3rd 9 review answers 1 41

Post on 29-May-2015

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Transcript of 3rd 9 review answers 1 41

3rd 9-week final review. Answers to odd number questions 1-41.

1. Positive

3. −73

5. 32

7. y=32x−4

9. 72

11. y=.25 x+39

13. 240 miles

14 & 15. y=2.5x−50 ; $200

17. yes

19. 25

21. zero

23-25. depends on your coordinates

27. Various answers.

Similarities; They both have positive slopes, they both start at the origin,

Differences; liquid 1’s line is steeper than liquid 2; liquid 1 has a greater rate of change

29. Malik runs the most miles per hour – 7

33. y=23x−2

35. y=32x−4

39. 65

41. 20 minutes