3 - California State University, Sacramento · 2004-04-01 · , Eugcnl

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Transcript of 3 - California State University, Sacramento · 2004-04-01 · , Eugcnl

'.;~ 3""'. ~!!"i"

changc~ ~il1cc l'lu~ XII'~ limc, fInd nbnlldoncd ~Uppolt of thc ol1ce- '" 1'117, I'ill~ XI i'~llcd Ihe cncyclicnl S SFinally, Jl!nalhan !..uxml!l!rc and dYllnmlc Cathmlc party, "f;/ hr"'I""'Id,,r S"r/?" ("With nurl!lng UMMEft EMINA"S IN

Jmal1ta nabll1ch'~ 771" Vn/;,'nll nlld /h~ Thc ~nme ~plril nlarked the cl!nc<'r- (..,nccrn"), wt,ich ~tr"n~ly c<1ndcnll1ed JUDAIC STUDIESRrd "'/n/? I~ an admirable b"<1k on the dnt with the Ocrman Reich ill 19:\1, thr dcificatl<1n of rnce fInd of the (Jer- SKIDMORE COLLEGEexcrucinlin~ prl!hlem~ fnced by the which wn~ nc~otinted hy Pncclli him- mnn pcoplc, n~ wcll n~ the cult "f theVnticnl1 in trying to dcal with C<,mmu- ~elf, ny then he hAd lefl Germnny And Ocnnnn ~tate, The Nn7:1 auth()ritic~ SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK

. ' E E b C d . I S f S ' . , f . h I ' I h ' A DI8TltlCTIVE ACAD~MICnl~t g<1vernment~ In _n~tern _ur<1pe, een ar Inn, ecretary <1 ,tnte. I,e,. tne< t<1 c<,n '~cate t e encyc Ica: ut It 8UMM~R 8TUDY PROGRAMAnd pnrticularly with thclr per~ecution the ~ec<'nd m,,~t imp<,rtnnl per~<1n nl wa~ ~ucce~~fully di~trihuled am<1ng the ~OR ADULTS

of Cath<1lic priesl~ and lAymen, Lux- the lImy See, f<1r S<1me three yenr~, faithful Alld wn~ <1penly read fr<1m the C/r : -. ; : d/rIIT :/r11''t Ch h ff ' I M f h .t d ' I . l 'h' . h d h . h ansmafrc LOa tTS p I< ttV" IStlll)'

moore wn es on - urc a airs n <1~t <1 t e wn er~ un er review c<,n- pu pits, IS AgAIn ~ owe t at, wit 0 0 I' r J '- h 111 I I 1 ,-

IE E f I B ' , h d h ' ' fa om """0'. owu to ~ " ~m nlry

n~tern _ur<1pe or ~evcrn ntl~, emn t e two conc<1rdm~ ns n ~urren- regard I" the Church, the Na7:l~ were luly9-15mo~tly Cath"Iic j"urnal., and hi~ wife, dcr t" dictm<1rship~. Vct dcfcnder~ <1f quilC Icnicl!t. m len~t f"r the timc [), Ilw..n,o Fino, MI Hnlyok.<:nno8°Jmnntn Bahluch, I. a Icclurcr nt War- thc Vatican point <1ut that the Vmicnn hcin~: ~uch n dcvelopnlcnt w,)uld hnvc July 16-22

l) ' .t .rh I . h h k h h k L' . hI ' h S ' lJ ' O,Go"honHundori,McGlnUnl.o"ltySAW ",ver~1 y. ey ~ art wit w at wn~ wen : evcn t <1ug every<,ne new r,een InC<1nCeiVa c In t e ovlet ",<1n. )uly23-29thcy cAli "thc a~')nic~ m Piu~ XII" in thm thc ngrccn)ent~ W<1uld hc vlo- -confronting thc mortAl threat <1f Stal- tmed. the c<1nc<1rdat~ were hcltcr than .I n 19:\R, n~ mcntioned carlicr, Piu~ XI o",ca 0' ;~~:::: :~L-:a~~AL .ROGRAMO

ini~m In the p<1~t-Wl!rld War II pe- n<1thin~ in protecting thc IcgitimAcy m gAve I!rder~ for the drAfting ,)f hi~ 1"." NORTN 8ROADWAT

rind, And Ihcy cArry their ~t<1ry up t<1 thc Church And the righl,~ ,)f ('mh,)lic~ major encyclicAl agAin~t raci~m And I:~~~::: ~;::=-~:..the time m Knr<11 Wojtyla, that I~, J<1hn t<1 w<1rship under regimc~ thAI were antl-Semiti~m. It WA~ t<1 he entitlcd <"I") 110-1110I'aul II. The empha~i~ m their study, explicitly hostile, ""lIInm (;rlleri,t Um/n,t, "The Unity ,)f wwW.8 Idmore.8du.ldmlnI8trallon/08P

which i~ wrilten m<1re f<1r ~peciali~ts the Iluman Race." Bul this straight-, Ihnn the gcneral puhlic, i~ <1n Pmand, T hi~ defen~e secms t<1 me c<1nvincing: f<1rward And re~mute mAn dicd carly THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY\ whcre the Church dcalt most success- C<1rnwell's claim t<1 thc contrAry, it in 19:\9, And hi~ ~ucce~~or, Piu~ XII, OF WELLESLEY COlLEGE

fully with Its Communi~t enemies. was most unlikcly that, without the prcfcrrcd diplomatic method~, In any WELLESLEY MA 02481! c<1ncordat, the Gcrman Center PArty ca~e, hc hAd l<1ng C<1me t<1 the c<1nclu- flNNOUNCES fl SYMPOSIUM ON:I 2 would have put up rcsi~tancc t<1 the ~iI)n that S<)vict c()mmunism was the "THE FUTURE OF HISTORY"I . Na7:is. Well before Hiller'~ assumpti<1n mmn cnemy <1f the Church, and Ihm 14-15 APRIt 2000, Eugcnl<1 Pacclli wn~ b<1rn In 1 R76, in <1f p<1wcr the Centcr Pnrty had bcgun Oermany I!ught t<1 bc regarded n. Participants IIlcklding:\ Rome,lnt<1 n fAmily <1f chureh lAwyers. t<1 .hift to the right, and Cathmic V<1t- bcing in the f(,refr<1nt of thaI struggle. Amelie Kuhrt, Ancient Near East; Fergus Millar,lOne "f hi~ hrother~ hAd an important er~ threatened t<1 defcct 10 the Nn- lie tri"d to prevent the outbreak <1f Clas,ical History; Patricia Crone, Mediellal! part in negotiating the c<1ncordat with tional S<1cialists if the Center did n<1t W<1rld War II, which he perceived ,Islam; Jonathan Spence, Chinese History;I Mus~minl In 1929. Eugenio wa~ ~eriou~, make it~ pc ace with Hitler. The fcw a~ nn unrea~<1nahle conflict helween 50n0n.Scham~, ealiy modern Europe; AnthonyI studi<1us, intelligent, nnd he always wh<1 di~Agreed with thi~, ~uch as f<1r- non-C<1mmuni~t powers. He never pro- Applah, Africa; Robert Conquest. Rus~'a;

Id L I A b . " Deb6rah Dwork, the Holocaust; DallldI wante to r,e n pr est. s a young oy, mer chAncellor BrUning, and some te~ted, n<1t evcn In secret C<1mmUnl- Loweothal Historiography' William McNeinhe celchratcd mn~s in his hedr<'<1m. It Cnth<11ic Y<1uth group~, were quickly cmi<1n~ to Ihc GermAns, against the World iti5tory; fvlt(1 &1~5inger~, .

\ would he helpful t<1know how he dealt ~hunted a~ide without much, if any, devn~tati<1n <1f Cath<1lic Poland. the M1ericanH!;\I:Wv, with the prohlem <1f cclihacy, but of pn,tc~t by <1thcr German Cath<)lics. bcl,)ved daughter m the Church, hy rree and open 1o the ptJblicJ thi~ we know nothing, There was ~ome The conc<1rdat was often violated the invading Wehrmacht, He remained ror inlmmation and to registe' by! gl!ssip in R<1me that the Pope and his hy Nn7:i denunciations of the Church, ~ilent when the Na7:i~ moved again~t 1 f'fjril2000 consult our ~eb'ite'. h k th b . II h h I . f C h I' h P I. h . 11' ' h ' wwwWene,,"yeduftistoryl11i'toryhtml, ouse eeper, a ra er over eanng as we as y t e c oslng <1 at <1IC t e 0 I~ Intc Igent~la, ~ ootlng and Or fax, 781-2833661i Germnn nun, were l<1vers, but there is schoms; the di~~<1lution of Cathmic torturing priest~, professi<1nals, politi-j nl! evidcnce f<1r thi~. In IR99, he wa~ a~~ociatl<1n~; Hiller Jugend attack~ on cian~. and Cathmic pr<1fe~sor~. As'\ ordAined a priest and wa~ soon re- Cath<1lic youth: and the impri~<1nment Michael Phayer has shown, the Nazis

~ IIII. j crui~ed Into the elite Vatican diplo- of ~C<1res m priest~ charged with sexual killed about 20 percent of the Polish, mntlccmp~ Ilc earlier participated in crimes <1r currency spcculatmn, Gcr- clcrgy. Piu~ XII'~ ~llcnce in thi. matter\ the drAfting I!f a new Cnn<1n Law mAn bi~h<)ps opcnly defcndcd Calh- remmn~ more Inc<1mprehcn~ihle than; which rcgulnted the life <1f the clergy mic rights and objccted t<1 the Na7i hi. extreme Intene~~ in objccting t<1 theI And e~fo,rc:d even greatcr conformity prop<1~al to eliminat~ the deformcd persccutil,n <1f the Jews. '010 Camino Real, Memo Park, CaliforniaI And dlsclphne. lie never served as a And retarded, hut, with very few ex- How much did thc Pope know about (650) )144)11 . wwwk"pl.r,com

I parish pricst. ccpti<1n., the hl~h<1p~ did n<)t ~peak up Na7i Atr<1citic~? Experts are dividedIn 1911, Pacclli hccnmc "nc of the In dcfcn~e "f thc pcr~cculcd Jcw~. "nthc que~tion hul it I~ clear thaI, de- Friday. March '7 iii 7'30 pm

j morc imp<1rlant mcml'er~ <,f the Vatl- The Italian and German hi~hops spite many delay~, the VAtican was Susan Sontag'I CAn foreign 8ervicc; In 1914, he negoli- wcre in n quandary. A. MichnelPhnyer awarc <1f the extcn~ivc killing <1f P<1les ,Atdlh dt ' 1ISbi i I . " I f . d ." K"pler,l,honn",rI lopre'enl one 01C e C<1ncor a WI I ,er a; n expmn., wit I ony a ew C<1nVlncc andJcw~,and,qultc~peclflcnlly,<1fthe A I ' II d rI\

1"17 h d d' I d ' F ' d ' I ,., m"r ca, mo'll u,rrlou, An admlr"

., , e WAS mn e a CAr Ina, an In a~clst.an Natl<1na Soclah~t~nm<1nD gen<1cldc heginnin g in 1941 against II " AI I Ij " ' .' wr or,. "u,an "nntag ongt me 'uman

1 the SAme yeAr he wn~ npp<1inted pApAl them thcy were much le~s nnt!-~emitic the Serhinn Orth<1d<1~, JewiRh, And rl~hlo Acllvl't, ~t, ~"ntA~ ha, aloo ,erverlnuncio t<1 lIavarla. I his was <,ne <1f than s(,mc of thcir P.n~tern Eur()pcnn Oyp~y p<1pulntl<1n~ In Cronlla. Zagreh a, Ihe pr",ldent 01 the American C"nler roIthe Church'~ mo~1 imp<1rtant f<1reign c<1unterpnrt~. But they ~till preferred WAS clo~e to Ilaly; the Croatian U~- PEN, Ihe Inl.marlonal writer' orgAnl'atlonpo~t~, more thnn I)nc third ,)f the Ger- the Fa~ci~I-Nazl rcgime~ t,) what they ta~ha Icadcr~ at Ica~t pretended to be derllcal"d '0 Ireednm 01 e.pre"lon anrl rhomans heing R<1mAn Catholics, with a saw a~ thc only other p<1~sihilitie~: dcv<1ut Cath<11ic~: they were received advancemen( 01 11I",alur" Her late,' ""ok,

\ ~ignificant prop<1rtmn <1f those in s<1ulles~ We~tern materiali~m <1r Com- in the Vatican and were visited by Vat- In Amerlea, ',a no.el a""ut the .earch ror

Bavnria. In the IR7~ thc "Center"- muni~t atheism, h<1th <1f which, and es- ican dignitaries. The Italian <1ccupatil!n ,elltran,lormallon, the la'" roIld"all.m

Germany's Cath<11ic p"litlcal party- pecially communism, threatened the force~ which <1ppl!~ed the CroatiAn fas- and the theater, ",t again,' the "rn"rgln~

th C th I ' t d . d h . " W"'I Plea,e no'" In ord"r 10 en,er Ih"e a 0 IC rn c unmn~, an <1t er very exl~tcnce <1f the Church. The Fa~- CI~t. and Pr<1lcctcd thc Jew~ Tcp<1rtcd I I II h Ih I' h ..,. . . gn ng ne, you mu,t purc a", n Amerlen

Cat 0 IC gr<1ups nd ~ucce~slully wlth- CI~tS and NatIonal Soclah~ts ndv<1cnted regularly on the U~ta~ha ma.~acre~, a~ at K I '" I II ., ' tt d Bi k' f. ' h I ep er, "ave your rece p .-, "on ag: s 00 smarc s lerce anti-Cat 0 Ic the value~ of the Iraditi<1nal family and did, incidentally, the l<1cal 55, which di~- will omy 'Ign In Am.liea Anrl wIll not: ~ campaign. By World Wnr I, Cnth<1li- orpo~ed divnrce And nb"rtmr1: they likcd 'hc troublc,; CO1Ul;et! by the Cro81~ pentmalllf' hPr "~A"'re

J cism in Oermnny wa. Ihrivillg a~ per- had many <1f thc ~mnc cncn)ic~ a~ the with fhcir nlurd"r"u~ cnmpaign~haps never hef<)re. Pacclli himself Church, and n<1lwilh.tandin~ Piu~ XI'~ S"mc Cr<1atinn hi~h"ps (though ""t Wednesday Mar<:h 29 iii 7:30 pm

, Icarned to ~peak And wrilc fluent Ger- criticl~m of fascisln, thcy ~ecmcd t<1 Archbi.h<1p Stepinac <1f Zagreb) callcdAd' .

Lman: he becamc the Valican'~ fore- want t<1 huild the kind ,)f auth(,ritarian, openly for the f<1rced conver~ion <1f the air aram<1st German expert, And hc devel- c<1rporate ~tate with a unifying s<1ci,,1 Orthod()x, Franci~can m<1nk~ beat, l<1r- Arlalr 11I,a f, probably be't known 10<1ped a great f<1ndnc~s for that country. purpose that many of the bi~h"ps f<1und tured, and machine-gunned their Scr- Penln,ula re,tdenl' a, a 'Iaff columnl't rnr

In 1929, whilc I'acelli was still in dc~irahle. In addlti<1n, thcre wa~ Ihc call hlan victim~, A~ MichaelPhayer, nl<1n~ Ih. San frone'.eo <:hronlclp lor th" pa'l IcoGermany, his ~uperi<1r, Pius XI, con- of patri<1tism. In 1935, the Italian hi~h- with many <1ther author~, demon~trates, yeAr, Her new b""k. 111" ge.' 0' Adnlr fara,cluded a concordAt with Mussmini, op~ ~upp,)rted Mussolirii'~ war again~t the Vatican was well inf<1rmed about pre,en', ma~y 01 h"r award winning column,

h th h . h AL' . h . .,. , and rearl"r, lavorll'" rrom Ihl. p"rlod HerW 0, evcn <1ug an Invctcrate nt e- r'y~~lmn, evcn thoug thc ItahAn army what WAS ha ppening In CroAtia Yet It k I h L-

d I h. d b ' .,. . 'wor 'per ap. ,~,' "'p""enle I Irou~

1St, prove to e more frIendly to openly boasted of It~ succes~ In u~lng dId n<1thing, S<1me hAve claimed, with- the title, roI ,ome roI her column,the Church thAn had earlicr liberal ga~ against the l<1cnl populmmn, many <1ut dl!cumentnry evidence, that, for the "Ode to Oreo,: -How to Gel Oul roIa Rarlregimes. The Church wa~ accorded A of whom were Coptic Christian~, In Pope, the campaign In Croatia meant Mood Fa't: -AnImal I oller', Guide to Kid,,"minu~cule sovereign slate and the Germany, to<1, the bish<1ps at first lined the fir~t ~tep toward the rec<1nversi<1n and '" Kn"w All About Cllildblrlh, HailIng

right t<1 <,rgani7:e religlou~ life In Italy up hehind Ilitier's national pr,)~ram. <1f the Ea~tern schl~mntlcs. If this Is geen Throrrgh It One Whnfe TIme" We look

with<1ut much interference from gov- By thc mid-19:\~, h<)wcver, the truc,itw<1uld<1nly~ervetodnmnhim. forwarrltr.anenter'alnlngev"mngrcrnment, nctwecn IR70 And 1929 the pr<'test~ of thc (,crman bi~h<)p~ a~Ainst Thc attitude <)f the P<1pe t<1ward the

1 p<1pe~ had re~idcd In buildings that the "nti-Cath<1lic pr<1pagnnda nnd <1ther Hm"cau~t remains a contr<1ver~ial Sunday, April 2 Ii) 3'00 pm, Icgnlly bclongcd t,) Italy, In exchange prnctice~ <,f thc Na7:i~ had enthu~ia~tic i~~uc but. <1verall, thc P<1pe'~ bchavlor Terry PratchettI f<1r VAtican ~overeignty, the Holy See ~upporl from P<1pe Pius XI and much ill thi. rc~pect can he decmcd Ic~s rep-j gave up all claim~ to p<1litical activity mildcr ~upp<1rt frl!m Cardinal Pacclli. rehcn.jt,lc thAn in re~pect t<1 the P<,Ii~h

iI Mnrch 2.1, 20()O 47



~'4'('nlholicsnllcl lilt, ()rlllll(IOX I)elic,v('rsin Ilnpo~sihlc' 10 tell whethcr Ihc ropc hlllf of tht' .Iews, nnd so were m:lny IQ~R, nl the timc of rln~ XII'~ d":Ith,Cr,mlin. Evcn though he wns vcry laIc In wns in fRet mtlVcd by what hnppcncd prit"'ls. In Iludnpcsl, for cxnlnplc, Jcwi~h org:lnl7ations, poliliclll lentler~,reAclin~, the Po pc did dc) somcthlng on in the Nclhcrlnnd~- or whAt he bc- Monsignl)r Angclc) RnltA ngAin nnd and nrdinary penplc Inundated thebchnlf nf Ihc Jews. All clnims to the con- Ilcvcd h:ld happcncd or whcthcr hc ng'lin nddrc~scd prolcsts 10 Ihc IllIn- Vatlcnn with Ictlcrs t)f th:lnk~ rottrnry, hc ~omctlrncs t()(lk the inlli:ltivc in uscd it ns nn cxcu~e fnr hi~ ~ilcncc. g:lri:ln gnvcrnment on behnlf nf thc Catholic efforts on bchnlf of Jews. Thchelping them, nnd, Recording to ~tatc. .'cw~ nnd hc di~trihllted 10 them rc~pccted I~rncli historinn nlld rc-mcnts by n vnriely nf Cathnllc nfficiAls, The queslion is nftcn rni~ed nbnut forged Vaticnn passports and leltcrs nf liglous thinkcr rinchns E. I_lIpide wental mnny mhcr limcs hc npprovcd thc what e~nctly thc Pope cotlld h:lve protection. Evcn if he did nm h:lve so f:lr n~ tn cl:lim In hi~ 1111' I.n.t' 111rl'I'nction of thc Catholic saviors of Jcw~.' dnnc, for Instance, in Ihc case of Ihc writlcn instruclions, Rotl:l mll~t hnvc 1'tll't't nllli Ihl' ,I"",,t Ihat "the (':lth(,lic

To be sure, Pius's behavinr regard- Rnman Jews. Cornwell admils: "Pa- actcd in a WAY he thought the Vatican Church, under the Pnntificale of rillsing the IIolncaust was nflcn de- celli had only limited scnpe fnr ac- wanted him In act. XII was instrumental in saving at Ic:lstplnrable. In October 1943, fnr in- tinn.,.. (His) fir~t priority was tn Michael Phayer emphasizc~ the 7()(),OOO, but prohably a~ many a'~Iance, thc (Jcrman ~~ preparcd to maintain his limited indcpendencl"" hcroi~ln of many nuns and ('atholic lAY II(iO.I)()O, Jcw~.." Ever ~incc the pllt,li-depnrt the Jew~ of Rome. Jews were at This is certainly Irue; still, it is hard nm womcn Just one example: thc I luII- cAtion of Lapidc'~ hook, hi~ figllrc ofthe time already in hiding, in private to feci that the Pope could have gone garian nun MArgit Slachta, who wa' II(iO,O()() has been used by practicallyhomcs, monAslerlcs, and convent,. to the rnilroad station where Ihe Jews Ihe mmher superior of the Social Mis- cvcry defender nf Pius XII, alld il h'I'But over a thousand were marched were waiting, crammed in bo~cars. If sion Snciely, protested the mi~treat- come in hnndy to Patrick BuchAnnn IIInway "undcr hi, vcry window~," to u~e he hnd ~oIemnly nppenred al the ~tn- ment of 1IIIIIgnrian Jews n~ enrly ns hl~ rcccnt politiclll cnmpnign~. Lnpidcthe litle of a bot)k to be published by tion, In full regalin nnd with some of 1941. A ycnr Inter ~he travelcd to Slo- did nm give nny fnctunl bn,i, for hi~

l Susan Zuccmti, a ~pcciali,t on the his colorrul retinue, nnd if hc had Indi- vakin rrom where she dc~crihed the cslimnte~, hIli hc is right in nccII~in!!; Ilolocall!lt in Italy.' Thc Pope had cated thnt he was against deportation, trcatmcnt of Jew~ as hcllish nnd !la- other internalionlll inslitution, of CVCII

been nlerted to what was hnppening, he might have caused the relea!le, more foot-dragging; and hc justly con-c~pecinlly hy Germnn diplomat!l to the according to 7.uccotti, nf the 1,023 a demns the Internalionlll Red Cros, InI Ioly See whn feared that many Itnl- Jews, mo!llly women nnd children: this R Gencva for hnving remained ~ilcntian" driven by indignation at Ihe trent. seems possible since some 236 had al- ahout the trcntmclll nf Jews in conccn-

mclll of thc Jews, would revolt. Yet I'iu~ rcndy bcen releascd by the ~S, for vnr- tratit,n cnmps.'did nmhin~. Ilc ~clll no warning me~- ious rca!lons. At the very least, the a Dy Novcmhcr 1944, when the Ilun-

~age~ to Ihe .fcwi!lh comlnunity, mes- news of such an unheard-of gesture garian Jew~ suffered a !lccond wnvc ofsngcs which, unlike me!lsagcs rrom Ger- wollld have ~prend in Europe, ond .. persecution, Rome had long beenman diploma Is, would surely hnve bcen Catholics everywhere might hove hnd ~ under Allied rule. For the pnpacy thi,bclieved: nor did he Iry to oddrcs~ the s~ second thoughts obout whnt their gov- a ooly meant a chnngc of overlord,. ne.

commnnd. One not very charitable e~- ernments and they them~elves were fore Ihe nrrivnl of Ihe Amcrican~, Ihcplanation for hi~ behavior is that he did doing. Instead, the 1,023 Jew~ were Pope'~main prcoccupation!l were thntnm wi~h 10 alienate the (Jermans, !lelll to Allschwitz. Of tho~e, according the Eternal City nm be bc,mbed: thatwho~c prcsence he dcsircd in Rome ns to Zuccotli, only fifteen came back no colored tr()()P~ enter the city: andlong ns possihlc in order to prevelll II after the wnr. thnt the Communist Parti~nll~ nllt bc("mmuni~t-Pnrtisnn takeover. A more ZlIccmti and mhcr historilln~ have allowed to fake over. 111 gellcrlll, hechnritnble explanation i~ thnt hy nm ~hown that there i~ no evidence nf the wns nm to be di~appoilllcd.

prolc~ting the dcporlntion of a thou- Pope's having given nny direcl instruc-N~nnd or so Romnn Jew~, hc helped to tions to the Itlllian clergy rcgarding ow, however, there I,cgnll one t,f

snvc thc sl~ or seven thousalld others, the defense nf the Jew~. On the mher the most ~hameful epi~odcs in Ihc hi~.Ilc had long !lincc leorncd, he claimed hand. there is plellly of in)pres!live evi- 1'(}Pf 1'il'.' XII, Dl'cl'mhfr 19.~9 tory nf the Vatican: il~ ~y~lcmAtic n'.later, that an open confrolllation would dence of the cooperatinn that took I

only harm the persecuted all the more. place between Itnlion Jewish organiza- tnmc. She Iried to awoken the gener- 'Souvcmr Pre!l~, 1967, p. 214. NmThe Pope's derender~ nften refer to lions and local archbishops, bi,hop~, lIlly, indi~ferent or ollli-Semitic Hun- w,allling to nrpeor th~, fn,vt,rahle 10

thc cxamplc of the Nelherlnnd~ where pric!ll!l, nnd nun~, nil of whom seem to gnrrnn hl~hop~ to the danger nf Iho PIII~ XI!. I .apldc ndd~: It, I' true thntbc)lh <-:ntholic nnd Prote~lnnt churche!l have worked nut their OWII method, Slovnk Iiolocnu'l spilling over into l'opc 1'111' XII W?~ !IC~ K!ng of U"!I-wcrc Iryinll to ~nve the lives nf nt Ica~t for prolcctillg the Jew~. The result wns I lungnry. nnd she personally gnve doc- mark, whc' WIt' ',<- hrlsllan nm ollly III

. . . d I ' I h I . t 1 I,' XII th clc t tl tl' n nnmc. Under hl~ undnlllllcd leader.thc Jewish convert!l. I hIS was proml~c t IC ~urvlvn of 113 perccIII .,f t e lallan limen ~.o IU~ on e ;" r c 0 ~hip little Ucmnark rtlnnngcd to snve

In them by the Gcrrnan Ifigh Commi~. Jew~. of Jews In PoInnd and Slovnkla. all but 52 of it~ 65()l1 JCW!l.' (p. 213).!lioncr in exchnnge for their agrecmclll W in 1944, after the Holocau!lt had Thi~ i!l all the more iromcal n', al1l"g.to rcmn!n silclll about the Jewish hilc t'"e Pope w~~ unwilling to in- spr~,n~1 to 11~lngar~, s~e nnd her order ends to thc colllrary, king Chri~tinn Xpersccutlon generally. The l'roteslnlll tervene with the NazIs on behalf nf Ihe of lIrey Slsler!l hId thou~nnds or neither wore nor evtr threatened toehllrchc~ rc!lpcclcd the dcal nnd Proto Jcw~, he hnd 110 'llch hc~itntitlll with Jew,. or gave them forllcd pnl,cr" wcnr the Jewish stnr. Nor did he docstnlll Jews were spnred.llowevcr, the regard to the minor Ea~tcrn I"llropcan 'I'I,I\!~' rrom the fasci,t Arrow ('ro~s anyl~lillg nlcmornblc,oll bchlllf or Ih"Archbi,hop of Utrechl openly con. governmelll~. lIe directly appealed 10 mrhlla ~hm a memher nf her order nnd Unnl~h J~ws ror Ihe ~rmplc rcn,on thatdemned the pcrsccutitln nf Ihe Jcws, the anti-Semitic Mon~i~nI)r TI!lo, who Ihrcw Ihc body In the Unnul,c, 10. ~uch n th,lIIfwn~ nI" n~ce~'nry. No;'ew

, ' ' dS k ' d Ih W'llh th Jew- _he h , I prt) - In OCCII I)"'l O"nmnrk wn~ ever ol,Jlnedwhcrellpon the Catholic Jew~ were dc- WItS the presl cnt of ,Iovn In' an ge er e.,., .IC . t-, ' t I Af th M ' t SI hI to wcnr the Jcwlsh star.Ported Appnrellll y Ihe Pope behcvcd he sllcce'srllily ordered the IlIIcnsel y eclec . tcr e war, nrgl, nc a A I I II'

f. " . "" ' , I ' I ' , h' h mo(c ~nte ItC,O cnormou~cco-thnt 40,IKK) Cnthollc Jews were kIlled nIttI-SemItic Slnvak hl~hops to ndopt ed n, (;alho IC wome,n ~ party w IC nomic Importnnce to Germnny, Dcn-

a~ n con~equence nf the Archbi!lhop'~ mea!lures first to try to snve Jewi~h ~a!l rrdlculc~ nnd viciously slandered mnrk wa~ alwnys treated hy the Nnl.i~pn!llornllctter. Rut there were nm 40,IMKJ convert~ and then all Slovak Jews. I~ the left-~lng press. In the 1947 nn. with great consideration, Wben fillollyc"nverls in thc Netherlands: rather, it Moreover, Pius XII wos al~o the first Ilonlll elecllons" vote~ f(,r ,her pa~ty, forced to move against the tiny Jewi,h~eem' thnt ollly nbnut one or two hun- heRd of !ltate to prole,t ngnin't the And for ,n!1 nntl-Communlst p~r!le~, com?l~mly, on October!, 1943. aldrcd Calholic Jew~ were arrested.' It j~ e~lcn~ive deportation of Ilungnri,," were flll~lflcd at th,e ord.er' of Mml~ter ncrl!~ ~ ordcr, the locAl vermnn ~II-

Jews betwccn Mny nnd Jllly 1944. II i~ of IlIIcrror L:I~zlo RnJk, n fAnnllcal thorrllcs mnd~ ~lIrc Ih:11 Ihc l)nm~11

'F " d L ' d' d true that the Popc'~ cable on behalf nf (olnmumst later excclllcd n~ an 111- people were flr!ll ab!e 10 export mo,1'"r a ~plrrt,c out. nm unpr~lu IC,C -. Ie ('d Til";!lt a er.t. In 1449, SI~clJta ~k',y5.W~~'tlr!lJ_Sw,:dcn. Ooly A[,OIlI

dcfellsc of PIUS XII In collnccllOll wIth the JCW!l to Admlrnl ! lorthy And the g. I t fIg ff I I I t' d five hllndrcdlcws mo~tly okl peopleI '

rlJ J . II ( ' Ihl ' I ' fth ' Ilu emlgrac,I"lInowICrC"C(IC " ' I Ie genocide 0 IIC ews, ,~ce ,c.~lIrt mo~ Y n 0 IC mcm )erS 0, c II. , , , . were nrrc~ted: they were scnt 10 the

""".. ~ath~r Robert A. Graham s wrItings garrnn gover~ment wn;" wrItten aflcr ~" 1974, nt the agc of mne,ty. I oday ~~e model concelllrotiorl camp al There-~:~~!?~ In r,llS XII n,l/d the Ilnlncarl:tl;. A most Hungarrnn Jews In the coulllry- IS largely forgmten even In Hung~ry., sienstadt where they colllinucd to~ Reade.' ~Ca!hohc League for Rehglous side had alre,ady bcen dep?rted, and After World War II, and ngaln In ~omc under the protection of the Dan-

and CIvil Rights, 19118). after thc Al1Ie~ had occupIed Rome. .See M:lria Schmidt, "Mnrgit Sinchta's Ish governmelll. Those, ho,:,cver, who'Susan Zuccotti, VI/,/er Ili.t Very Wil/- But other stalesmen, such ns thc King Activilie~ in Support of Slovakian ~crc f~rccd to gIve up Ihcl~ placc~ atdnw.t: 1111' Vnlicnn nl/d the l'nfr,cnusl of Sweden and Pres;delll Roo~evclt, Jcwry, 1942-1943," Relllell/hl'rinR for 1 here~lensladt (or .thhe Dnmsh dcpor-in 11,nly, fort~coming from Yale Um- werc even slower in protesting. Duly Ihl' Frllure: Jew,t nnd L'hri,tlian,t Duril,g te.cs we~e !lcn~ by EI~ mann ~o tJt'c~iverslty Press In Aulumn 2UOO. See al~o impressed both by the protests and by al/d Afler the Iinlocnu,tl (Pergamon wl,tz, were I ey we e gas~c. n ~her carlier, fa~cinnling book, The IInl. the Allied landing in Normandy, Hor- Prcss, 1989), pp. 207-211; Randolph !.hIS, ~ee, among olhrs, I~tv~n Oed .:innt nltd the 1",locnu.tl: Per,tl'culinn, thy rorbade further deportation' In Braham The I'milics ofGl'nocide; The ~hc Incomprche~~jble 110 °bnust,

RI'.tc!,e, nnd S!,rv!vnl, with a~ im~o. Ihe end about 40 percent of the iiun- Ilofrlcn~.fl in /lul/Rnry, in two volumes G'e N/'b' Yflkl:;~:'F vb Septe~' ~r ;8hduclmn by Furm Colombo (University .', (Columbia Umversity Press, revised ecem er, ,e ruary , ,a cor Nebraska Pres~ 1996) gnrrnn Jew~ survIved. d I d d' t ' 1994) It74 29, September 27,19911: and April 25.

, ,,' M f h I' . d an cnarge c lion, ,p~. /991 I f d P' XII ' .f, " osto t eapo~tolcnunclo~un er dI19921)()()' dT dsM sai "A .) n act,un er IUS ~pontl-Among the CatholIc Jcwlsh depor- (Jerman occupation were active on be- an - , ',an am, n, icate, many Calholic clergymen and

lees, in August 1942, was the (Jerman kllrl\smezel zsld6 deportdlds 1941- nun~ took greater risks and sufferedp~ilosopher Edith, Stei!1' wh?se reli. , " , ,bcn':, (The d~portation of Jews fro~ far ~ore on behalf of the Jews than didglous name was SI~ter feresla Bene- JewIsh organ!zatlon!l,whlch claimed Kt,\r?smezll .In 1941), R6dny GyrI!- goodKingChri~tianofDenmnrk.dicta n Cruce. She died in Auschwilz that Edith SteIn hnd died nm ns a mar- le""",y F:vkiJnyve, IV-V (1984-1985), ' , . .nnd was canomzed by Pope John Pnul tyr of the Cntholic faith but because (Blldape't: Rdday K6nytdr, 19116), pp. For a crrtlc~1 vIew of the Internnl!(lnlllII in 19911, over the protests of some ~he wn~ a Jew. 80-111. Red Cros~ In World War II. see, ror

411 Th"Nl'wYllrkRI'MI'Ii.

~i~llIncc to NRZi wllr crimillnl~ cnllhlillg I'orc'~ fllmilillrily wilh thc nclilll'~ 1111- ~lIrrl'II(lcrcII. Somc of thl' w(,rst fl'II"w rollmlcll hy (;crlll:III ~ohlil'l~: Ihc Nll/ithcln t" C~CRpC, In"~tly to Julin nnd dcrtllkclI hy hl~ IIlIdcrllng~ Oil hchnlf tlRvclcr~ wcrc thc ~o-cmlcd I'cncc Iclldcr~ wl..rc fnllmlc!l nnd millioll~ ofFvn Pcrnn's Argcntinn, This cpi~odc, of the Jew~, I would Rrglle thnt Piu~ I'rie~'~ nnd likc-Inindcd Cntholic Iny (Jcrm:1l1~ wcrc rcn(ly to dic for 'hl'irtoo, hIls heen the subject of mnny XII Rpproved of both IIndertRkillgs: in'cllcctllm~ whn followed the rcgime's CRU~C, Thi~ cxplmll~ much of Piu~hnnk~, film~, Rnd telcvi~inn ~how~, nnd ~Rving innncent Jew~ :1nd ~:1vin~ wnr nrdcr~. As undcr the Nnzi~, the Protc~- XII'~ bchnvillr durill~ nlld illlmcdin grcnt dcal of myth-m:1king. Phayer criminal~. The I'npe and the Uermnn Innt r:hurchc~ proved evell more suh- ntcly Rftcr the wnr, hut il dllc~ not cx-nnd Cornwell ~how clenrly thm impor- bi~hop~ m~o cRmpmgncd Rssiduou~ly ~crvicnt than thc Catholic. plmn everylhill~.tRnt prelntcs nt the Vaticnn werc In- for thc release of WRr criminms impris- Pius XII dicd in 195ft, at thc ngc ofvolved in a project thRt Rllowed hun- oned in Germany. All this, Michael Life ullder communi~m grRdunlly eighty-twn, plagued by mallY illlle~sc~,dred~ of mnss murderer~ to e~cRpe the Phayer Rnd other~ Rrgue, wa~ plItt of nnd fitfully bcgan to chnllge, ~IRrting of which inces~nllt hiccuping mu~1gnllow~, Including Dr. Josef Mengele, the Vmican's attempt to muster all with thc Enst OcrmRn Rnd Polish di~- hRve bcen the mo~t excruciRting. lIeAdolf EichmRnn, the Croat FUhrer nvRilRble forccs, however taillted, for turbance~ of 19.5] and continuing with WRS hot an cvil mnn. In fact, his bchnv-Ante Pavelic, and Franz Stangl, the the battle against communism, The thc Hungarian uprising in 1956, the ior must be judgcd to have heen a littlcAustrian commander of the Treblinka Western Allies rather quickly clIme to Prague Spring in 1968, Rnd the Polish better thnn that of million~ upon mil-dcmh cRmp, The pRrtiRI involvement ~hare this pRpm point of view. unre~t of the 1970s. Mcanwhile, in the lions of other Europeans who wcrcof the US and other Allied secret serv- Pius XII must have been the first yeRr~ between 1958 Rnd 1963, Pope even more indifferent tow:1rd theirice8 in this matter seem8 undeniable. cold wRrrior. In contrR~t to hi8 am- JIIhn XXIII attempted to reform, mod- Jewl~h fellow citlzells and other vlc-(Some hi8torians even clRim that, indi- bivRlence during the Nazi years, he ernize, Rnd deceotrRlize the Church. tim~ of the Germnn alld Soviet tyran-rectly, the Soviets plotted the escapes now freely used his chief weapon, ex- Among mRny other things, he pro- nie~, But then Eugenio PRcelli wn~ the-for whRt reason remains unclear,') communication. Anyone joining the clRimed thRt present-dRY Jews were in- Pope, and while little wa~ expect cd ofIn any ca8e, the infamous Rat Line, Communist Party, or even working nocent of the killing of Jesus, Rnd he thc others, much was e~pecjed or him.the "underground railroad" of the war with Communists, was automatically became less rigid in pRpal policy to- Many of hi~ medieval predecessorseriminals, often led through buildings under interdict and would, according ward the Communist regimes. who had stood up to emperors andunder Vatican protection. Money, to the edict, surely land in Hell, unless The election of the Polish cardinal kings had thereby helped to preservetickets, and forged documents were able to show genuine repeotance. In KRrol Wojlyfa ns Pope John Paul II, a duality of power that wa~ instrumclI-provided by prelates at the Holy See. Italy, the American governmeot and in 1978, presented a tremendous prob- tal in the development ot Western

How much did the Pope know about the Vatican coordinated efforts to pre- lem to the Communi~t leadership, civilization.the Rat Line? The sources are murky vent a Communist victory in the 194R Unable to mobilize the masses them- True, that duality had long beenon the subject, as they are on the elections. In Ea,stern Eur~pe, as/Lu~- selves, they had to w,at,ch helplessl~ as e,roded by ,Vati~an obscuraotism, the

moore and Babluch show In The Vatl- John Paul spoke to millIons of the falth- rise of natlonah~m, and the modernInstance, the Swiss historian Jean- can and the Red Flag, papal policy was ful, who took the occasion of his visit to state, But could not this Pope haveClAude Favez's Une Mi.r.rio? impossi- much less successful, and the edict Poland to demonstrate their opposition made a single, historic public gesture?"'e? Le CICR, le,r d~!,ortatlo?r et les was not followed by most of the ERst- to communism. Thus, finally, without a If he had, he would likely have savedr:nmp.r de concentration naZls (Lau- ern European clergy, Under Cardinal single militRry division, the Pope did more Jews, Poles, Serbs, and otherssanne: Payot, 1988). Stefan Wyszyllski, the Polish Church much to defeat the Soviet system. than he did through his diplomatic'See, (or in~tance, Aarons and Loftus, broke with papal policies in order to It i~ impossible to compare the situ- skills, Unfortunately, he proved weakU/lhnly Trinity: The Vaticn'!, the Nazi.r, arrive at a modus vivendi with the ation in Poland in the 1970s with that and fallible. He demonstrated no per-

, ":/ld the Swiss Banks. Despite the sub- Stalinist regime in Poland, without, in Rome in, let us say, 1943, In the sonal courage; he gave no exRmple ofI title, the book ~o,!er shows clearly that however surrenderin g to it. Other 1970~ there was no war the Soviets the Imitatio Christi which is whRt the, the "unholy trinity" was made up of' " ,, Piu~ XII, Hitler, and Stalin. Only Rn Church lea~ers in E~sterrl Europe :would hRve r~~ a I~rge risk if they had world expects fr<:>m the ~ead of a

expert in super-murky secret service were le8s skIllful, or enJ<:>yed less pop- Intervened mlhtartl~, and the Eas!ern church that traces Its authority ",ack tonperations could judge the vRlidity of ular support, Hungarian, Czecho- European Communists had long sInce the apostles. Pope John Paul II s cur-the Authors' Rrguments and the value slovRk, and other clergy went to prison, lost Rny sympathy either for Marxist rent attempt to make Pacelli a saiotof the hundreds of documents cited in and some were executed. Wyszyllski ideology or for Communist eco- must be judged R very ~trant\e under-the book. himself served time in prison. Others nomic~. In 1943, the Holy See was sur- taking indeed. rl