3.Intro to Epithelial Cells

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Transcript of 3.Intro to Epithelial Cells

  • CYT 2113 Cytology I

    Lesson 3: Introduction to Different

    Types of Epithelial Cells I

  • Epithelial Tissue

    Consists of cells

    Fitted tightly together to form a continuous

    layer, or, sheet, of cells

    Specialized for exchanging materials between Specialized for exchanging materials between

    the cell and its environment

    Epithelial tissue is organized into two general

    types of structures: epithelial sheets and

    secretory glands

  • Epithelial sheets are layers of very tightly

    joined cells that cover and line various parts of

    the body

    One surface of the sheet is typically exposed One surface of the sheet is typically exposed

    because it covers the body (outer layer of the

    skin) or lines a cavity, such as the lumen

    (cavity) of the intestine

  • The outer surface of an epithelial layer

    attaches to the underlying tissue by a

    noncellular basement membrane consisting of

    tiny fibers and nonliving polysaccharide tiny fibers and nonliving polysaccharide

    material that the epithelial cells produce

  • In general, epithelial sheets serve as

    boundaries that separate the body from its

    surroundings and from the contents of cavities

    that open to the outside, such as the digestive that open to the outside, such as the digestive

    tract lumen

    Only selective transfer of materials is possible

    between regions separated by an epithelial


  • The type and extent of controlled exchange

    vary, depending on the location and function

    of the epithelial tissue

    For example, the skin can exchange very little

    between the body and surrounding

    environment, making it a protective barrierenvironment, making it a protective barrier

    The epithelial cells lining the small intestine of

    the digestive tract are specialized for

    absorbing nutrients that have come from

    outside the body

  • Epithelial tissue perform many functions,



    The epithelial layer of the skin, the epidermis, The epithelial layer of the skin, the epidermis,

    covers the entire body and protects it from

    mechanical injury, chemicals, bacteria and

    fluid loss

  • Absorption

    The epithelial tissue lining the digestive tract

    absorbs nutrients and water into the body


    Some epithelial cells form glands that secrete

    cell products such as hormones, enzymes or


  • Sensation

    Other epithelial cells are sensory receptors

    that receive information from the


    For example, epithelial cells in taste buds and

    in the nose specialize as chemical receptors

  • Epithelial Membrane

    Sheet of epithelial tissue and a layer of

    underlying connective tissue

    Types of epithelial membrane: mucous

    membrane and serous membrane

    Mucous membrane / mucosa Mucous membrane / mucosa

    Lines a body cavity that opens to the outside of

    the body, such as the digestive or respiratory


    The epithelial layer secretes mucus that

    lubricates the tissue and protects it from drying

  • Serous membrane

    Lines a body cavity that does not open to the outside of the body

    Consists of simple squamous epithelium over a thin layer of connective tissue

    This type of membrane secretes fluid into the This type of membrane secretes fluid into the cavity it lines

    Examples of serous membranes are the pleural membranes lining the pleural cavities around the lungs and the pericardial membranes lining the pericardial cavity around the heart

  • Classification of Epithelium

    The traditional classification of epithelium is

    based on two factors:

    The number of cell layers and

    The shape of the surface cellsThe shape of the surface cells

    The terminology, therefore, reflects only

    structure, not function

  • Epithelium is described as

    simple, when it is one cell layer thick

    Stratified, when it has two or more cell layers

  • The individual cells that compose an

    epithelium are described as

    squamous, when the width of the cell is

    greater than its height

    Cuboidal, when the width, depth and height Cuboidal, when the width, depth and height

    are approximately the same

    Columnar, when the height of the cell

    appreciably exceeds the width (the term low

    columnar is often used when a cells height

    only slightly exceeds its other dimensions)

  • In a stratified epithelium, the shape and height of the cells usually vary from layer to layer, but only the shape of the cells that form the surface layer is used in classifying the epitheliumepithelium

    For example, stratified squamous epithelium consists of more than one layer of cells, and the surface layer consists of flat or squamouscells

  • Two special categories of epithelium are

    pseudostratified and transitional

  • Pseudostratified Epithelium

    Appears stratified, although some of the cells

    do not reach the free surface; all rest on the

    basement membrane

    Thus, it is actually a simple epithelium Thus, it is actually a simple epithelium

    The distribution of pseudostratified

    epithelium is limited in the body

    Also it is often difficult to discern whether all

    of the cells contact the basement membrane

  • For these reasons, identification of

    pseudostratified epithelium usually depends

    on knowing where it is normally found

  • Pseudostratified Epithelium

  • Pseudostratified Epithelium

    Typical locations:

    Trachea and bronchial tree

    Ductus deferens

    Efferent ductules of epididymisEfferent ductules of epididymis

    Major functions:



    Conduit (a channel through which water or other fluid is carried)

  • Transitional Epithelium (Urothelium)

    A term applied to the epithelium lining the

    lower urinary tract, extending from the minor

    calyces of the kidney down to the proximal

    part of the urethrapart of the urethra

    Urothelium is a stratified epithelium with

    specific morphologic characteristics that allow

    it to distend

  • Transitional Epithelium

  • Transitional (Urothelium)

    Typical locations:

    Renal calyces




    Major functions:


    Distensible property

  • Simple Squamous

    Composed of a single layer of cells, which are flat

    and plate like

    In histologic sections, the nuclei appear flattened

    and the cytoplasm is indistinctand the cytoplasm is indistinct

    Although squamous refers to any flat epithelium,

    its use is restricted as many flat epithelia are

    given more specific names, e.g. the flat

    epithelium lining blood vessels being called


  • Simple Squamous

    Typical locations:

    vascular system (endothelium)

    Body cavities (mesothelium)

    Bowmans capsule (kidney)Bowmans capsule (kidney)

    Respiratory spaces in lung

    Major functions:

    exchange, barrier in central nervous system

    Exchange and lubrication

  • Simple Squamous

  • Simple Cuboidal

    A simple cuboidal epithelium is composed of a

    single layer of cells whose height, width and

    depth are the same (they are not strictly


    In histologic section, such cells usually have a

    centrally placed nucleus

  • Simple Cuboidal

    Typical locations:

    Small ducts of exocrine glands

    Surface of ovary (germinal epithelium)

    Kidney tubules

    Thyroid folliclesThyroid follicles

    Major functions:




  • Simple Cuboidal

  • Simple Cuboidal

  • Simple Columnar

    Composed of cells whose height is two or

    three times greater than their width

    The nuclei of columnar cells are basal and

    arranged in an ordered layerarranged in an ordered layer

  • Simple Columnar

    Typical locations:

    Small intestine and colon

    Stomach lining and gastric glands


    Major functions:

    Absorption and secretion

  • Simple Columnar

  • Stratified Squamous

    Composed of several layers such that cells high

    up in the epithelium are not in contact with the

    underlying extracellular matrix

    Stratified squamous epithelium derives its name Stratified squamous epithelium derives its name

    from the flattened (squamous) appearance of

    cells in the superficial part of the epithelium

    Cells in the basal and middle layers of this type of

    epithelium are in fact pyramidal or polygonal and

    are not flattened

  • Stratified Squamous

    Typical locations:


    Oral cavity and esophagus


    Major functions:



  • Stratified Squamous

  • Stratified Cuboidal

    Typical locations:

    Sweat gland ducts

    Large ducts of exocrine glands

    Anorectal junctionAnorectal junction

    Major function:



  • Stratified Cuboidal

  • Glandular Epithelium

    Glands are epithelial tissue derivative

    specialized for secreting

    Glands are formed during embryonic

    development by pockets of epithelial tissue development by pockets of epithelial tissue

    that invaginate and develop secretory


    There are two categories of glands: exocrine

    and endocrine

  • During development, if the connecting cells

    between the epithelial surface cells and

    secretory gland cells within the invaginated

    pocket remain intact as a duct between gland pocket remain intact as a duct between gland

    and the surface, an exocrine gland is formed

    E.g. sweat glands and glands that secrete

    digestive juices

  • If the connecting cells disappear during

    development and the secretory gland cells are

    isolated from the surface, an endocrine gland

    is formed

    Endocrine glands lack ducts and release their

    secretory products (hormones) internally into secretory products (hormones) internally into

    the blood

    E.g. the pancreas secretes insulin into the

    blood, which transports this hormone to its

    sites of action throughout the body

  • Classification of Glands

    Glands can be classified according to:

    Their histologic organization

    Possession of ducts

    Type of material secretedType of material secreted

    Manner in which material is secreted

    Glands that consist of only a single cell are

    called unicellular; aggregates of secreting cells

    form multicellular glands

  • Unicellular Glands

    Unicellular, exocrine gland goblet cell

    Found scattered among epithelial cell lining

    the trachea, small intestine and colon

    The cell has a narrow base and an expanded The cell has a narrow base and an expanded

    apex filled with secretory granules

    Goblet cells elaborate mucin, which, on

    hydration, produces viscous lubricating fluid

    called mucus

  • The mucin is secreted onto an epithelial


    Hence, a goblet cell is classified as unicellular

    exocrine glandexocrine gland

    Unicellular endocrine glands also occur

    They are numerous in the epithelium lining

    the gastrointestinal tract and produce a

    number of peptide hormones and/or amines

  • They are also found in the epithelium lining

    the respiratory system

    These cells secrete into the extracellular space

    the product of which may enter adjacent the product of which may enter adjacent


  • Multicellular Glands

    The simplest form of multicellular exocrine

    gland is the secretory sheet, exemplified by the

    gastric lining epithelium, in which the secreting

    cells form a continuous epithelial layer

    Intraepithelial glands are small clusters of Intraepithelial glands are small clusters of

    secretory cells that lie wholly within an

    epithelial sheet, clustered about a small lumen

    Cells of both types of gland secrete their

    product onto the epithelial surface

  • Complex Exocrine Glands

    Exocrine glands secrete onto a luminal

    epithelial surface either directly, as in

    secretory sheets and intraepithelial glands, or

    by a ductal systemby a ductal system

    If the duct system of complex glands

    branches, the gland is said to be compound

    If the duct system does not branch, the gland

    is classified as simple

  • The secretory cells may be organized into

    tubules, acini or alveoli

    Simple and compound glands can be named

    by the shape of the secretory portionby the shape of the secretory portion

    Simple glands can be classified as simple

    tubular, simple coiled tubular, simple

    branched tubular or simple branched acinar

  • Compound glands are subdivided into

    compound tubular, compound accinar and

    compound tubuloacinar

    * The epithelial cells forming the closely packed * The epithelial cells forming the closely packed

    tubular structures of complex glands remain

    arranged as a single layer of cell despite the

    complex appearance of the overall glandular
