31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights

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Transcript of 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights



  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Over 1900 Participants from 70 countries

    150 Journalists from some 20 countries

    30 Ministers and high level representatives

    at Ministerial Conference held in the frame-

    work of the IRU World Congress

    I R U C o n g r e s s H i g h l i g h t s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights




    I IRU Presidents Message 4

    II IRU Partners Messages 6IRU Governmental Partners 6IRU Intergovernmental Partners 8IRU Road Transport Industry Partners 14IRU Academic Partners 19

    III UNESCAP-IRU Asian Highway Truck Caravan 12IV NELTI 20

    V Ministerial Declaration 22

    VI IRU Istanbul Declaration 26

    VII IRU Hero 28

    VIII International Media Coverage 30

    IX International Exhibition 32

    X Thanks from the Turkish Congress Committee 34

    XI Thanks from IRU Congress Partners 36

    XII Photo Gallery 38

    XIII See you in Almaty 2009 62

    Highlights of th 31


    IRU World CongrssRoad Transport,

    Driing Pac and Prosprity!

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Janusz LaCnYPrsidnt, IRU

    The theme of this Congress,Road Transport, drivingPeace and Prosperity! willgive governmental authorities,policy-makers, the media andthe public at large a better un-derstanding of the exceptionaland irreplaceable role playedby road transport in intercon-necting people and business-es in all countries and regionsto all world markets.

    2008 is a special year. It marksthe 60th anniversary of theIRU. In 1948, the founding fa-thers of the IRU had the rightvision which is captured todayby the IRUs slogan, Workingtogether for a better future.

    I R U P r s i d n t s M s s a g

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights



  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    As individuals, as ordinary citizens, weall benet from road transport. From the

    cradle to the grave, we all need and useservices provided by road transport.Cities are cleaned up, shops are lled

    up with goods delivered by road trans-port and when they open every morn-ing, we can enjoy all they have to offer.Transport is also linked with security is-sues, and I would like to say today, asI acknowledge your achievements andcontribution to the general develop-ment of countries, that road accidents

    and subsequent fatalities and traumasare a major problem affecting the entireworld, and in particular my own country Russia. The number of cars is growingso quickly in all areas and cities, and inMoscow in particular, that we were un-prepared for the development of trans-port infrastructure in such a way as to

    ensure that it does not harm people.

    MikhaiL s GORBACHevPrsidnt, USSR (1990-1991)

    We keep building highways, the latestexample of this being the Black Sea RingHighway. We have almost completed itin full length in Turkey. I believe it will bealso completed in other regions around

    the Black Sea. Therefore, the Silk Roadwill one day reach the heart of Asia asit used to. We are cooperating closelywith all countries along this route andI believe that within 10 years, probablywithin 5 years, we will see a full revival ofthe Silk Road.

    hE Dr abDuLLahGLPrsidnt, Turky

    I R U G o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

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    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    Today, visa requirements,waiting times at borders, for-malities, any sort of limitations

    applied to the free circulationof goods, persons and ser-vices have adverse affects notonly on the transport industrybut also on social and culturalinteraction. Hence, abolish-ing barriers on road transport,which plays a signicant role

    in economic development andwelfare, will stimulate worldpeace and improvement ofsocial prosperity ... improve-ment of the welfare of ourpeople depends on seamlesstransport between our coun-tries and regions.

    binaLi YiLDiriMMinistr of Transport, Turky

    As Minister in charge of trade,transport is our twin. If trans-port by road, sea, air or rail

    were not efcient, our foreigntrade could not have improvedin such a way, in such a vol-ume and so rapidly. We couldnot have such a big part in in-ternational trade. This is whyroad transport in particular isa sector which largely contrib-

    utes to the current increase ofworld trade.

    krsaDTZMeNMinistr of Stat for ForignAffairs, Turky

    It is true that this city, givenits location, is an important fo-cal point in international trans-

    port. Thanks to its East-Westand North-South axes, therehas been movement in Is-tanbul since the beginning ofits history, some 4,500 yearsago until today. Today, 75,000trucks transit through Istanbuleveryday. For 25,000 of them,

    an intercontinental crossing isensured by bridges.

    kaDir TOPbasMayor of Istanbul, Turky

    I R U G o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s


    Transport, especially road transport,is a key factor in modern economies.

    A modern transport system must besustainable from an economic, socialand environmental point of view. Thestrong economic growth in the new EUMember States and better links with re-gions beyond EU frontiers will increasetransport ows, in particular road haul-age. The Commission will propose leg-

    islation allowing the harmonisation ofcertain clauses in transport contractsto protect carriers and enable them torevise their tariffs in the case of sharprises in fuel prices.

    bOgusLaw Marian LibEraDzkiMmbr of th europan Parliamnt

    rEnaTE sOMMErMmbr of th europan Parliamnt

    The extension of the most importantTrans-European transport axes to our

    neighbouring countries comprises vetrans-national axes. They include anumber of ancillary routes in regionswhich have a relatively low trafc vo-

    lume due to political instability. There-fore, they aim at strengthening regionalcollaboration and integration. Theseaxes connect the European Union with

    Russia and the Black Sea. Moreover,the network leads from the EU to theBalkans, to Turkey, the Caucasus andvia the Middle East or the Maghrebcountries to Egypt.

    9I R U I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    The Asian Highway networkwas rst conceived in 1959.

    Today, it connects 32 mem-

    ber countries and consistsof 141,000 km of highways.It is covered by an Intergov-ernmental Agreement signedby 28 member States and inforce since 4 July 2005. The50th Anniversary of the AsianHighway in 2009 offers a per-

    fect opportunity to celebratetodays Silk Road by organis-ing Asian Highway Truck Car-avans which will demonstratethe movement of vehicles andgoods across the Asian High-way Network.

    barrYCabLEDirctor, Transport and Tour-ism Diision, Unitd Nations

    economic and Social Commis-sion for Asia and the Pacic,UNeSCAP

    Transport costs are a centraldeterminant for trade and de-velopment. These, combined

    with trade costs, are nowmore important for globalisa-tion than trade policy. Actually,transport costs have declinedless than perceived: distanceis not dead, nor is the worldat. Transport policy has to

    better take up its international

    function in infrastructure poli-cies and in general it has toovercome its national biasand live up to new challengesin combining with trade andcompetition policies.

    JaMaL saghirDirctor, enrgy Transport andWatr, World Bank

    Wherever my travels take mein the world, I see the indis-pensable role of road trans-

    port of people and goods.Coaches, buses, taxis andtrucks, whether big or small,provide for human mobil-ity and economic activity indeveloped and developingcountries alike. Countries andcommunities that do not have

    adequate road networks orroad transport systems areunable to grow economicallyor attract productive invest-ment. The IRU plays a crucialrole in ensuring the mobilityof people and goods. I sharethe slogan that road transport

    drives peace and prosperity.

    kOfi a annanFormr UN Scrtary Gnral

    I R U I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s


    EvaMOLnarDirctor, UNeCe, on bhalfof Mark BeLKA, excuti

    Scrtary, Unitd Nations eco-nomic Commission for europ,UNeCe

    Transport movements be-tween Europe and Asia todayare in many places blocked

    by dilapidated roads, non-existend or insufcient railwaylinks, and very often trappedby complicated border con-trols or stuck in congestedports. This is why the idea ofa revitalisation of the Silk Roadis so appealing it is seen as

    necessary to improve transportconnections and expected toenhance opportunities for theland-locked countries of Cen-tral Asia and Eastern Europeto reap the benets from these

    improved transport connec-tions.

    The right of international dri-vers to attain decent and pro-ductive work in conditions of

    human dignity is many timeshighly compromised at inef-cient border crossings. There-fore, the ILO has a strong in-terest in the improvement ofborder crossing operationsand due to its unique tripartitestructure has a major role in

    the collective efforts that aimin upgrading border-crossingoperations through social dia-logue between Governments,employers and workers or-ganisations in the road trans-port sector.

    MariOs MELETiOu

    Tchnical Spcialist, Intrna-tional Labour Organization,ILO

    What is the current-day lei-sure traveller looking for andhow does the industry need to

    adapt? Consumers buy goods33% on price, 33% on brandand 33% on quality. And howdoes a typical leisure travellerbuy? 85% buy on price, beinghypersensitive to expenses.This creates a margin pres-sure for operators, whereby it

    is difcult to differentiate fromcompetition. So what is theoperators market response?They are tempted to cut priceand reduce services but willthen confront the dilemma ofcustomers who want certainvalue too.

    v PrasaD ChaLLagaLLa

    Chairman, Unitd Fdrationof Tral Agnts Associations,UFTAA


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    Ministers give their support to UNESCAP-IRU

    Asian Highway Truck Caravan

    U N e S C A P - I R U A s i a n H i g h w a y Tr u c k C a r a a n


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    The IRU and the United Nations Economic and Social Com-mission for Asia and the Pacic (UNESCAP) announced the

    organisation in 2009 of the Asian Highway Truck Caravan.

    This caravan will demonstrate the connectivity of the AsianHighway network, composed of 141,000 kilometres of stan-dardised roadways crisscrossing 32 Asian countries, with theaim to optimise road infrastructure investments.

    U N e S C A P - I R U A s i a n H i g h w a y T r u c k C a r a a n


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    rifaT hisarCikLiOgLuPrsidnt, Union of Chambrsand Commodity exchang ofTurky

    As a result of the fast de-velopments in logistics and

    informatics, world trade isconstantly growing and devel-oping economies are signi-cantly increasing their share inworld production. These de-velopments change produc-tion and competition patternsin the global economy. Today,

    production is undertaken atseveral different sites and pro-duction processes are moredynamic. Transporting theproducts to the markets withina short time and at reducedcosts is an important elementof competition.

    I R U R o a d T r a n s p



  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s


    When tackling the issue ofefciency in the supply chain,

    the following aspects shouldduly be considered: the timefactor (act rapidly to achieve

    higher efciency levels), the

    efciency target denition

    (cleaner environment, better

    utilisation of resources, costreduction, meeting customer

    demands, etc.), the chosenmethod of increasing efcien-cy (use of modern analytical

    tools, technological solutions,optimisation of movements,consolidation, cost sharing,minimisation of resource use,rapidity and accuracy).

    CEM kuMukCeO, eKOL Logistics,Turky

    The road transport industry,as a basic industry and ser-

    vice sector in Chinas nationaleconomy, plays an increasing-ly important role in the processof economic development.This sector develops from atraditional into a modern ser-vice industry. Regarding roadfreight transport it starts offer-

    ing modern logistics servicesmeeting the strategic needs ofthe national economy in a newera.

    Liang QiaO

    Dputy Gnral Managr,Bijing, Xianglong Transport& Logistics Group, PoplsRpublic of China

    There are opportunities forthe US Motorcoach Industry

    like new and more attractionsemerging that lend themselvesto motorcoach travel, or morehotels and destinations build-ing motorcoach-friendly facili-ties. Younger and more tech-nologically savvy operatorsare entering the industry able

    to make better use of the In-ternet to generate business.

    There is the challenge andopportunity of greening themotorcoach industry wherebyoperators should promote theenvironmental advantages of

    motorcoach travel.

    viCTOr s ParraPrsidnt & CeO, UnitdMotorcoach Association, USA

    r t I n d u s t r y P a r t n r s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    aDaLbErT wanDTWandt Spdition Transport-bratung GmbH, Grmany

    Our client contacts are part-ner contacts conductedthrough mutual respect. We

    should provide the clientwith clear benets, thereforewe should think as the clientthinks. The key word is: reli-ability. We take care of thesecontacts in various ways, in-cluding joint social events forclients to win their full under-

    standing also for our concernsand motivations.

    How can we increase prot-ability of road transport op-erations? Most importantly by

    meeting the clients demands.But how? By an efcient de-livery of the cargo, in a timelymanner, door-to-door, in per-fect state of the deliveredgoods and for an appropriatefreight rate. Rail tariffs haveincreased since 2000 by more

    than 94.4% and 82% of allgoods are carried on the roads.It is obvious that in such a sit-uation the client is looking fora cheap transport operator.This means we must reduceour operating costs.

    sEriksarsEnbaYEvDirctor, CB LLP transportcompany, Kazakhstan

    raYkunTzChairman, Amrican TruckingAssociations, USA

    You must know your custom-er and their needs (example:

    carpet and furniture shippers).

    To meet these needs you musthave properly specied trucksand trailers, well-trained driverforce (ongoing safety training

    and driving habits) and up-to-

    date technology, like on-boardcommunication, trailer track-ing, on line computer tracking.

    The key word is optimisationwhich concerns fuel, routingand load planning. Proper bill-ing and information transferis part of the game includingsmooth claims handling (pre-vention, proper equipment forCustoms) if need be.

    I R U R o a d Tr a n s p o r t I n d u s t r y P a r t n r s


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    Businss Dlopmnt Dirc-tor and Board Mmbr, BarsanLogistics, Turky

    Regarding marketing, wewant to have customers whoprefer us, are satised with

    us, choose us again, rec-ommend us and are an ad-vocate of us. We know thatwinning a new customer isve times more costly than

    maintaining the existing cus-tomer. As to costs, one fth

    of transport costs consist of

    fuel costs. Actually, while in-creases in the price of fuel insea and air transport can betransposed to the custom-ers through certain methods,the non-existence of such amechanism in road transportis unacceptable.


    Prsidnt Turkish Bus & FltOprators Fdration, TOFeD,Turky

    Road passenger transport inTurkey may become a modelfor public transport solutions

    through mergers and bet-ter corporate structuring oftransport rms as well as the

    improvement of transport in-frastructure. An example of anew company operating struc-ture could be the creation of astar airline-like model in coach

    transport operations. Maxi-mising customer satisfactionand improving quality withoutincreasing costs is possibleby applying modern tools oftransport organisation, com-munication and inter-companycooperation.


    MarTYnEnkOGnral Dirctor, Primora-totrans, Russian Fdration

    The development of cross-border trade and personalmobility between Russia and

    China has contributed to animportant increase of interna-tional coach transport opera-tions between these countriessince the mid-nineties. In to-tal, more than 2.4 million pas-sengers a year are transportedbetween Russia and China,

    which is about 20% of all in-ternational passenger trans-port by coach between Russiaand all other third countries.Between 1993 and 2007, theow of passengers in the two

    directions increased more than80 times.

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Scheduled bus services playan increasingly important rolenot just in towns and cities

    but in rural areas as well asproviding valuable inter-citylinks. The signicant competi-tor is the car. If the bus is toattract car users, they need tobe convinced that the serviceis reliable, frequent and of aquality that they are comfort-

    able with. This needs to coverall facets of the journey expe-rience including information,bus stop environment, the ve-hicle itself, the driver, the fare,the punctuality, reliability andfrequency of the service.

    giLEs fEarnLEYCEO, Blazeeld Holdings Ltd,UK

    YOngLi wang

    Prsidnt, National exprssGroup, Popls Rpublic ofChina

    When created seven yearsago, the National ExpressGroup set an objective of be-

    coming the number one roadtransport enterprise in Chinaand establishing a national net-work focusing on inter-provin-cial passenger road transport.The National Express Grouphas established 60 branches in14 provinces/cities, with nearly

    6,000 vehicles operating onmore than 1,000 lines. It hasestablished a road transportnetwork covering East andMiddle China and built a large-scale modern road transportenterprise.

    brian hunT

    Prsidnt-lct, AmricanTaxicab, Limousin & Para-transit Association, USA

    Since wages are low andbids are competitive, it is im-perative that the workplace be

    somewhere people like to beand managers have good per-sonal relations with the driv-ers. Without these attributes,companies have an impossi-ble time nding qualied driv-ers leaving service standardsunmet. Because of the low

    wages and inconvenient driverschedules, the best practiceof a happy work place givesyou an edge on the competi-tion.

    I R U R o a d Tr a n s p o r t I n d u s t r y P a r t n r s

    19I R U A c a d m i c P a r t n r s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    As globalisation gradually melts awaynational borders, it has delivered a glob-

    al economy and society where statesare intrinsically mutually dependent. Itis thus most useful to exploit this deep-ening inter-state dependence to solicitgreater cooperation and coordination inbuilding a more efcient transportation

    system that could help promote peaceand prosperity.

    DEuDEn nikOMbOrirak

    Rsarch Dirctor, economic Gor-nanc, Thailand Dlopmnt RsarchInstitut, Thailand

    From the economic perspective, road

    transport allows for the full potential of

    regions and cities to be developed andto facilitate the mobility of key labourresources. It also allows for the move-ment of ideas and the spread of techni-cal progress. Ideas are at the forefrontof economic development today andto prevent areas or nations lagging inthis respect, interpersonal communica-

    tions are important. In many cases, roadtransport can act as a facilitation of suchinteractions either directly or in combi-nation with other modes and moderntelecommunications networks.

    kEnnETh J buTTOn

    Dirctor, Cntr for TransportationPolicy, Opration and Logistcs, GorgMason Unirsity, USA

    I R U A c a d m i c P a r t n r s

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Nw eurasian Land Transport Initiati (NeLTI) bridging Asia and Europe aims at:

    lInterconnecting businesses along NELTI routeslIncreasing transit potential of the Eurasian continentlDriving prosperity and peace

    NeLTITim for action

    Northern Route Central Route Southern Route


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    binaLi YiLDiriMMinistr of Transport, Turky

    Existing transport routes andmodes between East and West

    are insufcient to catch up withthe constant rise in trade vol-ume. In this respect, the im-portance of alternative modesof transport, especially landtransport, means addressingthe trade and transport de-mand which will continue to

    increase as a result of globaleconomies, has been high-lighted and the importance ofan efcient and uninterrupted

    land transport corridors in thiscontext was emphasised.

    A study conducted by the USChamber of Commerce has

    proven that moving goods byroad along the Silk Road isalready a viable and a com-petitive alternative to movinggoods by maritime transport,without spending one cen-time on additional infrastruc-ture. But, as there are plans

    to spend over 20 billion USdollars on the Asia HighwayNetwork, this can only makethe road transport alternativeall the more attractive to en-sure prosperity through thedevelopment of trade, whichhas increased globally from$1 trillion in 1990 to about $14trillion in 2007.

    MarTin MarMYScrtary Gnral, IRU

    Th Silk Road is opn for businss...by road transport


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Adoptd by Ministrs and High-LlRprsntatis from som 30 countris

    M i n i s t r i a l D c l a r a t i o n

  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    1The Ministerial Conference was held in the framework of the 31st IRU World Congress held in Istanbul on 15-16 May 2008.

    - Acknowledging that road transport represents a highlyefcient and exible mode of linking neighbouring countries

    and regions as well as carrying out trans-continental trans-port operations, whenever needed, particularly to transportvaluable and time-sensitive goods;

    - Recognising that regional and international cooperationfor the establishment of uninterrupted trafc, essential torespond to the requirements of growing trade, and sharingexperiences/best practices as well as undertaking jointactions to remove physical and non-physical barriers ininternational road transport, are of vital importance;

    - Conrming that the increasing demand for road transporta-tion between Asia and Europe as a result of the growingtrade between these two continents in the last years ne-cessitates the use of efcient, protable and competitivetransport corridors such as the Ancient Silk Road;

    - Considering that the involvement and interest of theprivate sector in transport infrastructure projects as well asin transport services are limited and it is necessary to en-courage them to become involved in these investmentsthrough attractive PPPs and BOT models;

    - Recognising the importance of facilitating access to marketsby referring to the need to continue the World Trade Organi-sations Doha Round, in particular in respect of the new WTOAgreement on Trade Facilitation and its favourable impacton international road transport facilitation;

    - Supporting activities and initiatives being carried out by anumber of platforms for the development of Euro-AsianTransport Links as well as the Joint Statement on Future

    Development of Euro-Asian Transport Links (to be) signed

    under the auspices of UN ECE and UN ESCAP on 19February 2008,

    - Appreciating the involvement of governmental agencies,professional associations and international organisations in

    the facilitation of international road transport operations;

    Ministers of Transport and accredited Representatives on be-half of Ministers of Transport, as invited and hosted by theMinister of Transport of the Republic of Turkey, participated inthe Istanbul Ministerial Conference held in Istanbul, on 15-16May 20081.

    The spirit of the meeting on the Revival of the Silk Roadwas frank, matter-of-fact and very constructive.

    Ministrs- Considering the need to meet challenges of globalistionwith benecial consequences on trade, tourism and trans-port relations in the world;

    - Stressing the need for closer economic and social coopera-tion between various regions of the world;

    - Convinced that interconnected trade routes are of greatimportance for interaction among regions;

    - Taking note of the rapid increase of Asian economiesthroughout the world in the last few years, which necessitatethe establishment and effective operation of trans-continen-tal transport links;

    - Conrming that growing trade between Europe and Asia

    urges the development of land transport corridors to facili-tate trade ows;

    - Considering that there are many landlocked Asian countries

    whose economies have not been sufciently integrated intothe global economy and that the connection of these econo-mies with world trade through activating land transportunder the Silk Road perspective, is of vital importance,

    - Stressing the need to improve Euro-Asian Transport routesthrough both the construction of trans-national axes andthe completion of missing links having intercontinental im-portance, while keeping in mind the importance of feederroutes ensuring accessibility for population, industry, agri-

    culture and trade to efcient transport networks;



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    ha dcidd to nhanc joint actions to

    - Coordinate national and regional transport policies inorder to develop and maintain high quality infrastructurealong Euro-Asian inland transport routes including motor-ways and highways;

    - Cooperate closely to develop joint infrastructure projectsand to undertake joint actions in order to remove all barri-ers in international road haulage, thus leading to a better rateof utilisation of existing or planned infrastructure, when thespecic ecological/environmental, infrastructural and road

    conditions allows that;

    - Share best practices in terms of infrastructure and superstructure development and maintenance for the improve-ment of Euro-Asian links;

    - Continue to work on the establishment and implementationof projects of common interest for the development of transport corridors also with respect to the needs of landlockedeconomies;

    - Encourage and mobilise national and international organi-sations to conduct studies for evaluating the opportunities,changes and risks for PPPs in revitalising the Silk Road;

    - Introduce technology improvements in transport corridordevelopment allowing an integrated multi-modal approach;

    - Focus trade facilitation efforts on corridors of vital impor- tance for the progress of trade;

    - Accede to, implement and enhance UN Conventions oninternational road transport;

    - Implement the WTO rules in respect of the freedom oftransit, simplication of documents, rationalisation of charg-es and taxes; in this context, do away with all restrictions onthe free ow of transit trafc when the specic ecological/environmental, infrastructural and road conditions allowsthat;

    - Sign bilateral and multilateral agreements on facilitatedaccess to international transport markets according to theprinciples of already existing international Conventions;

    - Improve conditions of border crossing, since long waitingtimes at borders represent great losses for the economyand insecurity for transport operations and are a nuisancefor those employed in transport and border control or thepopulation at large; facilitate visa delivery to professionaldrivers;

    - Create economic incentives to apply solutions which favourthe development and implementation of sustainable logisticand technical innovations in the road transport sector;establish favourable social, nancial, legal and technicalconditions to improve the efciency of transport schemes;

    develop information and communication networks support-ing road transport and logistic processes;

    - Develop combined transport, including the extension of

    trans-shipment terminals;- Construct missing road connections in networks of high

    importance, including by-passes in urban areas;

    - Promote and encourage cooperation and dialogue withtransport industry in order to achieve more effective, en-vironmental friendly and exible transport services;

    - Develop and support new approaches to improving andpromoting the image of road transport, which is an irreplace-

    able mode for the creation and the distribution of wealth ofall nations;

    ha initd

    - All interested parties to participate in an effective andcontinuous dialogue in the form of a public-private partner-ship to achieve progress towards the goals identied in thisDeclaration.

    M i n i s t r i a l D c l a r a t i o n


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    Rpublic of Latia

    Rpublic of Lithuania



    Rpublic of Poland

    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Kingdom of SpainRpublic of Singapor

    Syrian Arab Rpublic

    Kingdom of Swdn

    Rpublic of Turky

    Turkish Rpublic ofNorthrn Cyprus

    Islamic Rpublicof Afghanistan

    Rpublic of Azrbaijan

    Bosnia and Hrzogoina

    Rpublic of Bulgaria

    Popls Rpublic of China

    Czch RpublicRpublic of Finland


    Islamic Rpublic of Iran


    Rpublic of Kazakhstan

    Rpublic of Kosoo

    Adopted unanimously by the following Ministers or their accredited Representatives:


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Peace and prosperity depends to a great extent on the im-provement of wealth distribution, the development of tourismas well as trade and business exchanges. This increases de-mand for the mobility of people and goods, which requiresefcient road transport systems.

    Road transport has become not only a vital production tool,

    but moreover, the principal land transport mode to ensuresustainable mobility of people and goods.The IRU with its Members and road transport operators rec-ognising the role that road transport plays in economic, socialand environmental progress and integration must work ina true public-private partnership with governments to drivepeace and prosperity by1. acknowledging the irreplaceable role of road transport

    - GornmntsRcognising that any modrn socity and conomy r-quires efcient door-to-doortransport which plays an irre-placeable role in supply chains and passenger mobility;

    - Road transport industry

    Proiding its uniqu door-to-door, high quality, profs-sional and efcient services on its own or as a complementto any mode, to economies and to society as a whole;

    2. facilitating road transport

    - Gornmnts

    Rcognising that road transport is th most rgulatdmod of transport, whilst it should be facilitated and pro-moted to drive peace and prosperity;

    Implmnting th Unitd Nations Conntions and WTOAgrmnts as well as other multilateral legal instruments tofacilitate cross-border trade and the free movement of people,goods, road vehicles and their drivers;

    Issuing multilatral long-trm multi-ntry isas for drivers;



    Unanimously adopted by the IRU GeneralAssembly and by the1900 participants from 70 countries

    at the 31st

    IRU World Congress inIstanbul, Turkey, on 16 May 2008

    I R U I s t a n b u l D c l a r a t i o n


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    ensuring fair comptition by adapting taxation to cover onlyroad infrastructure and by strengthening and harmonisingrules of access to the road transport profession and the mar-ket as well as the equal treatment of all transport modes;

    Incrasing scurityof international road transport and tradeby using the UN TIR Convention to implement all the require-

    ments of the WCO SAFE Framework, including AEO status;- Road transport industry

    ensuring highst quality srics by enhancing profes-sional competencies of staff through training provided by thenetwork of IRU Academy training institutes;

    Committing to implementing security, safety and facilitationlaws and rules as well as industry guidelines;

    3. driving sustainable socio-economic and environmental

    development- Gornmnts

    Proiding ral businss incntis to expedite the penetra-tion of innovative transport technologies and best industrypractices;

    Rcognising that growing dmand for road transport isa consqunc of conomic growth and social progrssand that road transport already covers costs it causes to infra-structure and environment, thus any further internalisation of

    proven external costs, wherever applicable, should be basedon cost-benet analysis;

    establishing, in ry country, an nrgy policy based onthe diversication of oil use, recognising that road transport

    is totally dependent on oil and currently there is no economi-cally viable and efcient alternative source of energy for thisactivity; as well as dising practicabl mans to stabilisful prics and ensure road transport companies can keepup with cost increases, many of which are imposed by gov-

    ernments themselves in the form of taxes;enhancing road saftyby targeting the scientically identi-ed main causes of accidents involving commercial vehicles;

    Adopting social rgulations to meet the needs of driversand companies as well as societys increasing demand formobility;

    - Road transport industry

    Improing road safty rcords by meeting safety obliga-

    tions, including driver compliance with the law, ensuring ve-hicles are well-maintained, by providing appropriate drivertraining;

    Rducing road transports nrgy consumption and ni-ronmntal impact through at-the-source measures and in-novative best industry practices; while sensibly including afuel escalator clause into any transport contract until the fuelsupply and price situation stabilises;

    Promoting co-modalityamong various transport modes via

    modern interfaces;Crating a faourabl nironmnt, imag and social con-ditions to attract young people to the profession;

    4. interconnecting businesses in all world markets

    - Gornmnts

    Promoting road transport by providing the adequate infra-structure and implementing the required multilateral facilita-tion instruments to permit the interconnection of businesses

    in all world markets as no country is landlocked to road trans-port;

    - Road transport industry

    Promoting th Nw eurasian Land Transport Initiati(NeLTI), with the support of governments, along tomorrowsmajor transport corridors;

    With this Declaration, the IRU with its Members renew theirpledge to work together in Public-Private Partnership to drivepeace and prosperity around the globe.

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    I R U H r o


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    Janusz LaCnY

    Prsidnt, IRU

    In our modern society, ordi-nary people still nd them-selves in extraordinary situa-tions and perform heroic acts,and thanks to Mr Greens

    immediate, professional andcourageous intervention,young children on board arunaway bus were saved.

    I dont think I did anythingextraordinary. But I am veryglad to have prevented some-thing worse from happeningto those children in the bus.

    barThEL grEEn

    Truck Drir & IRU Hro, USA

    I R U H r o

    IRU Grand Prixdhonnur 2008 -Barthl Grn

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    I n t r n a t i o n a lM d i a C o r a g

    The 31st IRU World Congress attract-ed over 150 journalists from some 20

    countries in Europe, Asia, Middle Eastand the USA, including nine nationaland two international TV crews.

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    I n t r n a t i o n a l e x h i b i t i o n


    I t t i l e h i b i t i

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    The LOGIST International Logistics Exhibition attracted 50 exhibitors from Turkey and abroad to

    present the latest achievements of the logistics sector with the main focus on road transport. TheExhibition, which was opened by Binali Yildirim, Minister of Transport of the Republic of Turkey, andthe leaders of the IRU as well as those of the Turkish Congress host organisations, attracted severalthousands of visitors.

    I n t r n a t i o n a l e x h i b i t i o n

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    T h a n k s f r o m t h Tu r k i s h C o n g r s s C o m m i t t


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    This Congress has highlight-ed the contribution of interna-tional road transport to worldpeace and the well-being ofhumanity, and also the needfor the revival of the historical

    Silk Road. When you go backto your countries, we expectyou to be the leaders in takingthe necessary steps to bringthis vision to life.

    rifaT hisarCikLiOgLuPrsidnt, TOBB, Turky

    MusTafaYiLDiriMPrsidnt, TOFeD, Turky

    One of the missions of theIRU is to play an active role inremoving difculties, especial-ly restrictive international regu-lations, public transportation isfacing. Whether in Turkey or in

    the world, regulating transportto be more environmentallyfriendly and to prevent wastingresources is, however, accept-able and inevitable for sustain-able transport policies.

    TaMEr DinCsahinPrsidnt, UND, Turky

    This glamorous event that wehave prepared for since 2005and which has been followedfor the last two days by a highlevel of interest from all overthe world, has functioned as a

    real platform to emphasise thesignicance of Turkey in theglobal logistics arena withinthe framework of the projectcalled Revitalisation of theAncient Silk Road.

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    T h a n k s f r o m I R U C o n g r s s P a r t n r s


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    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    Through our years of part-nership with the IRU, we cansee that the IRU, its Membersand transport operators arenot only adapting to change,but growing from strength tostrength due to your capacityto change! Change is life andchange happens! But partner-ship, true partnership, doesnot change, but grows stron-ger!

    rOLanD bETsCharTHad of Stratgic DialoguPlatforms,Zurich InsurancGroup

    sbasTiEn sChMiTTDirctor Gnral, vialtis

    Already 25 years of privilegedrelationship between Vialtis andthe international road transportsector! Nowadays, we are notonly present in nine countriesbut also in the rest of Europeespecially thanks to our net-work of partners, like here inTurkey with the UND Associa-tion, to help road hauliers ev-ery day to reduce their operat-ing costs and to optimise theirmanagement.

    nikOLaYgaLushin,First Gnral Dirctor, Ingos-strakh Insuranc Company

    The Company Ingosstrakhwas established 60 yearsago in order to support theforeign trade activities of theSoviet Union, and throughoutits whole history it has alwaysprotected and worked for in-ternational relations in theeld of trade, transport and

    tourism. Thus, it happens thatour two organisations, the IRUand Ingosstrakh, have workedhand-in-hand for more thanhalf a century, contributingto the elimination of barriersto international transport andtrade hence making transportmore efcient and safer.

    I R U S t a t u t o r y M t i n g s : t h p l a c t o w o r k t o g t h r a n d s h a

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    I R U S t a t u t o r y M t i n g s

    IRU Gnral AssmblyPrsidnt and vic Prsidnts

    39 m m o r a b l m o m n t s

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    Newly appointed IRU Honorary Members, David Green and Milan Svetek

    I R U S t a t u t o r y M t i n g s : t h p l a c t o w o r k t o g t h r a n d s h a r

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    I R U I n t r n a t i o n a l I n t r g o r n m n t a l P a r t n r s

    Board of th IRUGoods Transport Council

    41 m m o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U S t a t u t o r y M t i n g s : t h p l a c t o w o r k t o g t h r a n d s h a r

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    Board of th IRUPassngr Transport Council

    Board of th IRU Taxi Group

    m m o r a b l m o m n t s 43

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    I R U C o n g r s s : t h p l a c t o m t d c i s i o n - m a k r s a n d s h a r m m

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    45o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U M m b r D l g a t i o n s

    I R U C o n g r s s : t h p l a c t o f o s t r n t r p r n u r i a l s p i r i t a n d s h a r

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    47m m o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U C o n g r s s : t h p l a c t o w o r k t o g t h r f o r a b t t r f u t u r a n d

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    49s h a r m m o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U S o c i a l e n t s : t h p l a c t o n j o y f r i n d s h i p a n d s h a r m m

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    51o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U S o c i a l e n t s : t h p l a c t o x p l o r n w c u l t u r s a n d s h a r

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    53m m o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U S o c i a l e n t s : t h p l a c t o x c h a n g x p r i n c s a n d s h a r

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    55 m m o r a b l m o m n t s

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    I R U S o c i a l e n t s : t h p l a c t o m t a n d s h a r m m o r a b l m o

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    m n t s 57

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    I R U S o c i a l e n t s : t h p l a c t o s h a r m m o r a b l m o m n t s w i t

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    y o u r l o d o n s 59

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    I R U S o c i a l e n t s : t h p l a c f o r f u n a n d l a u g h t r a n d s h a r i n g

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    Th Ropning of th Silk Road:from vision to Rality

    Join us! www.iru.org

    Hostd by

    S y o u i n A l m a t y 2 0 0 9

    I R U I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n t e r g o v er n m e n t a l P a r t n e r s

    S e e y o u i n A l m a t y 2 0 0 9 !


  • 7/29/2019 31st IRU World Congress-Istanbul Highlights


    Main topics:

    lThe Silk Road Open for business;

    lTrade and road transport facilitation The key to driving progress, prosperity

    and peace along the Slik Road;l

    Legal Infrastructural Technical conditions of haulage along the Silk Road;lEfcient, protable, safe and secure road transport along the Silk Road;

    lKazakhstan A bridge between China and Europe

    Ministerial Conference to be held in conjunction with the IRU Conference

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    IRU Permanent Delegation to the

    Middle East and Region

    Bykdere Caddesi

    Yap Kredi Plaza C blok, Kat: 15

    Levent 34330 IstanbulTurkey

    Tel: +90-212-284 97 47

    Fax: +90-212-284 97 57

    E-mail: istanbul@iru.org

    Web: www.iru.org

    IRU Permanent Delegation

    to the CIS Region

    Ofce 417, entr. 612, Krasnopresnenskaya nab.

    Moscow 123610Russia

    Tel: +7-495-258 17 59

    Fax: +7-495-258 17 60E-mail: moscow@iru.org

    Web: www.iru-cis.ru

    IRU Permanent Delegation to the

    European Union

    32-34 avenue de Tervuren

    Bte 37

    B-1040 Brussels


    Tel: +32-2-743 25 80

    Fax: +32-2-743 25 99

    E-mail: brussels@iru.org

    Web: www.iru.org

    International Road Transport Union,

    Secretariat General

    3, rue de Varemb

    B.P. 44

    CH-1211 Geneva 20


    Tel: +41-22-918 27 00

    Fax: +41-22-918 27 41

    E-mail: iru@iru.org

    Web: www.iru.org

    2008 IRU I-0196-1(e)