3 Animals - Col·legi Sant Josep...2020/04/02  · Animals invertebrates Els invertebrats no tenen...

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Transcript of 3 Animals - Col·legi Sant Josep...2020/04/02  · Animals invertebrates Els invertebrats no tenen...

3 Animals

invertebrates Els invertebrats no tenen columna vertebral

1. molluscs Are invertebrates

Els mol·luscs tenen el cos tou i calent

Alguns mol·luscs tenen closca

2. arthropods Are invertebrates

Els artròpodes tenen l’esquelet fora del cos.

Els artròpodes tenen moltes potes

3. worms Are invertebrates

Els cucs tenen el cos llarg i tou

Els cucs no tenen potes

4. jellyfish Are invertebrates

Les meduses tenen el cos tou i transparent

5. sponges Are invertebrates

Les esponges no tenen el cap, ulls, boca ni cua.

Les esponges no es mouen


- Are invertebrates

- Have soft and warm bodies

- Some have a shell


- Are invertebrates

- Have the skeleton

outside of the body

- Have many legs


- Are invertebrates

- Don’t have legs

- Have long and soft bodies

- Have Head and a tail

1 2 3


- Are invertebrates

- Have soft and

transparent bodies


- Are invertebrates

- Don’t MOVE

- Don’t have Head, eyes mouth or tail

4 5

Now, watch the following (1). Then, complete the ! (2)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr_T4skBYNo

2. https://forms.gle/bho1g2tzF5igZVBK6


SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Cèlia Colomé · Laia Santís

Abril 2020


*Images found through Google website for classroom purposes