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Transcript of 31 DE ON HSG TIENG ANH LOP 6.doc

  • 7/26/2019 31 DE ON HSG TIENG ANH LOP 6.doc


    pENGLISH TEST 01I.Chn 1 t c phn gch chn c pht m khc ! "#$ cc t c%n &$.1. A hats B pens C cats D books

    2. A bus B museum C drug D lunch

    3. A heavy B leave C head D ready

    4. A fly B hungry C usually D early

    5. A brother B these C thank D that

    . A door B book C look D cook

    !. A read B teacher C near D eat". A face B small C grade D late

    #. A t$%ce B s$%m C sk%p D p%cn%c

    1&. A arm B charm C farm D $arm

    1. a. c%tadel b. vacat%on c. dest%nat%on d. lemonade2. a. teachers b. doctors c. students d. $orkers3. a. acc%dent b. soccer c. cl%n%c d. camera4. a. brother b. orange c. front d. do'en'. a. station b. (uestion c. %ntersection d. dest%nationII. Chn ph(ng n )ng nh*t $+n ",! ch- t/ng h!,n th,nh cc c 2.1. )t*s t$elve o*clock+ ,am. -et*s home.

    A. go B. to go C. go%ng D. goes2. /uan and ) badm%nton %n the yard.

    A. play%ng B. %s play%ng C. are play%ng D. am play%ng

    3. /h%s s%gn says 0top. e go stra%ght ahead.

    A. can B. don*t can C. must D. must not

    4. /hey are go%ng to ,e$ ork plane.

    A. %n B. by C. $%th D. on

    5. 6%et %s someth%ng on h%s book.

    A. $r%t%ng B. $r%tt%ng C. $rote D. $r%tes

    . Are there stores on your street7

    A. a B. an C. any D. the

    !. 8y s%ster and ) telev%s%on %n the l%v%ng room no$.

    A. am $atch%ng B. are $atch%ng C. %s $atch%ng D. $atch%ng". do you go to school7 . ) $alk.

    A. 9o$ B. By $hat C. 9o$ many D. 9o$ by

    #. 0Does ,ga play volleyball7 . 0,o+

    A. she not plays B. she don*t C. she %sn*t D. she doesn*t

    1&. 9o$ many floors %n your school7

    A. there are B. there has C. are there D. have there

    11. he %s not do%ng %n the garden+ :ust $alk%ng about.

    A. anyth%ng B. noth%ng C. someth%ng D. one th%ng

    12. )t %s t$elve o*clock+ 8a% Anh. -et*s home

    A. goes B. to go C. go%ng D. go

    13. /hese are my note books+ and those are

    A. you B. your C. yours D. your*s14. ,am usually goes after school.

    A. to f%sh%ng B. home C. the c%nema D. house

    15. Are there stores on your street7

    A. a B. an C. any D. the

    1. do you get there7 ; e $alk+ of course.

    A. hy B. hat C. 9o$ by D. 9o$

    1!. hat t%me on telev%s%on7

    A. %s the ne$s B. are the ne$s C. %s ne$s D. are ne$s

    1". ) am very t%red. . .

    A. 8e too B. for me the same C. Also me D. ) also

    1#. Don*t be late your school.

    A. on B. at C. to D. for

    2&. ) don*t $ant much sugar %n my coffee.

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    22. )s th%s an 7

    A.umbrellas B. book C. eraser D. pen

    23. ) am + so ) don*t $ant to eat any more.

    A. hungry B. th%rsty C. full D. small

    24. do you $ork7 . ) $ork at a school.

    A. hat B. here C. hen D. 9o$

    25. )*m go%ng to the no$. ) $ant to buy some bread.

    A. post off%ce B. drugstore C. bakery D. toystore

    2. )s th%s her 7

    A. erasers B. books C. an eraser D. eraser

    2!. /he oppos%te of 0$eak %s .A. th%n B. small C. strong D. heavy

    2". he doesn*t have fr%ends at school.

    A. a B. some C. many D. much

    2#. long or short7

    A. Does 8a% have ha%r B. )s 8a%*s ha%r C. Does 8a%*s ha%r have D. )s 8a% of ha%r

    3&. ) need a large of toothpaste.

    A. bar B. can C. tube D. bo>

    III. Ch! 3ng )ng c42 5ng t t!ng ng!6c.a. ) ?1 @ not l%ke coffee very much.

    b. 8rs. ,ga ?2 @ be a doctor. he ?3 @ $ork %n a hosp%tal.

    c. -an ?4 @ v%s%t 9ue th%s summer vacat%on.

    d. hat you ?5 @ do no$7 = ) ? @ do my home $ork

    e. /here ?! @ be some m%lk %n the fr%dge.

    f. -ook /he plane %s fly%ng to$ards the a%rport. )t ?" @ land

    g. 8y father ?# @ $atch /6 %n the l%v%ng room. 9e often ?1& @ $atch /6 %n the even%ng.

    I7. S8 39ng t &!$ )ng c42 cc t ch! :n h!,n th,nh c.1. )t*s very %n the c%ty. ?no%se

    2. /here %s a ne>t to my house. ?bake

    3. he %s a of ngl%sh. ?teach

    4. ) brush my t$%ce a day. ?tooth

    5. -ong goes at the $eekend. ?sa%l

    . /he%r house %s on the floor of the bu%ld%ng. ?f%ve

    !. /ha% B%nh %s than 9ano%. ? small". Do you play v%deo games7. ?usual

    #. /h%s %s the house %n my v%llage. ?old

    1&. eter a very b%g truck. ?dr%ver

    V. ;$+n ",! ch- t/ng ch hp./here are trees ?1.. my house.

    -ee %s Ch%nese. 9e %s ?2 Ch%na.

    he l%ves ?3. 9ano% ?4.. her aunt and uncle.

    /he cat %s not on the table. )t*s ?5.. the table.

    ) often l%sten ? mus%c ?! my free t%me.

    Can ) help you7 = )*d l%ke a tube ?" tooth paste.

    e go to school ?#. the morn%ng.

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    3. t G $e G to G our G go%ng G summer.

    1&. %n G the G ,%le H%ver G the G longest G the G %s G $orld.


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    I. TDm t khBng cJng nhm "#$ t c%n &$.1. a. ednesday b. everyday c. Er%day d. /hursday

    2. a. th%rd b. t$o c. t$elve d. th%rty

    3. a. h%story b. ngl%sh c. l%terature d. t%metable

    4. a.f%n%sh b. read c. $atch d. soccer

    5. a. even%ng b. morn%ng c. home$ork d. afternoon

    II. Chn p n )ng ch! m-$ c 2.1. sports do you play7

    a. 9o$ b. ho c. h%ch d. hat*s

    2. 8y mother $ants a good pa%r of shoes because she often goes .

    a. :ogg%ng b. f%sh%ng c. sa%l%ng d. runn%ng

    3. 9e often .. h%s k%te $hen he*s not busy.

    a. does b. plays c. goes d. fl%es

    4. 9o$ ......................... k%los of beef does she $ant7

    a. many b. much c. any d. about

    5. 0)s that your father7 @ 0es+ .........................

    a. %t %s b. that %s c. he %s d. %t*s

    . 0ould you l%ke some noodles+ -an7 @ 0,o+ .........................)*m full. /hanks.a. ) $ouldn*t b. ) don*t c. )*m not d. ) don*t l%ke

    !. /here %s .. o%l %n th%s bottle. e should buy some more.

    a. a fe$ b. fe$ c. l%ttle d. a l%ttle

    ". Can ) help you7 @ .+ please. ) need a k%lo of beef.

    a. orry b. es c. Can d. ,o

    #. 8%nh l%kes f%sh and beef.

    a. %sn*t b. don*t c. doesn*t d. never

    1&. 9e goes to $ork s%> days a $eek. 9e ... goes to $ork.

    a. al$ays b. usually c. often d. never

    11. ............................ are you go%ng to spend your summer vacat%on7

    a. here b. h%ch c. hat d. ho

    12. -et*s ................................. some photos.

    a. to take b. takes c. tak%ng d. take

    13. hy don*t $e go to the c%nema ton%ght7

    a. Because $e don*t l%ke f%lm b. /hat*s a good %dea

    c. ou are r%ght d. /hank you very much

    14. e are go%ng to stay..................................... my uncle*s house.

    a. %n b. at c. $%th d. on

    15 ....................................to go for a $alk7

    a. 9o$ about b. ould you l%ke c. hy don*t d. -et*s

    1. 09o$ ..................... oranges $ould you l%ke @ 0A do'en+ please. And ..................... tea.

    a. much+ some b. many+ any c. much+ any d. many+ some

    1!. ) don*t l%ke vegetables but my s%ster .........................

    a. do b. l%kes c. does d. $ould l%ke

    1". Ba .lunch at school.

    a. does b. has c. have d. eat

    1#.hat t%me.classes start 7

    a. do b. does c. %t d. are

    2&.-an*s brother..volleyball no$.

    a. play%ng b. plays c. %s play%ng d

    III. Ch! 3ng )ng c42 5ng t t!ng ng!6c.1. hat they ?do .............ton%ght7 @ /hey ?l%sten................. to mus%c on the rad%o.

    2. our brother ?can+ s$%m............. 7 @ es+ he can. 9e ?s$%m............. very $ell.

    3. 9e ?be.......... t%red and he*d l%ke ?s%t........ do$n.

    4. 9oa ?not do............. her home$ork %n the afternoon. he ?do............. %t %n the even%ng.4

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    5. -ook /he plane ?fly..................... to$ards the a%rport. )t ?land.........................

    I7. ;$+n g$#$ t th>ch hp ch! m-$ c 2.1. ) l%ve ?1 a small house ?2 the countrys%de.2. 8y house %s ?3 a bookstore and a toystoreI the bookstore to the left and the toys tore to

    the r%ght.

    3 .8%ss 8a% $ants a k%lo ?4 meat and a do'en ?5 eggs.

    4.,ga goes ? school ?! foot every morn%ng and she goes ?" home ?#

    four th%rty %n the afternoon.

    5. ho do you usually play badm%nton ?1& 7

    7.Ch! 3ng )ng c42 t tt!ng ng!6c.1. /here are lots of ?beauty beaches %n 6%et ,am.

    2. )s 8r.9a a ?bus%ness ..7

    3. eptember %s the ?n%ne......................................... month of the year.

    4. 8y father goes ?:og..............................................every morn%ng.

    5. he has small $h%te ?tooth ......................... .

    7I. TDm ", 82 &-$ 2$.1. 8y brother are $ork%ng %n the c%ty.

    2. 8r 8%nh r%des h%s b%ke to $ork at the moment.

    3. ) don*t have some oranges+ but ) have some bananas.4. 9o$ many home$ork does -%en have everyday7

    5. hat $ould you l%ke buy%ng at the canteen7

    . ) go to 9a -ong tomorro$.

    !. /he ch%ldren play games usually %n the afternoon.

    ". )t*s often cold %n the summer.

    #. 9o$ many season are there %n a year7

    1&. e need e%ght hundred gram of meat.

    7II. Em hK $+n m5t t th>ch hp h!,n th,nh & th 2.

    Dear 8a%+

    ) am v%s%t%ng 9a -ong Bay $%th my fam%ly ................... o*clock on 8onday even%ng. e plan to leave the

    hotel unday morn%ng.

    ) .. for$ard to hear%ng from you soon.


    ,ga.7III. ;6t c h?$ ch! phngch chn.

    1. ou can go to the supermarket to buy beef ..........................................................................................

    2. -an goes to school $%th her fr%ends. ........................................................................................................

    3. /hey go to the 'oo every $eekend..................................................................................................................

    4. )*d l%ke some beef...................................................................................................................

    5. he %s go%ng to stay there for t$o days. ..............................................................................................

    . 8y daughters do aerob%cs every morn%ng............................................................................

    !. /h%s bar of soap %s "&&& dong..................................................................................................................

    ". 9%s penc%ls are bro$n.......................................................................................................

    #. -an %s go%ng to l%ve %n Ch%na...........................................................................................................

    1&. /hey are go%ng to pa%nt the%r house..........................................................................................................

    11. e $ant t$o ngl%sh books...................................................................................................................

    IF. Sp @p cc c 2 th,nh !n h5$ th!$ hp &>.A. /hanks. 9o$ much are they7

    B. Can ) help you7

    C. 9o$ many oranges do you $ant7

    D. )*d l%ke some oranges.

    . 9alf a do'en+ please .


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    E. es. )*d l%ke a bottle of cook%ng o%l.

    J. )s there anyth%ng else7

    9. 9ere you are.

    ). /en thousand dong. /hank you.

    ENGLISH TEST 0MQuestion I: Choose the word which is pronounced diferently rom the others.

    1. A. chem%stry B. cha%r C. couch D. ch%ldren

    2. A. student B. bus C. duty D. un%t


    A. house B. about C. country D. our

    4. A. clothes B. $atches C. benches D. classes

    5.A. clock B. come C. class D. c%ty

    Ot$!n II. Ch!!O thO P!3 th2t $ 3$QQOOnt Q!m thO Ot $n O2ch g!p.1. A. teacher B. brother C. farmer D. doctor

    2. A. $atches B. brushes C. teaches D. goes

    3. A. meat B. f%sh C. beef D. tea

    4. A. knee B. gray C. nose D. toe

    5. A. have B. eat C. %s D. play

    Ot$!n III. Ch!!O thO

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    !. ) ..?have a b%rthday party tomorro$ even%ng. ould you l%ke ..?come7

    Ot$!n 7. C!mp&OtO thO OntOncO P$th thO c!Oct Q!m !Q thO P!3 $n

  • 7/26/2019 31 DE ON HSG TIENG ANH LOP 6.doc


    I love my house or many _______(/) the %arden, the +owers in *ummer, the &re in inter,

    but the best thin% is the view _______ (10) my bedroom window.

    .Ot$!n 7III.ZOP$tO O2ch !Q thO Q!&&!P$ng OntOncO $n ch 2 P2 th2t $t mO2n O2ct& thO 2mO 2

    1. 9uong*school bag %s ne$.

    9uong has ....

    2. Does hong*s school have forty classrooms7


    3. huong has a brother +,am.


    4. ,o house on the street %s older than th%s house.

    /h%s house.

    5. 9o$ many apples does she $ant7

    9o$ many apples $ould..7

    . -earn%ng ho$ to use a computer %s very easy

    )t %s . ..

    !. 9e dr%ves very carefully

    9e %s ...

    ". hy don*t $e l%sten to mus%c ton%ght7

    9o$ about ...

    #. 9o$ much %s th%s d%ct%onary 7

    hat ...........................................................................................1&.)t*s often hot %n the summer.)t*s never......................................................................................................................


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    Ot$!n IF. ZO22ngO thO P!3 g$"On $nt! thO mO2n$ng OntOncO1. yardG frontG schoolG/hereG b%gG ofG %sG ourG %nG a.


    2. manyG r%ghtG theG museumG AreG flo$ersG theG thereG toG ofG7


    3. ne>tG photocopyG hatG storeG thereG theG %sG to G7


    4. hosp%talG fatherG %nG theG c%tyG 8yG aG $orksG %n.......................................................................................................................................................

    5. thereG fam%lyG manyG %nG areG 9o$G -%nh*sG peopleG 7

    Ot$!n F. [$ng thO cO t! c!mp&OtO thO OntOncO.1. -anG -yG goG bookstoreG buyG booksG no$.

    )G not l%keG $%nterG becauseG %tG very cold.


    3. 8any G plantsG an%malsG dangerG because G$e Gdestroy%ng Gthem.


    4. /hereG peasG but G notG potatoes.


    5.heG l%ke Gdo'enG eggsG vegetables.



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    1].9e usually goes s$%mm%ng once.. A. the $eek B. a $eek C. all $eeks D. %n the $eek

    1^./he room of my parents %s small. 0/he room of my parents meansI A. my room*s parents B. my parents*s room

    C. my parents* room D. my room*parent

    1_.9o$..oranges $ould you l%ke7@ %>+ please. And ..tea. A. muchGsome B. manyGany C. muchGany D. manyGsome

    0.Does 8ary l%ke .7@ es+ she goes :ogg%ng every morn%ng. A. :og B. to :og C. :ogs D. :ogg%ng

    1./he ch%ldren are play%ng..the garden. A. %n B. on C. under D. at

    .Don*t be late your school A. %n B. for C. at D. on

    M.e go there by car and they gofoot. A. on B. by C. to D. $%th

    U.9o$ much %s a bo$l of noodles7@..f%ve thousand f%ve hundred dong. A. /hey are B. )t %s C. )t has D. /here %s

    '.9e %s.ngl%sh at a b%g school. A. teach B. teaches C. teacher D. teach%ng

    \.) $ant a ..of orange :u%ce. A. can B. bo> C. tube D. bar

    ].)*d l%ke some meat+ please. 9o$ much7 A. do you l%ke B. do you $ant C. you*d l%ke D. you need

    ^./hey are go%ng to stay .the%r grandparents %n the country. A. %n B. to C. at D. $%th

    _.)t*s a lovely day -et*s.to the beach. A. go B. to go C. go%ng D. $e go

    M0.-%sten to your s%ster7 A.ho %s go%ng to talk B. ho talks

    C.ho does talk D .ho %s talk%ng

    II. `t thO P!3 $nt! thO c!Oct P!3 Q!m

    M1.)t*s very %n the c%ty. ?no%se

    M./here %s a ne>t to my house. ?bake

    MM.he %s a of ngl%sh. ?teach

    MU.) brush my t$%ce a day. ?tooth

    M'.-ong goes at the $eekend. ?f%sh

    M\./he%r house %s on the floor of the bu%ld%ng. ?t$o

    M].9ano% %s than /ha% B%nh ?b%g

    M^.Do you play v%deo games7. ?usual

    M_./h%s %s the house %n my v%llage. ?beaut%ful

    U0.eter %s a ta>%. ?dr%veIII. `t thO "O

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    A B C D

    ''.9o$ many ch%ldren does your s%ster has7 A B C D

    ENGLISH TEST 0'I. X$&& $n thO

  • 7/26/2019 31 DE ON HSG TIENG ANH LOP 6.doc


    1. yardG frontG schoolG/hereG b%gG ofG %sG ourG %nG a.


    2. manyG r%ghtG theG museumG AreG flo$ersG theG thereG toG ofG7


    3. ne>tG photocopyG hatG storeG thereG theG %sG to G7


    4. hosp%talG fatherG %nG theG c%tyG 8yG aG $orksG %n.


    5. thereG fam%lyG manyG %nG areG 9o$G -%nh*sG peopleG 7

    7II. Ch!!O thO please. And ....................... tea.

    A. muchGsome B. manyGany C. muchGany D. manyGsome

    . e go there by car and they go..................... foot.

    A. on B. by C. to D. $%th

    !. -%sten ho................................... to your s%ster7

    A. %s go%ng to talk B. talks C. does talk D. %s talk%ng

    ". .....................................go to the 'oo7 @ /hat*s a good %dea

    A. hat do $e B. ould you l%ke C. hy don*t $eD. Are $e go%ng to

    #. Eall means ..............................%n Br%t%sh ngl%sh.

    A. summer B. $%nter C. spr%ng D. autumn

    1&. DonLt forget to buy f%ve .............. of bread

    A. bottles B. loaves C. cans D. bars11. /hey buy some fru%t but ............. vegetables.

    A. some B. any C. l%ttle D. no

    12. )tLs seven th%rty and 8%nh %s late ................ school.

    A. for B. at C. to D. %n

    13. -an combs her ............ every morn%ng.

    A. face B. nose C. ha%r D. mouth

    14. /here %s a ............... $ater %n the bottle.

    A. much B. lot C. l%ttle D. fe$

    15. )s there .............. else you $ant7

    A. a B. an C. some D. anyth%ng

    1. 8y s%ster and ) ............................. telev%s%on %n the l%v%ng @ room no$.A. am $atch%ng B. are $atch%ng C. %s $atch%ng D. $atch%ng

    7III. ah2t 3! ! 2 $n thOO $t2t$!nb1. hat do you say $hen you $ant to kno$ the $ay to the post off%ce7@ M................M

    2. hat do you say $hen you $ant to go out7 @ M........................................................M

    3. hat do you say $hen you $ant to kno$ the pr%ce of a book7 @ M..........................M

    4. hat do you say $hen you $ant to kno$ the t%me no$7 @ M...................................M

    5. hat do you say $hen you $ant to kno$ the $eather today7 @ M............................M

    . hat do you say $hen you $ant to %nv%te your fr%end home for d%nner7 @ M...........M

    !. hat do you say $hen you $ant to borro$ your fr%endLs ruler7 @ M........................M

    ". hat do you say $hen you $ant to kno$ your fr%endLs phone number7 @ M............M

    #. hat do you say $hen you $ant to help someone7 @ M...........................................M1&. hat do you say $hen you $ant to kno$ the d%stance bet$een 9a ,o% and Da ,ang7 @


    IF. Spp& thO c!Oct Q!m !Q thO P!3 $n c2p$t2&.1. 8y b%rthday %s on the ................................ of eptember. /,/


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    2. /here are four ..................................... %n my bedroom.

    3. /he ........................language of 6%etnam %s 6%etnamese.

    4. )n my ......................+ there %s a supermarket+ a hotel and a park.

    5. /here are a lot of %nterest%ng............................ %n the summer.

    . 6%et ,am has plenty of ...................................... beaches.

    !. 8ount verest %s the ............................. mounta%n %n the $orld.

    ". -an*s mother goes ................................... t$%ce a $eek.

    #. 8y parents $ork at a econdary chool. /hey are ...... of ngl%sh.

    1&. ) go to v%s%t my grandparents ..................... a month.

    11. 9e %s a person+ so he somet%mes has acc%dents.12. 9e %s %n learn%ng ngl%sh.

    13. /hey are good ...............................................................

    14. 9e often plays sports. 9e %s very ..................................

    15. 8y classroom %s on the ...... .floor.

    1.9as your s%ster got a .................. 7 he looks t%red.

    1!. /h%s %s my favor%te cha%r. )t*s so ..........

    1". ,obody %n my class %s ......................than /huy

    1#. /h%s tree has a lot of green .................... .

    2&. 9%s amb%t%on %s to be a ..................... one day.




















    I. `$ck !t thO P!3 Ph!O n3O&$nO3 p2t $n p!n!ncO3 3$QQOOnt& Q!m

    1. A. beach B. seat C. meat D. great

    2. A. boots B. floor C. toothpaste D. food


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    3. A. %dea B. year C. $ear D. near

    4. A. camp B. plan C. plane D. badm%nton

    5. A. maps B. beds C. rooms D. ta>%s

    . A. full B. summer C. sunny D. unday

    !. A. orange B. hot C. hobby D. nose

    ". A. somet%mes B. $ashes C. benches D. couches

    #. A. r%de B. n%ght C. r%ver D. t%red

    1&. A. teeth B. tree C. bet$een D. eng%neer II. Ch!!O thO

    . hat about table@tenn%s7

    A. to play B. play%ng C. plays D. play

    !. Eall means ..%n Br%t%sh@ngl%sh.

    A. summer B. $%nter C. autumn D. spr%ng

    ". hat %s her 7 he %s Austral%an.

    A. language B. nat%onal%ty C. populat%on D. country

    #. /hey are go%ng vacat%on %n -ondon.

    A. %n B. on C. at D. for 1&. languages can you speak7

    A. hen B. 9o$ C. 9o$ much D. h%ch

    11. /he Jreat all of Ch%na %s the $orld*s structure.

    A. long B. longer C. the longest D. longest

    12. 9o Ch% 8%nh has a of 3.5 m%ll%on.

    A. c%ty B. cap%tal C. populat%on D. country

    13. ) am 8ary. ) am Jreat Br%ta%n.

    A. to B. from C. at D. on

    14. are you go%ng to stay7 )n a hotel.

    A. h%ch B. here C. hen D. hat

    15. /omatoes+ lettuce and potatoes are

    A. fru%ts B. vegetables C. dr%nks D. flo$ers

    1. /here %s an %ntersect%on ahead. ou must .

    A. slo$ do$n B. go fast C. stop D. go ahead

    1!. /here %sn*t any $ater %n the bottle. ) am go%ng to take .

    A. many B. an C. any D. some

    1". A. hat %s the matter $%th you7 ; BI

    A. ) go by b%ke B. )*m heavy C. ) l%ke ch%cken D. )*m t%red

    1#. AI ould you l%ke a glass of lemon :u%ce7 ; BI

    A. ,o+ )*m not B. ,o+ ) don*t l%ke C. ,o+ thanks D. ,o. )t*s too hot.

    2&. /HF,A /$%n /o$ers %s the. bu%ld%ng %n the $orld.


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    A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

    21. 8a% needs chocolates.

    A. a bar of B. a packet of C. a bo> of D. a bottle of

    22. 9e h%s b%cycle at the moment.

    A. r%des B. %s r%d%ng C. r%de D. to r%de

    23. han>%pang %s the mounta%n %n 6%et nam.

    A. h%gh B. h%gher C. h%ghest D. the h%ghest

    24%s the $eather l%ke7

    A. 9o$ B. hat C. ho D. 9o$ much

    25.8y house %s as as 9oa*s house.

    A. smaller B. small C. b%ggest D. b%gger

    2.e $aste food and feed %t to p%gs.

    A. damage B. collect C. leave D. thro$

    2!.Ch% %sg%rl %n her class.

    A. more beaut%ful B. the most beaut%ful C. beaut%ful D. a most beaut%ful

    2".)*m go%ng the ,goc on /emple tomorro$

    A. see B. sees C. to see D.see%ng

    2#.hat you to do tomorro$7

    A. does G go B.%s G go%ng C.are G go%ng D. do G go

    3&. e shouldn*t our env%ronment.

    A. destroy%ng B. to destroy C. destroys D. destroy

    31. 9e often he the k%tes $hen he %sn*t busy7

    A. does G fl%es B. does G fly C. does G play D. does G play32. hy don*t $e to the mov%es7 = /hat*s a good %dea.

    A. go B. to go C. go%ng D. to go%ng

    33. ome people can speak many

    A. countr%es B. nat%onal%t%es C. languages D. speeches

    34. /here are four %n a yearI spr%ng+ summer+ fall and $%nter.

    A. act%v%t%es B. past%mes C. $eathers D. seasons

    35. Can ) help you7 = please. ) need a k%lo of beef.

    A. es B. orry C. Can D. ,o

    3. 8r /hanh %s a pol%ceman. 9e has a .:ob

    A. fast B. careful C. d%ff%cult D. bad

    3!. 9er s%ster has anface and long black

    A. round @ ha%rs B. long @ ha%rs C. oval @ha%r D. oval @ ha%rs

    3". hat are 7 ..are h%s shoulders

    A. those@/hese B. those@/hose C. th%s@/h%s D. those@/h%s

    3#. 9o$ many oranges+ 8om7 do'en+ please

    A. A half of B. 9alf a C. A half D. 9alf

    4&.ou eat too much meat. )t %sn*t good for your health.

    A. should B. shouldn*t C. not D. don*t $ant

    III. Spp& thO c!Oct "O< tOnO Q!m !Q thO "O

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    1. 8rs /hu ?do the house$ork every day. PQ .

    2. 8y brother ?l%sten . to mus%c no$. PQ .

    3. /hey ?v%s%t. Da -at th%s summer vacat%on. PQ .

    4. -ong %s th%rsty. 9e*d l%ke ?dr%nk.. some $ater. PQ ...

    5. ,o$ they ? play soccer. PQ .

    . 9e ? not go .f%sh%ng %n the $%nter. PQ .

    !. ou usually ? :og %n the morn%ng7 ; es+ ) do. PQ ...

    ". /h%s summer vacat%on+ my parents ? v%s%t..to 9ue. PQ .

    #. hat about ? go .to ,ha /rang7 PQ .

    1&. e mustn*t ?dr%ve fast on the street. PQ ..

    I7. Spp& thO c!Oct Q!m !Q thO P!3 $n t to my house. BAN

    5. he %s a . of ngl%sh. /AC9

    . ) brush my .. t$%ce a day. /FF/9

    !. -ong goes .. at the $eekend. A)-

    ". /he%r house %s on the floor of the room. E)6

    #. Bac J%ang %s than 9a ,o%. 8A--

    1&. Do you play v%deo games7 OOA-

    7. ZO23 thO p22gO c2OQ&& 2n3 thOn 2nPO thO Q!&&!P$ng dOt$!n.

    8y name %s etty and th%s %s my husband+ h%l. e both $ork %n off%ces %n -ondon. e have breakfast at half

    past seven. e don*t have a b%g breakfast. e usually have bread+ coffee and orange :u%ce.Eor lunch $e usually have a salad or soup and sand$%ch. /hat*s at about 1.3&.

    e usually have d%nner at half past seven %n the even%ng. )t %s a b%g meal of the day and $e have meat or f%sh

    $%th vegetables and potatoes or r%ce. e have orange :u%ce $%th the m%lk. Fn aturday even%ngs $e go to a restaurant

    for d%nner at about e%ght o*clock.

    1. ho %s etty*s husband7.................................................................................... .

    2. hat do they have for lunch7

    3. hat t%me do they usually have d%nner7.

    4. hat do they dr%nk for d%nner7..

    5. here do they have d%nner on aturday even%ngs7

    . )s d%nner a b%g meal for etty and her husband7.............................................................................................................

    7I. Ch!!O thO $t2

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    1. hat about eat%ng some r%ce7@@Q -et*s .................................................................................................

    2. 9er eyes are bro$n.@@Q he has .................................................................................................................................

    3. hat dr%nk do you l%ke7@@Q hat %s ...............................................................................................................................

    4. Fur school has 12 classrooms.@@Q /here are .................................................................................................................

    5. -et*s go to the park.K hat about 7

    . 9o$ about $atch%ng /elev%s%on7K hy don*t you .7

    !. . hy don*t $e go to the mov%es7 K hat .7

    ". hat*s the $eather l%ke %n the spr%ng7 K9o$ 7

    #. 9o$ about v%s%t%ng our fr%ends7 Khy..............................................................................................................................7

    1&. 9o$*s the $eather th%s morn%ng7 K hat ............................................................................................................7

    7III. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

    a/here are an books. PQ

    b /h%s are benches. PQ

    chat t%me %t %s7 PQ

    d he %s r%de her b%ke. PQ

    e /here aren*t some tall trees beh%nd my house. PQ

    f 8y father $atch%ng /6 at the moment. PQ

    g Ch% %s beaut%ful. 9er tooth are small and $h%tePQ

    h ) l%ke dr%nk apple :u%ce. )t*s my favor%te dr%nk. PQ

    % )*m very full. )*d l%ke a bo$l of noodles+ 8om. PQ

    : /here are four season %n a year %n 6%et ,am. PQ

    IF. a$tO thO OntOncO P$th thO cO P!3.

    1. )G go%ng to G v%s%t 9a -ong BayG summer vacat%on.PQ................................. 2. )tG coolG fall.PQ....................................................................

    3. here G youG from7PQ....................................................................

    4. 9o Ch% 8%nh C%ty G b%gG 9a ,o%.PQ.......................................

    5. 8e>%co C%ty G b%g c%tyG $orld.PQ...............................................................

    . /he ,%le H%verG long r%verG $orld.PQ........................................................................................................

    !. e G go%ng to G v%s%t G 9ue G ne>t $eek.PQ .

    ". 9oa G often G go f%sh%ng G on undays.PQ

    #. )t G hot G summer.PQ .

    1&. /here G be G a lot of G r%vers and mounta%ns G my country.PQ

    F. ZO22ngO thO Q!&&!P$ng P!3 t! m2kO 2 c!mp&OtO OntOncO

    1. )*d G am G so G l%ke G noodles G ) G hungry G some.PQ

    2. k%pp%ng G her G and G younger G l%ke G $%nter G 8a% G s%ster G %n.


    3. 6%etnamese G %s G 6%etnam G 9e G and G speak G 9e G from


    4. language G you G often G Erench G 7 G h%ch G do G speak G ngl%sh G or


    5. l%ke G $hat G the G %s G $eatherG %n G $%nter Gthe G 7



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    . often G eter G to G school G goes G I3& G at


    !. often G at G d%nner G ) G o*clock G have G seven. PQ.


    ". b%gger G 9o Ch% 8%nh C%ty G $h%ch G or G 9a ,o% G %s7 PQ.


    #. don*t G agoda G go G $hy G to G $e G 9uong7 PQ.


    1&. l%stens G usually G %n G to G free G -an G her G mus%c G t%me. PQ.


    ENGLISH TEST 0]I. X$&& $n O2ch g2p P$th 2 $t2t C. near to D. ne>t to

    5 A. %n front B. front of C. of front %n D. %n front of

    A. go B. go%ng C. goes D. %n goes

    ! A. there are B. they are C. there are D. those are

    " A. for B. of C. on D. $%th# A. me B. ) C. my D. )Lm

    1& A. a B. any C. many D. a lot

    II. X$&& $n O2ch g2p P$th YNE $t2

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    #. %snLt G $ater G much G bottle G there G the G %n G .


    1&. st%ll G more G hungry G need G some G ) G and G am G r%ce G ) G .


    I7. ZOP$tO OntOncO 2 3$OctO3 ! th2t thO mO2n$ng t2 thO 2mO.1. )s there a colorful p%cture %n your room79as .....................7

    2. 9o$ much %s a bo$l of noodles79o$ much does .......................................................................................

    3. -etLs go out for a $alk.hy ....................................................................7

    4. ) l%ke beef and vegetables best.Beef ..........................................................................

    5. /hat penc%l belongs to 9oa.9oa %s..................................................................

    . hat %s the age of th%s bu%ld%ng7. 9o$ ..................................................................... 7

    !. /he 8ekong r%ver %s longer than the Hed r%ver./he red r%ver ...................................

    ". ) spend t$o hours a day do%ng my home$ork.)t......................................................................

    #. ,o one %n my class %s as beaut%ful as 9oa.9oa..................................................................

    1&. 9o$ heavy %s that b%g bag7 9o$ much.............................................................

    7 Ch!!O thO P!3 th2t h2 thO n3O&$nO3 p2t p!n!ncO3 3$QQOOnt&31. a.lamp b.table c.fam%ly d.bag

    32. a.copy b.post c.body d.orange

    33. a.$eak b.head c.heavy d.breakfast

    34. a.bean b.please c.near d.read

    35. a.sk%p b.s$%m c.fr%ed d.m%lk

    7I. Ch!!O thO

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    1&.ton%ght7@ ,oth%ng.

    a.hat are you do%ng b.hat do you do

    c.hat are you go%ng to do d. Both a and b

    11.8y grandparents are old+ they don*t l%ke..because %t*s very cold.

    a.summer b.fall c.spr%ng d.$%nter

    12. 9e usually goes s$%mm%ng once..

    a.the $eek b.a $eek c.all $eeks d.%n the $eek

    13./he room of my parents %s small. 0/he room of my parents meansIa.my room*s parents b.my parents*s room

    c.my parents* room d.my room*parent

    14.9o$..oranges $ould you l%ke7@ %>+ please. And ..tea.

    a.muchGsome b.manyGany c.muchGany d.manyGsome

    15. Does 8ary l%ke .7@ es+ she goes :ogg%ng every morn%ng.

    a.:og b.to :og c.:ogs d.:ogg%ng

    1. /he ch%ldren are play%ng..the garden.

    a.%n b.on c.under d.at

    1!. /hey often eat.%ce@cream after d%nner.

    a.some b.any c.a d.an

    1".e go there by car and they gofoot.

    a.on b.by c.to d.$%th1#.9o$ much %s a bo$l of noodles7@..f%ve thousand f%ve hundred dong.

    a./hey are b.)t %s c.)t has d./here %s

    2&.9e %s.ngl%sh at a b%g school.

    a.teach b.teaches c.teacher d.teach%ng

    21.) $ant a ..of orange :u%ce.2&

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    a.can b.bo> c.tube d.bar

    22. )*d l%ke some meat+ please. 9o$ much7

    a.do you l%ke b.do you $ant c.you*d l%ke d.you need

    23. /hey are go%ng to stay .the%r grandparents %n the country.

    a.%n b.to c.at d.$%th

    24. )t*s a lovely day -et*s.to the beach.

    a.go b.to go c.go%ng d.$e go

    25.-%sten to your s%ster7

    a.ho %s go%ng to talk b.ho talks

    c.ho does talk d.ho %s talk%ng

    2. .go to the 'oo7@ /hat*s a good %deaa. hat do $e b. ould $e l%ke to c.hy don*t $e d.Are $e go%ng to

    2!./he $eather %stoday.

    a.blue b.n%ce c.green d.red

    2". are you go%ng to stay $%th7@ 8y s%ster and my brother.

    a.ho b.here c.9o$ d.9o$ long

    2#./here are four seasons a yearare they7

    a.%nGh%ch b.atGhat c.%nGhat d.onGh%ch

    3&.h%ch c%nema7

    a.do you $ant to go to b.do you $ant to go %t

    c.you $ant to go d.do you $ant to go

    7II Ch!!O thO P!3 ! thO ph2O th2t 2O n!t c!Oct31.) l%ke $atch%ng /6./here are a good f%lm on /6 ton%ght.

    A B C D

    32. hat %s he often do $hen %t*s hot7

    A B C D

    33.9o$ much rooms are there %n the ne$ house7

    A B C D

    34. )*m very th%rsty. ) l%ke some apple :u%ce.

    A B C D

    35. 9o$ many ch%lds does your s%ster have7

    A B C D


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    ENGLISH TEST 0^I X$n3 thO P!3 Ph$ch $ n!t thO 2mO P$th thO !thO $n 2 g!p.

    1. a.bed b.$%ndo$ c.table d.cha%r

    2. a.oranges b.apples c.bananas d.flo$ers

    3. a.day b.$eek c.month d.hol%day

    4. a.summer b.fall c.$%nter d.fly

    5. a.leg b.foot c.f%nger d.toe

    II ZO23 thO p22gO c2OQ&& thOn P$tO T Q! tO t2tOmOnt 2n3 X Q! Q2&O t2tOmOnt.

    8%nh and her fr%ends are go%ng to camp for four days %n AA.6u% %s go%ng to br%ng a tent and some food. -an %s

    go%ng to br%ng a ball to play volleyball. -y %s go%ng to br%ng her camera to take some photos. ,ga and 8a% are go%ng to

    br%ng some dr%nks. /hey take some orange :u%ce. /hey don*t take %ced tea because %t*s cold. /hey also take some food.

    /he%r favor%te food %s ch%cken+ lettuces and tomatoes. 6u%*s mother helped them to arrange food and dr%nk for the%r

    camp%ng./hey are go%ng to stay %n a small hotel./hey leave the%r house at o*clock.


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    St2tOmOnt TO X2&O.8%nh and her fr%ends are go%ng to camp for four days.

    !.-an %s go%ng to br%ng a basket to play volleyball.

    ".,ga and 8a% don*t take %ced tea because %t*s cool.

    #.6u%*s mother helped them to arrange food and dr%nk.

    1&./hey go to AA at o*clock.

    III ;6t c h?$ ch! phn

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    7I jJng t g$ ch! :n "$@t th,nh c h!,n chlnh.41. /heyG often G go G park.PQ

    42.hat G $eather G l%ke G spr%ng 7PQ

    43. hen G hot G ) G s$%mm%ng.PQ

    44. 8y father G v%s%t G 9a ,o% G th%s summer vacat%on.PQ

    45. 9o$ G much G a fr%ed r%ce7PQ

    4. 9o$G your father G go G $ork7PQ

    4!. hat t%me G you G go to bed7PQ4". )t G hot G 6%et ,am G Apr%l7PQ

    4#. hen G you G go out G your fr%ends7PQ

    5&. 9o$ often G you G r%de G b%ke7PQ

    7II ;$+n t th>ch hp ",! B t/ng h!,n th,nh !n "n 2R 8r.Bao %s?1teacher at a b%g school. 9e %s young+ tall and th%n. 9e %s not $eak. 9e %s?2

    . 9e ?3..morn%ng e>erc%ses everyday. 9e l%ves ?4.a small house %n 9a ,o%.

    /he school %sn*t near ?5.house+ so he travels to $ork?..bus and he often?!h%s house

    at ! o*clock. 9e $orks from 8onday to Er%day. Fn /hursdays and undays+ he?"free t%me.?#

    undays+ he gets up at " o*clock+ then he s%ts %n the k%tchen to have?1& After that+ he plays h%s favor%te

    sports. 9e goes to bed at ten c*clock.

    7III. Ch!!O !nO P!3 th2t h2 thO n3O&$nO3 p2t p!n!ncO3 3$QQOOnt& Q!m thO !thO

    1. A. %nv%tat%on B. %ntersect%on C. stat%on D. (uest%on

    2. A. l%ves B. m%sses C. languages D. $atches

    3. A. do$n B. bro$n C. to$n D. sho$

    4. A. bet$een B. beh%nd C. bakery D. geography24

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    5. A. thank B. th%n C. mother D. tooth

    . A. year B. repeat C. meat D. teacher

    IF. F. C$c&O thO erc%ses %n the summer7

    A. ) l%ke %t B. ) play soccer C. es+ ) do D. ) somet%mes do

    12. e are go%ng to have an ngl%sh e>am%nat%on Apr%l+ 21 st .

    A. on B. to C. at D. %n

    13. /here %s a lot of %n 6%et ,am. Fur country %s very green.

    A. sun B. sunny C. ra%ny D. ra%n14. 8y fr%end+ -%nh dr%nks cocacola and beer.

    A. don*t B. never C. doesn*t D. %sn*t

    15. %s your uncle go%ng to stay here7 @ about three days.

    A. 9o$ long @ Eor B. 9o$ far @ Eor C. 9o$ long @ At D. 9o$ long @ Erom

    1. do they go to $ork every morn%ng7 @ Fn foot.

    A. 9o$ B. 9o$ far C. 9o$ long D. 9o$ often

    1#. hy don*t $e go to the 'oo th%s unday morn%ng7

    A. ou are $ell B. Because ) don*t l%ke an%mals

    C. /hat*s a good %dea D. /hanks a lot

    2&. %s your father7 9e %s very $ell+ thank you.

    A. 9o$ B. 9o$ much C. 9o$ many D. 9o$ often

    21. hen %t %s hot+ $e often feel (u%te

    A. happy B. hungry C. $orr%ed D. th%rsty

    22. )n our country+ the $eather often (u%ckly.

    A. change B. changes C. %s chang%ng D. %s go%ng to change

    23. 8y Erench penpal+ fluently.

    A. speeches B. countr%es C. languages D. nat%onal%t%es

    24. hat your l%ttle s%ster %n the even%ng7

    A. do G do B. does G do C. do G does D. does G does

    25. ) $ant a good pa%r of shoes because ) al$ays goes %n the morn%ng.

    A. sa%l%ng B. s$%mm%ng C. :ogg%ng D. f%sh%ng


    C 1W Chn m5t t c phn gch chn pht m khc ! "#$ cc t c%n &$.

    1. A. c%tadel B. vacat%on C. dest%nat%on D. lemonade

    2. A. beach B. read C. bean D. ahead

    3. A. b%ke B. h%gh C. n%ne D. sand$%ch

    4. A.no$ B. ho$ C. do$n D. $%ndo$

    5. A.lead B. great C.seat D. eat

    . A.so B. go C. $hoD. p%ano

    !. A. door B. 'oo C. foot D. soon

    ". A. books B. penc%ls C. rulersD. bags

    #. A. does B. $atches C. f%n%shesD. brushes

    1&.A. son B. come C. homeD. mother

    C W Chn p n )ng nh*t ch! m-$ c 2.25

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    11. 8y s%ster . her home$ork every day.

    A. does B. %s C. are D. do

    12./here %s an %ntersect%on ahead. e. .

    A. must not slo$ do$n. B. must slo$ do$n.

    C. must go fast. D. cannot go stra%ght.

    13. Does 8rs. 6an .... one k%lo of sugar.

    A. need B. needs C. to need D. need%ng

    14. /here %s a ..beh%nd my classroom.

    A. b%g flo$er garden B. flo$er b%g garden C. garden b%g flo$er D. b%g garden flo$er

    15. 8e>%co C%ty %s .................. c%ty %n the $orld.A. b%ger B. b%g C. b%gger D. the b%ggest

    1.......................... trash over there.

    A. Don*t thro$ B. ,ot thro$ C. /hro$ D. Can*t thro$

    1!. ,am l%ves a market

    A. near B. on C. bet$een D. at

    1". Do you l%ke pop mus%c7

    A. ) $ould B. es+ a lot C. ,o+ ) l%ke %t D. es+ $e are

    1#. )*m play%ng table tenn%s. .......................you l%ke table tenn%s 7

    A. 9ave B .)s C. Are D. Do

    2&. /he students have got ..................... ne$s about the%r e>ams .

    A. many B. some C. a D. a fe$21 . /he boy looks a l%ttle th%n+ ................... he %s strong.

    A. and B. for C. or D. but

    22. 8ary and ................... $ould l%ke to :o%n the ngl%sh Club speak%ng.

    A. me B. my C. m%ne D. )

    23. 9o$...........apples are there 7

    A. much B. more C. may D. many

    24. /here aren*t......p%ctures on the $all.

    A. any B. some C. a D. an

    25. 9o$ much r%ce .......your mother...............7

    A. do @ need B. does @ needs C. do @ needs D. does @ need

    C M. Ch! 3ng )ng c42 5ng t t!ng ng!6cW2. the ch%ldren ?sk%p.......... %n the yard no$7

    2!. 8y best fr%end ?$r%te a letter to me every $eek.

    2". ) ?not+ l%ke..coffee very much

    2#. ...............9er father often ?$atch ne$s on telev%s%on every even%ng7

    3&. -ook /he ch%ldren ?$a%t for the bus over there.

    31. ,ga ?not v%s%t ..9ue ne>t $eek.

    32. ?beG there any m%lk %n the fr%dge7 ; es+ $e have some.

    33. -etLs ? do ................................. our $ork no$.

    34. hat about ?help........................... the street ch%ldren7.35. Can $e ?play ..soccer on the streets7

    C U. Ch! 3ng )ng c42 t $n mWM\. 9er father %s a................................ XZo3!. 9%s .are small and long. XYYT3". ,ear my house there %s a market. )t*s very NYISE3#. 9er ..are %n the yard. /hey are play%ng soccer. CHILj4&. /here are many.on the street. TZEE41. /here %s ar%ce paddy near my house. E[Tq42. )n the ..... + there %s a museum+ a factory and a stad%um. NEIGHYZ43. /he photocopy %s bet$een the .and the drugstore. rE

    44. 8%nh %s ..... ........................... at ngl%sh than ) am. GYYj45. ) go to v%s%t my grandparents .........................a month. YNE

    C '. o-$ c c osT &-$ 2$V gch chn ch- 2$ ", 82 &$W4. he l%ves %n 12 -e 9ong hong street. .......................................................


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    4!. hat does the $eather l%ke today7 .......................................................

    4". hat do Ba do $hen %t %s hot7 ............................. ........................

    4#. /here %s trees and flo$ers %n front of my yard.....................................................

    5&. ,ga goes to school s%> day a $eek. .....................................................

    51.9o$ much rooms are there %n the ne$ house7.......................................................52.)*m very th%rty. ) $ould l%ke some apple :u%ce..................................................53. /hey no get up at o*clock. ......................................................

    54. e go to the l%brary %n 8onday afternoon......................................................

    55. hat %s the h%gher mounta%n %n the $orld7......................................................

    C \W ;c !n "nV 2 t &$ c h?$ W8y name %s ,guyen 8%nh /rung. )*m a ne$ student %n class A. )*m from Da ,ang and my fam%ly

    st%ll l%ves there. )n 9o Ch% 8%nh C%ty+ ) l%ve $%th my grandparents at 21G3B ,guyen /ra% street. 8y ne$

    school %s not far from our house ; about one k%lometer+ so ) go to school by b%ke. /here are a lot of students

    %n my ne$ school. But ) don*t have any fr%ends. )*m unhappy. ) m%ss my parents+ my s%sters and my fr%ends

    %n Da nang.

    5. h%ch grade %s /rung %n7..............................................................................................................................

    5!. )s he a ne$ student7 .....................................................................................................................................

    5". here %s he from7 ........................................................................................................................................

    5#. 9o$ far %s %t from h%s house to school7 ........................................................................................................

    &. hatLs h%s address7 ....................................................................................................................................C ]. ;$+n t th>ch hp ",! ch- t/ngW

    ) have a very close fr%end. 9er name %s 8a%. he %s eleven years old and she %s %n ?1........................

    s%>. he?2........................ speak ngl%sh. he has ngl%sh ?3........................../uesday+ /hursday and

    Er%day. he can also ?4......................... the p%ano. )n her room+?5............................... %s a p%ano and some

    books. very day she gets up at s%>. he ?.............................. breakfast at s%> th%rty and goes to school at

    a ?!.............................. to seven. he has her ?"................................ from seven o*clock to eleven th%rty.

    /hen she?#............................... home and has lunch at t$elve o*clock. )t*s three o*clock %n the afternoon

    no$ and ,ga %s %n her room. he ?!&...........................do%ng her home$ork.

    C ^W ;6t c h?$ ch! t h!6c c9m t gch chn]1.he %s cook%ng meal %n the k%tchen.PQ].)*d l%ke some m%lk and vegetables.PQ]M. ,am %s do%ng h%s home$ork.PQ]U.,am never fl%es a k%te.PQ]'.e often go to school by b%cycles.PQ]\.9er eyes are bro$nPQ]].8y s%ster %s %n grade .PQ]^.8a% %s t%red and hungryPQ]_.8y brother $ants a glass of lemon :u%ce.PQ^0.-%nh has m%lk and eggs for her breakfast.PQ

    C _W H!,n th,nh c thf h2$ 2! ch! c c cJng nghA2 "#$ c K ch!."1. -et*s $alk to schoolPQ hy.....................................................................................................................7"2. 8y father usually dr%ves to $ork.u o Q2thO 2&& g!Ovvvvvvvvvv.vvvvvvvvvvv

    "3. /here are four people %n her fam%lyu HO Q2m$&vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.."4. /he g%rl %s beaut%ful.u he %s....................................................................................................."5. ,o house %n th%s street %s older than my house.PQ 8y house .......................................................................................

    ". /he bookstore %s to the r%ght of the museum PQ/he museum

    "!. e have ngl%sh class at !.15.Q Fur ngl%sh class..

    "". 9o$ much %s a k%lo of beef7PQH!P mch 3!Ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"#. hat t%me does she go to $ork7PQ hen

    #&. he l%kes noodles best.PQ 9er favor%te..

    C 10. jJng t g$ h!,n th,nh cI#1. Ruang G brother G $alk G mov%e theater G moment.

    PQ ...

    #2. Ba G usually G play volleyball G fall G but G somet%mes G sa%l%ng.

    PQ ...

    #3. 8rs. Baker G go%ng G buy G some apples G ch%ldren7


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    PQ ...

    #4.. eG l%keG hotG becauseG canG s$%m.

    u#5. hat G there G front G your house 7

    PQ#. /heyG often G go G park.PQ

    #!. hat G $eather G l%ke G spr%ng 7PQ

    #". hen G hot G ) G s$%mm%ng.PQ

    ##. 8y father G v%s%t G 9a ,o% G th%s summer vacat%on.PQ1&&. 9o$ G much G a fr%ed r%ce 7PQ

    ENGLISH TEST 10I. X$&& $n thO

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    the%r dog %n a small to$ns %n the south of ngland.

    /hey do not look l%ke each other. eter %s tall and dark and B%ll %s short and fa%r. /hey also

    l%ke d%fference th%ngs. eter l%kes sports but he %s not2.

    %nterested %n school. 9e hates 8athemat%cs and 9%story and he never remembers the

    numbers. B%ll l%kes to goes to school very much. 9e %s3.

    (u%te good at learn ngl%sh+ he reads and $r%tes a lot. B%ll can dra$ very $ell+ too. But he

    never plays sports.4.

    9e spends most of h%s t%me %ndoors read%ng or dra$%ng. 9e $ants to be a $r%ter or a art%st

    %n the future.5.

    7I. ZO23 thO p22gO 2n3 Q$&& thO $t2

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    4. /hereG peasG but G notG potatoes.


    5.heG l%ke Gdo'enG eggsG vegetables.



    I. o2kO dOt$!n Q! thO n3O&$nO3 P!3W1.he %s cook%ng meal %n the k%tchen.PQ.)*d l%ke some m%lk and vegetables.PQM. ) am do%ng my home$ork.PQU.,am never fl%es a k%te.PQ'.e often go to school by b%cycles.PQ\.9er eyes are bro$nPQ].8y s%ster %s %n grade .PQ^.8a% %s t%red and hungryPQ_.8y brother $ants a glass of lemon :u%ce.PQ10.-%nh has m%lk and eggs for her breakfast.PQII. ZOP$tO thO OntOncO P$th thO 2mO mO2n$ngW

    1.hat t%me does she go to $ork7PQ hen.he l%kes noodles.PQ 9er favor%te..M.hat %s the pr%ce of these apples7PQ 9o$ muchU./he car %s blue.PQ )t %s'.)t*s often hot %n the summer. PQ )t*s never III. [O thO P!3 g$"On t! m2kO thO mO2n$ngQ& OntOncOW\./heyG often G go G park.PQ].hat G $eather G l%ke G spr%ng 7PQ^.hen G hot G ) G s$%mm%ng.PQ_.8y father G v%s%t G 9a ,o% G th%s summer vacat%on.


    10.9o$ G much G a fr%ed r%ce7PQIV.Ch-n / 0ho1nh tr2n t3 c4 ph5n 67ch ch8n 9-c 0hc tron6 cc nh4m t3.1.. these . than" . those 5. there2. . pen#ils . rulers . boo"s 5. boards3. . #lassroom . s#hool . aternoon 5. boo"4. . #lass . ather . man 5. amily$. . %oes . nurses . wat#hes 5. bo!es. . home . #ome . open 5. #old. . opens . %ets . li"es 5. spea"s. . lun#h . wat#h . tea#her 5. ar#hite#t/. . #ity . amily . iteen 5. telephone10. . number . plum . put 5. but

    V. Ch-n / 0ho1nh tr2n ph5n tr; li c8u s1u.1./om and eter are classmates and 8ary %s ..fr%endA. h%s B. her C. the%r D. our

    2. hat*s h%s brother*s name7 ..,am.

    A. 9%s name B. 9e*s C. 9%s brother name*s D. he

    3. 9o$ many .are there %n the l%v%ng@room7 /here*s only one

    A. couchG couches B. couchesG couches C. couchesG couch D. couchG couch

    4. hat ..your parents ..after d%nner7

    A. do G do B. does G do C. do G does D. does G does

    5. Are you and -an students7 es+

    A. $e are B. they are C. you are D. ) am

    . 8y brother and .are at home.

    A. 8e B. my C. m%ne D. )!. are 9oa*s pens.

    A. /h%s B./hat C./hese D. /here

    ". . %s your baby s%ster7 he*s f%ne.

    A. 9o$ much B. 9o$ C. 9o$ old D. 9o$ many

    #. 9e .to school on undays.


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    A. not goes B. don*t go C. doesn*t go D. no goes

    1&. Are these couches7 ,o+ aren*t.

    A. they B. there C. these D. %t

    ENGLISH TEST 1I.Chn 1 t c phn gch chn c pht m khc ! "#$ cc t c%n &$.1. A hats B pens C cats D books

    2. A bus B museum C drug D lunch

    3. A heavy B leave C head D ready

    4. A fly B hungry C usually D early

    5. A brother B these C thank D that

    . A door B book C look D cook

    !. A read B teacher C near D eat

    ". A face B small C grade D late

    #. A t$%ce B s$%m C sk%p D p%cn%c

    1&. A arm B charm C farm D $armII. ?$+n 1 m! t 2V 2n h!6c thO ",! ch- t/ng cc c khBng cn g$$ t thD ngina. )*d l%ke ?1 do'en eggs+ pleased.

    b. 8ath %s my favor%te ?2 sub:ect.

    c. e l%ve %n ?3 apartment %n to$n.

    d. ) $ant to travel all over ?4 $orld.

    e. 9%s father somet%mes goes to ?5 $ork ? foot.

    f. Can ) have ?! apple7

    g. ?" eople don*t l%ke h%m because he %s self%sh.

    h. ,am %s ?# art%st. 9e has ?1& stud%o.

    III. 7$@t &$ c 2! ch! nghA2 khBng $11. 8y school has over 25 classrooms./here my school.

    12. 8%ss h%te*s face %s oval. )t %s small.

    8%ss h%te


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    teach them grammar. )n the even%ng+ she usually stay at home and l%stens books. he somet%mes goes to the

    mov%es theater. he al$ays go to bed at ten o*clock.

    7. TDm 1 t th>ch hp $+n ",! ch- t/ng

    ) have a very close fr%end. 9er name %s ,ga. he %s t$elve years old ?1 she %s %n grade

    s%>. he ?2 speak ngl%sh. he has ngl%sh ?3 /uesday and Er%day. he can also

    ?4 the p%ano. )n her room+ ?5 %s a p%ano and some books. veryday she gets up at

    s%>. he ? breakfast at .3& and goes to school at a ?! to seven. he has her ?"

    from seven o*clock to eleven th%rty. /hen she ?# home and has lunch at t$elve

    o*clock. )t*s three o*clock %n the afternoon no$. ,ga %s %n her room. he %s ?1& the p%ano.

    7I. Sp @p &$ cc t i s1iF 6ch ch8n / s1 l7i cho 9=n6 tron6 cc c8u s1u.1./here are t$o benchs %n my room.

    2.8r 9%en %sn*t l%ves %n a house %n the country.

    3.8y mother %s fourty years old.

    4. hat color are her eyes7 )t*s blue.

    5.Fur classroom %s on the three floor.

    . he often plays football %n hers free t%me.

    !. 9oa house %s %n the country.

    ". Fur school %s b%g. /hey have four floors.

    #. ) go to school every morn%ngs $%th my fr%ends.

    1&. /here %s a hosp%tal ne$ near our school.

    IH. Chuyn s1n6 sJ nhiKu cc c8u s1u.1. hat*s th%s 7 )t*s a bench...2. )s that her kn%fe7 ..

    3. /h%s $oman has a ch%ld. ..

    4. /he pol%ceman %s %n h%s room...

    5. Does he has a $h%te tooth7 .


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    H. ?Lt c8u hMi cho ph5n 67ch ch8n.1. ai is not very welltoday...................................................................................................................................62. he man in the #ar is our newtea#her............................................................................................................................63. here is a board on thewall...................................................................................................................................64. y sister lives on 7e 8ui 5on*treet.....................................................................................................................6$. 9o. *he is anurse..................................................................................................................................6. y brother %ets up at a :uarter tosi!............................................................................................................................6. ;er mother is atea#her..................................................................................................................................6. here is a lamp by the telephone..................................................................................................................................6#. ,am goes to school $%th h%s fr%ends.


    1&. /uan does h%s home$ork %n the even%ng.


    ENGLISH TEST 1MI. ) dn6 t3 6Oi P iBt th/nh c8u ho/n chnh.1. /hat G your teacher 7 ,o. /h%s G my G teacher.


    2./here G many books G bookshelf7


    3. 9o$ G your brother7 9e G one.


    4./h%s G not G my pen GG )t G her pen.


    5. hat G these 7 /hey G %nk@pot.


    . 8%nhG l%veG brotherG apartmentG c%ty..

    !. 8rs. -anG andG ch%ldrenG travelG -ondonG plane.


    ". %sterG haveG b%keG andG cycleG $orkG everyday.

    #. here G the dogs7 /hey G yard.

    1&. brother G home$ork G d%nner G even%ng7

    II. Dn6 t3 6Oi P 95u c8u iBt l7i cc c8u s1u s1o cho n6hS1 0hTn6 th1y 9Ui.1. 9o$ old are your parents7 hat7

    2. 9o$ many classroom are there %n your fam%ly79o$ many....7

    3. hat are these people7hat are ......7

    4. 8rs. Tuan has a son+ Duc. 8rs Tuan...

    5. 9%s fam%ly has four people./here are ..

    . 8r. and 8rs. 8%nh has a daughter+ -an.8r. and 8rs. 8%nh

    !. 8y mother goes to $ork at seven th%rty.8y mother goes to $ork

    ". 8a%*s books are ne$.8a%

    #. /he lamp %s %n front of the stereo./he stereo .

    III. ?-c 9o7n n s1u rUi 9iKn t3 thWch hOp /o ch> trJn6.) have a l%ttle s%ster. ?1.. name %s Da%sy. he ?2. to school s%> days a $eek. Fn ?3

    ..days she has lunch ?4. school+ but ?5 $eekend she has lunch at home.he often has bread and a glass of m%lk ?. breakfast. he l%kes m%lk very much. he dr%nks ? !

    .. for every meal. After d%nner+ she often l%stens to mus%c+ then she ?" her home$ork.

    omet%mes she $atches telev%s%on but she ?#l%ke to $atch %t very much. he goes to ?1&.. at

    eleven o*clock.

    IV.a$tO 2 h!t p22g2ph R2


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    ENGLISH TEST 1UI. Ch!!O thO P!3 Ph$ch $ p!n!ncO3 3$QQOOnt& Q!m thO !thO.1. A. clothes B. $atches C. benches D. classes

    2. A. read B. teacher C. eat D. ahead

    3. A. books B. pens C. rulers D. erasers

    4. A. k%te B. t$%ce C . s$%m D. past%mes

    5. A. full B. tube C. blue D. fru%t

    . A. th%n B. th%ck C. thanks D .$%th

    !. A. doors B. dogs C. floors D. maps

    ". A. hour B. happy C. h%gh D. hotel

    #. A . tenth B. math C. brother D. theater

    1&. A. %ntersect%on B. eraser C. bookstore D. h%story

    II. Ch!!O thO t to D.oppos%te

    3. eople often play sports at the .

    A .factory B. mov%e theater C. stad%um D.bakery

    4. hy do you l%ke flo$ers7 ; Because . beaut%ful.

    A. /hey*re B.)t*s C. /here*re D. e*re

    5. /he $eather %s %n the deserts.

    A. hot B.$arm C. cold D. foggy

    . 9erseason %s spr%ng.

    A. n%ce B. beaut%ful C. favour%te D. %nterest%ng!. e save the earth by not forests.

    A.make B. l%ft%ng C. cutt%ng D. br%ng%ng

    ". /here %sn*t %n the ne>t room.

    A. some one B. no one C. any one D.somebody

    #. /he football match at three o*clock.

    A. does B. g%ves C. $atches D. f%n%shes

    1&. Could ) have a of matches+ please7

    A. bar B. can C. bo> D.bottle

    11. 9o Ch% 8%nh c%ty %s c%ty %n 6%etnam.

    A. the b%gger B. b%ggest C. the b%ggest D.more b%g

    12. ) learn mus%c. I on 8ondays and Er%days.

    A. t$o t%mes a $eek B. once a$eek C.one a$eek D. t$%ce a $eek

    13. h%ch month %s 7 8ay or

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    15. hy don*t $e go camp%ng7 a good %dea.

    A. -et*s B./hat*s C. )t D. %th

    1. /here are f%ve . %n one hand.

    A. f%ngers B. arms C. toes D. feet

    1!. e.. stop $hen the l%ght %s red.

    A. can*t B. can C. mustn*t D. must

    1". hat %s your favour%te food7

    A. ) favour%te ch%cken B. 8y favour%te food ch%cken

    C. Ch%cken favour%te me D. ) l%ke ch%cken best.

    1#. -%nda her ha%r every day.

    A. $ashes B. $ash C. clean D.cleans2& .9o$ many m%nutes are there %n hour7

    A. a B. an C. the D. these

    21.hat are there %n th%s bo>7 .. of shoes.

    A. a couple B. a pa%r C. some D . afe$

    22. )t*s hot . our country .. the summer .

    A. %nG%n B. %nGon C. %nGat D. onG%n

    23. ) often help my mother .. her house$ork.

    A. of B. $%th C. for D .from

    24. 8y s%ster .. a ne$ language every year.

    A. study B. stud%es C. $orks D. prepares

    25. hen %t becomes hot+ people often feel ..

    A.hungry B. th%rsty C. happy D. full

    2. /he boy looks a l%ttle th%n +.. he*s strong.

    A. and B. for C. or D. but

    2!. 8ary and $ould l%ke to :o%n the ngl%sh peak%ng Clup.

    A. me B. my C. m%ne D. )

    2". lease read the d%alogue

    A. aloud B. loud C. loudly D. loud%ly

    2# . ) al$ays get up early. ) . get up late.

    A. usually B.often C. never D. somet%mes

    3&. Classes at !.15 every morn%ng.

    A. start B. starts C. %s start D. start%ng


    Ch!!O thO P!3 ! ph2O th2t 2O n!t c!Oct $n t2n323 Eng&$h.1.Ba often does h%s home$orks %n the even%ng.

    A B C D

    2. /hey aren*t go to bed at # o*clock.

    A B C D

    3. ) don*t have some apples but ) have some bananas.

    A B C D

    4. /hat*s my s%ster over there. he stands ne>t to the $%ndo$

    A B C D

    5. 9e*s $a%t%ng to the bus at the moment.

    A B C D

    . 8y father never have lunch at home.

    A B C D!. e need e%ght hundred gram of beef.

    A B C D

    ". /here %s a temple old near our school.

    A B C D

    #. 9o$ long are you go%ng to stay%ng %n 6%etnam735

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    A B C D

    1&. ould you l%ke any sugar7 ; es + please.

    A B C D

    I7.Ch!!O thO

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    15. )n 8ath+ /om %s .. than B%lly.

    A. good B. well C. !etter . !est

    1.he often goes to school

    A. with !i%e B. on !i%e C. !y plane . !y !us

    1!. ho %s + B%ll Jates or B%ll Cl%nton7

    A. rich B. richer C. richest . poor

    1". /he pol%ce stat%on %s to the bank.

    A. ne"t B. near C. !esides . opposite

    1#. /here %s .. m%lk %n the glass.

    A. many B. a lot C. any . some2&. he has .. ha%r.

    A. a !lac% long B. !lac% long C. long !lac% . long a !lac%

    III. Ch! 3ng )ng c42 t "$@t h!21. )s your brother an 7 AC/

    2. 8a%Ls s%ster %s a ... . ),J

    3. ) am 6%etnamese. hatLs your . ,A/)F,

    5. /hese ch%ldren l%ke ... $eather. O,

    . 9o$ are you today7 @ ) am . JFFD

    !. he doesnLt have many .. %n 9a ,o%. H-A/

    ". /here are n%neteen .. %n my school. C-A#. )n /anLs .+ there are many h%gh bu%ld%ngs. ,)J9BFH

    1&. tudents l%ke tak%ng part %n many ......... at recess. AC/)6)/

    I7. Ch$2 5ng t1. /here ... ?be many bookselves %n the l%brary.

    2. -an and 8a% ?play games at the moment.

    3. ..... ?she G dr%ve a car7 @ es+ she can.

    4. 9oa .... ?not go to shool on undays.

    5. ou shouldnLt .. ?get up late. . DonLt ?thro$ trash %n the street.

    !. hat .. ?she G have for breakfast everyday7

    ". . ?you G l%ve %n a to$n7

    #. 9o$ often .. ?you G $atch telev%s%on7

    1&. 9e %s not go%ng to read books. 9e . ?l%sten to mus%c.

    7. Fc nh ", 82 &-$ 2$1. ) am t$elve year old.

    A B C D

    2. 8y school have three floors and t$elve classrooms. .

    A B C D

    3. hat %s your classroom7 @ )t %s on the th%rd floor. .

    A B C D

    4. he often plays sports %n afternoon. .

    A B C D5. /here are many tree near her house. ..

    A B C D

    . e often reads books %n the l%brary. .

    A B C D

    !. hat does ,gan go to school every day7 ..

    A B C D

    ". 8y mother %s go%ng to the market $%th my. ..

    A B C D

    #. /here are some beef on the table. ..

    A B C D

    1&. 9e plays badm%nton f%ve t%me a $eek. A B C D

    7I. ;$+n m5t g$#$ t th>ch hp ",! m-$ ch- t/ng1. 9o$ .. eat%ng out ton%ght+ /om7 2. -an somet%mes goes to school foot.

    3. /he f%lm starts half past seven. 4. /hey are never late .. school.


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    5. he %s ngl%sh. he %s .... ngland.

    7III. Chn t th>ch hp nh*t $+n ",! ch- t/ng

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    2. ...

    e are go%ng to Dalat by plane th%s summer.

    3. ...

    /here %s some orange :u%ce to dr%nk after breakfast7


    eter and 8ary are both Canad%an .


    9er father %s an ach%tect.

    III. [$ng thO cO t! c!mp&OtO thO OntOncO.

    3. -anG -yG goG bookstoreG buyG booksG no$.

    4. )G not l%keG $%nterG becauseG %tG very cold....3. 8any plantsG an%malsG dangerG because G$e Gdestroy%ng Gthem.


    4.Ba G usually G play tenn%s G fallG butG somet%mesG sa%l%ng.


    5.8rs. ,gocG go%ngG buyG some toysG ch%ldren7

    I7. a$tO 2 p22g2ph 2

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    . $ant . don*t C. never j. al$ays12. /here are syllables %n the $ord 0supermarket.

    . t$o . three C. four j. f%ve13. Do you l%ve %n the country or %n the c%ty7 = .

    . es+ ) do . ) l%ve %n the c%ty C. ,o+ ) don*t j. ) l%ve on the c%ty14. hat $ould you l%ke d%nner7

    . for . to C. %n j. at15. hat*s the l%ke %n the summer7 = )t %s usually hot.

    . food . sea C. $eather j. ne%ghborhood

    1. 7 = e play badm%nton and s$%m.. hat sports do you and your brother l%ke7 . h%ch sports do you and your brother play7C. hen do you and your brother play sports7 j. hat are you and your brother do%ng7

    1!. 9o$ many do you $ant7 = A do'en.. noodles . cook%ng o%l C. carrot j. eggs

    1". Does 8rs. 6u% to buy any tomatoes7. $ant . $ant%ng C. $ants j. to $ant

    1#. are these pens and penc%ls7 = /hey are 25+ &&& dong.. 9o$ old . 9o$ C. 9o$ much j. 9o$ often

    2&. 7 = Black. And %t*s very long.. hat color are her l%ps . hat color %s her ha%rC. hat color are her teeth j. hat color are her ha%r

    VIII: Chi1 d7n6 9=n6 cY1 9n6 t3 tron6 n6oLc8y brother ?21 ; do h%s home$ork %n h%s room at present. 9e al$ays ?22 ; do

    %t %n the even%ng.

    hat ?23 ; be there ?24 ; dr%nk for d%nner7

    ,am usually ?25 ; not play sports+ but somet%mes+ he ?2 ; fly the k%tes.

    hat you ?2! ; do th%s summer hol%day7 = e ?2" ; v%s%t res%dent 9o Ch%

    8%nh*s 8ausoleum.

    -et*s ?2# ; help 8om+ -an. ou mustn*t ?3& ; eat food %n the classroom.

    IH: ?iKn 6iXi t3 thWch hOp /o ch> trJn6 nBu c5n. NBu 0hTn6 c5n th 9iKn) l%ve ?31 a small house ?32 the countrys%de.

    8y house %s ?33 a bookstore and a toystoreI the bookstore to the left and the toystore to the

    r%ght.8%ss 8a% $ants a k%lo ?34 meat and a do'en ?35 eggs.

    ,ga goes ?3 school ?3! foot every morn%ng and she goes ?3"

    home ?3# four th%rty %n the afternoon.

    ho do you usually play badm%nton ?4& 7

    H: Cho d7n6 9=n6 cY1 t3 in ho1 9 ho/n th/nh c8u.)*d l%ke some bread. -et*s go to the ?41 rE

    8y mother and my s%ster are ?42 . 8y mother ?43

    ngl%sh at a pr%mary school near my house. TECH/ha% B%nh has a lot of ?45 beaches asI Con 6anh+ D%em D%en+ etc E[Tqou must be ?4 $hen you cross the busy streets. CZE8y school l%brary %s on the ?4! floor. ) go there ?4" a $eek. TaY

    hy are you ?4# late for school7 [S[L/here are many ?5& %n the summer. CT

    HI: ?iKn Z1 [ 1n [ the [ some [ 1ny\ /o ch> trJn6 nBu c5n. NBu 0hTn6 c5n th9iKna ) am go%ng to ?51 supermarket. ) $ant to buy half ?52 k%lo of beef.

    b /here*s ?53 orange and ?54 apple p%e on the k%tchen table.

    c Are you hungry7 ould you l%ke ?55 bread7 = ,o+ thanks. )*m not hungry. ) don*t $ant ?5 bread.

    d ) l%ke learn%ng ngl%sh best. )t %s my ?5! favor%te sub:ect at school.

    e Are there ?5" trees %n front of your house7 = es. And there are ?5# flo$ers+too.

    f 8y s%ster usually goes to school at ?& (uarter to seven. he %s never late for school.

    ENGLISH TEST 1]I: "m / s1 l>i s1i tron6 m>i c8u s1u.1. 8y father doesn*t l%ke coffee. 9e doesn*t never dr%nk %t.


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    3. Ba gets up at o*clock and gets dress%ng.

    4. ould you l%ke some noodles7 = es+ ) $ouldn*t. )*m not hungry but )*m th%rsty. )*d l%ke a cold dr%nk.

    5. hat are you do%ng $hen %t*s cold7

    . here %s your classroom7 = )t*s on the n%neth floor.

    !. 9o$ do you say the $ord 0bus%nessman7 = B ; O ; ; ) ; , ; ; ; ; 8 ; A ; ,.

    ". After gett%ng up %n the morn%ng+ 9oa $ashes her face+ brushes her tooth and then has breakfast.

    #. 9o$ many home$ork does Ba have every day7 = 9e has a lot of home$ork.

    1&. 9o$ often does 8r. Ba go to 9a ,o%7 = eldom+ one a year.

    11. Are you and 9oa %n grade 7 = es. e are at class A.

    II: "m mt t3 thWch hOp 9iKn /o m>i ch> trJn6 tron6 9o7n n s1u) get up at s%> o*clock every day. ) brush my teeth+ $ash my face+ ?1 a sho$er and then have

    breakfast. 8y breakfast has bread+ cheese+ beefsteak ?2 some m%lk. After morn%ng classes+ ) have

    ?3 $%th noodles+ an apple and a glass of orange ?4 . )n the afternoon+ ) have more

    three classes. ) go home at f%ve o*clock after play%ng sports $%th my school fr%ends. ) l%ke ?5

    badm%nton very much. e also ? aerob%cs three t%mes a $eek. ) have d%nner ?!

    my fam%ly at half ?" s%>. /hen ) do my home$ork. omet%mes+ ) $atch telev%s%on or l%sten to mus%c

    or play v%deo ?# after f%n%sh%ng home$ork. ) usually go to bed at ten o*clock. ) never ?1&

    up too late at n%ght.

    III. Ch-n t3 c4 ph5n 67ch ch8n in n6hi]n6 pht 8m 0hc:

    1. board factory short floor

    2. $inter hospital business build%ng3. ahead breakfast gr eat heavy

    4. pr oduce pollute collect volleyball

    5. teacher s thanks pup%ls farmers

    . flow throw yellow plow

    !. look school book room

    ". clothes oranges $atches glasses

    #. hour house help home

    1&. f all cat plan scrap

    IV. Ch-n t3 hoLc cm t3 tron6 n6oLc thWch hOp Xi ch> trJn6 tron6 c8u:11. )*m go%ng to the no$. ) $ant to buy some bread?post office & drugstore & !a%ery & toys tore

    12. )t %s t$enty;f%ve past . ?fifty & a 'uarter & four ocloc% & eleven13. he doesn*t have fr%ends at school. ?a & some & many& much

    14. /here %s ra%n %n our country. ?a lot & many & a few & a lot of

    15. 8y s%ster and play volleyball. ?can swims & cans swim & can swim & swim

    1. 8e>%co C%ty has a populat%on 13. m%ll%on. ?of & on & in & to

    1!. 9e $ants an eng%neer. ?to !e & !eing & !e & is

    1". /hey $ould l%ke some m%lk d%nner. ?in & at & for & of

    1#. )t*s also cleaner and n%cer. ?more & much & many & most

    2&. a% 8an %s from . 9e speaks .

    ?ChineseChina & ChinaChinese & Chineses China & ChinasChinese

    21. the three books+ the green one %s m%ne. ?n & *n & *f & To

    22. /here are syllables %n the $ord 0supermarket. ?two & three & four & five

    23. = Do you l%ve %n the country or %n the c%ty7= ?+es, do & live in the city & o, dont & live on the city

    24. -ook that man. 9e %s look%ng 9oa+ but she %sn*t there. ?forat & atfor & atat & infor

    25. A glass of + please. ) never dr%nk alcohol. ?orange -uice & whis%y & larger & !eer

    2. ) hope the can repa%r our car (u%ckly. ?mechanic & reporter & architect & dentist

    2!. hat part of the country are you 7 ?to & !y & of & from

    2". 8%nh %s the student of the t$o boys ?!etter & !est & good & well

    2#. here %s -an7 ; he %s do$n the r%ver. ?in & ne"t & !y & on

    3&. he*s do%ng %n the garden+ :ust $alk%ng about. ?anything & nothing & everything & something

    V. ViBt d7n6 thWch hOp cY1 9n6 t3 tron6 n6oLc:

    31. -ook /he plane %s fly%ng to$ards the a%rport. )t ?&2n3.

    32. our father ?g! to $ork by b%ke every day733. 8y s%ster al$ays $ears n%ce clothes for $ork. /oday she ?PO2 a blue :acket and sh%rt.34. hat you ?3! th%s summer hol%day7 5. e shouldn*t ?th!P trash on the street.35. ?N!t 2k h%m to lend. 9e doesn*t have any money !. )t usually ?2$n a lot %n

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    3". )t*s a p%ty that she ?n!t n3Ot2n3 $hat ) am say%ng at the moment.

    VI. Ch-n 1^ 1n^ 1ny^ some thWch hOp Xi ch> trJn6 tron6 m>i c8u:

    3#. ) $ould l%ke do'en eggs. 2. /hey are plant%ng trees %n the garden.

    4&. /here aren*t p%ctures %n the album. 4. ould you l%ke coffee7

    41. /here %s orange %n the bo>. . Do you have brothers or s%sters7

    42. /here %s m%lk %n the bottle. ". 8rs. Bro$n doesn*t have ch%ldren

    VII. )@p Bp cc t3F cm t3 th/nh c8u c4 n6hS1:

    43. classroomG desks G %tG %sG 8a%*sG hasG onG floorG f%fthG theG t$entyGand.

    44. doesG yourG everyG $hatG s%sterG afternoonG play745. youG meG toG $%thG $ouldG l%keG shopp%ngG theG help7

    4. 8ekong H%verG startsG theG /%betG %nG flo$sG %ntoG theG B%en DongG and.

    4!. spr%ngG $eatherG theG %nG theG $armG %sG usually.

    4". youG go%ng toG $hatG doG summerG th%sG vacat%onG are7

    4#. l%keG )G $ouldn*tG becauseG breadG notG )*mG hungry.

    5&. 8r.G 8rs. /huG travelG $orkG busG toG andG byG every dayG

    VIII. "ron6 m>i c8u s1u c4 mt l>i s1i. "m / s1 l7i cho 9=n6:

    51. /he fall %s cool than the summer

    52. 9o$ many home$ork does Ba have every day7 9e has a lot of home$ork

    53. A lot of my fr%ends play tenn%s but not much of them play soccer

    54. 8y fr%end somet%mes go sa%l%ng %n the fall

    55. 9o$ many ch%lds are there %n the room7

    5. 9e brushes h%s teeth+ takes a sho$er and gets dress%ng.

    5!. e are pollute the land+ the r%vers and the oceans.

    5". -am %s a gymnast and she %s not $eek.

    IH. ViBt d7n6 9=n6 cY1 t3 in ho1 9 ho/n th/nh c8u:

    5#. 9as your s%ster got a 7 he looks t%red HEj&. /h%s %s my favor%te cha%r. )t*s so CYoXYZT1.,obody %n my class %s than /huy GYYj2. /h%s tree has a lot of green . LEX

    3. /here are many %n the summer. CT4. 8r. 8%nh %s al$ays . [SINESS5. 8y fr%end %s a great o[SIC. 9%s amb%t%on %s to be a one day. oILLIYN

    H. Dn6 t3 6Oi P iBt l7i c8u s1o cho n6hS1 cY1 c8u 0hTn6 9Ui so Xi c8u 9_ cho:

    !. hat %s the $%dth of the Jreat all7 9o$

    ". )t*s very cold. 9e can*t s$%m. )t*s too

    #. /uan %s the tallest boy %n my class. ,o body

    !&. Earmers need more land+ so they burn forests. Earmer burn forests

    !1. 8y s%ster cycles to the supermarket every day 8y s%ster goes

    !2. )s there a garden %n your school7 Does your 7!3. 8r. 8%nh has a son+ ,am 8r. 8%nh %s

    !4. /h%s house %s small. )t %s

    HI. D`1 /o t3 6Oi PF iBt c8u hMi / c8u tr; l

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    13. 9o$.............k%los of meat do you $ant7

    A .much B. many C. long D. often

    14. he $ants ...........an ngl%sh teacher.

    A .be%ng B. to be C. %s D. be


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    ENGLISH TEST 1_I. Ch!!O thO P!3 Ph$ch h2 thO n3O&$nO3 p2t p!n!ncO3 3$QQOOnt& Q!m thO !thO1. A. fall B.small C.$ash D. $ant2. A. blue B. tube C. full D. fru%t

    3. A. bread B. teacher C. eat D. read

    4. A. rulers B. pens C stamps D. tables

    5. A.benches B. d%shes. C. clothes D. classes .. A. stat%on B .nose C. eraser D. %ntersect%on

    !. A. ch%cken B. ch%ldren C. lunch D. school.

    ". A. they B. th%n C. $%th D. then

    #. A. money B. some C. brother D. mov%e

    1&. A. sk%p B. s$%m C. m%n%bus D. fr%edII. Ch!!O thO P!3 ! ph2O Ph$ch

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    @ 9e usually ?play .................. volleyball and ?$atch ................. /.6.

    !. @ hat ...you ? do ..at present7

    )?$r%te............. a letter to my grandparents %n 6%nh c%ty.

    ". 9e ?not +go......................... to school on undays. #. -ook Fur teacher ?arr%ve.................................here.

    1&. hat ?be ..there ?eat ............................for d%nner7

    11. hat ..your mother ?do .7 @ he ?be .. a teacher.

    12. e mustn*t ? go .stra%ght $hen the traff%c l%ght %s red.

    7. ZO23 thO tOt 2n3 ch!!O thO

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    At the $eekends+ ) go to a ?" %n the even%ngs. ou can?# vegetar%an meals %n a ?1&

    restaurants no$.

    1. A. a packet B. a cup C. a can D. a bar

    2. A. any B. some C. anyth%ng D. someth%ng

    3. A. peas B. r%ce C. chocolates D. m%lk

    4. A. at B. on C. %n D. of

    5. A. breakfast B. lunch C. d%nner D. supper

    . A. meat B. r%ce C. vegetables D. noodles!. A. $ater B. soda C. :u%ce D. lemonade

    ". A. store B. restaurant C. shop D. apartment

    #. A. get B. gett%ng C. to get D. gets

    1&. A. many B. much C. do'en D. lot of

    F. ZO23 thO p22gO 2n3 2nPO thO dOt$!n./here are four seasons %n a year./hey are spr%ng+ summer+ fall and $%nter. )n the spr%ng+ the $eather %s usually

    $arm. omet%mes %t %s cold but not very cold./here are many flo$ers %n the spr%ng. )n the summer + the day %s long

    and the n%ght %s short. eople often go s$%mm%ng %n th%s season. /he fall %s the season of fru%ts. )n the $%nter+ %t*s

    usually very cold /he day %s short and the n%ght %s long.

    nPOW1. 9o$ many seasons are there %n a year7...............................................................................2. hat are they7......................................................................................

    3. )s %t usually $arm %n the spr%ng7...............................................................................

    4. hat are there %n the spr%ng7....................................................................................

    5. hat do people often do %n the summer7..........................................................................

    . )s the day long or short %n the summer7............................................................................

    FI.ZO23 thO p22gO 2n3 chOck TX.)t*s s%> o*clock %n the even%ng. 8any people are at home. /hey are hav%ng d%nner. /hey are $atch%ng /.6. /hey

    are l%sten%ng to mus%c. But 8rs -an %s go%ng to $ork. he*s a doctor and she $orks at n%ght %n the hosp%tal. /oday

    she*s late. /he hosp%tal %s not %n her ne%ghborhood so she usually goes by car. 8rs -an %s %n her car no$. he*s dr%v%ng

    fast. he should slo$ do$n but she must be at $ork by s%> th%rty. A pol%ceman stops her. 0ou are dr%v%ng too fast he

    says. Mou are go%ng to have an acc%dentM. )t*s s%> th%rty. 8rs -an %s not at the hosp%tal. he*s at the pol%ce stat%on. 9ercar must stay there for fourteen days.

    1. 8any people are not $ork%ng.

    2. 8rs -an comes home every even%ng at s%>.

    3. 8rs -an %s a nurse.

    4. /he hosp%tal %s near her house.

    5. 8rs -an goes to $ork by motorb%ke.

    . he %s late for $ork.

    2. A. bed B. door C. play D. student3. A. chorus B. school C. ar ch%tect D. cha%r

    4. A. th%ck B. thank C. though D. th%nk

    5. A. epect B. epand C. eam D. eerc%se

    . A. bought B. daughter C. cough D. s%ght

    !. A. ure B. oup C. eason D. mall

    ". A. s$%tch B. stomach C. match D. catch

    #. A. bt B. bry C. nt D. y!ng

    1&. A. stud B. read C. cop D. occup

    ,$ II. Chn p n th>ch hp nh*t t!ng ng!6c h!,n th,nh c11. %s your favor%te place7

    A. hat B. hen C. here D. 9o$


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    12. /here are acc%dents on the roads no$adays.

    A. many B. much C. a lot D. a l%ttle

    13. /h%s %s a secret. ou......... anyone

    A. mustn*t be B. mustn*t tell C. mustn*t say D. speak

    14. /he roard s%gns are very ........... /hey tell us $hat $e must do.

    A. useful B. dangerous C. easy D. d%ff%cult

    15. /hro$ the papers %n the $aste......... ) don*t need them anymore

    A. bag B. bo> C. basket D. &

    1. -et*s play a ........ no$.

    A. gu%tar B. games C. sports D. game1!. /here ............ of stars %n the sky.

    A. %s m%ll%on B. are m%ll%on C. are m%ll%ons D. has m%ll%ons

    1". 8y g%rlfr%end %s a ..........

    A. gymnast%c B. gymnas%um C. gymnasts D. gymnast

    1#. 8y son %s really afra%d ......... dogs.

    A. for B. of C. $%th D. at

    2&. /hey $ant ........ to many d%fferent places %n the country

    A. travel B. travel%ng C. to travel D. traveled

    ,$ III. Ch! 3ng )ng c42 5ng t t!ng ng!6c h!,n th,nh !n "n 2

    ) am a student at /ran hu school. ) ?21@ be %n grade no$. But after vacat%on th%s summer ) ?22@ be %n

    grade !. veryday ) ?23@ go to school and ?24@ do the home$ork but today %t*s aturday. /omorro$+ ) ?25@

    not go to school so ) ?2@ not do my home$ork no$. ) ?2!@ $atch telev%s%on. 8y father ?2"@ say 0e

    ?2#@ v%s%t our grandfather tomorro$. ) ?3&@ love my grandfather a lot and he ?31@ do. /omorro$ $e ?32@

    have lunch $%th our grandfather.

    ,$ I7. S8 39ng t g$ t!ng ng!6c "$@t &$ nhxng c 2 2! ch! nghA2 c42 c khBng $

    33. 8rs /hu $ould l%ke s%> oranges RjYzEN

    34. he needs half a k%lo of beef. RGZoS35. 9o$ much does an %ce@cream cost7 RIS

    3. ,o sudent %n the class %s taller than

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    A B C D

    5&. ) th%nk no c%ty %n the $orld are more beaut%ful than ar%s.

    A B C D

    51. hat %s your s%ster do $hen %t %s cold7

    A B C D

    52. 9o$ long are you go to stay $%th your aunt and uncle7

    A B C D

    ,$ 7I. jJng t g$ "$@t th,nh c h!,n chlnh c nghA2

    53. 8y son G neverG dent%stG so G h%sG teethG bad

    54./heyG v%s%tG en /u ogodaG $ay to 9a ,o%G ne>t $eek.

    55. )G do Ghome$orkG momentG soG can notG goG you.

    5. %co. @Q

    !&. ,o. he doesnLt have -%terature on 8onday. @Q.

    !1. 8y father goes :ogg%ng three t%mes a $eek. @Q...

    !2. 8y brother %s 1!& cm tall. @Q

    /i VIII. ?-c 0a 9o7n n s1u b ch-n mt 9p n 9=n6 tron6 sJ AF F C hoLcD

    ) l%ve %n a house near the sea. )t %s ...?!3... old house+ about 1&& years old and...?!4... very small.

    /here are t$o bed rooms upsta%rs...?!5... no bathroom. /he bathroom %s do$nsta%rs ...?!... the k%tchen and


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    there %s a l%v%ng room $here there %s a lovely old f%re place. /here %s a garden...?!!... the house. /he

    garden...?!"... do$n to the beach and %n spr%ng and summer...?!#... flo$ers every $here. ) l%ke alone...

    ?"&... my dog+ Hack+ but $e have a lot of v%s%tors. 8y c%ty fr%ends often stay $%th ...?"1...

    ) love my house for... ?"2... reasons the garden+ the flo$ers %n summer+ the fee %n $%nter+ but the best

    th%ng %s the v%e$ from my bedroom $%ndo$.

    !3. A. a B. an C. the D. any

    !4. A. %tLs B. %t C. thereLs D. theyLre

    !5. A. and B. or C. but D. too

    !. A. bet$een B. ne>t C. near to D. ne>t to!!. A. %n front B. front of C. of front %n D. %n front of

    !". A. go B. go%ng C. goes D. %n goes

    !#. A. there are B. they are C. there are D. those are

    "&. A. for B. of C. on D. $%th

    "1 A. me B. ) C. my D. )Lm

    "2. A. a B. any C. many D. a lot

    |I IF. a$tO 2 h!t p22g2ph R2

    2. age I 35

    3. tall and th%n V not $eak4. ha%r I short V black

    5. face I round

    . eyes I black

    !. nose I b%g

    ". l%ps I full#. handsome

    1&. ........

    ENGLISH TEST 1I. X$n$h O2ch !Q thO Q!&&!P$ng OntOncO $n ch 2 P2 th2t $t h2 thO $m$&2 mO2n$ng t! thO Q$t.

    1. /h%s school %s b%g and modern. @Q )t

    2. he goes to school on foot.@Q he..

    3. /here are four rooms %n my house.@Q 8y house ..

    4. ) go to school at s%> th%rty @Q ) go to school .

    5. he l%kes noodles.@Q 9er favor%te .. /he mov%e theater %s %n front of the hotel.@Q /he hotel .

    a$tO 2 p22g2ph 2

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    1. 8y mother %s a....................................................of ngl%sh. ?/AC9

    2. Fur .....................................................are %n the bookstore. ?C9)-D

    3. )n the ................................there %s a museum+ a factory+ and a stad%um ?,)J9BFH

    4. /here %s a .........................................r%ce paddy near my house ?BAO/

    5. 9%s ......................................................are small and long. ?EFF/

    . 8a%*s s%ster %s a.. ?),J

    !. /here are four................................... %n my house. ?BFFN9-E

    ". e must be ...........................................