40 Days: The Great Commission

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 40 Days: The Great Commission

PowerPoint Presentation

Today is day 34 in our 40 day journey through the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. 1

Jesus and the Great Commission


Mitzpe Hayamim HotelRosh Pina

Does anyone need a vacation? Cindy and I are in that stage of life where we send professionals and their families on vacations. Erik and Deanna got braces Dr. Pazulskis family went on a lovely vacation. Erik had his wisdom teeth extracted, and another family went on vacation. Maybe youre there now. How does this look? Here is a picture of the Mitzpe Hayamim Hotel. Rosh Pina is a new settlement near the biblical city of Hazor, in what would have been the tribal allotment of Napthtali. This is where God delivered Deborah and Barak from the Canaanites. In the time of King David, Hazor was twenty times the size of Jerusalem. Today, nearby Rosh Pina is an artist colony filled with luxury hotels and spas.3

Villa Vitrage Day SpaBeit Hillel

Or maybe youre in the mood for a luxury hotel near the lake. Here is the view from Lake Kinneret. Mountains a lake and palm trees. Sounds like a vacation to me.4

Lake Kinneret

Or maybe youre in the mood for a luxury hotel near the lake. Here is the view from Lake Kinneret. Mountains a lake and palm trees. Sounds like a vacation to me.5

Lake Kinneret

Or for the golf lover, how about a lush golf course with perfectly manicured greens and 365 days of sunshine? Sounds pretty good this weekend with our cool rainy days.6

If youre like me, water and a beautiful sunrise or sunset are essential ingredients in a relaxing vacation. What do all of these images have in common? They are all from Galilee. I did conceal this a little when I used the modern name, Lake Kinneret to describe what we all know as the Sea of Galilee, here depicted. Galilee is now one of the most trendy luxury tourist attractions for international travelers. It is filled with luxury hotes, spas, boutique wineries, fine restaurants and idyllic historic and nature tours. That Galilee is today is totally unlike the Galilee in which Jesus ministered.7

Sea of Galilee


Now, lets jump a little closer to the biblical Galilee. Here is the oldest photograph we have of Galilee, taken in 1860. This is a more suitable backdrop for a description of the Galilee of Jesus day. We picture Galilee as rural and serene. It was actually a place filled with political and social unrest a place filled with bandits and rebels. There were many tax revolts in this region. The Jews there spoke with a distinctive accent and were looked down upon by the southern Judeans. It is important that we incorporate the reputation of this region into our understanding of Jesus. There were many reasons that Jesus found great resistance in Jerusalem amongst the religious elites. At the end of the day, he was Jesus of Nazareth, the leader of a group of rough-neck Galileans. After Jesus is killed in Jerusalem and rises from the dead, he tells his Galilean followers to return to Galilee and that he will appear to them. We saw last week that 7 of them did so, and had breakfast with Jesus following another miraculous catch of fish. This week, we find that all eleven disciples have arrived in Galilee. Turn with me in your bibles to Matthew 28, starting in verse 16:8

Matthew 2816Now the eleven discipleswent to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.

16Now the eleven discipleswent to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.


Matthew 2817And when they saw him theyworshiped him, but some doubted.

17And when they saw him theyworshiped him, but some doubted.


Matthew 2818And Jesus came and said to them,All authorityin heaven and on earth has been given to me.

18And Jesus came and said to them,All authorityin heaven and on earth has been given to me.


Matthew 2819Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations,baptizing theminthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

19Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations,baptizing theminthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,


Matthew 2820teaching themto observe all thatI have commanded you. And behold,I am with you always, tothe end of the age.

20teaching themto observe all thatI have commanded you. And behold,I am with you always, tothe end of the age.


First PointThe Reluctance of Jesus Disciples.

They are reluctant to believeMt. 28:17And when they saw him theyworshiped him, but some doubted.

They are reluctant to believe

Mt. 28:17And when they saw him theyworshiped him, but some doubted.


(dstadz) (ds) = twice; two (histm) = standDefinition: doubt or waiver. Literally to stand on two sides.

The word translated doubt in this verse is (dstadz) It is a compound verb formed from two parts.

(ds) = twice; two (histm) = stand

Definition: doubt or waiver. Literally to stand on two sides. This is not the word you would use to describe settled unbelief. It indicates a certain being torn between two strong impulses. It would be that moment in which some of the disciples would be saying this cant be Jesus, but it is. They are afraid to let their guard down and believe what they are seeing, but they cannot deny the evidence before them.


They are reluctant to go and make disciples19Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations

They are reluctant to go and make disciples

19Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations


This reluctance is evident in their attitudes.

This reluctance is evident in their attitudes.


Attitude toward the SamaritansLuke 9:54And when his disciples James and John saw it, they said, Lord, do you want us to tellfire to come down from heaven and consume them?

Attitude toward the Samaritans

Luke 9:54And when his disciples James and John saw it, they said, Lord, do you want us to tellfire to come down from heaven and consume them?


Attitude toward the CanaanitesMatthew 15:22And behold,a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying,Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon.

Attitude toward the Canaanites

Matthew 15:22And behold,a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying,Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon.


Attitude toward the Canaanites23But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying,Send her away, for she is crying out after us.

23But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying,Send her away, for she is crying out after us.21

This reluctance is evident in Jesus need for repetition.

This reluctance is evident in Jesus need for repetition.


Emphasis in EnglishIn our language, we use adverb intensifiers in order to add emphasis.Very, deeply, fully, positively, really, sincerely, strongly, totally, utterly

In our language, we use adverb intensifiers in order to add emphasis.Very, deeply, fully, positively, really, sincerely, strongly, totally, utterly


Emphasis in HebrewHebrew and Jewish Greek speakers use repetition in order to add emphasis.

Hebrew and Jewish Greek speakers use repetition in order to add emphasis.


We see this throughout the GospelsJesus precedes important statements by truly, truly

We see this throughout the Gospels

Jesus precedes important statements by truly, truly


We see this throughout the GospelsJesus precedes important statements by truly, trulyJesus predicts His death and resurrection three times.

Jesus predicts His death and resurrection three times.


We see this throughout the GospelsJesus precedes important statements by truly, trulyJesus predicts His death and resurrection 3 times.Jesus calls for Peter to reaffirm his love 3 times.

Jesus calls for Peter to reaffirm his love 3 times.


We see this throughout the GospelsJesus precedes important statements by truly, trulyJesus predicts His death and resurrection 3 times.Jesus calls for Peter to reaffirm his love 3 times.Jesus repeats the Great Commission 3 times.

Jesus repeats the Great Commission 3 times.


Matthew 28Place: A mountain in Galilee.

Time: Shortly after the resurrection.

Matthew 28Place: A mountain in Galilee.

Time: Shortly after the resurrection.


Luke 2446and said to them,Thusit is written,that the Christ should suffer and on the third dayrise from the dead,

Luke 24

46and said to them,Thusit is written,that the Christ should suffer and on the third dayrise from the dead,


Luke 2447and thatrepentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimedin his nameto all nations,beginning from Jerusalem.48You are witnesses of these things.

47and thatrepentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimedin his nameto all nations,beginning from Jerusalem.48You are witnesses of these things.


Luke 24Place: Jerusalem

Time: Shortly after the resurrection.

Luke 24

Place: Jerusalem

Time: Shortly after the resurrection.


Acts 18But you will receivepowerwhen the Holy Spirit has come upon you, andyou will bemy witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea andSamaria, andto the end of the earth.

Acts 18But you will receivepowerwhen the Holy Spirit has come upon you, andyou will bemy witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea andSamaria, andto the end of the earth.


Acts 1Place: Mount of OlivesTime: At the end of Jesus 40 days, just prior to the resurrection.

Acts 1

Place: Mount of OlivesTime: At the end of Jesus 40 days, just prior to the resurrection.


Second PointThe Determination of Jesus that we make disciples.

Second Point

The Determination of Jesus that we make disciples.


What is the primary imperative of the Great Commission?

What is the primary imperative of the Great Commission?


Matthew 2819Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations

19Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations

In our language, this sentence has Go in the first position. It receives the emphasis and becomes the main point. Lets not underestimate the importance of the word go. We are called to go. Jesus talked about the disciple who always looks back as being unworthy or unfit. God may call you out of your comfort zone. He may call you to leave your familiar American culture behind and go to a people you do not know who worship gods youve never heard of and eat foods that at best you would call interesting and at worse, nasty. God may call you to go. In fact I think that God is calling many people to go who are not listening to His call.37

53.7%44.3%Working with those with Access to Gospel99.9995%

In a 2015 study on global trends in world missions the following was observed:

If everyone is obeying Gods calling to be a missionary wherever they are then God is calling 99.9995% of people to work among the 44.3% of the world population that already has the gospel, and calling virtually no one (.0005%) to relocate among the other 53.7% of the world population that are not Christian. You have a better chance of being in a plane crash than being one of the few missionaries to the unreached out of the total 2 billion Christians in the world.

Does that sound strategic. Clearly God is strategic. It seems that we are falling short of Gods call to Go! I have to admit, putting these charts together in Powerpoint made me personally uncomfortable. So, youre not the only one squirming in your seat right now.38

Matthew 2819As you are going, thereforemake disciples ofall nations

But lets take another look at this verse. For years I have heard the argument that this is a better translation of Matthew 28:19:

As you are going, therefore, make disciples of all nations

The argument is that the first word in the Greek sentence, go, is a participle and the second verb, make disciples is a command, and the main verb of the sentence. For years, the proper translation of this verse has split the Christian community in half. Those passionate about world missions emphasize the Go. Those passionate about disciplemaking emphasize make disciples. There is a saying, A little Greek is dangerous. It really is. 39


Okay. Warning. Its about to get geeky in here for a minute.

In Greek, sometimes, a participle is used as a command. In the New Testament there are twenty-seven occasions whereporeuthentes, the participle translated go,is followed by a main verb in the imperative mood. The result? In every case the participle should be translated as an imperative.


Matthew 2819Go, thereforemake disciples ofall nations, baptizing theminthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Let me try to de-Geek this. Both of these words have the force of a command. We are called to go, to be proactive in fulfilling Gods call on our life. That means we dont simply go about our stuff and wait for God to drop opportunities in our lap. We go looking for opportunities. And when we find those opportunities, we are not called to simply press for a decision on move onto the next soul. Jesus calls us to make disciples and train them to be disciplemakers. Baptizing is a part of this. We encourage baptism because it is an act of early obedience to Christ. I have 5 people on a list right now who want to be baptized. I am excited that this time we have two children and three adults. It is good to see adults following the Lord in baptism and setting an example for the kids. Baptism was a big deal in biblical times. And in places like the Muslim world, it is still a costly decision to follow the Lord in baptism. But just because our lives our not in danger, dont miss the fact that baptism is a big deal here too. Anytime we obey the Lords commands publicly, its a big deal. I encourage you to consider emailing me and getting your name on the list for a service coming up soon. Let me go geek for just a few more seconds. Baptizing is a subordinate participle in this sentence. That is not insignificant. It means that baptism is an important part of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Skipping baptism is a step away from being a disciple of Jesus. Im not saying youre not saved Im saying youre not fully living into the Jesus-given definition of discipleship.


Matthew 2820teaching themto observe all thatI have commanded you. And behold,I am with you always, tothe end of the age.

And lets look at verse 20 again.

20teaching themto observe all thatI have commanded you. And behold,I am with you always, tothe end of the age.

This verse begins with another subordinate participle. Teaching Jesus commands is also and essential part of being a disciple of Jesus. I am not saying that God has called us all to be teachers. There is a spiritual gift of teaching, and we at GEFC are unusually blessed with teachers. There is no denying that GEFC is a teaching church. Its our greatest strength and clearly what we do best. But this is not that kind of teaching. Its more narrow in its focus and more broad in its intended application. We are called to teach the commands of Jesus. Thats the narrow part. There is a specific body of knowledge here. We are called to know and communicate the commandments of Jesus to others. Now to the broad part. We are all called to teach Jesus commands. Not just the Pastor, and the Adult Bible Fellowship teachers on Sunday mornings and the Small Group leaders and Bible Study teachers throughout the week. We are ALL called to teach because we are ALL called to disciple. And you cant disciple people without teaching them what Jesus expects of them. And if you havent invested the time to read the gospels and familiarize yourself with Jesus commands, you cant fulfill the Great Commission. You cant make disciples. Jesus final words in our text are meant to be an encouragement after a big hairy command. GoMake Disciples Encourage people to be baptized Teach them what Jesus expects and dont worry. You wont be alone. I will be with you to the very end.

That is the Great Commission. We are reluctant to embrace it because it is hard. We are reluctant to embrace this commission because doing so will change the priority of our lives. We are reluctant because sometimes we dont believe Jesus promise that we wont be alone that He will help us. But He will. And when we start fulfilling these commands we will find ourselves living out the abundant life that Jesus called us to. Everything changes. Suddenly, going to your kids games means going to make disciples. Going to their recitals means going to make disciples. Going to lunch at work going to make disciples. Going to church going to learn how to make disciples. Thats the life we are called to. Its the challenge before us. And with Jesus help, we can do it.