3 Cats Photo Welcome Guide

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Transcript of 3 Cats Photo Welcome Guide

Proud recipient of National Association of Child & Portrait Photorgaphers

Recognition of Merit: January 2014 International Image Competition, Babies. 

. Little ones are energetic, exciting, real and fantastic.

Your little ones are just that. Little. In one sIn one session, I expect them all to be excited, scared, bored, wandering aimlessly and silly.

And, those are the reasons I love being a child photographer!

Its Ok!NNOT everyone has to be looking and smiling at the camera at the same time. • If you are engaged as a family and loving on each other, your eyes will be on your family members and your smiyour smile with be natural. These are the photographs that you will cherish most because they depict your family connection and your love.

Your love and your connection will shine through!

Cheese is for crackers..Step bStep back, and allow the me to naturally interact and talk with your children. My goal is to capture the essence of your child’s personality by talking with and coaxing out those smiles naturally and easily. And please, don’t yell at your babies. Demanding young children to look at the camera to smile will only stress your children out (not to mention the photogmention the photographer).

If we are all having fun, the smiles will just come shining


All adults, please cheerfully participate

These images are for your children and your grandchildre. They are your legacy. Please, please,cheerfully participate in your family photo session. Once you see your amazing photographs, you will be so glad that you gave this time to your family.

Kids will take cues from you6



. If you are in love with dreamy soft images, chose neutral colors with soft, flowing fabric.

think creams, very soft think creams, very soft pastels, oatmeals, light browns, tans, grays, and

slate blues.

Want to look spunky and Want to look spunky and fun, choose coordinating colors with bold accent colors, such as hues of gray with yellow or bright red


Have fun with accessories Have fun with accessories like scarves, headbands, hats, etc. These can add a modern twist and sassy flair to your images.

Avoid matchy-match outfits Avoid matchy-match outfits opting for colors that co-ordinate and feature the same color themes.