41 IUPAC General Assembly and 38 th IUPAC Congress, 29...

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Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 129

The 41st IUPAC General Assembly took place inBrisbane, Australia from 29 June to 8 July 2001.Meetings were held at the Queensland Universityof Technology (Bureau, Standing Committees, andCommissions) and the Old Customs House Build-ing (Council). The 38th IUPAC Congress was heldfrom 1–6 July at the Brisbane Convention Centre.This year was the first time that the General Assem-bly and Congress were held simultaneously. Theschedule of the General Assembly was arranged toallow most participants to attend the Congress. Thisoccasion was the last General Assembly at which allof the Commissions would meet. As a result of themotion adopted at the Berlin General Assembly in1999, all existing Commissions will terminate at theend of 2001. IUPAC’s scientific work will now becarried out by Task Groups working on specificprojects; these Task Groups will end with thecompletion of their projects.

The President’s State of the Union Report, theSecretary General’s column, and reports from theTreasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committeefollow this report. Reports from the Division Presi-dents and Chairmen of the Operating Standing Com-mittees and the Committee on Printed and ElectronicPublications can be found online at <http://www.iupac.org/news/archives/2001/41st_council/agenda.html>.

The total attendance at the General Assembly was483, as compared to 642 in 1999 at Berlin. Of thistotal, 384 were members of IUPAC bodies (518 atBerlin), 45 were invited Observers (82 at Berlin),and 94 were Council delegates (100 at Berlin), 40of whom were also members of IUPAC bodies. Theeffect of the distance from the bulk of the membersof IUPAC’s Commissions can be seen in the reducedparticipation in this General Assembly compared tothat at Berlin.

Major actions taken at the General Assembly aredescribed below, especially the results of the elec-tions for IUPAC officers.

Sydnes Elected IUPAC Vice President

Dr. Leiv K. Sydnes, Professor of Chemistry at theUniversity of Bergen, Norway, was elected VicePresident (President-elect) by the Council at theGeneral Assembly in Brisbane. Prof. Sydnes willserve two years as Vice President and will assumethe Presidency in January 2004. Prof. Pieter S. Steyn

(South Africa), current Vice President, will becomePresident in January 2002.

Six Members of the Bureau were also elected bythe Council. Dr. Edwin P. Przybylowicz (USA) andProf. Gus Somsen (Netherlands) were reelected tosecond four-year terms. Newly elected to four-yearterms were Prof. Chunli Bai (China), Prof. S.Chandrasekharan (India), Prof. Robert G. Gilbert(Australia), and Dr. Alan Smith (UK). Continuingelected members of the Bureau are Prof. Nicole J.Moreau (France), Prof. Oleg M. Nefedov (Russia),Prof. Hitoshi Ohtaki (Japan), and Prof. GerhardSchneider (Germany). Biographical sketches of theBureau candidates appeared in the May 2001 issueof CI, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 72–79, and are online at<http: / /www.iupac.org. /news/archives/2001/41st_council/index.html>.

In addition, six new Division Presidents joinedtwo continuing Division Presidents as members ofthe Bureau. Division Presidents beginning 1 Janu-ary 2002 are Prof. John Ralston (Physical and Bio-physical Chemistry), Dr. Gerd M. Rosenblatt (Inor-ganic Chemistry), Prof. Thomas T. Tidwell (Organicand Biomolecular Chemistry), Prof. Robert T. Stepto(Macromolecular), Dr. David S. Moore (AnalyticalChemistry), Prof. Werner Klein (Chemistry and theEnvironment), Dr. Anders Kallner (Chemistry andHuman Health), and Dr. Alan D. McNaught (System-atic Nomenclature and Structure Representation).

Prof. Nefedov was elected to the Executive Com-mittee by the Bureau at its meeting on 8 July.

New Division and Commissions Established

At the General Assembly in Brisbane, the Councilapproved the formation of an eighth Division ofIUPAC—Systematic Nomenclature and StructureRepresentation. The new Division will consolidatesystematic chemical nomenclature activities in or-ganic, inorganic, and macromolecular chemistry,which were carried out by three separate Commis-sions, and will assume responsibility for the IUPAC–IUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomen-clature. In addition, a major focus of the Divisionwill be the increasingly important area of computer-based nomenclature and structure representation.

Responsibility for assignment of names to newlycreated elements remains with the Inorganic Chem-istry Division, and all Divisions will continue to dealwith terminology relevant to their disciplines.

41st IUPAC General Assembly and 38th IUPACCongress, 29 June–8 July 2001, Brisbane, Australia

130 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

Council also approved the establishment of aCommission on Physicochemical Symbols, Units,and Terminology and a Commission on IsotopicAbundances and Atomic Weights. These Commis-sions will continue the work of current Commissionswith new and expanded responsibilities. Both wereformed only after careful study by special commit-tees, which reported to the Bureau on the desirabil-ity of continuing this work at the Commission level.

Ohtaki to Head New Membership DevelopmentCommittee

An ad hoc Membership Development Committee[MDC] was established by the Executive Commit-tee at the conclusion of the General Assembly. TheMDC will encourage expansion in the Membershipof the Union by undertaking and coordinating ac-tivities aimed at soliciting new National Adhering

President’s Report on the State of the UnionThis article is an abridged version of the President’sState of the Union report presented by IUPAC Presi-dent Dr. Alan Hayes at the 41st IUPAC Council meet-ing on 7–8 July 2001 in Brisbane, Australia.


The two years since our last General Assembly havebeen very active for IUPAC. The approval by theCouncil at Berlin of the reorganization of the man-agement of IUPAC’s scientific work, changing theUnion’s scientific structure from one based on per-manent commissions to one based on projects, hasled to changes in the responsibilities of the Divi-sion Presidents and Division Committees, and theestablishment and implementation of project ap-proval and evaluation processes.

We have implemented two new programs thatwere also approved by Council at Berlin—the IUPACPrize for Young Chemists and the support of confer-ences in developing and economically disadvan-taged countries. Both programs address importantneeds and provide high visibility to IUPAC.

We have undertaken comprehensive reviews ofthe Union’s activities in three important areas: sys-tematic chemical nomenclature, chemistry educa-tion, and interaction with the chemical and pharma-ceutical industry. We are now prepared to recom-mend organizational changes and strategies for pur-suing future work in these areas.

The Union’s regular activities in contributing tothe language and scientific–industrial framework ofchemistry continued with the publication in 2000of 21 recommendations and reports in our official

Journal, Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC), publi-cation of 3 books, and the publication of two spe-cial issues of PAC, one on the topic of“Nanostructured Materials”, the other on “GreenChemistry”. In dissemination of information, thebimonthly newsmagazine Chemistry International(CI) highlights current activities and general policyissues, and the informal IUPAC e-News providestimely updates. The IUPAC web site continues to bea major source of information for members of IUPACbodies. It is also becoming the public face of IUPACand is regularly accessed for information about allaspects of chemistry by scientists and studentsworldwide. A strategy for CI has been developed thatwill better integrate these three approaches and im-prove the readability of CI.

For the first time, IUPAC has published its Bien-nial Report using the goals of the Strategic Plan andin an attractive format. We have also recently de-veloped an information brochure with particular em-phasis on the Union’s interactions with industry.

The report that follows is intended to highlightactivities and actions that are important to the Unionas a whole. Please see the complete text of my Stateof the Union Report and the individual reports ofthe Division Presidents and Standing CommitteeChairmen, available online, for details not includedin this summary.

The Strategic Plan

The IUPAC Strategic Plan, adopted initially in 1998,is intended to be reviewed biennially and revised asneeded. The 2000–2001 Strategic Plan included only

Organizations and Associate National Adhering Or-ganizations.

Prof. Hitoshi Ohtaki (Japan) has been named byPresident Alan Hayes to chair the new committee.As a member of the IUPAC Bureau and ExecutiveCommittee, Prof. Ohtaki has been particularly con-cerned about potential expansion of the Union inAsia and will now coordinate aggressive efforts todevelop IUPAC’s global character. The other mem-bers of the Committee are Prof. Berhanu Abegaz(Botswana), Prof. Robert G. Gilbert (Australia), andDr. John Malin (USA).

Chemistry International to Get New Look

A redesigned Chemistry International (CI), the IUPACnews magazine, will appear in the coming monthsunder a program approved by the Bureau. (SeePresident’s Report on the State of the Union, p. 133.)

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a small number of changes in Strategic Thrusts toupdate it. The next revision of the Strategic Plan isexpected to be more significant.

To facilitate the revision process, I have ap-pointed a small ad hoc committee, chaired by Dr.Edwin P. Przybylowicz, with membership drawnfrom IUPAC bodies and other chemists interested inIUPAC and with broad geographic representation.The Executive Committee has scheduled a specialsession for the end of 2001 to consider the revisedStrategic Plan and other strategic issues and to pre-pare a final version of the Strategic Plan for approvalby the Bureau. The goal of the meeting will be tobring more focus to the work of the Union and toensure that the Union does what is wanted and what itcan best do. It is expected that by considering the re-vised Strategic Plan, as proposed by the ad hoc Com-mittee, and other inputs, such as those from NAOs, theExecutive Committee will be able to decide on a set ofactions to continue moving the Union forward.

Changes in Organization and Management ofIUPAC’s Scientific Work

Council approved at Berlin a policy and an opera-tional program based on the conceptual frameworkthat the Union represents and which serves the en-tire world chemistry community. The objective is toimprove quality, relevance, international impact, andeffectiveness of the Union’s scientific work. Theintegrated program has required major changes inthe responsibilities of the Division Presidents andDivision Committees, in the election procedures onthe Division level, and in project approval.

One of the major objectives of the new programis to solicit ideas for IUPAC projects from the world-wide chemistry community and to set up short-termTask Groups to carry out the projects, with member-ship open to the entire community. In line with thisobjective, representatives of the Division Commit-tees met during the General Assembly to share ex-perience on soliciting project proposals from thewider global chemical community. Emphasis willcontinue to be placed in the coming biennium onthis outreach effort.

IUPAC Congresses

The recently completed Congress in Brisbane hasjoined the last two Congresses, in Geneva and Ber-lin, as a successful scientific conference. I extenddeep thanks and appreciation to the Royal Austra-lian Chemical Institute (RACI), its Board, President,National Director, and enthusiastic staff for the su-perb organization of the Congress, and to the Inter-national Advisory Board and its Chairman, Prof.Y. T. Lee, for shaping the outstanding scientific pro-gram. The 39th IUPAC Congress will be held in Ot-tawa, Canada in 2003.


Nomenclature is an activity that for many chemistsdefines IUPAC. It has been important for the past 80years and will continue to be important in the fu-ture. As part of the reorganization of IUPAC work, itwas felt that this area required special care and at-tention.

In recognition of both IUPAC’s long-standing in-terest in this subject and the need for planning thecontinued development of this complex and some-what esoteric subject, the Officers, at Berlin, ac-cepted the Secretary General’s proposal to developa long-range strategy by initially convening a meet-ing of nomenclature experts and broad categoriesof users of chemical nomenclature. Secretary Gen-eral Dr. Edwin D. Becker and Dr. Alan D. McNaught(Royal Society of Chemistry), who has been activeon the Commission on Nomenclature of OrganicChemistry (CNOC), the Interdivisional Committeeon Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS), and theCommittee on Printed and Electronic Publications(CPEP), organized a Strategy Roundtable on Repre-sentations of Molecular Structure: Nomenclature andIts Alternatives.

The group assembled for this meeting representedexperts in organic, inorganic, biochemical, and mac-romolecular nomenclature; users of nomenclaturein academia and industry; the patent, internationaltrade, and health and safety communities; journaleditors and publishers; database providers; and soft-ware vendors—a total of 41 participants from ten

Dr. Alan Hayes

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countries. Following wide-ranging discussions dur-ing the first day, on the second day, a number of rec-ommendations to IUPAC were considered. As a re-sult of this meeting, the Bureau recommended toCouncil that a new Division of Systematic Nomen-clature and Structure Representation be formed.Council has approved this recommendation.

This effort is an example of the new IUPAC wayof doing things. First, the customers are asked whatthey need and how can IUPAC best contribute tomeeting that need. Next, the question is asked,should IUPAC be doing this? Finally, a program orproject is developed that addresses the expressedneeds of the chemistry community and that involvesboth people who have been active in IUPAC previ-ously and others who have not.


The central issue of science education in general,and education in chemistry in particular, pertains tothe preservation and advancement of global humancapital. Meaningful contributions to this endeavorconstitute a major challenge for the Union. IUPAC,as an international worldwide organization, mustconsider in this context the diversity of cultural ap-proaches and the different conditions and needs indistant parts of the world. It should be emphasizedthat chemistry, owing to its interdisciplinary nature,provides the basis for scientific training in the natu-ral sciences.

The problems facing the global chemistry edu-cation system involve the erosion of scope and qual-ity of science education, resulting in science illit-eracy in the developed countries and the need forqualified scientific manpower in less-developedcountries. At the General Assembly in 1999, Prof.Joshua Jortner assumed responsibility for organiz-ing an ad hoc IUPAC Education Strategy Develop-ment Committee (ESDC). Prof. Peter W. Atkins, whois internationally known in the field of chemical edu-cation, was recruited to be the Chairman of theESDC. Following two meetings, the ESDC concludedits task by preparing a report that puts forth recom-mendations for possible future directions of IUPAC’sactivities in chemistry education and the public ap-preciation of chemistry. I would like to express myappreciation of the work done by Prof. Atkins andthe members of the Committee. They have provideda report that will lead to major changes in the waysIUPAC responds to the needs of the global chemis-try community in this important area. (The report ofthe ESDC is available on the IUPAC Web site.)

The proposals by the ESDC now provide a frame-work for developing an overall strategy by whichIUPAC can contribute to chemistry education in away that complements the programs of national

chemistry organizations. A special Working Partyof the Executive Committee has evaluated the rec-ommendations of the ESDC for feasibility and imple-mentation. The recommendations of the WorkingParty have been adopted by the Bureau and will beimplemented by the end of the year (see IUPAC Website).

IUPAC–Industry Relations

In 1999, the Bureau appointed an ad hoc Commit-tee on IUPAC–Industry Relations. The members ofthis Committee were industrial scientists, from bothIUPAC and outside, with myself as Chairman. As aresult of the recommendations of this group, theCommittee on Chemistry and Industry (COCI) willbe reorganized to serve as a better communicationsforum for industry with IUPAC. COCI, with its re-vised Terms of Reference and membership, will workto increase the participation of industrial scientistsin IUPAC’s work and to improve communicationswith the global chemical industry

As part of my personal contribution to this ef-fort, I have met with the heads of a number of re-gional and global chemical trade associations. Thesemeetings have led, I believe, to a greater apprecia-tion of IUPAC’s work by these groups.

As Vice President, I proposed in my Critical As-sessment that we should attempt to combine exist-ing meetings of chemical society presidents and theheads of regional chemistry federations and alsoinvite the participation of leaders of industry andchemical trade associations in a World ChemistryLeadership Meeting (WCLM). I am pleased to re-port that the first WCLM took place on Monday,9 July, immediately after the IUPAC General Assem-bly, and addressed a number of issues of concern tothe assembled chemical societies and leaders ofchemical industry.

World Chemistry Leadership Meeting

On Monday, 9 July, a World Chemistry Lead-ership Meeting (WCLM) was held. There were37 participants from 25 countries, includingpresidents of chemical societies, regionalchemical federations, industry trade associa-tions, representatives of developing countries,and the IUPAC officers. The two half-day meet-ings addressed two sets of issues. The morn-ing session was devoted to the single topic of“Sharing Responsibility for Our Science—Chemistry Across National Boundaries” .IUPAC was requested to address this subjectby a resolution of the meeting of chemical

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At the Berlin meeting of chemical society presi-dents, organized by the Gesellschaft DeutscherChemiker, IUPAC was requested to organize a meet-ing on the topic “Sharing Responsibility for OurScience—Chemistry Across National Boundaries”in order to provide a forum for examining ways thatchemistry can be strengthened in developing andeconomically disadvantaged countries. The entiremorning session of the WCLM was devoted to thissubject.

IUPAC’s Publications

Based on an analysis of the future of the scientificpublishing market, the Committee on Printed andElectronic Publications recommended, and the Ex-ecutive Committee approved, the change of PACfrom having an official publisher to being publishedby IUPAC. The driving force for this change was thedesire to achieve greater independence in how theUnion approaches electronic publishing. The finan-cial analysis indicated that there was little financialrisk in this change. This change was made with theJanuary 2000 issue of PAC, and the results have metour expectations, both in terms of the improved qual-ity of the journal and improved financial results.

As a consequence of the severing of our relation-ship with Blackwell Science, we purchased the stockof IUPAC books published by Blackwell. The Sec-retariat has been selling these books directly sincethe middle of 2000.

In April 2000, the Executive Committee appointedan ad hoc Committee to study the overall strategy

of the Union with regard to its news magazine,Chemistry International (CI). This committee, calledthe Chemistry International Strategy DevelopmentCommittee, Chairman Dr. D. H. M. Bowen, formerchair of CPEP, presented its final report to the Ex-ecutive Committee in April 2001. The report can besummarized by saying that CI needs a better lookand feel. It should be seen as a news magazine thatreports on IUPAC activities, as well as issues inchemistry of international interest, rather than a col-lection of reports from IUPAC bodies. The CISDCreport emphasizes the importance of integrating thethree main news channels of the Union—CI, the Website, and e-News. The Executive Director was askedto prepare an implementation plan with associatedcosts. This plan was reviewed at the recent Bureaumeeting and adopted.

Dissemination of Information

The IUPAC web site (http://www.iupac.org) has beengreatly expanded over the biennium. The numberof visitors to the site has increased from fewer than3 000 in March 1998 to almost 200 000 in January2001. Six mirror sites are currently active: the RSCin the United Kingdom, SUNSite Germany, SUNSiteSouth Africa, the Korean Chemical Society, SUNSiteJapan, and the Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indo-nesia.

A significant addition to the Union’s communi-cation with not only the active and former partici-pants in IUPAC activities, but with interested peopleworldwide, is e-News. Since it was first e-mailed on28 June 2000, five e-News editions have been dis-patched to the pool of current members, includingNAOs, Associate NAOs, Associated Organizations, andCompany Associates. Positive feedback has been re-ceived regarding the value of this electronic newslet-ter as a means of communicating with our members.

Service of Chemistry

The CHEMRAWN series continues to address issuesat the interface of science and society. A highly suc-cessful CHEMRAWN Conference on Green Chem-istry was held on 9–13 June 2001 in Boulder, Colo-rado, USA.

At the Berlin Council meeting, a new initiative toencourage career development of young scientistswas approved. The IUPAC Prize for Young Chem-ists, based on their doctoral research, will beawarded annually, with the winners being broughtto the IUPAC Congress to receive their prizes and toparticipate in the scientific activities. The nine prizewinners for 2000–2001 received their prizes at theopening ceremonies in Brisbane on Sunday, 1 July.Each prize winner also presented his/her work in a

society presidents held in Berlin during theIUPAC General Assembly and Congress in1999. This session addressed how the chemi-cal societies of the developed countries plan,using the resources available to them, to workwith chemists and chemical societies in devel-oping and economically disadvantaged coun-tries, to strengthen chemistry in those coun-tries, and to assist in their development. Theafternoon session considered subjects of com-mon interest to the assembled chemical soci-eties and other representatives of the world-wide chemistry community. Most of the ses-sion was devoted to a discussion of what vari-ous chemical societies and trade federationsare doing to improve the public perception ofchemistry and how to improve communicationamong the societies and thereby share infor-mation and successful ideas.

134 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

poster at the Congress.The first Goal in our Strategic Plan addresses

IUPAC’s responsibility “to serve as a scientific, in-ternational, nongovernmental body in objectivelyaddressing global issues involving the chemical sci-ences”. Within recent months, IUPAC has been askedto take on just this type of task for the Organizationfor the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW),the international body set up to administer theChemical Weapons Convention (CWC), now ratifiedby 143 countries, which is designed to “determinefor the sake of all mankind to exclude completelythe possibility of the use of chemical weapons”. Ibelieve that this activity is important for the imageof chemistry and for international public policy, andI expect that the Union will be able to provide thenecessary leadership and objective advice.

IUPAC Activities in Less-Developed Countries

A new initiative to promote sponsorship of IUPACconferences in developing and economically disad-vantaged countries was approved by Council at Ber-lin. This initiative provides funds to help IUPACmember countries that often cannot hold major in-ternational conferences to do so. Holding an inter-national conference is an excellent way to help sci-entists in developing countries maintain the contactsthat are a necessary part of participating at a highlevel in modern chemistry. It also enables youngscientists to participate in a major international con-ference, an opportunity many of them rarely receive.


IUPAC currently has 44 National Adhering Organi-zations, which include the vast majority of theworld’s most developed chemistry economies. Yet,there are a significant number of countries that aremajor contributors to the chemical sciences and tochemical industry but which do not currently ad-here to IUPAC. In all our contacts with internationalchemistry federations and societies, we are continu-ally exploring ways by which such countries can bebrought into the IUPAC family. Indeed, as webroaden the scope of the Union’s programs, we mustmake it clear why these countries will benefit frommembership in IUPAC.

Overall, our message to the world’s chemists isone of openness. We are restructuring our scientificprograms to permit any scientist anywhere in theworld to propose projects that will benefit interna-tional science. We have made it easier for top-notchscientists in countries that currently do not adhereto IUPAC to participate in the Union’s projects andto serve on its scientific bodies. We have made it

clear through our Strategic Plan and through ourfollowup actions that IUPAC believes in the serviceof chemistry to society, worldwide. We are makingstrenuous efforts to work cooperatively with thechemical and pharmaceutical industries to providean independent scientific base that will assist themin bringing the benefits of chemistry to mankind. Ibelieve that IUPAC’s new and candid approach tothe world chemistry community will pay dividendsin years ahead, both to the Union and to the sciencethat we serve.


In his report to the Berlin Council meeting, Presi-dent Jortner stated six points that he described asthe future message of IUPAC:

• openness to the fast expansion of the borders ofthe chemical sciences

• response to conceptual and structural changes inchemical research and technology

• perpetuation of interdisciplinary unification, highquality, relevance, and the global dimension inactivities

• contribution to the globalization of the scientificendeavor

• adherence to the principles, norms, values, andethics of science

• recruiting “human capital” for IUPAC

IUPAC has embarked on a new course for the fu-ture. The changes that have been made and that willtake full effect starting in 2002 are intended to ad-dress these six points. IUPAC can only remain im-portant to chemists by continuing to meet their needsfor an organization that helps them do their work.We must continue to ask the two fundamental ques-tions:

• Why should IUPAC be involved with this activ-ity?

• What does the customer need/want?

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 135

Secretary General’s Report

This issue of Chemistry International includes anumber of news items from the General Assembly,along with reports on the State of the Union and itsfinancial status. I would like to comment on someaspects of the reports presented to the Council andto look at some trends in our future activities.

Restructuring of the Divisions

This year marks the conclusion of the transition pe-riod for converting to a project-driven system. Thereports by the Division Presidents and StandingCommittee Chairmen indicated that a large numberof existing projects are expected to be completedby the end of this year; they were largely optimisticregarding the flexibility of the new system and theopportunities to improve interdisciplinary activities.However, there remain some concerns about the ef-fect of termination of Commissions at the end of theyear.

Divisions are handling the new system in quitedifferent ways. For example, the Analytical Chem-istry Division will replace its eight Commissionswith only one subcommittee (to manage the Solu-bility Data Series) and will retain its one workingparty on quality assurance in analytical laborato-ries. The Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Divi-sion will have no subcommittees and will host thereconstituted Commission on Physicochemical Sym-bols, Terminology, and Units. Both of these Divi-sions expect to rely on IUPAC Fellows and on con-tacts with outside groups, including national chemi-cal societies, as sources of ideas for new projects.

On the other hand, the Organic and BiomolecularChemistry Division and the Chemistry and the En-vironment Division will retain a much more exten-sive structure, with a large number of subcommit-tees in place of their Commissions. In all cases, fundswill be available primarily through approvedprojects. The Macromolecular Division expects tocontinue about 30 projects as at present, but thePhysical and Biophysical Chemistry Division antici-pates about 10 projects, with some being supportedat much higher levels than was possible in the past.

It will take several years to determine which mod-els will ultimately prove to be most successful.

Some Trends in IUPAC Activities

The final words of the President’s State of the Unionmessage were echoed in several presentations—What does the “customer” need, and why should

IUPAC undertakethe activity? Thisemphasis will surelyfocus our efforts onactivities that arewidely perceived tobe important andthat require theunique perspectiveof IUPAC.

The Union ispoised to expand itsefforts in chemistryeducation in waysthat clearly comp-lement activities byothers, includingnational chemicalsocieties. The new Vice President, Prof. Leiv Sydnes,has been active in chemistry education in Europeand in helping to develop plans for IUPAC’s work inthis area. We should soon see a reconstituted Com-mittee on Chemistry Education, with particular em-phases on developing countries and the public ap-preciation of chemistry.

The new Division of Systematic Nomenclatureand Structure Representation will provide the meansfor IUPAC to maintain leadership in development ofchemical nomenclature in the era of computer-basedstructures and nomenclature. In a broader context,IUPAC will probably take the lead in setting stan-dards for CML (Chemical Markup Language), whichseems likely to become the preferred medium forweb-based communication in chemistry and for in-put into printed publications.

IUPAC is increasingly being recognized as an in-dependent international organization that can pro-vide objective scientific advice on global issues. Wehave begun an effort to advise the Organization forthe Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) onscientific and technological advances that may havean impact on the enforcement of the Chemical Weap-ons Convention. More information will be forthcom-ing in the next two months.

The Union will be making more concerted effortsto expand its membership base of National Adher-ing Organizations and Associate NAOs, with the leadrole being played by the newly established ad hocMembership Development Committee, chaired byProf. Hitoshi Ohtaki.

Dr. Edwin D. Becker

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Report of Treasurer and Report of Finance Committee

Dr. Christoph Buxtorf, IUPAC Treasurer and recentlyretired Head of Production and Technology ofNovartis Crop Protection (Switzerland), and Dr.Edwin Przybylowicz, Chairman of the IUPACFinance Committee and retired Director of Researchat Eastman Kodak Co. (USA), have submitted thesereports on the financial condition of IUPAC.

Treasurer’s Review

General Remarks

I would like to present IUPAC financial status byproviding an audited statement of income and spend-ing to our members. We last presented a detailed fi-nancial statement in the July 2000 issue of Chemis-try International (CI). The Bureau and Council votedto support budgets for the next biennium at our Gen-eral Assembly in Brisbane in July 2001. This annualreport is a good place to give answers to some of thequestions about IUPAC finances.

From Where Does IUPAC Get its Money?

IUPAC has the following main sources of income:Membership Dues from National Adhering Or-

ganizations (NAOs): The NAOs support IUPAC’s roleas a leading international body in the field of chem-istry through active programs and project work inthe fields of nomenclature, research, teaching, andsystems providing unimpeded access to informa-tion. The national subscriptions are based on thenational chemical turnover through an establishedformula. The calculations of the chemical turnoverand the payments are made in U.S. dollars (USD).Voting representation of each member country isbroadly related to the national subscription, thusensuring the voice of each NAO in the internationalworld of chemistry. Solidarity and commitment arethe warranty for the sustainable work of IUPAC.Unfortunately, we see some serious signs of discon-tinuity in the future.

Publications: Our publication Pure and AppliedChemistry (PAC) has become—at least for the timebeing—a very important source of income. Thissituation was, in particular, made possible by a switchfrom external publishing to IUPAC becoming its ownpublisher. We have kept the subscription fees con-stant over the last two years. Owing to higher print-ing and shipping costs, we should increase the pricemoderately.

Interest from our Investments: In the past few

years, the excellentperformance of thefinancial marketshas allowed IUPACto grow the long-term account to fi-nance various en-deavors (see detailsin comments of theChairman of the Fi-nance Committeebelow). However,during the past twoyears, the invest-ment markets weredifficult and, there-fore, the availableincome was smaller than in earlier years.

Grants: Periodically, ICSU and IUPAC collabo-rate on projects. Such project-related funds are notpart of our regular income.

Donations: Unfortunately, this part is actuallyvery small. However, there are some opportunitiesfor project funding in the areas of research and edu-cation. We definitely need more effort in these ar-eas to receive funds from industry and other agen-cies.

How Does IUPAC Spend its Money?

IUPAC is a nonprofit organization, and any revenueis used to support chemistry activities around theworld. The IUPAC Strategic Plan has facilitated fo-cused activities.

The main expenses of IUPAC are as follows:International Meetings: IUPAC supports a num-

ber of international meetings—including the WorldCongresses—with loans, grants, and travel subsi-dies, in line with programs and project work.

Scientific Advisory Activities: The Divisions andCommittees of IUPAC have the responsibility to pro-duce scientific evidence to support nomenclature(e.g., together with Chemical Abstracts, the BeilsteinSociety, and patent agencies), standardization, re-search, teaching, and information systems (e.g., Websites) to sustain chemical science in the service ofmankind.

Publications: IUPAC publishes CI as an infor-mation tool to stay in contact with its Members andAffiliate Members and PAC, a journal for the inter-national scientific community, with reports and rec-ommendations emanating from IUPAC’s project

Dr. Christoph Buxtorf

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 137

work and manuscripts fromIUPAC-sponsored conferencesand symposia. The maintenanceand expansion of the IUPAC Website is a new and important activ-ity in this context. Through care-ful management, the overall ex-penses for these publicationshave been substantially reduced.

Reduction of AdministrativeCosts

Administrative costs have beenwell managed in the last bien-nium. The move from Oxford toResearch Triangle Park has beenquite successful in terms of costand benefit. The addition of staffis carefully evaluated and onlyaccepted if a clear benefit forIUPAC can be demonstrated.Many services are performed un-der contract, which helps keepcosts down.

Future Initiatives

IUPAC is on the way to focusingmore on project-driven activi-ties. It may present a big chal-lenge to make this move rapidlywithout losing competence. Fur-thermore, a revision of the Strategic Plan will sup-port better focus and a more efficient allocation ofresources.

Income and Expenses

A major and successful financial turnaround is thebest description of what happened during the pe-riod 1991–1999 under Prof. John Ward as Treasurer.The financial health of IUPAC is, therefore, good.The future, however, has some downside risks, whichmay be anticipated as a review of the financial sum-mary of the last three years clearly shows.

This summary indicates that our total financialsupport in 2000 was down some 8% over the previ-ous year, owing in part to a decrease in grants andcontributions from outside sources and a decline inNational Subscriptions (owing to some countrieswith financial problems and membership cancella-tions). Additionally, the investment environment wasdifficult in 2000, and the impact is quite apparent inour investment income. In the area of publications,the impact of the move from outside to inside pub-lishing in 2000 is very positive. Even with the higheradministrative costs associated with this change, the

net income from publications is greater under thenew system than it was with an outside publisher.The bottom line shows a steady, but declining, in-crease in net assets.

A special report on IUPAC’s long-term invest-ments and reserve funds is given below by Dr. EdPrzybylowicz (Finance Committee Report).

Summary and Conclusions

An analysis of the above table indicates that the fi-nancial health of IUPAC is good, the reserves arestill growing, but our income side has some areas ofconcern. On the expense side, the move from com-mission-driven costs to a more project-driven sys-tem remains to be experienced. As a starting point,we are planning that the balance between operationsand projects will be 25%/75%. It remains to be seenwhether experience will bear this out. It is possiblethat we may not fully use the project funds allocatedto the Divisions and the Division Reserve in the nextperiod. For this reason, we propose that there be onlya 1% increase per annum in the National Subscrip-tions for the next biennium. To help offset increasesin publication costs, we are recommending that the

IUPAC Accounts, 1998–2000

1998 1999 2000

SupportGrants and contributions, USD 65 000 31 000 7 000National Subscriptions 658 455 689 650 677 591Affiliate Membership Program 58 969 74 436 71 957

Total support 782 424 795 086 756 548

Other revenuesPublications 394 608 431 505 727 982*Investment income 257 827 413 225 23 779Other 17 126 27 793 34 188

Total other revenues 669 561 872 523 785 949

Total support and other revenues 1 451 985 1 667 609 1 542 497

ExpensesProgram 495 653 777 505 699 956Management and general 452 927 533 795 669 667*

Total expenses 948 580 1 311 300 1 369 623

Increase in net assets 503 405 356 309 172 874

Net assets, beginning of year 3 561 578 4 064 983 4 421 292

Net assets, end of year 4 064 983 4 421 292 4 594 166

*Reflects large increases in both income and expenses from self-publishing.

138 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

Committee on Printed and Electronic Publicationsconsider a 5% per annum increase in the subscrip-tion prices of PAC. Beyond this biennium, we mayhave to be prepared to increase the National Sub-scriptions in the period 2003–2005 at a higher rate,depending on our experience with the new projectsystem.

It is most important that we spend IUPAC fundson strategically important projects, making visibleto our outside world of customers those accomplish-ments that IUPAC is in a unique position to provide.This effort will require focusing on fewer, high-pri-ority tasks. For the next biennium, the allocation tothe Divisions will follow mainly the pattern of pastexpenditures, as proposed to the Bureau at its meet-ing in September 2000. As we take on new tasks,such as the Systematic Nomenclature and StructureRepresentation Division, more activity in COCI, andeducational efforts, the allocations will be differ-ent.

The next biennium is, in many respects, a provi-sional one, with some uncertainties that will be re-solved through the experience of the next two years.For future biennia, it will be up to the ExecutiveCommittee and the Bureau to develop focused strat-egies that give clear guidelines to the Finance Com-mittee and to the Treasurer to allocate the funds inthe most sensible way.


The present work of the Treasurer was only possiblethanks to the great cooperation and help of the Ex-ecutive Director, the Finance Committee, and last—but not least—the outstanding heritage of my pre-decessor, Prof. John Ward.

Finance Committee Report

According to the standing orders of the FinanceCommittee (FC), the FC is charged broadly with pro-viding financial advice to IUPAC, as well as the re-sponsibility for IUPAC securities in the long-termaccounts. Over the past biennium, our long-term in-vestments have been handled through the MerrillLynch International Bank Limited with offices inNew York City. The holdings in the IUPAC long-terminvestment account are a mixture of internationalequity funds and international bonds, with approxi-mately 1–2% of the funds being available in a moneymarket fund for liquidity.

The investment market over the past two yearswas very mixed. The year 1999 showed poor per-formance early in the year; however, the fourth quar-ter ended strong. In 2000, the markets took a de-cided turn downward from the preceding several

years when growth washigh. It was the end of aprolonged period of out-standing investment op-portunities. The down-ward turn in the markets,especially during thepast year, had its waywith the IUPAC portfo-lio.

For the biennium,1999–2000, the value ofour long-term portfolioincreased from USD3 465 219 to USD 4 359888, or 25.8%. However, a significant portion of thisincrease is due to underrunning the operating bud-gets during this biennium and transfer of those fundsto the long-term account. During 1999, the invest-ments yielded an 11.9% increase, largely due to amarket rally in the fourth quarter of the year. Dur-ing the year 2000, however, our investments de-creased in value by 1% in an equity investment mar-ket that decreased by over 9%. Financially, we havedone well in a rather poor investment market.

In view of the recent volatility of the equity mar-kets and the goal of the FC to “preserve capital”, adecision was taken at the FC meeting in March 2001to move to a 50/50 ratio of equity-to-fixed incomein the long-term portfolio.

The Finance Committee and Executive Commit-tee also approved an IUPAC Investment Policy anda Fund Policy Statement that provide an annual op-erating description of how the long-term investmentaccount is allocated to various funds of the organi-zation. These policy statements are available uponrequest to the Secretariat.

In summary, the long-term investment account ofIUPAC is in good shape and can provide financialstability for the annual operations of the Union, aswell as income to support certain special projects.As the Treasurer points out in his report, the healthof this account depends on a continued strong in-vestment market.

As FC chairman, my thanks go to our Treasurerand to the FC committee members for their adviceand counsel, as well as to the officers of IUPAC fortheir continued support. Special thanks go to Dr.Alfred Hartmann, a retired member of the FC, and toProf. John Ward, past-Treasurer, who have attendedthe FC meetings during the past two years and par-ticipated in our deliberations.

Dr. Ed Przybylowicz

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 139

News from IUPAC

COCI Visit to China, April 2001

IUPAC’s Committee on Chemistry and Industry(COCI) has submitted the following article, preparedby COCI Chairman Dr. A. Nelson Wright (12539Ranger, Montréal, Quebec H4J 2L7, Canada; E-mail:anwright@citenet.net) after his visit to China inApril 2001.

Representing COCI, I had a most productive andenjoyable visit to China in April 2001. The primarygoal of the visit was to spend some time in Beijingwith SINOPEC, which last year gained representa-tion on COCI in the person of Dr. Jinliang Qiao,Deputy Director of the Beijing Research Institute ofChemical Industry. SINOPEC, an acronym for ChinaPetrochemical Corporation, is a giant petroleum andpetrochemical enterprise group, established in July1998 by the State on the basis of the former ChinaPetrochemical Corporation, with 95 wholly ownedenterprises, sales over USD 28 billion in 1999, andwell over 500 000 employees. It is represented onboth the New York and London stock markets. Inaddition to having an opportunity to explain COCI/IUPAC, and especially those activities pertinent toindustry, to company officers, and to developing amodus operandi with the company after Dr. Qiao’sfirst COCI meeting in Montréal last year, we hopedalso to meet representatives of the overall Chinesechemical industry to promote IUPAC and to ascer-tain their future needs that theUnion might be able to address.(Such industrial initiatives arepart of the strategies recently de-veloped by President Hayes’sIUPAC/Industry Relations TaskGroup.) Prof. Cun-hao Zhang, ofthe IUPAC Bureau, also kindlyoffered to arrange visits for mein Beijing with the pharmaceuti-cal sector. All these meetingswere successfully coordinatedbefore my arrival and provedfruitful.

The trip began at the IUPAC/ICSU Biodiversity Workshop inKunming with COCI’s participa-tion in the final drafting of Rec-ommendations in order to repre-sent “industrial interests”. Co-chaired by Profs. Cun-hao Zhangand Upendra Pandit, the work-

shop featured several IUPAC-associated speakersfrom around the world, as well as other scientistsfrom China. It was particularly interesting for me todiscover the extent and quality of research in Chinafocused on the growing understanding of traditionalChinese medicine (TCM). Much of the researchstems from the biodiversity native to China, whichwe all wish to preserve! It was also a pleasure tospend some time at the banquet with Prof. ChunliBai, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sci-ences (CAS), President of the Chinese ChemicalSociety, and a (newly elected; see p. 129) candidatefor the IUPAC Bureau at the election in Brisbane. Itwas a particular delight following the workshop toparticipate with many Chinese and overseas col-leagues in a field trip arranged by our hosts, theChinese Association for Science and Technology(CAST), to the historic Yunnan city of Lijiang andits beautiful environs. We were all impressed, espe-cially by the culture, architecture, and costumes ofthe local, minority Naxi peoples.

In Beijing, a scheduled 15-minute audience withMr. Jiming Wang, President and Director of theBoard of SINOPEC, was extended to 45 minutes fol-lowing my brief presentation about the new direc-tions of IUPAC and its efforts pertinent to industrialconcerns! The new brochure “IUPAC and Industry”was also distributed. Others present included Ms.Yuan Qingtang, Chief Engineer; Mr. Li Jiaxun, Di-

From left to right: Mr. Jiaxun Li, Director, Foreign Affairs Department; Mr.Haihong Xu, Interpreter; Mr. Jiming Wang, President; Ms. Qingtang Yuan,Chief Engineer; Mr. Yong Zhang, Deputy Director, Science and TechnologyDepartment.

140 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

rector, Foreign Affairs Department; Mr. Zhang Yong,Deputy Director, Science and Technology Depart-ment (who made the first contact with COCI as anObserver at our Berlin Meeting); Dr. Qiao; and Mr.Hailong Xu, the interpreter. Mr. Wang’s response toproposed interactions with IUPAC was most enthu-siastic! (In the photo, he is shown on the right withDr. Qiao on the left.) Mr. Wang personally commit-ted SINOPEC to support existing COCI programs;to identify before our Brisbane meeting a SINOPECcandidate for the COCI/UNESCO/UNIDO TrainingProgram; to sponsor (i.e., financially support) aSafety/Environment Workshop in Beijing in 2002 or2003; and to purchase copies of DIDAC (seeDIDACtic Tools for Teaching Chemistry, CI, Vol. 22,No. 4, pp. 103–105, 2000), to have them translatedinto Chinese, and then to provide them to the Minis-try of Education. He also encouraged COCI to con-tinue initiating IUPAC projects that address issuesof industrial/societal concerns, such as the recentSpecial Topic Issues of PAC on “Chlorine” (Vol. 68,No. 9, 1996) and “Environmental Oestrogens” (Vol.70, No. 9, 1998). I extended President Hayes’s invi-tation to attend the World Chemistry LeadershipMeeting in Brisbane, and Mr. Wang agreed to try tosend a company officer. In the afternoon, Dr. Qiaoand I visited the Polyolefins National Research Cen-ter and the Beijing Research Institute of ChemicalIndustry, hosted by Mr. Xi Wang, Senior Engineer.Much of the research/development in both places isfocused on polyolefin catalyst systems, and I wasimpressed by the sophistication of the analytical in-struments and the pilot facilities.

A meeting with the Society of Chemical and Pet-rochemical Industry of China (until recently the

Chemical Industry and En-gineering Society ofChina) was hosted by theSecretary General, Mr. Qi YiGong. Although obviouslystrongly influenced bySINOPEC (several officersin attendance were fromthat company), the Societyhas more than 60 000 indus-try members and manyConstituent Institutes.Thus, we were able to getthe “IUPAC story” across toa broad spectrum of thechemical industry. Mr.Gong described his organi-zation and presented mewith extensive documenta-tion. He expressed greatinterest in the many COCI/

IUPAC activities pertinent to industry and in the newindustry brochure that has been widely distributed.We spent considerable time discussing the “Envi-ronmental Oestrogen” Special Topic Issue of PAC,and our Chinese colleagues promised to keep COCIinformed of the appearance of such industry/soci-etal issues in China. Mr. Gong committed to be acoorganizer with SINOPEC in a planned Safety/En-vironment Workshop in Beijing; they will help iden-tify areas that need special attention in China, andmake sure that many of their companies attend. Theywere intrigued by the Training Program and will tryto identify a candidate before Brisbane—at my sug-gestion—from one of their smaller companies with“needs”. They will try to recruit new Company As-sociates from among their member companies. Mr.Gong also promised to attempt to respond to Dr.Hayes’s invitation to send an officer to the WorldChemistry Leadership Meeting in Brisbane.

Thanks to arrangements by Prof. Cun-hao Zhang,I also visited the Pharmaceutical College of Beijingand the Pharmaceutical Institute of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences, hosted by Prof. Li-He Zhang,Dr. Han Lin Wen, and Mr. Bao Sheng Huang, amongmany others. Again, I was impressed by how muchreally good chemistry is underway to identify theactive components in TCM, as well as by their anti-tumor and antibacterial effects. I also appreciatedthe Chinese emphasis on joint efforts with overseasresearchers, including those at the Université deMontréal! I have many brochures on hand describ-ing this college and institute, and I am sure that many“drugs/medicines” will eventually result from thiscollaborative work. Although direct interaction withCOCI is not currently obvious, the Chinese may well

From left: Dr. Jinlian Qiao, Dr. A. Nelson Wright, and Mr. Jiming Wang

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 141

participate in the 2002 (or 2003) Safety/EnvironmentWorkshop that we are planning with SINOPEC; weshall keep them informed of progress.

Finally, I would like to express my thanks to mymany hosts in China, including Ms. Fang Chen ofCAST, who arranged things so well for many of usin Kunming and Lijiang; Mr. Wang of SINOPEC(and, of course, Dr. Qiao of COCI and his ForeignAffairs Senior Engineer, Mr. Chaosheng Wang); Mr.Qi Yi Gong of the Society; Prof. Zhang of the IUPACBureau; and Prof. Li-He Zhang, Dean of the Schoolof Pharmaceutical Science and Member of the Chi-nese Academy of Sciences; and to Prof. Albert Fischlifor keeping COCI involved in the “Molecular Basisof Biodiversity”. The food was great everywhere,the science inspiring, the scenery magnificent, thecultural attractions wonderful (and always also ex-plained in English notices!), and the cities, hotels,and airports more modern than I could ever haveanticipated. Of course, there is no better way to “see”a country than in the company of colleagues wholive there!

IUPAC “Red Book II”

This new volume of nomenclature rules forpolyanions, isotopic modification, tetrapyrroles, ni-trogen hydrides, and inorganic ring, chain, polymer,and graphite intercalation compounds is now avail-able from the Royal Society of Chemistry. (See an-nouncement on pp. 149–150.)

IUPAC–NIST Solubility Data Series

Two more volumes in the IUPAC–NIST SolubilityData Series have recently been published as issuesof the Journal of Physical and Chemical ReferenceData (JPCRD), as per the cooperative agreement de-scribed in Chemistry International, Vol. 21,No. 2, pp. 36–37, 1999. These volumes have beenpublished by the American Chemical Society (ACS)and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) for theNational Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST).

IUPAC–NIST Solubility Data Series 71.Nitromethane with Water or Organic Solvents: Bi-nary Systems, by Valerii P. Sazonov, Kenneth N.Marsh, and Glenn T. Hefter, appeared as JPCRD, Vol.29, No. 5, pp. 1165–1354, 2000.

IUPAC–NIST Solubility Data Series 72.Nitromethane with Water or Organic Solvents: Ter-nary and Quaternary Systems, by Valerii P. Sazonov,Kenneth N. Marsh, David G. Shaw, Mariya F.Chernysheva, Nikolai V. Sazonov, and HideoAkaiwa, appeared as JPCRD, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp.1447–1641, 2000.

For more information about these IUPAC–NISTvolumes, see the article on New Publications fromthe American Chemical Society and the AmericanInstitute of Physics on page 151.

IUPAC Recommendations forMacromolecular (Polymer)Nomenclature: Guide for the Authors ofPapers and Reports in Polymer Scienceand Technology

Dr. Edward S. Wilks (E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.,CR&D BMP 14-1288, P.O. Box 80014, Wilmington,Delaware 19880-0014, USA; E-mail: edward.s.wilks@usa.dupont.com), Titular Member of theIUPAC Commission on Macromolecular Nomen-clature (IV.1), has prepared an easy and less formalguide to IUPAC recommendations on macromolec-ular nomenclature. All IUPAC recommendationsreferred to in this guide have been publishedpreviously in Pure and Applied Chemistry.

It has been the goal of Commission IV.1 to im-prove communication among polymer scientists byrecommending unambiguous, standardized, and uni-versally understood names and structure represen-tations of polymers. The guide may be found on theIUPAC Web site at <http://www.iupac.org/reports/IV/guide.html>.

Tribute to Prof. Valentin A. Koptyug andhis IUPAC Career

Prof. Boris F. Myasoedov (V. I. Vernadsky Instituteof Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RussianAcademy of Sciences, Radiochemistry Laboratory,Kosygin Street 19, Moscow, RU-117975; E-mail:ncrc@mail.ru), Russian National Representative forthe IUPAC Commission on Radiochemistry andNuclear Techniques (V.7) and Vice Chairman of theNational Committee of Russian Chemists, has con-tributed the following tribute to Prof. Valentin A.Koptyug (IUPAC President, 1987–1989) on the oc-casion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of the lateProf. Koptyug (1931–1997). This article previouslyappeared in Chemistry in Russia and in theMendeleev Chemical Society Journal and is pub-lished here gladly at the request of Prof. Myasoedovon behalf of the National Committee of RussianChemists.

Prof. Valentin A. Koptyug was an outstanding sci-entist, a great thinker, an excellent organizer of sci-ence (for 17 years, he was Chairman of the SiberianBranch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), and astrong and determined person. Although his com-mitments at the Academy took most of his time, he

142 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

managed to take anactive part in thework of leading in-ternational organi-zations. Many yearsof his life were dedi-cated to IUPAC, themost authoritativeorganization con-solidating chemistsfrom 56 countries ofthe world.

The first activi-ties of Prof. Koptyugin IUPAC (1973–1983) were connected with the activities of the Com-mission on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy(I.5) within the Physical Chemistry Division. Real-izing the increasing importance of computer tech-nology to the chemical sciences, he initiated andsuccessfully accomplished a project on the devel-opment of electronic databases for properties ofchemical compounds.

At the 30th IUPAC General Assembly (Davos, Swit-zerland, 1979), Prof. Koptyug was elected to theBureau (1979–1989). At the 33rd IUPAC General As-sembly (Lyon, France, 1984), he became IUPAC VicePresident (1986–1987). This election signified theinternational recognition of his scientific achieve-ments. In January 1988, he became IUPAC President.The election of Prof. Koptyug as a member of theBureau led to the most productive period of his ac-tivity in IUPAC. During his years as a Bureau Mem-ber and Officer, environmental problems acquired aglobal significance, and Prof. Koptyug’s scientificand organizational work focused on finding solu-tions to these challenges. He concentrated his effortson the reorganization of the Union’s activities inorder to respond adequately to the global changes oc-curring in the world and to solve various environmen-tal problems.

Prof. Koptyug actively supported the idea of “hori-zontal” interdisciplinary specialized programs inwhich the IUPAC Divisions and Commissions weresupposed to be engaged. In February 1989, he pro-posed the first program on “Chemistry and the Envi-ronment”, which was adopted by the Scientific Com-mittee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) andthe International Council for Science (ICSU) to dealwith environmental problems. In August 1989 at the35th General Assembly (Lund, Sweden), the IUPAC Bu-reau approved the “Chemistry and the Environment”program, and Prof. Koptyug became its coordinator.

Prof. Koptyug realized that the only way to solveglobal environmental problems is to consolidate theefforts of the entire chemical community. He prepared

and published the digest of articles entitled“Compilative Information on International Organiza-tions and Programs Relating to Chemical and Bio-chemical Aspects of Environmental Problems” (IUPAC,SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 1991), where information oninternational organizations dealing with environmen-tal problems was summarized and analyzed.

At the end of his presidency, Prof. Koptyug wasappointed an IUPAC representative to ICSU–SCOPE(1989–1997). In 1992, he became Vice President ofICSU–SCOPE. Prof. Koptyug responsibly and ac-tively supported the concept of sustainable devel-opment, which was accepted as the main principleof development of the human community at the fa-mous UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992), whereProf. Koptyug represented Russia. For his remain-ing years after this conference until his death on 10January 1997, Prof. Koptyug was actively engagedin developing and popularizing this concept. As theIUPAC representative to ICSU–SCOPE, he partici-pated in organizing the International ConferenceASCEND-21, where the role of science in the 21st

century, as well as various approaches to the solu-tion of environmental problems, were discussed.

Prof. Koptyug undertook many efforts to orga-nize a series of international conferences on Chemi-cal Research Applied to World Needs(CHEMRAWN), including CHEMRAWN VIII:“Chemistry and Sustainable Development Toward aClean Environment, Zero Waste, and Highest EnergyEfficiency”, which he organized with academicianProf. Oleg M. Nefedov, Vice President of the Rus-sian Academy of Sciences, in September 1992 inMoscow. This conference was held soon after theUN Conference in Rio de Janeiro.

In 1993, owing to Prof. Koptyug’s efforts, a newinternational journal, Chemistry for Sustainable De-velopment, was created. The primary goal of the jour-nal was to promote better understanding of chemi-cal sciences, as well as the role of industry in thedevelopment of human society.

The fruitful work of Prof. Koptyug in IUPAC andICSU–SCOPE lasted for 24 years, from 1973 until1997 and the last days of his life. Prof. Koptyug eas-ily established contacts with foreign scientists dueto his excellent knowledge of English. His activityin IUPAC was highly appreciated by scientists allover the world.

Prof. Koptyug had a strong feeling of responsibil-ity toward people and society. The range of his scien-tific interests was extremely wide. He worked on bothfundamental and applied problems. His main concernwas with the social role of science and education andtheir contribution to the solution of environmentalproblems and to the sustainable development of man-kind on the threshold of the 21st century.

Prof. Valentin A. Koptyug

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 143

Reports from IUPAC-Sponsored Symposia4th Annual UNESCO School and IUPACConference on Macromolecules andMaterials Science, 7–11 April 2001,Stellenbosch, South Africa

This fourth in a series of annual events attracted 141delegates, of whom 46 were from countries otherthan South Africa, including four African countries.Fifty-three students actively participated.

The UNESCO School was opened by Dr. BenjaminNtim, Science and Technology Advisor of UNESCO,Pretoria. He discussed the role of UNESCO, both atpresent and in the future, as a proactive body in pro-moting science and technology awareness and inhelping to provide education for the underprivi-leged—especially in Africa—in all fields of chem-istry. Twenty-two experts presented plenary lectureson a wide range of subjects, recording the state-of-the-art in various fields, often encompassing the lastfew years of research. Bringing together severalexperts into similar fields led to some lively discus-sions and a sharing of knowledge, particularly aboutthe availability of analytical subroutines for certainanalytical equipment that the manufacturer oftenneglects to explain to the customer. One such ex-ample is the measurement of polymer crystallinityby differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

The IUPAC Conference was opened by Prof. Rob-ert Gilbert, President of IUPAC’s MacromolecularDivision, Key Centre for Colloids, School of Chem-istry F11, University of Sydney, Australia. He ex-plained the proactive role of IUPAC in the chemicalcommunity, industry, and government institutions.Prof. Gilbert’s remarks were followed by presenta-tions of 9 plenary speakers, 19 invited speakers, and20 others. Thirty high-quality posters were presentedin a very well attended (especially by students)2-hour poster session.

Some conference topics especially worthy ofmention include starch hydrocolloids; self cross-linking of films from functionalized latexes; recentadvances in macromolecular engineering usingROMP and self-assembling procedures; mechanismsof formation of iso- and syndiotactic poly(1,3-diene)s; atom-transfer radical polymerization of sty-rene and butyl acrylate; chain transfer to polymerin emulsion copolymerization; free volume andtransport properties of heterogeneous poly(eth-ylene-co-octene)s; early recognition of oxidativedegradation in polymers by chemiluminescence;analytical techniques for polymers with complexarchitecture; characterization of macromolecules,

microgels, and nanoparticles by analytical ultracen-trifugation; characterization of complex poly-olefins; chemical composition and molecular weightdependence; challenges in the application and de-sign of gel permeation chromatography (GPC)/sizeexclusion chromatography (SEC) separation media;polyelectrolytes and their characterization; role ofmicromechanisms to improve the mechanical prop-erties of polymers; full characterization of complexpolymers and oligomers by different chromato-graphic techniques; characterization of acid-baseproperties of polymers and other materials; and asolution to the plastic shopping bag visual pollu-tion problem.

The conference banquet at Boschendal Restau-rant, Groot Drakenstein, was greatly enjoyed by ev-erybody who attended it. It embodied South Africancuisine, wines of the area, and good music in a wine-farm atmosphere, in an area where up to 40 farmsare available for touring and tasting.

A virtual teaching encyclopedia CD-ROM 2001(PolymerED), consisting of all abstracts andUNESCO School lectures and IUPAC Conferencetalks, is being created. Such an encyclopedia is anexcellent tool for teaching and expanding coursenotes and will be made available to all speakers atthe UNESCO School and IUPAC Conference 2001.It is also available for ordering for USD 50 a copythrough the UNESCO Associated Centre’s Web site:<http://www.sun.ac.za/unesco.unesco.htm/>. It willbe placed in an abridged form on the web site afterapproval by each of the contributors.

The 5th Annual UNESCO School (2–3 February2002) and IUPAC Conference (4–6 February 2002)will also take place in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Prof. R. D. Sanderson (Conference Chairman)and Aneli Fourie (Conference Secretary)UNESCO Associated Centre forMacromolecules and MaterialsUniversity of StellenboschPrivate Bag X1Matieland 7602, South Africa

Prof. Harald Pasch (Conference Cochairman)Darmstadt Kunststoff InstituteSchlossgartenstrasse 6Darmstadt 64289, Germany

144 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

4th International Congress on Chemistryand 13th Caribbean Conference onChemistry and Chemical Engineering,16–20 April 2001, Havana, Cuba

The 4th International Congress on Chemistry inHavana doubled as the 13th Caribbean Conferenceon Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. It wasorganized by the Cuban Chemical Society andcosponsored by IUPAC, the International Union ofBiochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), andthe Third World Academy of Sciences. More than800 people attended this meeting; over 300 werefrom outside Cuba—mostly from various countriesin the Americas.

I attended the first four days of the congress andgave a short opening lecture as appointed represen-tative of IUPAC. The sessions were generally wellorganized, with plenary lectures (free-standing)mostly at the beginning of the morning session (withtwo at the very end of the congress) and section andcontributed lectures in the late morning and all af-ternoon. Many posters were also presented. The onlyproblem was that several plenary lectures did notstart on time and thereby intruded upon the sched-ule of the contributed papers (which was also notalways followed exactly as programmed).

Section and contributed lecturers were groupedin the following areas: analytical chemistry, agri-cultural chemistry, biochemistry, carbohydratechemistry, chemical education, chromatography,environmental chemistry, history of chemistry, in-dustrial chemistry, natural products, organic chem-istry, pharmaceutical chemistry, physical chemistry,and supramolecular chemistry. As usual, the qualityof the papers varies from outstanding (especially inthe Supramolecular Chemistry Symposium organizedby Prof. Luis Echegoyen of the University of Mi-ami) to trivial. The number of papers with biologi-cal relevance was strikingly large.

The spirit of the congress was excellent, withmany young people in attendance. The registrationfee included a very good group lunch each day,which encouraged mingling of the participants.

The congress took place in a very good, relativelynew conference center with a large auditorium forthe plenary lectures and a number of medium andsmaller lecture rooms for the concurrent contributedpapers. Unfortunately, the large auditorium wassomewhat “super-modern” in that it provided forprojection of PowerPoint material (as did the smallerlecture rooms), but not for projection of slides andoverheads! I had to give my lecture without slides,which problem I solved by giving it alternately inEnglish and Spanish. For subsequent plenaries, slideand overhead projectors were made available but

they were inadequate for the size of the room. Thehotel in which I stayed was more than satisfactoryand was connected with the conference center by acovered passage.

General conditions in Cuba have vastly improvedsince I traveled there in 1996. There is much recon-struction of old buildings and construction of newones, and there are many good restaurants and ho-tels. One also sees an increasing number of late-vin-tage automobiles (not including U.S. makes!). I wasinformed that the chemistry department of the Uni-versity of Havana is undertaking a much neededrenovation of their laboratories. When I inquiredabout the source of the still quite limited govern-ment funds, I was told that, in addition to incomefrom tourism, the government benefited from suc-cessful nickel mining by a Canadian company andwas also deriving some funds from licensing androyalty fees from prospecting for oil (which had nowactually been found!).

The American Chemical Society (ACS) was wellrepresented by three former presidents, the admin-istrator of the International Activities Office, and anadditional dozen or so members. There was discus-sion at the congress about establishing closer rela-tions in the future between the ACS and the CubanChemical Society.

Ernest L. ElielProfessor EmeritusDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of North CarolinaChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Prof. Eliel, a former American Chemical Soci-ety president, who studied at the Universityof Havana during World War II, was declaredan honorary member of the Cuban ChemicalSociety at a special session of the meeting inHavana in April. Leslie Yanyez Gonzalez ofthe University of Havana presented Prof. Elielwith a copy of his undergraduate research the-sis and a bound copy of his matriculation pa-pers and records from his student days at theuniversity.

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 145

New ProjectsVisit http://www.iupac.org/projects/ for complete information and further links.

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) inDirect Measurements of Colloidal Forces

IUPAC has approved a new project to recommend(1) procedures for measurement of interparticle dis-tance dependence of colloidal force data using theatomic force microscope (AFM) colloid probe tech-nique, and (2) methods by which force-distance datacan be compared with existing models of interpar-ticle forces.

The colloid probe AFM technique is a promisingnew method to determine the interactions betweencolloidal bodies. The technique is based on the gen-eral AFM, and this equipment is, in principle, avail-able for many research groups (i.e., it is not exces-sively expensive). In order to avoid confusion in theliterature about the use of AFM equipment for col-loid stability measurements (and, consequently,about the interpretation of results), recommenda-tions for the use of this equipment for this type ofmeasurement are needed.

The project includes the following components:

• principles of atomic force microscopy• attachment of colloidal probe to cantilever• force measurement• distance separation• determination of spring constant• determination of colloid probe radius• interaction geometry• interparticle forces• nondeformable and deformable surfaces• symmetric and asymmetric interactions

Comments from the chemistry community arewelcome and should be addressed to the project co-ordinator, Prof. John Ralston, Ian Wark ResearchInstitute, University of South Australia, The Levels,South Australia 5095, Australia; Tel.: +61 8 83023066; Fax: +61 8 8302 3683; E-mail: john.ralston@unisa.edu.au.

See http://www.iupac.org/projects/1999/1999-016-3-100.html for project description and update.

Selected Free Radicals and CriticalIntermediates: ThermodynamicProperties from Theory and Experiment

Accurate thermodynamic data are required in mod-eling of atmospheric processes, combustion, andother complex chemical systems. However, for mostof the free radicals participating in such processes,no reliable thermodynamic properties are available;literature data are contradictory, often depend on asingle determination made decades ago using indi-rect methods, or are based on estimations. Owing tothe progress made in developing new direct experi-mental techniques, reliable thermodynamic proper-ties have become available for more and more freeradicals. In spite of this success, a breakthrough andan essential improvement in this field may not beexpected in the near future. Fortunately, recent stud-ies using ab initio theoretical methods have shownthat an accuracy better than 4 kJ/mol is a realisticaim in the computation of enthalpies of formation.This analysis of the state of affairs was the motiva-tion that initiated a joint effort of experimentalistsand theoreticians to create a set of reliable thermo-dynamic properties for selected organic free radi-cals.

IUPAC has approved a 2.5-year project for thecompilation and critical evaluation of available ther-modynamic properties as well as for the computa-tion of accurate data for selected free radicals thatare of importance in atmospheric chemistry and/orcombustion. Altogether, six experimentalists andseven theoreticians are participating in the project.The interdisciplinary character of this group mayprove to be useful in finding the right answer in caseswhere contradictory thermodynamic properties werepublished for the same free radical from differentlaboratories or were obtained by different tech-niques.

A series of seminal papers, to be published in lead-ing journals of physical chemistry and chemicalphysics, is expected from this project. The final re-sults of the project will appear in peer-reviewed jour-nals such as the Journal of Physical and ChemicalReference Data or Pure and Applied Chemistry. Aweb version of the results may be presented in theNIST Chemistry Web Book.

It is expected that the recommended thermody-namic data, the results of compilation and criticaldata evaluation of organic free radicals, would bewidely used by the kineticist community. The major

146 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

users are probably the modelers dealing with atmo-spheric chemistry and/or combustion. The antici-pated impact is an improvement in the reliability ofthe predictions of modeling studies.

Comments from the chemistry community arewelcome and should be addressed to the task groupchairman, Prof. Tibor Bérces, Institute for Chemis-

Provisional Recommendations

IUPAC Seeks Your Comments

In this section, we publish synopses of IUPAC’s lat-est provisional recommendations on nomenclatureand symbols. All comments on these recommenda-tions are welcome and will be taken into consider-ation. The final revised versions are published inPure and Applied Chemistry (PAC).

If you would like to comment on the provisionalrecommendations, please visit the IUPAC Web siteat http://www.iupac.org/reports/provisional/index.html, where the full texts are available fordownloading as draft pdf files. Alternatively, youcan write to your nearest national/regional center torequest a copy; the most recent list of national/re-gional centers is available on the web site at the ad-dress above and last appeared in CI, Vol. 17, p. 141(1997).

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division.Commission on Nomenclature of OrganicChemistry—Phane Nomenclature. Part II:Substitution Derivatives of Phane ParentHydrides


Cyclophane and linear phane systems are consid-ered as parent hydrides. Their derivatives are namedin conformity with the principles, rules, and con-ventions prescribed for naming organic compounds.The following nomenclatural features are described:indicated and added hydrogen, order of seniority fornumbering, substituents expressed as suffixes, sub-stituents cited as prefixes, phane parent hydridesmodified by addition or subtraction of hydrogen at-oms, and polyfunctional derivatives.

Comments by 31 January 2002 to Dr. Warren H.Powell, 1436 Havencrest Court, Columbus, Ohio43220-3841, USA. Tel.: +1-614-451-1830, E-mail:wpowell2@juno.com.

Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Divisionand Analytical Chemistry Division. WorkingParty on the Definition of pH—Measurement ofpH—Definition, Standards, and Procedures


pH, defined by pH = –lg aH, is a single ion quantity;

hence, it is immeasurable unless evaluated by anassociated convention. Nevertheless, pH can be in-corporated within the SI system of measurements,because primary and secondary standards can bedefined and determined by the primary method orby secondary methods. Furthermore, incorporationof the uncertainties for the primary method, and forall subsequent measurements, permits the uncertain-ties for all procedures to be linked to the primarystandards by an unbroken chain of comparisons.Thus, a rational choice can be made by the analystof the appropriate procedure to adopt to achieve thetarget uncertainty of sample pH.

Accordingly, this new document gives theIUPAC-recommended definitions, procedures, andterminology relating to pH measurements in diluteaqueous solutions (<0.1 mol kg–1) in the tempera-ture range 0–50 °C.

• The primary method is the cell without transfer-ence, called the Harned Cell.

• The procedure for assigning pH(PS) values toprimary buffer solutions is based on the Bates–Guggenheim convention.

• The seven primary buffer solutions, to whichpH(PS) values can be assigned by the primarymethod, fulfill the required condition of “high-est metrological” quality, and are as follows:- potassium hydrogen tartrate (saturated at

25 °C), 0.0341 mol kg–1

- potassium dihydrogen citrate, 0.05 mol kg–1

- potassium hydrogen phthalate, 0.05 mol kg–1

- disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, 0.025mol kg–1 + potassium dihydrogen orthophos-phate, 0.025 mol kg–1

try, Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academyof Sciences, Pusztaszeri u. 59/67, H-1025 Budapest,Hungary; Tel: 36 1 325 7752; Fax 36 1 325 7554; E-mail: berces@chemres.hu. See http://www.iupac.org/projects/2000/2000-013-1-100.html for project de-scription and update.

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 147

- disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, 0.03043mol kg–1 + potassium dihydrogen orthophos-phate, 0.00869 mol kg–1

- disodium tetraborate, 0.01 mol kg–1

- sodium hydrogen carbonate, 0.025 mol kg–1

+ sodium carbonate, 0.025 mol kg–1

• As there can be significant variations in the pu-rity of samples of a buffer substance of the samenominal chemical composition, the primarybuffer material used must be certified with val-ues that have been measured with the Harned cell.

• The certified pH(PS) values have target expandeduncertainties U = 0.004, with a repeatability of0.0015, reproducibility of 0.003, and variationsbetween batches of 0.003.

• To these uncertainties, a further contribution of0.01, the assigned uncertainty of the Bates–Guggenheim convention, must be added in orderto make a pH value traceable to the internation-ally accepted SI system of measurement.

• The pH(SS) values of secondary standard buffersolutions can be assigned by the following pro-cedures:- Those substances that do not fulfill all the

criteria for primary standards but to whichpH values can be assigned using the primarymethod are considered to be secondary stan-dards (target uncertainty U = 0.01).

- Secondary standards are also derived by sec-ondary methods, which allow the assignmentof pH(SS) values by comparison with pri-mary standards, either of the same nominalcomposition or of different composition (tar-get uncertainties range from 0.004 to 0.015).

- When secondary standards are not compat-ible with the use of the platinum hydrogenelectrode, the glass electrode can be used insecondary methods (target uncertainty U =0.02).

• Secondary methods use cells with transference,which involves a liquid junction potential con-tribution to the measured potential difference;hence, the measurement equations contain termsthat, although small, are not quantifiable so thatthese methods are secondary, not primary, meth-ods.

• The target uncertainties for measuring the pH ofunknown solutions depend on the uncertaintiesof the standard buffer solutions and on the cho-sen calibration procedure: multipoint (5-point),bracketing (2-point), and 1-point + assumed prac-tical slope calibration.

Details are given of the primary and secondarymethods for measuring pH and of the rationale for

the assignment of pH values with appropriate un-certainties to selected primary and secondary meth-ods and to unknowns.

The present approach supersedes the previouscompromise IUPAC Recommendations [A. K.Covington, R. G. Bates, R. A. Durst, Pure Appl. Chem.57, 531 (1985)], in that the focus is shifted from stan-dard solutions to standard methods and their asso-ciated uncertainties. The unifying principle followsthe simple path:

Method + quality of materials → standard withknown uncertainty

Standard + calibration procedure → measurementof unknown pH with stated uncertainty

This approach requires the evaluation of the un-certainty associated with each step in the process,starting from the assignment of pH(PS) to a primarystandard solution down to pH measurements of un-knowns, and to tracing the resulting combined un-certainty back to the primary standards. Examplesof uncertainty budget calculations, given in the An-nex, allow identification of the principal experimen-tal parameters affecting the accuracy of the selectedprocedure (to the target uncertainty level), thus di-recting attention to the major error sources, and en-abling the minor ones to be disregarded.

Comments by 31 January 2002 to Prof. SandraRondinini, Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica edElettrochimica, Università di Milano, Via Golgi 19,I-20133 Milano, Italy; Tel.: +39 02 26603 217; Fax:+39 02 26603 203; E-mail: sandra.rondinini@unimi.it or vertova@icil64.cilea.it.

Analytical Chemistry Division. Commission onGeneral Aspects of Analytical Chemistry—Recommendations for the Use of the Term“Recovery” in Analytical Procedures

<ht tp : / /www.iupac .org / r epor ts /provis ional /abstract01/burns_310102.html>

The terms recovery and apparent recovery are rec-ommended to avoid confusion caused by the use ofthe term recovery to cover two distinct situations.Namely, the two situations deal with the yield of apreconcentration or extraction stage of an analyti-cal process and the ratio, observed value/referencevalue, obtained using an analytical process with cali-bration graph.

Comments by 31 January 2002 to Prof. D. T.Burns, Department of Analytical Chemistry, TheQueen’s University of Belfast, David Keir Building,Stranmillis Road, Belfast, BT9 5AG Northern Ire-

148 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

land, UK; Tel.: +44 2890 668567; Fax: +44 2890382117; E-mail: profburns@chemistry.fsbusiness.co.uk.

Analytical Chemistry Division. Commission onSeparation Methods in Analytical Chemistry—Terminology for Analytical CapillaryElectromigration Techniques


This paper presents terms and definitions for capil-

New Books and PublicationsNew Books from IUPAC and Wiley-VCH

Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. 161: ControlledSynthesis of Functional Polymers. SymposiumEditor, Jaroslav Kahovec; Editor, I. Meisel;Associate Editor, S. Spiegel; Assistant Editors, H.Beattie and C. S. Kniep. Published by Wiley-VCH, October 2000, pp. 1–190. ISBN 3-527-30140-2 (ISSN 1022-1360).

The microsymposium “Advances in PolymerizationMethods. Controlled Synthesis of FunctionalizedPolymers” was the 39th in the series of Prague Meet-ings on Macromolecules organized since 1967. Thismicrosymposium, devoted to the tailoring of poly-mers, tried to bring together experts dealing withcontrolled polymerizations of all kinds regardlessof the character of the growing chain-end. Thus,there was discussion of anionic, cationic, and radi-cal processes leading to polymers with tailored struc-ture and properties and bearing reactive groups.

Main topics covered were (i) tailoring of poly-mers by ionic living systems, (ii) controlled free-radical polymerization, (iii) synthesis offunctionalized polymers by initiation and termina-tion methods and by chemical modification of poly-mers, and (iv) characterization and application offunctionalized polymers. It was shown that both theionic (R. P. Quirk) and radical (K. Matyjaszewski)methods can offer the desired products; none ofthem, however, is generally applicable, and eachmethod has its advantages and drawbacks (P. Lutz).Several lecturers presented the utilization of appro-priate combinations of polymerization methods giv-ing polymers and copolymers of new structures, thusdemonstrating the potential of controlled polymer-ization and stimulating new research initiatives.

An effort was made to include specialists fromvarious parts of the world (127 participants from 29

countries); also, young scientists were encouragedto participate in the meeting. The scientific programconsisted of 9 invited (main) lectures presented bytop experts in various fields, 23 short (special) pre-sentations, and 61 posters. Most of the oral contri-butions are included in this volume, reflecting boththe quality and diversity of the meeting and givinga brief overview for those interested in the field.

The organizers of the microsymposium wish toexpress their gratitude to the sponsoring companies:Unipetrol, Inc., Czech Republic; Sigma-Aldrich Ltd.,Czech Republic; Eastman Chemical Europe, B. V.,United Kingdom; Bayer A. G., Germany; and ExxonChemical Europe, Belgium.

Dr. Petr VlčččččekInstitute of Macromolecular ChemistryAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,Prague

Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. 165:Developments in Polymer Synthesis andCharacterization. Symposium Editors, Ronald D.Sanderson and Harald Pasch; Editor, I. Meisel;Associate Editors, C. S. Kniep and S. Spiegel;Assistant Editor, K. Grieve. Published by Wiley-VCH, March 2001, pp. 1–154. ISBN 3-527-30327-8 (ISSN 1022-1360).

UNESCO Chemistry for Life Division in Paris hasawarded 13 Associated Centres for research inchemical science and education. One of these is theUNESCO Associated Centre for Macromolecules andMaterials, in the Chemistry Department at theUniversity of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica. UNESCO has a humanitarian approach to thesupport of science and education. (See <http://www.sun.ac.za/unesco/_private/unescoinfo.htm/>.)One of the ways it sees its goals is to encourage andpartially sponsor UNESCO Schools in collaboration

lary electromigration techniques for separation andquantitative chemical analysis. Names and descrip-tions for such techniques (e.g., capillary electro-phoresis and capillary electrochromatography), aswell as terms for the phenomenon of electroosmoticflow, are included.

Comments by 31 January 2002 to Prof. Marja-Liisa Riekkola, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry,Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 55, FIN-00014, Finland. Tel.: +358 9 19140268, Fax: +358 9 1914 0253, E-mail: riekkola@penger.helsinki.fi.

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 149

with scientific associations such as IUPAC.The UNESCO School and Conference is held an-

nually in Stellenbosch (50 km from Cape Town),South Africa (Web site: http://www.sun.ac.za/unesco/unesco.htm). World authorities in variousareas of macromolecular science are invited to de-liver informative plenary lectures in their fields ofexpertise. Not only does this conference have thebenefits of an IUPAC Conference, at which peoplecan meet and form liaisons, it also introduces ad-vanced concepts and techniques into Africa. Gener-ous concessions are made for students and staff fromdisadvantaged communities or from countries withemerging technologies.

Abridged versions of papers presented at the 3rd

UNESCO School and IUPAC Conference, held 8–12April 2000, were compiled, in printed form, to cre-ate this contribution to Macromolecular Symposia.The content of the papers is also made available asa PowerPoint Presentation in the Virtual TeachingEncyclopedia, available online at <http://www.sun.ac.za/unesco/unesco.htm/>.

Prof. R. D. SandersonUNESCO Associated Centre forMacromolecules and MaterialsChemistry Department, University ofStellenboschMatieland, South Africa

Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. 168: Natural andSynthetic Polymers: Challenges and Perspectives.Symposium Editor, Waldo Argüelles-Monal;Editor, I. Meisel; Associate Editors, C. S. Kniepand S. Spiegel; Assistant Editor, K. Grieve.Published by Wiley-VCH, March 2001, pp. 1–116. ISBN 3-527-30330-8 (ISSN 1022-1360).

The 7th Latin American Symposium on Polymers(SLAP 2000), a joint meeting with the 5th Ibero-American Congress on Polymers and the 1st Ibero-American Symposium on Chitin and Chitosan, washeld in Havana, Cuba, from 20–24 November 2000.This congress was organized by the Cuban Chemi-cal Society, Polymers Section, and sponsored by theUniversity of Havana, IUPAC, the Center for Re-search on Food and Development (Hermosillo,Mexico), and the Third World Academy of Sciences.

The SLAPs have been organized since 1988 asan effort of Latin American polymer scientists andbusinessmen to exchange, discuss, and share resultsof macromolecular science. It could be stated thatSLAP 2000 closed a cycle in the life of these LatinAmerican and Ibero-American meetings, after hav-ing been celebrated previously in Venezuela, Mexico,Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile.

It was a pleasure to welcome 291 delegates com-

ing from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colom-bia, Cuba, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico,Norway, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the UnitedStates, and Venezuela. The program of the meetingincluded the following topics:

• synthesis and characterization of polymers• chemical modifications and specialty polymers• polymer processing• rheology• composites• biomass utilization• biopolymers and natural polymers• polymer degradation• environmental impact and recycling• biomedical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnologi-

cal applications• polymer physics

In addition to the above-mentioned topics, theprogram of the 1st Ibero-American Symposium onChitin and Chitosan also was presented. This vol-ume of Macromolecular Symposia collects some ofthe invited lectures presented by well-known spe-cialists, giving an overview of the principal chal-lenges and perspectives in current macromolecularscience.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of SLAP2000, I would like to thank all our Latin and Ibero-American colleagues, as well as those from otherregions, for their participation and support that cul-minated in a successful meeting.

Dr. Waldo Argüelles-MonalInstituto de Materiales y ReactivosUniversidad de La HabanaLa Habana 10400, Cuba

New Book from IUPAC

Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry II:Recommendations 2000 (IUPAC “Red Book II”).Edited by J. A. McCleverty (University ofBristol, England, UK) and N. G. Connelly(University of Bristol, England, UK). Publishedby Royal Society of Chemisty, 2001. Hardcover,x + pp. 1–130. ISBN 0-85404-487-6, GBP 39.50.

Chemical nomenclature has attracted attention sincethe beginning of chemistry, when the need to ex-change knowledge was first recognized. The respon-sibility for providing nomenclature to the chemicalcommunity was assigned to IUPAC, whose Rules forInorganic Nomenclature were published and revisedin 1958 and 1970.

Since then, many new compounds have appeared,particularly with regard to coordination chemistry

150 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

and boron chemistry, which were difficult to nameusing the 1970 Rules. Consequently, the IUPAC Com-mission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry(II.2) decided to revise the last edition of the “RedBook” thoroughly. As many of the new fields ofchemistry are very highly specialized and requirecomplex nomenclature, the revised edition is in twoparts. While Part I is mainly concerned with generalinorganic chemistry, this volume, Part II, addressessuch diverse chemistry as polyanions, isotopicmodification, tetrapyrroles, nitrogen hydrides, andinorganic ring, chain, polymer, and graphite inter-calation compounds. The recommendations bringorder to the nomenclature of these specialized sys-tems, based on the fundamental nomenclature de-scribed in Part I and the organic nomenclature pub-lications. Each chapter has been subjected to exten-sive review by members of IUPAC and other prac-ticing chemists in various areas.

Brief Contents

Polyanions; Isotopically Modified Inorganic Com-pounds; Metal Complexes of Tetrapyrroles; Hy-drides of Nitrogen and Derived Cations, Anions, andLigands; Inorganic Chain and Ring Compounds;Graphite Intercalation Compounds; Regular Single-Strand and Quasi-Single-Strand Inorganic Coordi-nation Polymers; Subject Index

The Royal Society of Chemistry is a learned andprofessional society with a worldwide membershipof 46 000. It has as its main objective the advance-ment of the science of chemistry and its applications,and the maintenance of high standards of compe-tence and integrity among practicing chemists. Thesociety has been involved with the publication ofscientific literature since 1841. Surplus cash gener-ated from sales funds the promotion of chemistry.

To order, contact Sales and Customer Care, TheRoyal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House,Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, EnglandCB4 0WF, UK; E-mail: sales@rsc.org; Tel.: +44 1223420066; Fax: +44 1223 423429; Web site: <http://www. iupac .o rg /pub l i ca t ions /books /au thor /mccleverty.html> or <http://www.chemsoc.org/>.

New Publications from the NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology

Guide to Rheological Nomenclature:Measurements in Ceramic Particulate Systems, byVincent A. Hackley and Chiara F. Ferraris. NISTSpecial Publication 946, U.S. Department ofCommerce, Technology Administration, NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology, 31 pp.,January 2001. Available from the

Superintendent of Documents, U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325.

Nomenclature is fundamentally important to theprogress of science and technology. Because of therapidly growing volume of available technical in-formation, and the speed with which this informa-tion must now be processed, it is critical to have auniform terminology in place for describing experi-mental methods and instrumentation, to facilitate theexchange of material property data, and for sharingtechnical ideas and concepts. This need is especiallytrue for the ceramics industry because of its breadthand interdisciplinary nature. The present documentaddresses the issue of nomenclature for one impor-tant area of ceramic science: rheology and rheo-metric measurements.

Ceramic suspensions, gels, and pastes are thestarting materials for a wide variety of applications,playing critical roles in the processing of productsranging from whitewares to concrete to paint andpigments to high-tech multilayer ceramic packagesfor the advanced electronics industry. Unfortunately,researchers and engineers working in these diversefields often speak different languages, thus result-ing in miscommunication and ambiguity. Even withinthe same field, variations in terminology are com-mon. The need for widely accepted, uniform, andprecise nomenclature was emphasized recently bythe Ceramic Processing Characterization Council(CPCC, formerly the Ceramic Processing Character-ization Consortium), a voluntary organization ofparticipants representing industry, instrument com-panies, academia, and government. CPCC membersidentified nomenclature as a high-priority issue inthe areas of dispersion and rheology. In response tothis need, we have initiated a series of guides to helpin the interpretation of nomenclature and data relat-ing to particle–liquid ceramic systems.

In compiling the present guide, we drew upon anumber of sources, including books, review articles,and published terminologies. To the extent possible,an effort was made to maintain a degree of unifor-mity with existing standards and conventions. To thisend, definitions are generally consistent with no-menclatures published by the American ConcreteInstitute (ACI), the British Standards Institute (BSI),IUPAC, and the Society of Rheology. A complete bib-liography of sources is provided.

An international ad hoc committee was formedto review the technical content and language of thenomenclature and to offer input where needed. Thecommittee members represent a broad spectrum ofexperts from industry, academia, and government,and include (in alphabetical order) LennartBergström (YKI), John Dealy (McGill University),Ed Garboczi (NIST), Bob Hunter (University of

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 151

Sydney), Kamal Khayat (University of Sherbrooke),François de Larrard (Laboratoire Central des Pontset Chaussées), Makio Naito (JFCC), Celik Ozyildirim(Virginia Transportation Research Council),Ponserril Somasundaran (Columbia University), andAbbas Zaman (University of Florida). Their effortsare gratefully acknowledged.

It is our primary hope that this document willserve as a resource to those working in particle sys-tems applications, particularly in the ceramic sci-ences. It is our further hope that this document willserve to promote the establishment of a commonlyrecognized system of terminology throughout theceramics community.

Vincent A. Hackley and Chiara F. FerrarisNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyGaithersburg, Maryland, USA

New Publications from IUPAC, theAmerican Chemical Society, and theAmerican Institute of Physics

IUPAC–NIST Solubility Data Series 71.Nitromethane with Water or Organic Solvents:Binary Systems, by Valerii P. Sazonov, Kenneth N.Marsh, and Glenn T. Hefter. Published in theJournal of Physical and Chemical ReferenceData, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1165–1354, 2000, by theAmerican Chemical Society (1155 SixteenthStreet, N.W., Washington, DC 20036-9976) andthe American Institute of Physics (Suite 1NO1, 2Huntington Quadrangle, Melville, NY 11747-4502) for the National Institute of Standards andTechnology [S0047-2689(00)00505-5].

The mutual solubilities and liquid–liquid equilib-rium of nitromethane binary systems with liquidsolvents are reviewed. The solvents include water,inorganic compounds, and a variety of organic com-pounds as hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons,alcohols, acids, esters, and nitrogen compounds. Atotal 474 systems published through 1993 are com-piled. For 39 systems, sufficient data were availableto allow critical evaluation. All data are expressedas mass and mole fractions, as well as in the origi-nally reported units. Similar reviews of gas, liquid,and solid solubilities for other systems were pub-lished in the frame of the Solubility Data Series.

IUPAC–NIST Solubility Data Series 72.Nitromethane with Water or Organic Solvents:Ternary and Quaternary Systems, by Valerii P.Sazonov, Kenneth N. Marsh, David G. Shaw,Mariya F. Chernysheva, Nikolai V. Sazonov, andHideo Akaiwa. Published in the Journal ofPhysical and Chemical Reference Data, Vol. 29,No. 6, pp. 1447–1641, 2000, by the AmericanChemical Society (1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W.,Washington, DC 20036-9976) and the AmericanInstitute of Physics (Suite 1NO1, 2 HuntingtonQuadrangle, Melville, NY 11747-4502) for theNational Institute of Standards and Technology[S0047-2689(00)00106-9].

The mutual solubilities and liquid–liquid equilibriaof nitromethane ternary and quaternary systems withliquid solvents are reviewed. The solvents includewater, inorganic compounds, and a variety of or-ganic compounds as hydrocarbons, halogenated hy-drocarbons, alcohols, acids, esters, and nitrogencompounds. A total of 107 ternary and 8 quaternarysystems whose properties were described in thechemical literature through 1998 are compiled. For22 systems, sufficient data were available to allowcritical evaluation. All data are expressed as massand mole fractions, as well as in the originally re-ported units. Similar reviews of gas, liquid, and solidsolubilities for other systems were published in theframe of the Solubility Data Series.

152 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

Conference Announcements designates IUPAC sponsorship

24th International Organization forStandardization (ISO) General Assemblyand Associated Meetings,13–20 September 2001, Sydney, Australia

This first ISO General Assembly to be held in theSouthern Hemisphere will include meetings of theISO Regional Officers, DEVCO (ISO Committee forDeveloping Country Matters), TMB (Technical Man-agement Board), and Council. There will also be anOpen Seminar on Climate Change and an Open Ses-sion on Risk Management.

For additional information, contact ISO CentralSecretariat; E-mail: allen@iso.ch; Tel.: +41 22 74901 11; Fax: +41 22 733 34 30; Web site: <http://www.iso.ch/>.

International Conference on LegalMetrology, 18–20 September 2001,Bucharest, Romania

This conference, which celebrates the 50th anniver-sary of the Romanian National Institute of Metrol-ogy, is intended to be a forum for discussing the newrole of metrology in a changing society, as well as avenue for the latest developments in theoretical andapplied metrology. Principal topics to be discussedat the meeting will include the following:• theory of measurement• measurement standards and realization of the

measurement units• measurement principles and methods• new developments in measuring instruments• metrology in chemistry• automation of the measurement processes• virtual instrumentation• new approaches in legal metrology• MRA and the future of metrology• metrology as a service to industry, calibration,

accreditationFor further information, contact International

Conference on Legal Metrology Secretariat, Sos.Vitan Barzesti 11, 75669 Bucharest 4, Romania;E-mail: conference@inm.ro; Tel: +40 1 334 55 20;Fax: +40 1 334 53 45.

9th International Topical Meeting onOptics of Liquid Crystals (OLC2001),1–6 October 2001, Sorrento, Italy

This meeting is the 9th

edition of a series ofmeetings initiated inNaples in 1986 byProf. Enrico Santamatowith the support ofProf. Yuen Ron Shen.The OLC conference isheld biannually andcovers all aspects ofoptics of liquid crys-

tals from fundamentals to new applications. Its aimis to provide an international forum for exchange ofscientific ideas and technological advances in op-tics and related aspects of liquid crystals and liquidcrystals-based materials. The increasing success ofthe previous editions held, after Naples 1986, inTurin (Italy) 1988, Cetraro (Italy) 1990, CocoaBeach (Florida, USA) 1991, Siófolk (Hungary) 1993,Le Touquet (France) 1995, Heppenheim (Germany)1997, and Humacao (Puerto Rico) 1999, led to theorganization of this 9th edition.

The conference program will emphasize the fol-lowing topics: general optics; nonlinear optics; sur-faces and interfaces; composites and confined sys-tems; liquid crystals photonics; liquid crystals andwaveguides; dyes, photochemistry, and materialswith ultrahigh optical nonlinearities; instabilities,pattern formation, and chaos; novel phenomena inliquid crystals; new display applications; and lyo-tropic and polymer systems.

A 1-1/2 day tutorial course on Basics and Per-spective Applications of Liquid Crystals in Commu-nication Technolo-gies (BALC2001)will be held 30September–1 Oc-tober at the samelocation just beforethe start of OLC2001. AlthoughBALC2001 will bedevoted mainly toyoung scientistsand Ph.D. students,attendance by ex-pert scientists is

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 153

equally welcome.For additional information, contact Prof.

Giancarlo Abbate, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisichee INFM Unità di Napoli, Universita’ degli Studi diNapoli “Federico II”, Via Cintia Monte S. Angelo,I-80126, Napoli, Italy; E-mail: olc2001@na.infn.itor giancarlo.abbate@na.infn.it; Tel.: +39 081676118; Fax: +39 081 676346; Web site:<www.na.infn.it/olc2001/>.

American Association of CerealChemists (AACC) Annual Meeting 2001,14–18 October 2001, Charlotte, NorthCarolina, USA

This year the AACC Annual Meeting will take placein Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. The InternationalAssociation for Cereal Science and Technology(ICC) will be represented at this event with a jointICC/AACC Symposium entitled “Testing and Re-lease of Varieties in Major Exporting Countries”chaired by B. Cracknell and K. Preston.

For more information, contact Kathy Aro at AACCHeadquarters; E-mail: karo@scisoc.org; Tel.: +1 651994 3850; Web site: <www.scisoc.org/aacc/meeting/2001/>.

Food and Nutrition Conference AIFST,1–2 November 2001,Melbourne, Australia

This conference is organized by the Crop and FoodResearch Institute, New Zealand, and will includethe following topics:• changing trends• current issues and dilemmas: global human health• enhancing human health: food of the future• delivering a healthy outcome

For further information, contact Lynette Parker,Crop and Food Research Institute, Private Bag 4704,Christchurch, New Zealand; E-mail: parker@crop.cri.nz; Tel.: +64 3 325 6401, Ext. 3534#; Fax:+64 3 325 2074; Web site: <http://www.crop.cri.nz/>.

International Conference on AgriculturalScience and Technology (ICAST 2001),7–9 November 2001, Beijing, China

This conference, under the theme “Promoting Glo-bal Innovation of Agricultural Science and Technol-ogy and Sustainable Agriculture Development”, isinitiated and sponsored by the Chinese government

(Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry ofAgriculture, Ministry of Education, and State Ad-ministration of Foreign Experts Affairs) and cospon-sored by several international organizations. TheInternational Association for Cereal Science andTechnology (ICC) is also invited to take part.

For additional information, contact ICAST, ChineseScience and Technology Exchange Center, P.O. Box2143, Beijing 1000435, China; E-mail: icast@agscience2001.org; Tel.: +86 10 6851 1837; Fax: +8610 6857 1255; Web site: <www.agscience2001.org/>.

3rd International Symposium onChemistry and Biological Chemistry ofVanadium, 26–29 November 2001,Osaka, Japan

This 3rd Symposium addresses the biological aspectsof vanadium chemistry (chemistry, biochemistry,and therapeutic applications of vanadium com-pounds), but it also expands the field of vanadiumchemistry to include inorganic chemistry, chemis-try of catalysis, materials chemistry, and organicsynthesis. This symposium follows those held inCancun, Mexico (November 1997; Chairpersons,D. C. Crans and A. S. Tracey) and Berlin, Germany(August 1999, in conjunction with the 37th IUPACCongress and 27th GDCh General Meeting; Chair-persons, D. Rehder and V. Conte).

Topical sessions will include the following:• biological aspects of vanadium chemistry (insu-

lin-like functionality, haloperoxidases, tunicates,nitrogenase, and others)

• inorganic chemistry of vanadium• vanadium chemistry toward catalysis and organic

synthesisFor more information, contact Prof. Toshikazu

Hirao, Chairman, V-Sympo, Department of AppliedChemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univer-sity, Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan; E-mail: hiraov@chem.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp; Tel.: +81 66879 7413; Fax: +81 6 6879 7415.

5th International Symposium onFunctional π–Electron Systems (Fπ5),30 May–4 June 2002, Ulm/Neu-Ulm,Germany

Fπ5 aims (1) to combine biology, chemistry, phys-ics, and applications of functional π-electron sys-tems, and (2) to strengthen interactions betweenacademia and industrial research laboratories. Al-though many materials-oriented symposia (organic,

154 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

polymeric, etc.) are dominated by physics, Fπ5 willbe centered around and stress chemical aspects ofthe field. This interdisciplinary symposium is de-signed to stimulate and encourage young research-ers who will be carrying science and technologyforward into the 21st century.

Fπ5 represents the fifth consecutive meeting in aseries formerly entitled “International Symposiumon Functional Dyes”. Previous symposia were heldin Osaka, Japan (June 1989); Kobe, Japan (August1992); Santa Cruz, California, USA (August 1995);and again in Osaka, Japan (June 1999). The totalnumber of participants for each symposium was 500to 600 from 12 to 15 nations. The symposium namehas been changed to broaden the scope of the con-ference and to adjust to actual developments in aca-demic and industrial research.

Plenary and invited lectures, contributed papersin oral and poster presentations, and roundtable dis-cussions will focus on the following topics:• synthesis of functional π-electron systems (in-

cluding combinatorial approaches)• structure/property relationships in functional π-

electron systems• nanostructures comprising functional π-electron

systems• organic electronic devices and molecular elec-

tronics• biological π-electron systems (including

biolabeling)• supramolecular aspects• probing and imaging• industrial aspects

Approximately 250–350 scientific participantsfrom around the world are expected to attend Fπ5.

For additional information, contact Prof. Dr. Pe-ter Bäuerle, Abteilung Organische Chemie II,Universität Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081Ulm, Germany; E-mail: peter.baeuerle@chemie.uni-ulm.de; Tel.: +49 731 502 2850; Fax: +49 731 5022840.

4th International Symposium onMolecular Order and Mobility in PolymerSystems, 3–7 June 2002,St. Petersburg, Russia

This symposium, presented by the Russian Academyof Sciences and the Russian Foundation of BasicResearch, will focus on the modern problems ofmolecular order and dynamics in polymer systems.As distinct from the previous symposium in thisseries, held in 1999, primary attention will be paidto equilibrium problems. Both experimental dataand the results of theories and simulation approaches

will be presented. Topics announced for this meetingare as follows:• macromolecules in solutions, melts, and networks• liquid crystalline polymers• block-copolymers• polymer layers and micelles• polymer complexes and membranes• branched and star polymers, dendrimers

About 160 scientific participants from around theworld are expected to attend the symposium.

For further information, contact Organizing Com-mittee: Prof. T. M. Birshtein, Institute of Macromo-lecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences,Bolshoi pr. 31, St. Petersburg 199004, Russia; E-mail: birshtei@imc.macro.ru; Tel.: +7 812 328 8542; Fax: +7 812 328 68 69.

15th Russian Conference on ChemicalThermodynamics, 1–5 July 2002,St. Petersburg, Russia

This conference, pre-sented by the Rus-sian Academy of Sci-ences, St. PetersburgState University, andthe Russian Chemi-cal Society, repre-sents the revival ofregular Russian Con-ferences on Chemi-cal Thermodynam-ics, with interna-tional participation.

Topics announced for this meeting are as follows:• thermochemistry of organic and inorganic sub-

stances, and of advanced materials• thermodynamics of liquid solutions, melts, and

solid solutions• phase equilibria• thermodynamics of surface and interface phe-

nomena• thermodynamics of polymer, liquid crystalline,

self-assembling, and biological systems• experimental methods and equipment• standardization and systematization of thermo-

dynamic data• teaching of chemical thermodynamics

For further information, contact Organizing Com-mittee: RCCT2002, Division of Physical Chemistry,Department of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State Uni-versity, Universitetsky pr. 2, 198504 Petrodvorets, St.Petersburg, Russia; E-mail: rcct2002@nonel.pu.ru; Tel.: +7 812 428 4066; Fax: +7 812 428 6939;Web site: <http://rcct2002.nonel.pu.ru/>.

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 155

10th International Ceramics Congressand 3rd Forum on New Materials(CIMTEC 2002, InternationalConferences on Modern Materials andTechnologies), 14–19 July 2002,Florence, Italy

This meeting will cover recentachievements in the areas ofclassical and high-technologyceramics, as well as advancesin the research and develop-ment of other innovative ma-terials. Objectives will includeidentifying and exploring new

directions for fundamental research, process science,and application engineering.

Organized with the involvement of major scien-tific and cultural institutions, professional organi-zations, and industrial groups worldwide, CIMTEC2002 will provide materials researchers and userswith an excellent opportunity for cross-pollinationof knowledge and experience coming from very dif-ferent areas of materials technologies. About 2 000experts from academia and industry will introducea wide international audience to the latest advancesin fundamentals of materials and processes, inno-vation in products and technology, and applicationengineering and performance.

The 10th International Ceramics Congress willconsist of 11 sections to cover recent progress inadvanced technical ceramics and two internationalsymposia devoted to ongoing activities in classicalceramics. The 3rd Forum on New Materials will con-sist of six parallel international conferences to covergeneral fields of research such as computationalmaterials science and mass and charge transportphenomena in materials, as well as some of the mostdemanding, application-driven research and devel-opment areas where the availability of new materi-als functionalities is crucial.

CIMTEC 2002 will gather ceramics researchers,materials scientists and engineers, as well as expertsfrom user areas. Keynote speeches will address cur-rent emerging research and technology trends. Con-tributed papers (oral and poster presentations) willreport on recent orginal research in basic science,process science, technology and manufacturing, andapplication engineering, standards, and markets.

For more information, contact CIMTEC 2002, P.O.Box 174, Corso Mazzini, 52, 48018 Faenza, Italy;Tel.: +39 0546 22461/664143; Fax: +39 0546664138/663362; Web site: <http://www.dinamica.it/cimtec/>.

23rd International Symposium onthe Chemistry of Natural Products(ISCNP-23), 28 July–2 August 2002,Florence, Italy

ISCNP-23 will offer opportunities to share multi-disciplinary information about natural productschemistry and medicinal chemistry among chemists,biochemists, and medicinal chemists. Subsectionswill focus on structure elucidation, biotransforma-tions, synthesis, proteins and proteomics, and drugdesign and combinatorial chemistry.

Approximately 1 000 scientific participants fromaround the world are expected to attend ISCNP-23.

For further information, contact Prof. BrunoBotta, Dip. Studi Chimica e Tecnologia Sostanze,Biologicamenta Attive, University “La Sapienza”,P.le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy; E-mail:bruno.botta@uniroma1.it; Tel.: +39 06 49912781or +39 06 49912783; Fax: +39 06 49912780; Website: <http://www.iscnp.com>.

International Conference onLuminescence and OpticalSpectroscopy of Condensed Matter(ICL’02), 25–30 August 2002,Jerusalem, Israel

This meeting plans to cover all basic, theoretical,and experimental aspects of luminescence phenom-ena in both inorganic and organic materials. Empha-sis will be on interrelations between the propertiesof these two classes of materials and between opti-cal spectroscopy, including luminescence, and otherbranches of solid-state physics and molecular phys-ics. Important applications of luminescence phe-nomena in technology will be included as well. Theconference will also feature a technical exhibitionof lasers, monochromators, luminescent materials,vacuum systems, and books.

For additional information, contact ICL’02 Sec-retariat, c/o Unitours Israel Ltd., P.O. Box 3190, TelAviv 61031, Israel; Tel.: +972 3 5209999; Fax: +9723 5239299/5239099; Web site: <http://www.technion.ac.il/technion/chemistry/ICL>.

156 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

European Molecular Liquids Group(EMLG) Annual Meeting on the PhysicalChemistry of Liquids. Novel Approachesto the Structure and Dynamics ofLiquids: Experiments, Theories, andSimulations, 6–15 September 2002,Rhodes, Greece

This meeting, held jointly with the Japanese Molecu-lar Liquids Group (JMLG), is planned as an advancedschool with discussions and a workshop aimed atgraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and re-searchers entering the field or wanting to bring upto date their knowledge of recent developments infields related to molecular liquids.

Lecture topics will include classical spec-troscopies, analytical theories of liquids (micro-scopic description), thermodynamics and phenom-enological description, structure determination (mi-crostructure), simulations, and NMR/dielectric. Ex-ercises and discussion will take place on classicalspectroscopies, analytical theories and applications,and simulations. There will be a seminar on time-resolved spectroscopies. In addition, special topicswill be considered, including classical/quantumsimulations, diffusion methods, exotic methods forstructure determination (e.g., EXAFS), supercriticalstate, sound techniques, proton and electron trans-fer, energy relaxation, inhomogeneous and interfa-cial systems, and confined liquids. Approximately90 scientific participants are expected to attendEMLG 2000.

For more information, contact Prof. Dr. JannisSamios; E-mail: isamios@cc.uoa.gr; Tel.: +30 17274534 or +30 1 7274751; Fax: +30 1 7274752.

International SCOPE/IUPAC Symposiumon Endocrine-Active Substances, 17–21November 2002, Yokohama, Japan

This symposium is jointly organized by the Scien-tific Committee on Problems of the Environment(SCOPE) and IUPAC and supported by ICSU,UNESCO, UNEP, USEPA, USFDA, USNIEHS, EU, theBritish and Japanese governments, IUTOX, andICCA.

At the symposium, approximately 60 designatedexperts and additional invited speakers from theUnited States, United Kingdom, Japan, the Nether-lands, Denmark, Switzerland, Israel, New Zealand,and France will present papers associated with thejointly organized SCOPE–IUPAC Project on Endo-crine Active Substances: Present state-of-the-art andfuture research needs (IUPAC Project No. 2000-016-1-600), which began in April 2000 and is scheduled

to be completed in March 2003.Objectives of the project include the following:

• to expand and deepen the IUPAC/IUPHAR/IUTOX evaluation (PAC, Vol. 70, No. 9, pp. 1617–1865, 1998) by including other similar evalua-tions concurrently underway, avoiding unneces-sary overlapping

• to deal with endocrine disrupter issues as scien-tific problems that have major significance on theworld environmental scene

• to prioritize future research needs and to makethe best use of available resources

• to facilitate effective risk assessment and risk com-munication on the problem by offering somemanageable action

• to deal with the problem highlighted by interna-tional academia on an international basis, whichmakes the project unique and quite different fromother evaluations that are regional and/or regu-latory in intent

Specific topics of the project will focus on the fol-lowing areas:• molecular mode of action of nuclear receptors;

fundamentals for understanding the action ofendocrine-active substances

• environmental fate and metabolism of endocrine-active substances

• effects of endocrine-active chemicals in rodentsand humans and risk assessments for humansThe final report of the Project, expected to com-

prise approximately 600 pages in English, will bepublished (as well as a shortened summary fornonexperts) and distributed worldwide.

For further information, contact Secretariat,Kiyohiro Kubota, Chemicals Evaluation and ResearchInstitute (CERI), 1-4-25, Kouraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo,112-0004, Japan; E-mail: eds-sympo@cerij.or.jp; Tel.:+81 3 5804 6135; Fax: +81 3 5804 6139; Web sites:CERI: <http://www.cerij.or.jp/>; IUPAC: <http://www.iupac.org/>; SCOPE: <http://www.icsu-scope.org/index.html/>.

15th FECHEM Conference onOrganometallic Chemistry,10–16 August 2003, Zürich, Switzerland

The University of Zurich is hosting this event onbehalf of the Federation of European Chemical So-cieties (FECS).

For additional information, contact Dr. FerdinandWild, Gruppe Berke, Anorganisch-chemischesInstitut, Universität Zürich, Wintorthurorstrasse 190,CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland; E-mail: fwild@aci.unizh.ch; Tel.: +41 1 635 46 46; Fax: +41 1 63568 02.

Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 157


Medicinal Chemistry

2–6 September 2001Hungarian–German–Italian–Polish Joint Meeting on Medici-nal Chemistry, Budapest,Hungary.Dr. Péter Mátyus, Institute ofOrganic Chemistry SemmelweisUniversity H-1092 Budapest,HungaryFax: +36-1-217-0851E-mail: matypet@szerves.sote.hu

Ionic Polymerization

22–26 October 20014th International Symposium onIonic Polymerization, Crete,Greece.Dr. Nikos Hadjichristidis,University of Athens, Depart-ment of Chemistry,Panepistimiopolis, Zografou,GR-157 71 Athens, GreeceTel.: +30 1 724 9103Fax: +30 1 722 1800E-mail: hadjichristidis@chem.uoa.gr


3–8 November 20013rd IUPAC International Confer-ence on Biodiversity (ICOB-3),Antalya, Turkey.Prof. B. Sener, Department ofPhamocognosy, Faculty ofPharmacy, Gazi University, P.O.Box 143 06572, Maltepe-Ankara, TurkeyTel.: +90 312 212 2267Fax: +90 312 213 3921E-mail: blgsener@tr-net.net.tr


11–15 November 20016th Brazilian Polymer Confer-ence / IX International Macro-molecular Colloquium,Gramado, RS, Barzil.Prof. Raquel Santos Mauler,Instituto de Química,Universidade Federal do RioGrande do Sul, Av. BentoGonçalves, 9500, 91501-970Porto Alegre, RS - BrazilTel.: +55 51 3166296Fax: +55 51 319 1499E-mail: mauler@if.ufrgs.br


13–17 November 20012nd International Symposium onSweeteners, Hiroshima-Shi,Japan.Prof. Kasuo Yamasaki, Instituteof Pharmaceutical Sciences,Faculty of Medicine, HiroshimaUniversity Kasumi, Minami-ku,Hiroshima 734-8551, JapanTel.: +81 82 257 5285Fax: +81 82 257 5289E-mail: yamasaki@pharm.hiroshima-u.ac.jp



6–11 January 200213th International Symposiumon Carotenoids, Honolulu,Hawaii, USA.Dr. John S. Bertram, CancerResearch Center, University ofHawaii, 1236 Lauhala Street,Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USATel.: +1 808 586 2757Fax: +1 808 586 2970E-mail: John@crch.hawaii.edu

Polymer Characterization

7–11 January 200210th International Conference onPolymer Characterization(POLYCHAR), Denton, Texas,USA.Dr. Witold Brostow, Departmentof Materials Science, Universityof North Texas, Denton, Texas,76203-5310 USATel.: + 1 940 565 4358, -3262,or 4337Fax: +1 940 565 4824E-mail: brostow@unt.edu orpolychar@marta.phys.unt.edu


2–6 February 20025th Annual UNESCO School andSouth African IUPAC Confer-ence on Macromolecules andMaterials Science, Stellenbosch,South Africa.Prof. R. D. Sanderson, UNESCOAssociated Centre for Macro-molecules and Materials,Institute for Polymer Science,University of Stellenbosch,Private Bag X1, Matieland7602, South AfricaTel.: +27 21 808 3172Fax: +27 21 808 4967E-mail: rds@maties.sun.ac.za


6–8 February 2002The International Conferenceon Bioinformatics 2002: North–South Networking,Bangkok, Thailand.Dr. Prasit Palittapongarnpim,BIOTEC, 15th Fl, GypsumMetropolitan Tower, 539/2 Sri-Ayudhya Road, Ratchadevi,Bangkok, ThailandTel.: +66 2 642532231, ext 228Fax: +66 2 488304E-mail: incob@biotec.or.th

Conference CalendarVisit http://www.iupac.org for complete information and further links.

designates a new conference since the last issue.NEW

158 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5


6–8 March 20023rd Florida Heterocyclic Confer-ence, Gainesville, Florida, USA.Prof. Alan R. Katritzky, Depart-ment of Chemistry, University ofFlorida, P.O. Box 11720,Gainesville, Florida 32611, USATel.: +1 352 392 0554Fax: +1 352 392 9199E-mail: katritzky@chem.ufl.edu

πππππ-Electron Systems

30 May–4 June 20025th International Symposium onFunctional π–Electron Systems(Fπ5), Ulm/Neu-Ulm, GermanyProf. Dr. Peter Bäuerle,Abteilung Organische ChemieII, Universität Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89081 Ulm,GermanyTel.: +49 731 502 2850Fax: +49 731 502 2840E-mail: peter.baeuerle@chemie.uni-ulm.de

Polymer Systems

3–7 June 20024th International Symposium onMolecular Order and Mobilityin Polymer Systems, St. Peters-burg, RussiaProf. T. M. Birshtein, Institute ofMacromolecular Compounds,Russian Academy of Sciences,Bolshoi pr. 31, St. Petersburg199004, RussiaTel.: +7 812 328 85 42Fax: +7 812 328 68 69E-mail: birshtein@imc.macro.ru

Drug Residue Analysis

4–7 June 20024th International Symposium onHormone and Veterinary DrugResidue Analysis, Antwerp,Belgium.Prof. C. Van Peteghem, GhentUniversity, Faculty of Pharma-ceutical Sciences,Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000Gent, BelgiumTel: +32 9 264 81 15Fax: +32 9 264 81 99E-mail: carlos.vanpeteghem@rug.ac.be


7–12 July 200239th International Symposiumon Macromolecules - IUPACWorld Polymer Congress 2002(MACRO 2002), Beijing, China.Prof. Fosong Wang, The ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing100864, ChinaTel: +86 10 62563060Fax: +86 10 62573911E-mail: fswang@mimi.cnc.ac.cn

Solid-State Chemistry

7–12 July 20025th Conference on Solid-StateChemistry (SSC 2002),Bratislava, Slovakia.Prof. P. Sajgalik, Slovak Acad-emy of Sciences, Dubravska c.Brastislava, SK-842 36 SlovakiaTel.: +421 7 59410400Fax: +421 7 59410444E-mail: ssc2002@savba.sk

Organometallic Chemistry

7–12 July 200220th International Conference onOrganometallic Chemistry (20th

ICOMC), Corfu, Greece.Dr. Constantinos G. Screttas,National Hellenic ResearchFoundation, Institute of Organicand Pharmaceutical Chemistry,48 Vas. Constantinou Avenue,116 35 Athens, GreeceTel.: +30 1 7273876Fax: +30 1 7273877E-mail: kskretas@eie.gr

Organic Synthesis

14–19 July 200214th International Conference onOrganic Synthesis (ICOS-14),Christchurch, New Zealand.Prof. Margaret A. Brimble,Department of Chemistry,University of Auckland, 23Symonds St., Auckland, NewZealandTel.: +64 9 373 7599, Ext. 8259Fax: +64 9 373 7422E-mail: m.brimble@auckland.ac.nz

How to Apply for IUPACSponsorship

To apply for IUPAC sponsor-ship, conference organizersshould complete an AdvanceInformation Questionnaire(AIQ). The AIQ form is avail-able at http://www.iupac.orgor by request at the IUPACSecretariat, and should be re-turned between 2 years and 12months before the conference.Further information on grant-ing sponsorship is included inthe AIQ and available online.


14–19 July 2002XIX IUPAC Symposium onPhotochemistry, Budapest,Hungary.Prof. H. D. Roth, RutgersUniversity, Department ofChemistry and ChemicalBiology, 610 Taylor Road, NewBrunswick, NJ 08854-8087 USATel.: +1 732 445 5664Fax: +1 732 445 5312E-mail: roth@rutchem.rutgers.edu

Electrical Polymers

15–18 July 200221st Discussion Conference and9th International ERPOS Confer-ence on Electrical and RelatedProperties of Polymers andOther Organic Solids, Prague,Czech Republic.Prof. Dr. DrahomirVyprachticky, Institute ofMacromolecular Chemistry,Academy of Sciences of theCzech Republic, Heyrovskéhonám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CzechRepublicTel.: +420 2 20403251 or +4202 20403332Fax: +420 2 35357981E-mail: vyprach@imc.cas.cz orsympo@imc.cas.cz



Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5 159


It is a condition of spon-sorship that organizers ofmeetings under the aus-pices of IUPAC, in consid-ering the locations of suchmeetings, should take allpossible steps to ensure thefreedom of all bona fidechemists from throughoutthe world to attend irre-spective of race, religion,or political philosophy.IUPAC sponsorship impliesthat entry visas will begranted to all bona fidechemists provided applica-tion is made not less thanthree months in advance. Ifa visa is not granted onemonth before the meeting,the IUPAC Secretariatshould be notified withoutdelay by the applicant.

Solubility Phenomena

22–26 July 2002International Symposium onSolubility Phenomena (10th

ISSP), Varna, Bulgaria.Prof. Christo Balarew, Instituteof General and InorganicChemistry, Bulgarian Academyof Sciences, BG-Sofia 1040,BulgariaTel.: +359 (2) 9793925Fax: +359 (2) 705 024E-mail:balarew@svr.igic.bas.bg

Chemical Thermodynamics

28 July–2 August 200217th IUPAC Conference onChemical Thermodynamics,Rostock, Germany.Prof. A. Heintz, FB Chemie,Universitat Rostock,Hermannstr. 14, D-18051Rostock, GermanyTel.:+49 381 498 1852Fax: +49 381 498 1854E-mail: andreas.heintz@chemie.uni-rostock.de

Natural Products

28 July–2 August 200223rd International Symposiumon the Chemistry of NaturalProducts (ISCNP-23), Florence,Italy.Prof. B. Botta, Dip. StudiChimica e Tecnologia Sostanze,Biologicamenta Attive, Univer-sity “La Sapienza”, P.le A. Moro5, 00185 Roma, ItalyTel.: +39 06 49912781 or +3906 49912783Fax: +39 06 49912780E-mail: bruno.botta@uniroma1.it

Crop Protection

4–9 August 200210th IUPAC InternationalCongress on the Chemistry ofCrop Protection (formerlyInternational Congress ofPesticide Chemistry), Basel,Switzerland.Dr. Bernard Donzel, c/o

Novartis CP AG, WRO-1060.3.06, CH-4002 Basel,SwitzerlandTel.: +41 61 697 22 67Fax : +41 61 697 74 72E-mail: bernard.donzel@cp.novartis.com

Chemical Education

6–10 August 200217th International Conference onChemical Education (17th

ICCE)—New Strategies forChemical Education in the NewCentury, Beijing, China.Prof. Xibai QIU, 17th ICCE c/oChinese Chemical Society, P.O.Box 2709 Beijing 100080,ChinaTel.: +86 10 62568157, 86 1062564020Fax: +86 10 62568157E-mail: qiuxb@infoc3.icas.ac.cn

Bioorganic Chemistry

11–14 August 20026th International Symposium onBioorganic Chemistry (ISBOC-6), Toronto, Canada.Dr. Ronald Kluger, Departmentof Chemistry, University ofToronto, Toronto,Canada M5S3H6Tel.: +1 416 978 3582Fax.: +1 416 978 3482E-mail: rkluger@chem.utoronto.ca

Physical Chemistryof Liquids

6–15 September 2002European Molecular LiquidsGroup (EMLG) Annual Meetingon the Physical Chemistry ofLiquids. Novel Approaches tothe Structure and Dynamics ofLiquids: Experiments, Theories,and Simulations, Rhodes,GreeceProf. Dr. Jannis SamiosTel.: +30 1 7274534 or +30 17274751Fax: +30 1 7274752E-mail: isamios@cc.uoa.gr


Polymer Science andTechnology

2–5 December 2002IUPAC Polymer Conference onthe Mission and Challenges ofPolymer Science and Technol-ogy, Kyoto, Japan.Prof. Seiichi Nakahama, Facultyof Engineering, Tokyo Instituteof Technology, 2-12-1Ohokayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo152-8552, JapanTel.: +81 3 5734 2138Fax.: +81 3 5734 2887E-mail: snakaham@polymer.titech.ac.jp


160 Chemistry International, 2001, Vol. 23, No. 5

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

IUPACannounces the 2002

IUPAC Prize for Young ChemistsThe IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists has been established to encourage

outstanding young research scientists at the beginning of their careers.

The prize will be given for the most outstanding Ph.D. thesis in the

general area of the chemical sciences, as described in a

1000-word essay.

Prize USD 1 000 and travelto the IUPAC Congress in Ottawa, Canada, August 2003

Each awardee will be invited to present a poster on his/her research

and to participate in a plenary award session.

Call for Nominations(deadline February 1, 2002)

For more information, including application form,

please visit the IUPAC web site at www.iupac.org/news/prize.html

or contact the IUPAC Secretariat

by e-mail at <secretariat@iupac.org> or by fax: +1 919 485 8706.