392 2710 | F: 585

Post on 14-Apr-2022

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Transcript of 392 2710 | F: 585


The Sunday Mass will be live streamed on the St. Leo Hilton Facebook page on Saturday at 5 PM.

Confessions will be heard Saturday from 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Rosary will be prayed Saturday at 4:20 PM MASS SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK

Monday - Monday of Holy Week 5:45 PM Ray Keltz (Mina Keltz)

Tuesday – Tuesday of Holy Week 8:30 AM Maxima & August Sulewski (Ursula Laszewski)

Wednesday - Wednesday of Holy Week 8:30 AM Esther and Gavan Duffy (The Duffy Girls)

Thursday - HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Friday of the Passion of the Lord - GOOD FRIDAY


Saturday - HOLY SATURDAY EASTER VIGIL 7:00 PM St. Leo Parishioners


7:30 AM St. Leo Parishioners 9:30 AM St. Leo Parishioners

11:30 AM St. Leo Parishioners

110 Old Hojack Lane, PO Box 725, Hilton, NY 14468-0725 | P: 585-392-2710 | F: 585-392-9254 | E: hstleoch@dor.org | W:www.stleochurch.org


DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET SUNG 3:00 PM AND BENEDICTION Please sign up for a half hour or more to visit the Blessed Sacrament. The sign-up sheet is on the table in the Parish Life Center. Divine Mercy Sunday (also known as the Feast of the Divine Mercy) is celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter, which concludes the Octave of Easter. The feast day is observed by Roman Catholics as well as some Anglicans. It is originally based on the Catholic devotion to the Divine Mercy that Faustina Kowalska reported as part of her encounter with Jesus, and is asso-ciated with special promises from Jesus and indulgences issued by the Catholic Church. The feast of Divine Mercy, according to the diary of Kowalska, receives from Jesus the biggest promises of grace related to the Devotion of Divine Mercy, in particular that a person who goes to sacramental confession (the confession may take place some days before) and receives holy communion on that day, shall obtain the total expiation of all sins and punishment. That means each person would go immediately after death to heaven without suffering in purgatory. Addition-ally, the Roman Catholic Church grants a plenary indulgence (observing the usual rules) with the recitation of some simple prayers.


April 1 Holy Thursday Mass 7:00 PM

April 2 Good Friday Solemn Liturgy 3:00 PM Taize Service 7:00 PM April 3 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 7:00 PM April 4 Easter Sunday - Resurrection of the Lord Mass: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM

Holy Thursday, 3:00 PM Good Friday, Easter Vigil

& 9:30 AM Easter Sunday Mass will be live stream

THIS WEEK AT ST. LEO’S Mon. Mass: 5:30 PM; Tues.-Thurs.: Mass 8:30 AM Friday: Communion Service: 8:30 AM Monday - March 29 - Monday of Holy Week

5:30 PM Mass Tuesday – March 30

7:00 PM Chrism Mass @ Sacred Heart Cathedral Wednesday - March 31

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 12:00 Noon Pray the Rosary for Our Nation Thursday - April 1 - Holy Thursday

7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper - live stream No washing of feet

Office closes at Noon 7:30 PM AA Meeting

Friday - April 2 Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion Office closed

3:00 PM Solemn Liturgy - live stream 7:00 PM Taize Service

Saturday - April 3 Holy Saturday - The Easter Vigil 7:00 PM Mass - live stream

Sunday - April 4 Easter Sunday 7:30 AM Mass 9:30 AM Mass-live stream

11:30 AM Mass Monday - April 5


DISPOSABLE CUPS? Why haven’t Catholic Churches gone the way of disposable

cups? If a Catholic has ever attended a Protestant worship service

and saw the communion service that was offered for that commu-nity, one of the things that might have stood out was the use of small, disposable cups for distributing the wine or grape juice. This is in stark contrast to the precious metal chalices used in Catholic Churches during the Mass.

Although practices for Protestant Christian can vary (ranging from large shared chalices, to personal-use cups, to dipping the bread in the wine/grape juice), the norms governing Catholic practices are fairly direct: “Sacred vessels are to be made from precious metal. If they are made from material that rusts or from a metal less precious than gold, then ordinarily they should be gild-ed on the inside. In the Dioceses of the United States of America, sacred vessels may also be made from other solid materials that, according to the common estimation in each region, are pre-cious...they are to have bowls of nonabsorbent material” (nos. 328-330). Rather than being a commentary on the beliefs or prac-tices of those other communities, these rules are intended to high-light the reverence that Catholics have for the bread and wine consecrated at Mass, which become the Body and Blood the Lord.


A limited supply of the Covid vaccine is available at the Hil-ton Family Pharmacy. Call the Pharmacy at 392-7979 for details.

WEST BY NORTHWEST ULTREYA - A Cursillo Center of the Rochester Dio-cese. Ultreya meets the last Saturday of each month at 5:15 PM MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Contact Margaret, 392– 8064; Theresa, 392-4856 or the Parish Office 392-2710; concerning the needs of the sick, hospitalized or shut-ins. Those unable to attend Mass regularly will have Holy Communion brought to their homes. Parish Membership: those who choose to worship regularly with us are invited and welcome to formally join our parish community offering your time, talent and finan-cial support. Call the Parish Office, 392-2710 to register. Christian Formation: Ongoing education for Pre-School through adults. Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): Our faith community invites anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic or wishes to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church by their Sacraments contact Mary Lou Rosien, 594-2621, mary.louise.rosien@dor.org. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office, 392-2710 when you become en-gaged. Sacrament of Baptism: Call Carol Steiger at CSteiger@rochester.rr.com 392-9558. six months before the anticipated birth date. Parent class is required.

“Act of Spiritual Communion” My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You. Amen


The Apostle Paul himself urged early Christians to not only support their local community, but assist in the needs of the Church in Jerusalem. Pope Francis is again asking our participation to take care of the blessed land which is the heritage of all Christians and where the successors of the very first ancient Church live now, giv-ing witness to Christ.

This collection is devoted to not only the preservation of the Holy Places of pilgrimage where Jesus lived, died, and rose again, but above all to pastoral, charitable, educational, and social works for the welfare of our Christian sisters and brothers there. Recently, for example, the collection has: • Supported 23 parishes and three academic institutions

• Offered 400 scholarships for high school & university education

• Helped schools be open for over 10,000 pre-K - 12 students

• Restored and maintained over 1000 homes for Christians

• Created 1,200 jobs for Christians • Preserved 65 shrines connected with the life of Jesus & prophets

Donations may also be made online at https://myfranciscan.org/donation-page-pontifical-good-friday-collection.

We have received a letter from Wilton Cardinal Gregory, Arch-bishop of Washington, D.C. asking for our support for this Pontifical Good Friday Collection. He writes a thank you for your support which makes a real difference in safeguarding the Christian presence in this land that continues to know many trials and challenges.


The 2021 Diocesan Chrism Mass will take place on Tuesday, March 30th at 7:00 PM. Due to the safety precautions for the Coro-navirus attendance is extremely limited.

The Catholic Courier will live-stream the Chrism Mass on its Youtube channel, https://www.youtube.com/user/CatholicCourier.

Let us remember in prayer Chris Yohe, great-nephew of MA Mance; Janice Anderson, mother of Les Anderson; Charles Noonan, David Riggs, Raymond Maltba,

Rev. Frederick Eisemann, Deacon Thomas Cleary, Eternal rest grant unto them and let perpetual light

shine upon them.


Donald Allen, Cheryl Bader, Mavis Bushhouse, Diane Camp, Karen Cardone,

David Craner, Susan Crump, Bea Eichas, Denise Ewert, John Farley, M.J.

Ferger, John Flanagan, Amber Fusilli, Pamela Godshalk, Edward Gorski, Wil-

liam Heinrich, Don Hettig, Theresa Hill, Ed Hubbell, Virginia Huehnerbein,

Janette Hundley, David Kent, Steve Kirk, Ray Klitsch, Marty Klotzbach, Carol

Kordish, Inge Kresimon, Tara Lapore, Dcn. Bill Lenhart, Dick Mac Kenzie, Kim

Graupman Meisenzahl, Louise Moats, Donald Ogden, Jeff Pagorek, Norene

Peter, Mike Pitcher, Veronica Rapp, Maddie Scheuerman, Angela Schiffhauer,

Rick Schiffhauer, Morgan Stevely, , MaryBeth Turiano-Fox, Jeff Tydings, Valar-

ia Varga, Marilyn Walker, Carol Weldon, Bob Wilhelm, Carol Williams, Mary

Wirth, Ray Yeaton, Kathy Zins and all in need of prayer.

Our Sanctuary Candle in Church burns in prayer for Carol Struble. From: Sheryl Camp


SCRIPTURE CORNER Do you want to spend time in prayer each day? A good way to begin is to read or reread the daily Scripture readings. Prepare for Mass by taking a few moments to read the Scripture readings. Readings for the Week of March 28, 2021 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:1—15:47 Monday Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 42:1-6/Jn 13:21-33 Wednesday :Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1/Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: JIs 52:13—53:12/Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9/Jn 18:1—19:42 Saturday: Gn 1:1 —2:2 Sunday: Pray for our Seminarians

FORMED: Get Catholic videos, books, etc. for all ages! To sign up for FREE, just visit us here: https://stleo.formed.org

ST. LEO PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Provide a warm and supportive community to aid in the salvation of souls, to

promote evangelization, and to serve God, our congregation and our world.

Ministry Team Rev. Dr. Joseph Catanise, SFO, Pastor; Fr.Joseph.Catanise@dor.org Deacon, Jim Steiger, Jim.Steiger@dor.org - 392-9558 Deacon, Jeff Serbicki, Jeffrey.Serbicki@dor.org - 392-2710 Finance Director & Administrative Assistant, Denise O’Toole, Denise.O’Toole@dor.org Youth Minister, Michele Pechie, Michele.Pechie@dor.org Christian Formation Coordinators, Nina (Rita) Rivera, rita.rivera@dor.org Mary Lou Rosien, mary.louise.rosien@dor.org Director of Music & Liturgy, Patricia Gorman: Patty.Gorman@dor.org Bulletin Editor, Sharon Prince; Sharon.Prince@dor.org Finance Council Chair, Chair, Dan Schwind; HSLeo.FinanceCouncil@dor.org Pastoral Council Chair, David Jones 392-5087; Hsleo.parishpastoralcouncil@dor.org Stewardship Council Chair, Carol Lennon; StewardshipCommittee@dor.org

STANDING UP TO BULLIES In the wonderful film, Gifted, a young math genius confronts

a bully who trips a student on a school bus: “You should not be laughing; you did a mean thing to a little kid!” When the bully dares her to act, she smacks him with a textbook. The movie makes it clear that hitting is wrong, but her uncle nevertheless asks the principal, “Weren’t you proud of her?” Pilate could have learned a lesson from that girl, but instead turned Jesus over for crucifixion with a lavabo ritual pretending innocence. We live in an age that has seen school bullies joined by internet bullying, hazing, and various forms of harassment. Jesus bids us to “put away our swords” in the face of violence, but also to take a clear stand against the cowardice and hypocrisy of bullying. When we see others being crucified, we too are called, not to wash our hands, but to come to the aid of the weak, small and helpless.

Lord Jesus, may we wash away cruelty with kindness.