4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

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4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET). Presentation for the California Afterschool Network April 5, 2013 Steven Worker 4-H SET Coordinator. Head Heart Hands Health. What is 4-H?. Celebrating 110 years! Founded in 1902, merged with cooperative extension in 1914. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET)

Presentation for the California Afterschool Network

April 5, 2013

Steven Worker4-H SET Coordinator

What is 4-H?Celebrating 110 years! Founded in 1902, merged with cooperative extension in 1914.

4-H is a nonformal youth education program for young people (ages 5-19).

In 2009, over 6 million youth participated in 4-H through 4-H clubs, afterschool programs, camps, and school enrichment activities.

4-H is coordinated nationally throughUSDA National Institute of Food and Ag.and through each state’s Land GrantUniversity.

National: www.4-h.org | California: www.ca4h.org


4-H and ScienceNational 4-H Science Mission, established in 2008 – California also launched its 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) Initiative.

4-H SET programs…• (short-term) help youth improve their

knowledge and skills around science, engineering, and technology

• (medium-term) engage youth in adopting and using science and engineering in authentic and meaningful ways

• (long term) increase the number and diversity of youth pursuing higher education and careers in science, engineering, and technology fields.

Foundation of 4-H ScienceEducational Practices• Project-based learning• Experiential education• Inquiry-based teaching• Collaborative learning• Service learning

Youth Development Practices• Safety• Relationship building• Youth engagement (youth-adult

partnerships)• Community involvement• Skill building


Overview of 4-H SET Resources1. Utilize our program and fund

development materials

2. Professional DevelopmentUtilize 4-H materials or invite local 4-H staff to help facilitate workshops.

3. CurriculaAs a public youth development organization, 4-H materials are often available for free or low cost. Materials are often peer reviewed for accuracy and quality.

4. Learn from our research, evaluation, and promising practices

Program Resources4-H Science-Ready Checklisthttp://www.ca4h.org/files/154115.pdf

Experiential Learning Check-Off Listhttp://www.ca4h.org/files/73510.docx

4-H Program Frameworkhttp://www.ca4h.org/files/146514.pdf


4-H National Youth Science Dayhttp://www.4-h.org/4-h-national-youth-science-day/

4-H Science-Ready ChecklistActivities follow theExperiential Learning Cycle After the activity, the facilitator leads youth through a period of reflection where the learner shares and processes the experience and applies new learning in authentic situations.

Activities promoteInquiry Learning using Effective QuestioningThrough learning experiences, youth are encouraged to think, explore, question, and make decisions. Youth build understanding through active exploration and questioning.

Provides opportunities to improve Science, Engineering and Technology AbilitiesEngages youth in science, engineering and technology through one or more of the thirty most important science, engineering, and technology processes.

Anchored in a Positive Youth Development Context Provides opportunities for youth to develop their 6 C’s: Competence, Confidence, Connections, Character, Caring/Compassion, and Contribution.

Facilitated and delivered withAdult mentors who partner with youthLearning experiences led by trained, caring adults and teens who create environments in which they work together as active learners.

Programs offerExtended Learning OpportunitiesProjects offer long-term experiences to significantly increase youth knowledge, skills and attitudes. Experiences are designed for extended frequency and duration that serve to build learning over time.

Programs based on National Science Education Standards SET activities delivered through inquiry-based learning focusing on concepts of physical science, life science, earth and space science, science and technology, science in personal and social perspectives, history and nature of science.

Experiential Learning Check-Off List

Teens-as-TeachersA good practice is preparing teens and having them deliver science activities to younger children.• Children respond well to teen teachers• Teens act as positive role models• Teens benefit too!

Teenagers as Teachers: Twelve Essential Elementshttp://www.ca4h.org/files/145251.pdf

Teens as Volunteer Leaders: Recruiting and Training Teens to Work with Younger Youth in After-School Programs. http://4-h.org/b/Pages/Afterschool/Assets/AS_TeenVolunteers.pdf

4-H National Youth Science DayThe focus of 4-H NYSD activities is a single science experiment designed to engage young people across the nation.

During October each year.

Past year’s activity guides are available• 2008: Helpful Hydrogels• 2009: Biofuel Blast• 2010: 4-H2O, water quality• 2011: Wired for Wind• 2012: Eco-Bot

Fund DevelopmentNational 4-H Fund Development Toolkithttp://www.4-h.org/resource-library/professional-development-learning/fund-development-toolkit/

On-demand access to a wealth of fundraising resources, including:

– Philanthropy– Managing the fund development process– Building a strong board– Creating a powerful message– Major gifts– Raising money from many donors– Hosting top quality special events– Keeping donors with world class stewardship

Professional DevelopmentTools of the Trade II: Inspiring Young Minds to be Science, Engineering, and Technology Ready for Life!

– http://www.ca4h.org/Projects/SET/SETResources/ToTII/– 22 hour training guide for afterschool line staff

Experiential Learning – 3 module introductionhttp://www.experientiallearning.ucdavis.edu/default.shtml

Online Course: Using Inquiry-based learning to Support 4-H Science

– 3, 20-minute videos– http://www.4-h.org/

Professional Development (cont.)4-H Science Promising Practiceshttp://www.ca4h.org/Projects/SET/SETResources/PP/

– Science in Urban Communities– Lessons from Promising 4-H Science Programs– 4-8 page briefs on:

• Experiential Learning• Evaluation• Professional development• Curriculum• Science process skills• Collaborative partnerships• Fund development• Teens-as-teachers

Professional Development (cont.)

Curricula4-H Curricula available in a variety of content:• Animal science• Biological sciences• Civic engagement• Communication and expressive arts• Consumer and family sciences• Environmental education and earth sciences• Health• Leadership and personal development• Personal safety• Physical sciences• Plant science• Technology and engineering

CurriculaTo find curricula, search:

California 4-H http://www.ca4h.org/Projects/Curriculum/

My4H.org and National Directory of 4-H Materialshttp://www.4-h.org/my4-h

4-H MALLhttp://www.4-hmall.org/

Hot off the Presses• 4-H Junk Drawer Robotics (middle school, 3

levels)• There’s No New Water! (middle-high school)• Veterinary Science

4-H Junk Drawer RoboticsFor middle school youth

Engages middle school youth in understanding scientific concepts and processes, the engineering design process cycle, and technology creation and building by working with household items to complete simple design challenges.

Level 1: Robot arms and handsLevel 2: Robot movementLevel 3: Mechantronics

$31.80 at http://www.4-h.org/resource-library/curriculum/4-h-robotics/

There’s No New Water!For middle-high school youth

Water is a finite natural resource whose quantity and quality must be responsibly preserved, protected, used, and reused.

Curriculum concepts:• The natural water cycle• Human interventions in the water cycle• The urban/rural interface• Mapping watersheds• service-learning project that address local

water conservation issues

$16 at http://www.4-h.org/curriculum/water/

Veterinary ScienceFor youth grades 3-6

Modules include: 1. Behaving like Animals, 2. Fur, Feathers, Skin and Scales3. The Eyes Have it4. You've Got to Have Heart5. Dem Bones, Dem Bones6. Food in, Waste Out7. Is your Bird Feeling Blue?8. Is your Dog Feeling Down?9. Is Your Goat Feeling Green?10.Is Your Horse Healthy?11.Is Your Snake Sick?

Free at http://www.ca4h.org/Projects/Curriculum/FREE/

Research and EvaluationCalifornia Agriculture - http://californiaagriculture.ucanr.org/ Articles on professional development and youth water education.

Journal of Extension - http://www.joe.org/ Articles on youth OST science education.

California 4-Hhttp://www.ca4h.org/Research/4HPublications/

– [Book] Advances in youth development: Research and evaluation from the University of California 2001-2010

– Monographs– Fact Sheets


Steven worker4-H SET Coordinatorsmworker@ucanr.edu(530) 754-8519