4 th Grade ELA PASS review

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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4 th Grade ELA PASS review. 1. Which question would lead to the most information on how coyotes hunt? Where do coyotes live? What is a coyote and what do they eat? Why is the purpose of coyotes living in packs? Why do coyotes hunt at night?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 4 th Grade ELA PASS review

4th Grade ELA PASS review

1. Which question would lead to the most information on how coyotes hunt?

A. Where do coyotes live?B. What is a coyote and what do they eat?C. Why is the purpose of coyotes living in packs?D. Why do coyotes hunt at night?

1. Which question would lead to the most information on how coyotes hunt?

A. Where do coyotes live?B. What is a coyote and what do they eat?C. What is the purpose of coyotes living in packs?D. Why do coyotes hunt at night?

Read the dictionary entry. Spring: v. 1. to leap or jump out n. 2. source ofwater 3. growing season 4. coiling object

Which definition of the word spring is used in this sentence.

“At the bottom was a cold spring of water hidden by plants and moss.”

A. definition 1B. definition 2C. definition 3D. definition 4

Read the dictionary entry. Spring: v. 1. to leap or jump out n. 2. source ofwater 3. growing season 4. coiling object

Which definition of the word spring is used in this sentence.

“At the bottom was a cold spring of water hidden by plants and moss.”

A. definition 1B. definition 2C. definition 3D. definition 4

Which website would provide the best information about building your own car?

A. www.thebigrace.comB. www.guidetocarcare.comC. www.fastpoems.comD. www.carconstruction.com

Which website would provide the best information about building your own car?

A. www.thebigrace.comB. www.guidetocarcare.comC. www.fastpoems.comD. www.carconstruction.com

Which research question would lead to the most information on solar power?

A. How do we get power from the sun?B. How far is the sun from Earth?C. What is the best type of power for the

environment?D. How do I make my own driving machine?

Which research question would lead to the most information on solar power?

A. How do we get power from the sun?B. How far is the sun from Earth?C. What is the best type of power for the

environment?D. How do I make my own driving machine?

Cameron is researching the life cycle of frogs. Which link would be the best site for Cameron to search? A. http://www.reptiles.comB. http://www.sciencefun.comC. http://www.scienceforkids.org/frogsD. http://www.scienceforkids.org/frogs/lifecycles

Cameron is researching the life cycle of frogs. Which link would be the best site for Cameron to search? A. http://www.reptiles.comB. http://www.sciencefun.comC. http://www.scienceforkids.org/frogsD. http://www.scienceforkids.org/frogs/lifecycles

• Jim asked the bug a question because

A. He wanted to know its name.

B. The bug had a beak.C. The bug’s leg tickled

Jim’s arm.D. He wanted to play with


• Jim asked the bug a question because

A. He wanted to know its name.

B. The bug had a beak.C. The bug’s leg tickled

Jim’s arm.D. He wanted to play with


• How did Jim most likely feel when his mother turned on the light?

A. scaredB. happyC. ExcitedD. disappointed

• How did Jim most likely feel when his mother turned on the light?

A. scaredB. happyC. ExcitedD. disappointed

• Where would be the best place to find information about different types of bugs?

A. A collection of short stories about bugs

B. A dictionaryC. A website-

www.allaboutbugs.comD. A thesaurus

• Where would be the best place to find information about different types of bugs?

A. A collection of short stories about bugs

B. A dictionaryC. A website-

www.allaboutbugs.comD. A thesaurus

*floe – a piece of floating sea ice

Line 1, “The Polar Bear never makes his bed” is an example of

A. IdiomB. HyperboleC. SimileD. Personification

*floe – a piece of floating sea ice

Line 1, “The Polar Bear never makes his bed” is an example of

A. IdiomB. HyperboleC. SimileD.Personification

*floe – a piece of floating sea ice

In line 12, the words “bathtub white” describe the

A. World around the polar bear.

B. Color of the polar bear.C. Brightness of the

sunlight.D. Icebergs floating on the


*floe – a piece of floating sea ice

In line 12, the words “bathtub white” describe the

A.World around the polar bear.

B. Color of the polar bear.C. Brightness of the

sunlight.D. Icebergs floating on the


What is the base word, or root word, for


What is the base word, or root word, for


JOY is the base, ful is the suffix

What is the base word, or root word, for


What is the base word, or root word, for


EXPLAIN is the root wordUN is the prefix

ABLE is the suffix

The dreary weather put me in a gloomy mood.

Which of the following words is a synonym for the underlined


a. happy c. exciting

b. dismal d. severe

The young girl from China was bilingual because she could speak

both Chinese and English.Which of the following words is a synonym for the underlined word?

a. multilingualb. determinedc. Chinesed. genius

The rickety bridge was hazardous for cars driving over it each day.

Which of the following words is a synonym for the underlined word?

a. sturdyb. well-builtc. dangerousd. old

The legend on the map told me that triangles were a symbol for trees.

Which of the following words is a synonym for the underlined word?

a. titleb. map keyc. symbolsd. map scale

The guard watched carefully so the prisoner could not flee from the

group.Which of the following words is a synonym for the underlined word?

a. escapeb. hurtc. lingerd. walk

Isabelle was excited because there were so many diverse people at the party. She loves being able to meet

lots of new and different people.Which of the following words is a synonym for the underlined word?

a. similarb. differentc. weirdd. dignified

Most ants live in nests. It is the job of the worker ants to build the nest. The worker ants dig tunnels below the earth. The tunnels lead to rooms called chambers. Each chamber of the nest has its own special purpose. One chamber is built especially for the queen. Another is built for her to lay her eggs. Other chambers are used for storing food. Newborn ants have their own nursery chamber. A single ant nest may be home to millions of ants!

What additional information can a reader learn by looking at the diagram?

A. Ant nests have tunnels.B. Some ant nests are built underground.C. Ant nests have resting chambers.D. Some ant nests are built as mounds.

Most ants live in nests. It is the job of the worker ants to build the nest. The worker ants dig tunnels below the earth. The tunnels lead to rooms called chambers. Each chamber of the nest has its own special purpose. One chamber is built especially for the queen. Another is built for her to lay her eggs. Other chambers are used for storing food. Newborn ants have their own nursery chamber. A single ant nest may be home to millions of ants!

What additional information can a reader learn by looking at the diagram?

A. Ant nests have tunnels.B. Some ant nests are built underground.C. Ant nests have resting chambers.D. Some ant nests are built as mounds.

Most ants live in nests. It is the job of the worker ants to build the nest. The worker ants dig tunnels below the earth. The tunnels lead to rooms called chambers. Each chamber of the nest has its own special purpose. One chamber is built especially for the queen. Another is built for her to lay her eggs. Other chambers are used for storing food. Newborn ants have their own nursery chamber. A single ant nest may be home to millions of ants!

The diagram BEST helps readers understand

A. The role of the ant queen.B. The kinds of food ants eat.C. The design and purposes of an ant nest.D. The way ant nests differ from other nests.

Most ants live in nests. It is the job of the worker ants to build the nest. The worker ants dig tunnels below the earth. The tunnels lead to rooms called chambers. Each chamber of the nest has its own special purpose. One chamber is built especially for the queen. Another is built for her to lay her eggs. Other chambers are used for storing food. Newborn ants have their own nursery chamber. A single ant nest may be home to millions of ants!

The diagram BEST helps readers understand

A. The role of the ant queen.B. The kinds of food ants eat.C. The design and purposes of an ant nest.D. The way ant nests differ from other nests.

Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

According to the chart, what was Franklin’s last invention?

A. ArmonicaB. BifocalsC. Franklin stoveD. Lightning rod

Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

According to the chart, what was Franklin’s last invention?

A. ArmonicaB. BifocalsC. Franklin stoveD. Lightning rod

Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

Other than the volunteer fire company, what else did Franklin think up that prevented fires?

A. Odometer and armonicaB. Lightning rod and odometerC. Bifocals and armonicaD. Lightning rod and Franklin


Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

Other than the volunteer fire company, what else did Franklin think up that prevented fires?

A. Odometer and armonicaB. Lightning rod and odometerC. Bifocals and armonicaD. Lightning rod and Franklin


Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

Which of the following did Franklin invent first?

A. Lightning rod B. OdometerC. Franklin StoveD. armonica

Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

Which of the following did Franklin invent first?

A. Lightning rod B. OdometerC. Franklin StoveD. armonica

Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

The information in the chart shows that Benjamin Franklin

A. Had different skills and interests.

B. Worked for the fire department.C. Was a famous musician.D. Traveled often.

Ben Franklin: Inventor and Problem Solver

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor and problem solver. He had lots of good ideas. One of his best was the volunteer fire company. There was a big fire in Philadelphia, and many buildings burned down. So Franklin decided to organize a fire company. He did not have money to pay people, so he asked for volunteers. Thirty men said that they would help. In 1736, the Union Fire Company began. Whenever there was a fire, these men would stop what they were doing. They would get together and put the fire out. Today, there are volunteer fire companies all over the world. They help people every day. This is just one example of Franklin’s good ideas.

The information in the chart shows that Benjamin Franklin

A. Had different skills and interests.

B. Worked for the fire department.C. Was a famous musician.D. Traveled often.