40 Hadeeth of An Nawawi

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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Transcript of 40 Hadeeth of An Nawawi

40 Hadeeth of An Nawawi

An introduction

The man who recorded the ahadeeth

• Imam an Nawawi, Abu Zakariyah Yahya bin al Sharaf

• Born in Nawa, near Damascus• Died at a very young age• Wrote many famous books, and wrote in many

sciencesBest of his work

Riyaadh us Saliheen رياضالصالحين 40 Hadeeth النووية االربعين

First Hadeeth

• The focal point of our religion, and deeds

• Narrated by Umar bin al Khattaab

“Every man shall have that what he intended for..” Recorded by Al Bukhari and Muslim

The first person to migrate for the sake of Allaah was Lut alaihe salam

Intention differentiates between Habit and Worship

Second Hadeeth

• Also known as the hadeeth of Jibreel

• Explains the basic concepts of Islaam, Emaan and Ehsaan

• Does Emaan increase and decrease?

• Ehsaan is to worship Allaah as if you see Him..

• Taqwa is the essence of knowledge

Signs of the Last Hour?

Other Signs?

The Prophet turned to Umar and asked..

Recorded by Muslim

Third Hadeeth• Son of Umar bin Al Khattab

• Islaam is built upon five..

• Hadeeth also known as Arkaan ul Islaam

• Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim


• Say itSincerelyWith firm convictionWith confidence

• Rejecting one messenger is like rejecting all of them


Recharge your spiritual batteries




Fourth hadeeth

• The creation of a human being

• Everything is pre-recorded

• Sustenance

• Lifespan

• Deeds

• Paradise or hell-fire..?

• We should not be deceived by our deeds

• A bad ending….?

• A good ending..?

Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim

Fifth Hadeeth

• Narrated by Ayesha

• Innovation in religious affairs

Recorded by Bukhaari and Muslim

• Fasting on the day of Eid

• Praying Nawafil in a restricted time

Sixth Hadeeth

• Halaal and Haraam have been made clear

• The Grey area

• Stay away from the doubtful affairs to protect your religion and character

• Stay away from the doubtful affairs to protect your religion and character

• Every haram thing has a halal alternative

The example of a shepherd

• Every King has a boundary set

• The boundary that Allaah has set

The piece of flesh upon which every affair relies, depends…

Recorded by Bukhari and Muslim

Seventh Hadeeth• Religion is Naseehah• Recorded by Muslim

• Being sincere to Allaah • Worshipping Him solely for His sake

• Being sincere to the Book of Allaah• Defending it and believing in it completely • Following what it has come with

• Being sincere with the Messenger of Allaah• Following him without question as he is the best

example for all of us – His Sunnah• Believing in all that he said• Defending him against the innovators and


• Loving the Prophet is the part of this religion

عليهم • ل تنز أن المنافقون يحذرقلوبهم في بما تنبئهم سورة

ا م مخرج الله إن استهزؤوا قلتحذرون

كنا • إنما ليقولن سألتهم ولئنوآياته أبالله قل ونلعب نخوض

تستهزؤون كنتم ورسوله

إيمانكم • بعد كفرتم قد تعتذروا ال

• Being sincere to the leaders of Muslims• Helping them, obeying them, and being kind

with them• Leaders are.. The scholars, the

commanders, and the government..• Making Duaa for them and defending their


• Being sincere to the masses of the Muslims

• Helping and guiding them gently

Hadeeth starts with Allaah.. And His Book.. And

His Messenger… And then the rest of Muslim leaders, and their common
