3 Weathering And Erosion

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of 3 Weathering And Erosion


Key process that shapes the landscape

What is Weathering?

Weathering is the break down of rock in-situ.

There are 4 main types of weathering; freeze-thaw, onion-skin, biological and chemical weathering.

Freeze Thaw Weathering

Freeze Thaw

Onion Skin Weathering

Exfoliation or Onion Weathering

Biological Weathering

Plant Roots

Chemical Weathering


Water weathers rock by dissolving it

Weathered Environments

Weathering contributes significantly to the formation of many different environments including coasts, but other processes are also significant.

Erosion, Transportation and Deposition

Weathering breaks up and weakens rock, erosion wears away and removes the loosened material.

Rivers, ice, the sea and the wind are all significant causes of erosion.

Erosion does not operate on its own, erosion wears the land away, transportation removes the eroded material and deposition build new landforms.