31 December 2014

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Saadda Haq

Transcript of 31 December 2014

JAKARATA, DEC 30After three days of

intense search, debrisof the missingAirAsia aircraft car-rying 162 people wasfound on Tuesday inthe Java Sea offIndonesia, but onlythree bodies havebeen retrieved so faras mystery remainedover the cause of thecrash.

Only three bodieshave been retrievedand not 40 as previ-ously stated by navalofficials, Indonesia’sNational Search andRescue Agency chiefBambang Soelistyosaid.

The bodies werespotted along withdebris floating in theJava Sea off the

Indonesian part ofBorneo, close to thearea where contactwas lost with the air-

craft on SundayFamily members of

those aboard AirAsia CONTD. ON PAGE 3

JAMMU, DECEMBER 30There were no signs

of either the PDP, thelargest group, or theBJP, the close runner-up, getting the requisitenumbers to stake claimto forming a new gov-ernment in Jammu andKashmir as the deadlineset by Governor N.N.Vohra for discussionsfast approached.

A team of the PDP,which has 28 MLAs in aHouse of 87, led by itspresident Mehbooba

Mufti will meet Mr.Vohra in Jammu onWednesday and discuss

with him governmentformation while the BJP


HAQSAADDAFIGHT FOR RIGHTWednesday, December 31, 2014

Nursery admission woes for EWScategory worsen

40,000 Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G SmartphonesGo Out of Stock in 6 Seconds

Anushka Sharma addressed asVirat Kohli’s wife

NEW DELHI, DEC 30Prime Minister

Narendra Modi said onMonday that growthshould be balancedacross India, and spe-cial efforts should bemade to ensure that theeast, which is rich innatural resources, is

developed as the west-ern part of the country.

He called uponindustry to rethink itsmanufacturing strate-gy. “I can’t understandthis strategy of indus-trial houses to minecoal in the East andproduce power in the

West.”Mr. Modi said his

government wasadding a new para-digm to the PublicPrivate Partnership(PPP) model, byinvolving all stake-holders in key


Develop the east like the west: ModiP8

MUMBAI, DEC 30In a bid to control the spi-

ralling decibel levels duringthe New Year Eve celebra-tions, the National GreenTribunal has directed theauthorities to crack down onvehicles with DJ systems. The


No loud New Year cel-ebrations, says NGT

ELURU, DEC 30Backed by three MPs, sev-

eral MLAs, the TDP workerson Tuesday gave vent to theiranger against the police fortheir anti-cockfight drive onthe eve of Sankranti festival.

A large number of protestersbarged into the venue of the


Row over cockfights:MPs join protestagainst police drive

ATHENS, DEC 30A cargo ship believed to be

carrying hundreds of migrantshas issued a distress call inbad weather northwest of theIonian island of Corfu onTuesday, Greek authoritiessaid. Greek officials said a


Ship off Corfu with hun-dreds on board issuesdistress call

Vol. 1 Issue: 104 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: news.saaddahaq@gmail.com

NEW DELHI, DEC 30Congress leader Jairam Ramesh

on Tuesday took a swipe at PrimeMinister Narendra Modi, saying thecountry has been “trapped” in a cul-ture of ‘NAMO’ or ‘No Action,Message Only’, ever since the BJPcame to power at the Centre.

Mr. Ramesh was reacting to Mr.Modi’s usage of abbreviations likeABCD (Avoid, Bypass, Confuse, Delay), which the


Jairam Ramesh on NAMO: ‘NoAction, Message Only’

NEW DELHI, DEC 30The (IIT), Delhi Alumni

Association has passed a resolutionagainst alleged government inter-ference in IITs. News that IndianInstitute of Technology (IIT) DelhiDirector R.K. Shevgaonkar hadresigned broke on December 28when several former students ofthe institute congregated on thecampus on Alumni Day.

More than 200 old students passed a resolutionunanimously by voice vote. Mr. Shevgaonkar’s resig


IIT-D alumni back Shevgaonkar

NEW DELHI, DEC 30A month after Prime Minister

Narendra Modi unveiled the con-cept of SMART police stations,Union Home Minister RajnathSingh on Tuesday announced thedecision of his Ministry to estab-lish one model, citizen-friendlystation in each State soon.


Model police stations in everyState soon: Rajnath

The Godavari RiverManagement Board (GRMB)has left the decision on dis-pute over the 460MW LowerSileru hyrdo-electric powerstation between Telanganaand Andhra Pradesh to theCentre as the two States havefailed to arrive at any under


Centre to take call on TS-APdispute over Lower Sileru

PATNA, DEC 30A Japanese media group has

selected MathematicianAnand Kumar’s Super 30among three pioneering initia-tives in the field of education.

Apart from Anand Kumar’sSuper 30, two others academ-ic institutions, namely Japan’seducational club, which works


Super 30 among top 3 pio-neering education initiatives

NEW DELHI, DEC 30The Delhi High Court on

Monday directed the Centrenot to immediately enforcethe Advertising StandardsCouncil of India’s directionthat e-commerce websiteAmazon must withdraw ormodify its claim that it is thelargest online retail store.

The ASCI’s December 18 CONTD. ON PAGE 3

HC directs Centre not toenforce order against Amazon


Sohrabuddin fake encounter case: CBIcourt gives clean chit to Amit Shah

MUMBAI, DEC 30 In a big relief to the

Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) national presidentAmit Shah, a special CBIcourt on Tuesday gave hima clean chit in the fakeencounter of SohrabuddinSheikh.

"I am of the opinion thatthe inference drawn byCBI is not accepted intotality and he (Shah) can-not be charged as anaccused," Special CBIJudge M B Gosavi said in abrief order pronounced inthe court.

Details of the judgementwill be available later.

The court also dis-charged the BJP chief inthe alleged encounter of

Tulsi Prajapati.The case was transferred

from Gujarat to Mumbaiearlier this year.

In September 2013, theCBI had chargesheeted

Shah - the former HomeMinister of Gujarat - and18 others, including sever-al police officers. Shah wascharged with criminal


NEW DELHI, DEC 30Cars, SUVs and two-wheelers will

become expensive from January 1 with thegovernment deciding not to extend thereduced excise duty rates provided to thesector.

“The government is not extending theexcise duty concessions on the auto sector,”a senior Finance Ministry official said.

Excise duty was reduced to 24 per centfrom 30 per cent in the case of SUVs, 20 percent for mid-sized car from 24 per cent and24 per cent for large cars from 27 per cent.

After two successive years of sales slump,the auto industry had shown growth of10.01 per cent in April-November periodthis fiscal at 1.33 crore units as against 1.21crore units in the year-ago period.

Car makers had been asking the govern-ment to extend excise duty relief, saying


ROME, DEC 30The Italian government

“will see” if one of the twomarines accused of killingtwo Indian fishermen in2012 is fit enough to returnto India, Foreign MinisterPaolo Gentiloni has said.

The Foreign Minister saidhe “hopes” for results in thecase of the two Italianmarines MassimilianoLatorre and SalvatoreGirone. The remarks comeafter the Indian SupremeCourt rejected a requestfrom one of the marines,

Girone, to return to Italy forthe Christmas holidays and apetition from Latorre, toextend his stay in Italy forhealth reasons.

Latorre had flown to Italyafter suffering a stroke-likeattack earlier this year. Mr.Gentiloni, in a radio inter-view yesterday, said that“we will see” if Latorre iswell enough to return toIndia as scheduled in mid-January.

The marine’s health is an“absolute priority,” he was


MUMBAI, DEC 30The BJP-led Maharashtra

government has ordered aninquiry against actor AamirKhan starrer Hindi movie PK,after the complaints by sever-al right wing Hindu organisa-tions.

“We had to take action afterwe received complaintsagainst the movie. We areaware that the Censor Boardhas cleared the film, but as aresponsible government wealso need to probe in this mat-ter,” said Ram Shinde,Minister of State for Home.

The Home Ministry hasasked Deven Bharti, SpecialIG (Law and Order) to informthe government about themovie in its report. “There isno time frame, but we expectthe report as early as possi-ble,” said Mr. Shinde.


HYDERABAD, DEC 30Banks should extend

their services to all sec-tions of society inAndhra Pradesh to helpthem attain financialautonomy, said ChiefMinister N.Chandrababu Naiduhere on Tuesday.

The banking servicesshould be extended togive boost to employ-ment generation andeconomic activity in theState. Explaining thatthe government’s priori-ty is the primary sector –agriculture and alliedactivities- the ChiefMinister said he wantedto make agricultureprofitable and sustain-able in A.P. This willhelp in revenue genera-

tion,” he said.Mr. Naidu spoke at the

State Level BankersCommittee meeting heldat the Secretariat chairedby the SLBC convenerand Andhra Bank CMDC.V.R. Rajendran hereon Tuesday.

Earlier, Mr. Rajendransaid the SLBC was

hopeful of a change inthe credit scenario inagriculture sector andlooked forward to adrastic reduction in nonperforming assets in thesector.

He thanked the ChiefMinister for advisingfarmers and borrowers


Naidu urges bankers to giveboost to economic activity

Probe orderedinto PK

Excise sop ends, cars tobe costlier from January

‘Will see’ if marine is fitenough to return to India: Italy

More than 40 bodies retrieved in AirAsia search

With no government insight, rumours rule in J&K

ISLAMABAD, DEC 30Mumbai attack mas-

termind ZakiurRehman Lakhvi wason Tuesday arrestedjust before his releasefollowing a Pakistanicourt’s suspension ofhis detention.

“Lakhvi has beenarrested in anothercase,” an interior min-istry spokesman said.

Lakhvi was set to befreed from the AdailaJail RawalpindiTuesday morning onthe order of theIslamabad HighCourt.

“Lakhvi was thenpresented before amagistrate whoremanded him in cus-tody,” the officialsaid.

The Islamabad HighCourt on Monday sus-pended the govern-ment’s Maintenanceof Public Order(MPO) under which

Lakhvi was beingheld under detention,paving the way for hisrelease.

Foreign SecretarySujatha Singh sum-moned Pakistan HighCommissioner Basitin New Delhi and theIndian mission inIslamabad took up theissue with thePakistan ForeignOffice.

While suspending

Lakhvi’s detentionorder, the court direct-ed the Pakistan gov-ernment to file a replyin this regard onJanuary 15. Lakhvi,who was the opera-tions commander ofthe Lashkar-e-Taiba,was charged alongwith six others in2009 in the Mumbaiattack case. AjmalKasab, executed in


Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 190CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:92%Wind: 0 Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 200CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 75% Wind: 0 Km/hr

MUMBAITemperature: 260CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 63%Wind: 0 Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 220CPrecipitation: 87%Humidity: 90%Wind: 2 Km/hr

Lakhvi arrested before his release from jail

NEW DELHI, DEC 30“Proposed amend-

ments meet twinobjectives of farmerwelfare; along withexpeditiously meetingstrategic and develop-mental needs of thecountry,” PrimeMinister NarendraModi tweeted onMonday night on theordinance to amendthe Right to FairCompensation andTransparency in LandA c q u i s i t i o n ,Rehabilitation andResettlement (LARR)Act, 2013.

While the NationalAlliance of People'sMovements, a net-work of socialactivists, describedthe step as “anti-poor”and pushing a corpo-

rate agenda, Mr Modidescribed the ordi-nance as including a“pro-farmer step” ofbringing compensa-tion and rehabilitationunder 13 exempt cen-tral laws at par withthe norms of LARR2013. “Certainamendments havebeen made in the Actto further strengthenthe provisions to pro-tect the interests ofthe ‘affected fami-lies’,” he noted.

Under Section 105of LARR Act, 13 cen-tral laws, includingthe NationalHighways Act 1956,the Railways Act1989, Coal BearingAreas Acquisition andDevelopment Act


‘Pro-farmer’ amendments: Modi