303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 146 · 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 146 7 May 1944 Target:...

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Transcript of 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 146 · 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 146 7 May 1944 Target:...

Mission 146 - 1

303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 1467 May 1944

Target: Friedrichstrasse Railway Sta., Berlin, Germany (PFF)Crews Dispatched: 36 plus 1 spare

Length of Mission: 8 hours, 30 minutes

Bomb Load: 3 x 1000 lb M-44 G.P. & 5 x 500 lb M-17 Incendiary

Bombing Altitudes: Group A 25,900 ft; Group B 25,000 ft

Ammo Fired: 1,840 rounds

Atotal of 610 B-17s and 12 Combat Wings were dispatched against Berlin. 514attacked the primary, dropping 800 tons of 1,000-lb. M-44 General Purpose and443.5 tons of M-17 Incendiary clusters by PFF methods with unobserved results.

On the first mission to Berlin 330 B-17s were dispatched. Of these, 283 attackedthe primary target dropping 425 tons G.P. and 273 I.B. with unobserved results. In addition,25 aircraft dropped 37 tons G.P. and 30.5 tons I.B. on Prenzlau and 6 bombers dropped9.5 tons G.P. and 5.5 tons I.B. on unidentified opportunity targets. Ten enemy aircraft wereencountered on this mission north of Osnabruck. These made one attack, but no bomberswere lost as a result. Flak on the mission was moderate to intense and accurate in thetarget area. A total of six B-17s were lost; three to flak and three to unknown reasons. Inaddition, 175 bombers suffered minor battle damage and 14 major damage. The P-47s,30 P-38s and 156 P-51s, which provided escort to the bombers, reported an uneventfulmission and made no claims. One P-47 was lost and one P-38 ditched in the Channel, thepilot being rescued.

Six Combat Wings totaling 280 B-17s were dispatched on the second missionagainst Berlin. 231 B-17s attacked the primary target dropping 375 tons of G.P. and 170.5tons of I.B. In addition, eight B-17s dropped 7.5 tons of G.P. and 8.5 tons I.B. onunidentified opportunity targets. Nine enemy aircraft were encountered in the area, butmade no attacks. Intense, rather inaccurate, flak was experienced over Berlin. One bomberwas lost to flak and one to unknown causes. An additional B-17 crashed in England as thebombers assembled. 72 aircraft suffered minor battle damage and ten had major damage.The 128 P-47s, 74 P-38s and 120 P-51s furnishing escort reported an uneventful mission.One P-38 and one P-47 were missing.

Thirty-six 303rd BG(H) aircraft were dispatched to bomb the railroad station inBerlin. One aircraft returned early, #42-31483 Bonnie B, 359BS-P (Lt. Moser), due to alack of oxygen. They took off again in a spare B-17, but were unable to catch theformation.

Thirty-five B-17s dropped a total of 105 1,000-lb. M44 and 175 500-lb. M17incendiary bombs from 25,900 and 25,000 feet. Bombing was done on markers droppedby the PFF aircraft through 10/10 undercast and results were unobserved.

No enemy aircraft were seen. Flak was moderate to intense and accurate at thetarget. Flak was also encountered at twelve other locations along the route. All Group

Mission 146 - 2

#42-97254 Iza Vailable Too coming in with #4

engine on fire. Pencil sketch by Don Doheny.

Crew Chief Robert Heiliger (back to camera) and ground crewmen inspectingthe fire damage to Iza Vailable Too.

aircraft returned safely with no casualties. Twenty-four aircraft sustained flak damage andone was damaged by friendly fire. Eight of these were major damage and seventeen wereminor.

"It was completely uneventful except for flak over the city," Maj. Cole reported. "Wedidn't see one enemy aircraft and had no opposition when we dropped our bombs."Gunners said they might as well have stayed in bed.

1Lt. Donald M. Johnston, flying#42-97254, Iza Vailable Too, 360BS,landed at Molesworth with its #2 engine onfire. Flak had damaged the fuel line andthe engine caught on fire when the fuelbooster pump was turned on. The B-17was salvaged after landing. Lt. Johnstonlater wrote, “At about 300 feet over therunway, the #4 engine became a ball offire. Bob, my co-pilot, and I feathered #4hoping to reduce fuel supply, with no helpcontrolling the fire. As I cleared therunway, onto the grass side, my mainconcern was injuring any of our crew as

they cleared our burning aircraft. As the crew cut venting holes over our wing tanks andhosed #4 engine on the right. Alone I departed through the cockpit side window to the leftwing. The Ground Crew located metal pieces that damaged our fuel line, and Iza VailableToo became spare parts.”

Mission 146 - 3

OF COURSE — IT IS BERLIN AGAINEd Miller’s Memories and Recollections

This was my twenty-second mission, and of course, it was to Berlin again.The target was that elusive Friedrichstrasse Railway Station in the center of Berlin.Our bombing was by PFF radar and the results were unobserved.

There were two separate missions flown by the 8th Air Force today, bothtargeting Berlin. There was a lot of battle damage to the aircraft due to intense andaccurate flak. We carried a combination of three 1,000 lb general purpose bombsand five M17 Incendiary clusters.

Major Shayler was nice enough to put me on Tommy’s right wing in thenumber six position. Somehow, I think that Tommy wanted me close to him so hecould look after me. And I didn’t object as he was as good a pilot as I ever flewwith in my entire Air Force career.

My crew consisted of Lt John Francis as my co-pilot and the rest of hiscrew. His pilot, Lt Max Christian had come down with a case of tonsilitis while atGander, New Foundland, and remained behind. So, when the crew arrived atMolesworth they were without a pilot. So I filled in for three or four missions whileChristian was getting back to full health.

Lt. Nyle Cotner was the Navigator; Lt Rufe Parrilla was the Bombardier; SgtWilliam Kuczewski was the Flight Engineer; S/Sgt Arthur Tibbetts was the RadioOperator; Sgt Ernest Lobenherz and Sgt Hans Howald were my Waist Gunners.S/Sgt Jack Britt was my Ball Turret Operator (and was trying to get on my betterside for causing the abort on 29 April) and Sgt Kenneth Elmore was my TailGunner.

The mission turned out to be somewhat uneventful as we didn’t see anyfighters today. The flak over Berlin was another story. We put up 36 aircraft in twogroups and 24 of them came back with flak damage, eight of them being of the“major” category.

Mission 146 - 4

Route Map

Mission 146 - 5

Nose Art B-17G #42-107147 Sweet Melody (360BS) PU-C

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group A

Shayler-BordelonPFF - 592

Spindler Williams 590 147


O'Beirne Miller 187 432

Sullivan Long 096 841O'Hare Knutson Earhart Erickson 423 411 196 340 Estes Shope 885 060Oranges G. Savage Melton Johnston 569 099 027 254


CREW POSITIONSCMP - Command PilotP - PilotCP - Co-PilotNAV - NavigatorANV - Ass't. NavigatorMNV - Mickey NavigatorENG - EngineerBOM - BombardierRO - Radio Operator

TOG - TogglierBT - Ball Turret OperatorTT - Top Turret OperatorTG - Tail GunnerNG - Nose GunnerRG - Radio GunnerWG - Waist GunnerLWG - Left Waist GunnerRWG - Right Waist GunnerGUN - Gunner

VI - Voice InterpreterOBS - ObserverPAS - PassengerPHO - Photographer

RESULTS OF MISSIONKIA - Killed in actionWIA - Wounded in actionMIA - Missing in actionPOW - Prisoner of war

DOW - Died of woundsEVD - Evaded the enemyINT - Interned in neu cntryREP - RepatriatedRES - RescuedESC - EscapedBO - Bailed outDCH - DitchedCR-L - Crashed on landCR-S - Crashed at sea

Mission 146 - 6

Scorchy II #42-97058 (359BS) BN-V41st CBW Low (359BS) - Pilot Maj R.H. Cole / CoPilot 1Lt T.J. Quinn

(Back L-R) 2Lt V.T. Gorecki (TG-O), 2Lt W.L. Hoover (B), Maj R.H. Cole (P), 1Lt T.J. Quinn (CP),1Lt G.R. Schoner (N) - (Front L-R) S/Sgt W.A. Strobel (WG), S/Sgt W. Chraniuk (BT),

S/Sgt F.Z. Cueto (WG), T/Sgt D. Bumgarner (E), T/Sgt C.W.Greenhalgh (R)

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group B


Meier Halpin 386 496


Tulloss Marsh 405 050

Moreau Young 583 484Maxey Cook Harrison 002 398 830 Hall Ferguson 787 453Ames Howell Hanselman J. Savage 028 006 272 284 Knight 622

Mission 146 - 7

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-107002 Mairzy Doats

P Maxey, Frank, 2LtCP Lojewski, Telesphor, 2LtNAV Shamban, Marcus F., 2LtBOM Spatt, Arnold I., 2LtENG Gonsalves, John D., S/SgtLWG Johnston, Wendell B., SgtRO Rabun, Clifford G., SgtBT Swain, Norman F., PvtTG Angelo, George L., S/SgtRWG Hodgins, Robert A., Sgt

B-17G #42-102453 Princess Pat

P Ferguson, Wendell Z., 1LtCP Moody, James D., 2LtNAV Brown, James F., 2LtBOM Schmid, Ralph D., 2LtENG Matthews, David R., SgtLWG Smithson, Clyde E., S/SgtRO Phillips, Robert B., S/SgtRWG Rogers, Thomas J., SgtTG Brooks, Richard S., SgtBT Rhodes, Kenneth G., Sgt

B-17G #42-97787 (No Name)

P Hall, Charles M., 2LtCP Johnson, Harlan J., 2LtNAV Hamilton, Bruce B., 2LtBOM Oyler, William B., F/OENG Braun, Duane M., S/SgtRWG Stidham, Robert L., SgtRO Berrier, Edwin H., S/SgtTG Buddingh, Frederick, SgtBT George, William R., SgtLWG Ciglar, Joseph, Sgt

B-17G #42-107028 (No Name)

P Ames, Walter J., Jr., 2LtCP Way, Henry G., 2LtNAV Sigurdson, Elden A., 2LtBOM Bell, Julian P., 2LtENG Lynam, Stanley A., S/SgtTT Paolino, Vincent C., SgtRO May, James G., S/SgtBT LaFleur, Paul L., SgtTG Parks, Robert E., SgtRWG Manning, Robert L., Sgt

B-17F #42-3398 Mrs Satan/Queen of Hell

P Cook, John H., 2LtCP Benham, Philip O., 2LtNAV Hamm, Williard A., 2LtBOM McCamy, James A., 2LtENG Van Drunen, Cornellius, S/SgtRWG Garcia, Robert L., SgtRO Downs, Reginald, S/SgtBT Hill, Reginald L., SgtTG Dellinger, Lenoir E., SgtLWG Bonenberger, Robert E., Sgt

B-17G #42-31583 Clover Leaf

P Moreau, Joseph A., 2LtCP Hudson, Hendric S., 2LtNAV Binder, Carroll, Jr., 2LtBOM Larson, Albert W., 2LtENG Rossman, Carl H., SgtRWG Tate, Royce G., SgtRO Lowe, Gareth W., SgtLWG Tomasini, Michael, SgtTG Fox, Howard E., SgtBT Ross, Ben A., Sgt

Mission 146 - 8

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #44-6006 (No Name)

P Howell, Ernest F., 2LtCP Miller, Campbell, 2LtNAV Williams, Grover C., 2LtBOM Campbell, William D., 2LtENG West, Jerome H., SgtRWG Stafford, Sheldon A., SgtRO Lesser, Edward R., SgtLWG Stone, Robert L., Jr., SgtTG MacFarland, Kendall H., S/SgtBT Ruppel, Edward, S/Sgt

B-17G #42-97622 Paper Dollie

P Knight, R.A., 2LtCP Watson, John P., 2LtNAV Coe, Charles F., 2LtBOM Borg, John E., 2LtENG Kapes, Paul J., S/SgtTT Hollifield, Robert G., SgtRO White, John H., S/SgtRG Goldfarb, Wallace, SgtTG Cummings, James E., SgtLWG Byerly, William C., Sgt

PFF B-17G #42-97592 305BG

P Bordelon, Berton A., 1LtCP Shayler, Walter K., MajNAV Cromwell, Frederick P., 1LtNAV Davis, Darius R., CaptRO Flanagan, D.C., 2LtBOM Barker, Havelock W., 1LtENG Barker, Forest, T/SgtRO Fontana, Joseph, T/SgtRWG Adams, Donald K., S/SgtLWG Patterson, Harry L., S/SgtTG Coons, Charles L., 1Lt

Mission 146 - 9

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-97272 Duchess' Daughter

P Hanselman, Charles F., 1LtCP Daum, Maurice C., 2LtNAV Rawlings, Loren F., 2LtBOM Yelsky, Fred B., 2LtENG Fouss, Howard E., T/SgtLWG Jaouen, Robert F., T/SgtRO Zitzler, George A., T/SgtRWG Armstrong, Keith N., S/SgtBT Williams, Walter S., S/SgtTG Tybuszewski, Mitchel J., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31386 Sky Duster

P Meier, Russell W., 2LtCP Reed, John W., 2LtNAV Prince, Alan M., 2LtBOM Schreidell, Matthew, 1LtENG Danford, Emmett J., S/SgtRO Connors, Joseph Q., S/SgtRWG Henson, Archie H., SgtLWG Colley, Smith K., SgtBT Richard, Vernon, SgtTG Butler, Ashley A., Sgt

B-17G #42-31830 Marie

P Harrison, Weldon O., 1LtCP Moyer, William G., 2LtNAV Bates, Robert L., 2LtTOG Kolling, Arthur J., S/SgtUT Ela, Lyman E., SgtRO Hanson, Robert W., SgtBT Salmon, Earl D., SgtTG Miller, Theodore G., SgtLWG Arendt, John L., SgtRWG Neathery, Ralph N., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31405 Wallaroo MK II

P Tulloss, John W., 2LtCP Johnson, Richard O., 2LtNAV Counts, George H., F/OBOM Hollingsworth, William, 2LtENG Robinson, Charles R., T/SgtRO Milton, Charles, S/SgtBT Hart, Edgar B., S/SgtTG O'Connor, Julian J., SgtLWG Kolenda, Frank M., SgtRWG Richard, John, Sgt

B-17G #42-38050 Thunderbird

P Marsh, Richard K., 2LtCP Batton, James H., 2LtBOM Beys, George J., 2LtTOG Moening, Herman G., SgtENG Davis, Eugene B., S/SgtRO Minks, George A., S/SgtBT Davies, John W., S/SgtTG Moessner, Raymond J., S/SgtRWG Rogers, Warren G., SgtLWG Dean, Raymond N., Sgt

B-17G #42-97058 Scorchy II

P Cole, Richard H., MajCP Quinn, Thomas J., 1LtNAV Schoner, George R., 1LtBOM Hoover, William L., 1LtENG Bumgarner, Donald, T/SgtRO Greenhalgh, Chester, T/SgtBT Chraniuk, William, S/SgtTG Gorecki, Victor T., 2LtLWG Cueto, Frank Z., S/SgtRWG Strobel, Walter A., S/Sgt

Mission 146 - 10

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #42-97284 Ain't Misbehavin

P Savage, John N., 1LtCP Roth, Ernest L., 2LtNAV Forve, Frank F., 2LtBOM Grove, Terril M., 1LtENG Merrow, Robert K., SgtRO Montgomery, Robert E., S/SgtBT Gilcrease, Roland L., S/SgtRWG Doezema, Albert, S/SgtTG Savela, Wilho A., SgtLWG Quinn, Charles E., Sgt

B-17G #42-102496 Special Delivery

P Halpin, Robert H., 1LtCP Thompson, Lawrence C., CaptNAV Young, Warren I., F/OBOM Champ, William J., 2LtENG Hammons, Charles G., S/SgtRO Hamann, Delos, H., S/SgtBT Jaehne, Charles R., S/SgtTG McKenna, Robert I., S/SgtLWG Lamley, Jack A., SgtRWG Christensen, Lars, Sgt

B-17G #42-102484 Heller's Angel

P Young, Elmer W., 1LtCP Cunningham, Robert L., 2LtNAV Carey, William D., 2LtBOM Ulbricht, Walter E., 1LtENG Steele, John C., T/SgtRO Dulick, Steve, T/SgtBT Lebeck, Richard H., S/SgtRWG Rohaly, Andy, S/SgtLWG Withrow, John W., S/SgtTG Stapleton, Bill, S/Sgt

B-17G #42-107206 Old Black Magic

P Eisenhart, William E., 1LtCP Sirany, George R., 2LtNAV Ehrke, Warren D., 2LtBOM Prussman, Henry G., 2LtENG Stephenson, Thomas O., S/SgtRO Van Horn, Everett E., S/SgtBT Bale, Gordon E., SgtTG McPherson, Frank V., S/SgtLWG See, Cecil J., SgtRWG Umberger, Robert C., Sgt

B-17G #42-31483 Bonnie B

P Moser, Clinton A., 2LtCP Gibbons, Donald L., 2LtNAV Andreasen, Rolf W., 2LtBOM Campbell, Frank P., 2LtENG Duffey, Willis A., SgtRO Zionkoski, John T., S/SgtBT Parrish, Vernon, SgtTG Seelock, Joseph J., SgtRWG Mays, Pearl E., S/SgtLWG Raines, Donald E., Sgt(Abortive)

Mission 146 - 11

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-97187 Miss Umbriago

P O'Beirne, Nelson B., 2LtCP Duffield, Richard B., 2LtNAV Shipp, Gene K., 2LtBOM Cottrell, John W., 1LtENG Henselman, Miles A., S/SgtRO Blumberg, Marvin R., S/SgtBT Faraone, Sam S., SgtTG Studt, Allo L., SgtRWG Rogers, Winford E., SgtLWG Cammack, Francis C., Sgt

B-17G #42-107147 Sweet Melody

P Williams, John T., 2LtCP Coats, Niel, 2LtNAV Fazio, Joseph J., 2LtBOM Grunseth, Roald J., 2LtENG Schwenke, Howard A., S/SgtRO Barber, Stewart, L., S/SgtBT Whitten, Cleveland W., SgtTG Ott, John E., SgtRWG Heitman, Alfred V., S/SgtLWG Mitchell, John B., Sgt

B-17G #42-97254 Iza Vailable Too

P Johnston, Donald M., 2LtCP Heussler, Robert W., 2LtNAV Schultz, Milo R., 2LtBOM Sudderth, Ralph M., 2LtENG Barnum, Abraham E., M/SgtRO Vallasenor, Oscar, T/SgtBT Pesetsky, Paul W., SgtTG Nestok, Frank, SgtRWG Smith, Herbert L., SgtLWG Turner, Kenzie H., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31432 Old Glory

P Miller, Edgar C., 2LtCP Francis, John R., 2LtNAV Cotner, Nyle E., 2LtBOM Parrilla, Rufe H., 2LtENG Kuczewski, William J., SgtRO Tibbetts, Arthur P., S/SgtBT Britt, Jack E., S/SgtTG Elmore, Kenneth L., SgtLWG Lobenherz, Ernest P., SgtRWG Howald, Hans, Sgt

B-17G #42-97405 Mary Cary

P Thomas, Earl N., 1LtCP Ellsworth, Paul R., 2LtNAV Walenta, Clarence V., 2LtBOM Scott, Harold L., 2LtENG Mason, John W., T/SgtRWG Flenniken, William, S/SgtRO DeWitte, Victor W., S/SgtTG Harvey, Roy D., S/SgtBT Johnston, Harold A., SgtLWG Books, Carl O., Sgt

B-17G #42-37841 Banshee

P Long, John A., 1LtCP Gee, Wilbur V., 2LtNAV Przybyszewski, Henry S., 1LtBOM Fahlbusch, Joseph F., 1LtENG Wilson, Clarence G., T/SgtLWG Ledley, Albert J., S/SgtRO Jennings, Ralph T., T/SgtRWG Henson, Mace, S/SgtTG Orlando, Anthony T., S/SgtBT Logan, Frank C., S/Sgt

Mission 146 - 12

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #42-107196 Temptress

P Earhart, Amon E., 1LtCP McMillan, Murdock B., 2LtNAV Pepe, Nicholas A., 1LtBOM Finley, Robert A., 1LtENG Payne, George S., S/SgtRO Deerfield, Eddie, T/SgtBT Weaver, Thomas E., SgtTG Roads, Dwight W., S/SgtRWG Fitko, Marion F., S/SgtLWG Nebhut, Kenneth E., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-97590 Virgin Mary

P Spindler, Benjamin L., 2LtCP Doughty, Gordon R., 2LtNAV Caffrey, James J., F/OBOM Proud, Rexford I., 2LtENG Pfeffer, William W., S/SgtRO Uhl, Willard H., S/SgtBT Smith, Victor H., S/SgtTG Petrie, Joe D., SgtRWG Fambry, Lewis F., SgtLWG Babbitt, Bruce E., Sgt

B-17G #42-31340 Miss Liberty

P Erickson, Roger W., 2LtCP Tellinghuisen, Oscar A., 2LtNAV Roche, William J., 2LtBOM Huddleston, D.O., S/SgtENG Manser, Charles, S/SgtRO Haynie, John D., S/SgtBT Watson, Judson F., SgtTG Johnson, Charles W., SgtRWG Jacobs, John W., SgtLWG Davis, Harry R., Sgt

Mission 146 - 13

427th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-31423 Jigger Rooche

P O'Hare, Phil W., 2LtCP Sayers, Darwin D., 2LtNAV Cronin, Ernest L., 1LtBOM Fontaine, Clifford F., S/SgtTT Cavagnol, Joseph J., S/SgtRO Benevento, Andrew G., S/SgtBT McMahan, Bonnar P., S/SgtTG McLaughlin, Jesse W., S/SgtRWG Sullens, Tom C., S/SgtLWG Sutton, Marvin A., Sgt

B-17G #42-102411 Miss Lace

P Knutson, Wilmer A., 2LtCP Mitchell, Fred E., 2LtNAV Shupe, John W., 2LtBOM Isaac, Kenneth W., 2LtTT Weed, Lowrey A., Jr., T/SgtBT Grant, Thomas V., S/SgtRO Parr, Joe A., S/SgtTG Omile, Harold A., SgtLWG Byers, William R., SgtRWG Carpenter, Robert R., Sgt

B-17G #42-39885 Sweet Rose O'Grady

P Estes, Shirley W., 1LtCP Byers, Ballard T., 2LtNAV Shemwell, John T., 2LtBOM Minter, Thomas W., 2LtTT Price, Jack J., S/SgtBT Wiley, Nathan H., S/SgtRO Wagner, Wayne, S/SgtTG Ross, Samuel C., S/SgtRWG Silrum, Orvis K., SgtLWG Ford, Thomas P., Sgt

B-17G #42-102569 Miss Lace

P Oranges, Chester N., 2LtCP Lawrenson, George C., 2LtNAV Webster, Charles M., 2LtBOM Harper, Kenneth L., 2LtTT Eisenhauer, James A., SgtBT Gentry, Richard A., SgtRO Sorese, Leonard V., S/SgtTG Franklin, Robert E., SgtRWG Korpi, Walfred J., S/SgtLWG Ward, Homer J., Jr., Sgt

B-17G #42-97096 (No Name)

P Sullivan, Francis X., 1LtCP Brangwin, Kenneth R., 2LtNAV Peacock, Lawrence A., 1LtBOM Bawol, Walter S., 2LtTTG Frey, James L., S/SgtBT Latta, Thomas B., T/SgtRO Sullivan, James J., T/SgtTG Stone, Vernon W., S/SgtRWG Swanson, Charles A., S/SgtRWG Keely, Eugene F., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-107099 Old 99

P Savage, Gilbert T., 2LtCP Schwolow, John C., 2LtNAV Coffey, John B., 2LtBOM Parker, Joseph B., 2LtTT Kelly, J.D., S/SgtBT Holt, Richard R., SgtTG Paul, Samuel D., S/SgtTG Stover, Edward J., SgtRWG Layton, Wilber A., SgtLWG Jefferson, Arthur G., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31060 Poque Ma Hone

P Shope, George W., Jr., 1LtCP McCall, Robert S., 2LtNAV Frechter, Harry G., 2LtBOM Clapp, Keith W., 2LtTT Relyea, Ralph R., T/SgtRO Cohen, Leo, T/SgtBT Teno, James R., S/SgtTG Smith, Nyle F., S/SgtLWG O'Neil, Austin J., SgtRWG Hadley, Owen W., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-32027 Betty Jane

P Melton, James H., 1LtCP Ferguson, Gilbert L., 2LtNAV Landry, Robert J., 2LtBOM Wright, Edgar A., S/SgtTT Rusinak, John C., T/SgtBT Moore, John J., Jr., S/SgtRO Stoberl, Donald L., S/SgtTG Anderson, Ralph R., SgtLWG LaPlante, Willard R., SgtRWG Miller, Norman L., S/Sgt