency

Benefit Cost, business alignment

Payback time Medium


Driver Brittle architectures, retention, age

Benefit Cost, agility, reduced risk

Payback time Medium

SLA Optimization

Driver Operational complexity, cost, risk

Benefit Operational cost, bus. alignment

Payback time Short


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Common challenges with home grown APM solutions

Cumbersome and expensive to maintain and keep current

– Often only covers the most critical scenarios

– Not always uptodate

Difficulties in keeping data current

– Limited data entry / integration with source systems

– Currency and quality assurance… Can you trust the data?

Lack of support for collaborative decision making

– Decision not linked to strategic objectives or financial analysis

– No support for collaborative decision making

– Limited reporting and analytics

Limited ability to execute on decisions

– Limited support for translating decisions to executable projects

– Limited integrations with down stream systems

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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Solution architecture overview

Analysis, decisions, execution roadmaps

Impact analysis, architectural roadmaps, future visioning


Focal Point




APM decisions and plans are executed and tracked in solutions

for Application Lifecycle Management and Enterprise Modernization

Solution Support Services

Quick Starts

Best Practices

Report Templates


Project execution in collaborative team environment

Application flexibility, individual and team productivity, and system utilization

Enterprise Modernization


Execution roadmap

Execution status

Integrated Application

Lifecycle Management Solutions




Architectural Context

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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

APM with Rational Focal Point

Make collaborative, objective decisions that deliver business value

Focus decisions on what matters most in driving

business results

Capture goals, plans and track actuals

Capture inputs consistently and with increased


Perform trade-off analyses to make informed

investment decisions

Repeatable, role-based workflows and views

Identify and sequence activities and deliverables

by objective measures of value

Quickly align and adjust roadmaps to changing

market needs and business value

Monitor progress and impact with dashboards and


Integrations into enterprise architecture and

execution environments

Fully web-based architecture

9 An integrated solution for Application Portfolio Management

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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Component Overview – Rational System Architect

Rational System Architect

Capture your enterprise, including strategy, processes,

organization, applications, technologies

Understand current state and relationships between

elements, leveraging diagrams, heat maps, and other


Assess gaps and analyze impact of changes across

the enterprise

Visualize architectural roadmaps and options for future


Make enterprise architecture actionable through

integration with delivery management, application

lifecycle environments, and enterprise modernization


Support for multiple frameworks and modeling


Windows and web-based clients

Enterprise blueprinting for better business outcomes

10 An integrated solution for Application Portfolio Management

© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Why APM right now?

APM solution architecture

How are customers adopting it?

APM in action

Final thoughts



© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Measuring the Total Economic Impact


Improved process efficiency — business and IT. Reduced time and effort to collect, manage,

and report on the application environment.

Reduced risk/improved allocation of capital. Improved transparency around the application environment,

increasing the likelihood that mission-critical applications are adequately funded.

Improved Time-To-Delivery On Application Initiatives. Reduced time to decide on, and implement

required changes.

Reduced cost. Lower maintenance and operations cost through consolidation and rationalization.

(Not quantified in report, nor included in the above model.)

Forrester Consulting interviewed four customers to establish a financial model (3-year, risk-adjusted ROI) for a representative organization using the IBM

Rational Integrated Solution for Application Portfolio Management.


Source: Measuring The Total Economic Impact Of IBM Rational Integrated Solution for Application Portfolio Management, a commissioned study

conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of IBM, January 2012.

© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential


Cost Too much money

spent on

maintenance and


Simplify IT to improve business agility A global conglomerate


Established application inventory

in first month

Assessed business value versus

cost and risk

Reduced number of local and

non-strategic applications


Established demand management


Used tools for improved business and

IT collaboration

Re-invested savings from keeping

lights on into innovation

► Read the full case study


Reduced number of applications

by 45% in 18 months

Reduced money spent on keeping

lights on from 85% to 50%


Reduced response time to business

change request from 200 to 14 days

Improved trust between Business and IT

IT is now viewed as an enabler of

innovation, rather than as a cost center


Business agility IT not reactive

to business needs

Business had low

confidence in IT’s

ability to add value


© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential


Complexity Unclear what

applications exists

and their value

Rationalize and optimize to align with the business Financial institution in North America


Built application inventory in

two months, replacing previously

scattered information

Enabled portfolio management

and EA teams to collaborate


Assigned appropriate SLA level

based on needs

Streamlined organization to align

with simplified SLA levels and smaller

application portfolio


Reduced number of applications

by 75% in 18 month


Reduced number of SLA levels

from 17 to 4

Double digit reduction in operations cost



alignment SLA’s and application

support costs not

driven by business

justification and



► Read the full case study

© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Why APM right now?

APM solution architecture

How are customers adopting it?

APM in action

Final thoughts



© 2012 IBM Corporation

Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Application Portfolio Assessment: Simplified workflow




Yes No


application information

Review /


Analyze applications

and determine which

to further investigate

Provide detailed

application information


Portfolio Analyst

Enterprise Architect

Application Business Owner

Steering Committee

Project Mgmt. Office

Application Architect



for rationalization initiatives


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Create initial application inventory

Rapidly import inventory

from existing


Optionally leverage

role-based Web

interface for additional

information entry

Portfolio Analyst

Enterprise Architect


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Leverage extended team to provide a single source of truth

Web-based entry through

role-based views

Provide filters to make data

entry trivial

Increase data quality through

choice selections and built in

quality assurance steps

Application Business Owner

Application Architect


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Application improvement potential Identify candidate applications to be decommissioned or modernized

Discontinue => Low business score + low IT score Reduce cost through IT simplification

Modernize => High business score + low IT score Increase business agility through modernization


Portfolio Analyst

Enterprise Architect

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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Rational Asset


Sample feed

Web-based and role based

information gathering

May optionally be informed

by application analysis tools,

such as IBM Rational Asset

Analyzer or CAST Application

Intelligence Platform

May optionally be informed

by an Enterprise Architecture

tool, such as IBM Rational

System Architect

Application Business Owner

Application Architect

Provide detailed application information


Rational System


Sample feed

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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Identify opportunities for savings Assess Business Value vs. Strategic Value to guide maintenance spend and dispositions










maintenance Application


All errors

Severity 1 and 2

errors only

Severity 1 errors only

No error corrections

All enhancements

Enhancements which

impact revenue,

profitability, customer

satisfaction, or a

demonstrable return

on investment

Only enhancements

bringing significant

longterm value

No enhancements

Apply Portfolio Value

Management approach

Apply affordability driven

demand management

IBM Example













Strategic Value



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IBM Confidential

Make recommendations Define Future State architecture(s)


Current Proposed

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Make recommendations Recommend dispositions and associated projects

Expected Cost: $1.4 M Expected Benefits (accrued over 13 months after project completion: $1.9 M Net Present Value (28 months)

Propose application


Propose and

establish business

case for resulting

rationalization projects

Portfolio Analyst

Enterprise Architect


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Evaluate and prioritize rationalization projects

Compare projects side by

side using pair-wise


Visualize project priority

base on defined project


Steering Committee

Project Mgmt. Office


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Review and decide Approve project roadmap?

8 transformation projects to be carried out

over next 2 years

– Transformation of a total of 12 applications

deemed critical within the credit card division

Total cost of $6.8M

Expected ROI: 34%

Steering Committee

Project Mgmt. Office


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Time To Value

Adopting APM: Shortest Route to Value Incremental adoption with incremental value delivery

Produce an application inventory

Reduce cost / increase innovation through consolidation

Identify rationalization targets

Improve business agility and reduce cost through modernization Value

Identify which applications we have

Understand Business value vs. Cost / Risk

Reduce cost by implementing consolidation decisions

Rightsize investments in maintenance, operations and modernization based

on objective analysis of value vs. cost, risk and improvement potential.

Identify applications not used or that can be consolidated

Identify applications that can be replaced with Packaged Apps / COTS

Identify applications that should be modernized

Improve business agility and reduce by modernizing applications

Continuously seek new rationalization targets


1-3 months 6-9 months 12-18 months 18-24 months

In parallel, implement

Demand Management

to improve business


In parallel, implement

Delivery Management

to reduce execution


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

Why APM right now?

APM solution architecture

How are customers adopting it?

APM in action

Final thoughts



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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

1-day Proof of Technology 1/2-day APM Executive Workshop

Next steps: Two options Moving towards increased strategic spend and improved business agility


What are your desired outcomes

from the APM effort?

What decisions do you need to support?

What information and analytics are

needed to support those decisions?

What roles are involved

in the information gathering

and decision making?

Instructor-led lab exercises

Hands-on walkthrough leveraging

sample application inventory

Walk through several end-to-end

Application Portfolio Management


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

In review

Increase in strategic spend Strengthened business and IT collaboration


Gather info, analyze, make decision


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential


APM content on ibm.com (ibm.co/apmsolution)

– whitepapers, demo, podcast, video etc.

APM reference stories: North American Bank , Global Conglomerate

APM Forrester Consulting commissioned report on Total Economic Impact of the IBM

Rational Integrated Solution for APM

– Provided on request

APM whitepaper: Empowering the CIO

APM Content on developerWorks

– demos, presentations, User Guides, etc.


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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential



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Enabling Product and Service Innovation | Rational

IBM Confidential

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