
Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 380class2

WELCOMEMarch 13, 2013


What are the six language arts?

Define how assimilation and accommodation are an important part of a child’s learning process.

Define how equilibration and disequilibration are an important part of a child’s learning process.


Choose five language arts strategies from the list on pages 20-21 and identify which of the four language systems the strategy would best help the learner.

The Goal

The goal of language arts instruction is for students to develop communicative competence in the six language arts.

Organizing for Instruction

How did Mrs. Miller-McColm incorporate all four patterns of practice in her language arts class?

Patterns of Practice

Literature Focus Unit has four components: Reading, responding, teaching a minilesson, and creating projects


Introduce the topic

Share examples

Provide information

Supervise practice

Assess learning

Patterns of Practice

Literature Circles have four components: Reading, responding, creating projects, and sharing

Student play roles in literature circles

Literature Circles have three components: Reading and responding, sharing, teaching a minilesson

Patterns of Practice

Reading and Writing Workshop

Reading workshop fosters real reading of self-selected stories, poems, and informational books.

Writing workshop fosters real writing for genuine purposes and authentic audiences

Patterns of Practice

Thematic Units integrate language arts with social studies, science, and other curricular areas.

Thematic Units have four components: Reading, keeping learning logs, making visual representations and creating projects

The Teacher’s Role?

What is it?

ELL Needs

How do teachers adapt instruction for English language learners?

Assessing Students’ Learning

Classroom observation

anecdotal notes



Thinking Time