3rd December 2010

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Meeting with the Vet and workers of shelter for dogs . Ending of the action ‘ Look after the Animals’. The part of eTwinning project : ‘ Meeting , Learning, Doing . Be our guest , please !’. 3rd December 2010. Click here. IMG 0120. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 3rd December 2010

Meeting with the Vet Meeting with the Vet and workers of and workers of

shelter for dogs.shelter for dogs.Ending of the action ‘Look after Ending of the action ‘Look after

the Animals’.the Animals’.The part of eTwinning project: The part of eTwinning project: ‘Meeting, Learning, Doing. Be ‘Meeting, Learning, Doing. Be

our guest, please!’our guest, please!’3rd December 2010

Click here

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Our guests. From left: Ms Zyta Rybowicz and Ms Małgorzata Wasiak ( shelter’s workers), Ms Katarzyna Mańko – Klok (vet).

Nasi goście: pracownicy schroniska oraz lekarz weterynarii.

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School libarian (Ms Beata Muniak) with awards for literary contest, photo contest and art contest.

Bibliotekarz przygotowuje nagrody.

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Winners of contests (28 persons)Zwycięzcy w konkursach ( 28 osób)

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Champions’ works: posters.Nagrodzone plakaty.

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Awards – giving by librarians: Emilia Wyględowska and Beta Muniak..

Bibliotekarze wręczają nagrody.

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Joyful atmosphereW atmosferze zabawy…

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Our guests told us how to take care of the dogs and how that is to work in a shelter.

Goście opowiedzieli nam o pracy w schronisku.

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Ms Zyta Rybowicz tells about strange case of the dog.

Pani Zyta opowiada o niesamowitym przypadku jednego ze swoich podopiecznych

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Kids were asking – guests were answering.Goście odpowiadali na wiele pytań.

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Ms Zyta showed the photo of friend-dog.Pani Zyta pokazuje zdjęcie znajomego psa, który trafił do schroniska i jest już


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Thanksgiving (and diploma) for providing food, leashes, bowles and blankets for the dogs from the shelter by

approximately 120 students.Podziękowania i dyplom za dary; w akcji wzięło udział prawie 120 uczniów.

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Shelter’s phone was ringing all the time. The people wanted the help for homleles animals.

W czasie spotkania pracownicy schroniska wiele razy odbierali telefony z prośbą o zaopiekowanie się bezdomnymi zwierzętami.

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Together with the guests.Wspólne zdjęcie.

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Shelter’s car was full of our gifts for dogs!Dary już załadowane.

Presentation by Joanna Gryc – student administrator

For watching