2ND INTERNATIONAL VDI CONFERENCE 2014 BIOMETHANE · William Mezzullo, PhD / MEng, Associate...

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Transcript of 2ND INTERNATIONAL VDI CONFERENCE 2014 BIOMETHANE · William Mezzullo, PhD / MEng, Associate...

Date and venue: March, 18–19, 2014 Frankfurt, Germany

An event organized by VDI Wissensforum GmbHwww.vdi-international.com/biomethane

Renowned speakers will present their results on the following topics:

• EU Legislation, cross border trading and economic aspects in Europe • Booming markets and developments in existing ones • New concepts for flexible plant operation and grid-injection • Biomethane as a vehicle fuel • Technological developments: Power-to-Gas and Gasification

Conference Chair:Dr. Mattias SvenssonProgram Manager Gaseous Fuels, Swedish Gas Technology Centre, Malmø, Sweden


BIOMETHANEGrid Injection & Vehicle Fuel


+ Workshop:

Emissions of biogas &

biomethane plants

March, 20, 2014

Frankfurt, Germany

1st dayTuesday, March 18, 2014

10:00 Registration & welcome coffee

10:30 Chair’s welcome and opening address


10:45 Greenhouse gas (GHG) savings calculations in the renewable directive and examples for biogas and biomethane process pathways• The EU approach to greenhouse gas (GHG) savings calculations in the

renewable directive • Biomethane production: Emissions savings calculations• Biogas and biomethane process pathways for missions calculations

Dr. David Baxter, Senior Scientist, JRC – Institute for Energy and Transport, European Commission, LE Petten, The Netherlands

11:30 The national biomethane registries and the importance of their cooperation for cross-border trade• The role and function of national biomethane registries• Operating biomethane registries in Europe• GreenGasGrids project – Supporting the international cooperation

among registries• Key issues of international cooperation among the national registries• Main challenges for cross-border biomethane trade

Dr. Attila Kovacs, Board Member, European Biogas Association, Brussels, Belgium

12:15 Biomethane standards for grid injection and vehicle fuel• Definition of maximum and minimum values• Work within the CEN TV 408 and the GreenGasGrids project• Common target values for the gas, vehicle and biogas industry

Dr. Arthur Wellinger, Managing Director / President European Biogas Association, Triple E&M, Aadorf, Switzerland

13:00 Lunch


14:15 Lifecycle emissions from biogas and biomethane plants• Understanding the lifecycle of biogas production • Emissions produced within the lifecycle of biogas production • Best practice recommendations on reducing emissions from biogas and

biomethane plants• An outlook to the future in terms of reducing emissionsWilliam Mezzullo, PhD / MEng, Associate Director / Project Development, Renewable Energy Association (REA), Guildford, United Kingdom

15:00 Biomethane support schemes in European countries • Status of biogas and biomethane markets• Overview on different support schemes for biogas and biomethane in

Europe• Last developments and trends

Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Strauch, Research Group Biogas Technology, co-author: Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Krassowski, Chemical Energy Storage, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen, Germany

Conference by VDI Wissensforum GmbH | www.vdi-international.com/biomethane | Phone +49 211 6214-201 | Fax +49 211 6214-97154 Biomethane

15:45 Drivers and constraints for biomethane in Brazil• Potentials – Brazil a booming market?• Incentives and regulations• Pilot initiatives

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Roller, Project Manager, Renewable Energies DKTI Biogas, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Brasília-DF, Brazil

16:30 Networking & coffee break


17:00 State of the art of biogas upgrading• The main gas upgrading technologies• Technical characteristics: Product gas purity, methane losses, energy and

media consumption, scalability • Economic data – Capital costs and operational costs • Market share, recent and future development Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Tamm, M.Sc., Project Engineer, Department Göteborg, BioMil AB, Lund, Sweden

17:45 Economics of Biomethane – Findings from Project Mona • Cost of biogas upgrading • Biomethane production costs Economic assessment of biomethane utilization in Germany Dipl. Marcus Trommler, M.Sc., Speaker Competence Center Biomethane, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany


18:30 Flexible CHP-Operation on biogas – Requirements, options and limits• Requirements for more flexibility• Intelligent control technology• Results of plants under operation• Where are the limits?

Dipl.-Ing. / Dipl.-Wirt-Ing. Alfred Gayer, CEO, EnviTec Energy, Lohne, Germany

19:15 End of conference day one

Get togetherAt the end of the first conference day we kindly invite you to use the relaxed and informal atmosphere for deepening talks with other participants and speakers.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2nd day

09:00 Operational flexibility and power generation based on need – What role can biomethane play here?• Grid stability• Storage of renewable energy• Virtual transport and mass balance system• Physical transport

Dr. Anton Daubner, CEO, agri.capital Luxembourg S.à.r.l., Luxembourg

09:45 Production and biomethane grid injection, an overview of the Nordic situation• Quality specifications and its effect on installation works• Responsibilities to third parties• Cost aspects of quality and works• New injection standard - How will that effect new and previous

installations?Håkan Eriksson, M.Sc., Senior Project Manager, EON Gas Sweden AB, Malmø, Sweden

10:30 Networking & coffee break


11:00 Biomethane potential and commercialization in Finland• What is the biomethane potential in Finland?• Current and future biomethane production projects in Finland• Production and commercialization of biomethane into different


Tuomas Niskanen, M.Sc. (Tech.), Production Engineer, Biogas and Renewables, Gasum Oy, Espoo, Finland

11:45 Green Gas & LBG filling stations from an entrepreneurial perspective• The right configuration for your CNG and LNG station• Facilitation the green gas value chain form a retailers perspective• OrangeGas Port of Amsterdam – “The sustainable fuel station of

the future“

Pelle Schlichting, Director, OrangeGas, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

12:30 The Audi e-gas project – Methane as a key element for green mobility and the energy turnaround • The challenge to storage renewable energies• Power to gas as a key element for the future energy market• CNG mobility as complementary solution for battery electric cars

Reinhard Otten, Strategist Sustainable Product Development, Sustainable Product Development, Audi AG, Ingolstadt, Germany

13:15 Lunch


14:30 Status of power-to-gas: Technology, economics, market• The case for power-to-gas energy storage• Status of the different technology concepts currently pursued by

industry and academia• Market conditions prohibiting, inhibiting, and supporting technology

deployment• Future path to commercialization

Dominic Hofstetter, MBA / M.Sc., Vice President of Business Development, Electrochae, LLC, Horsens, Denmark

15:15 The role and status of biomass gasification in Sweden – Industrial projects and plants• Overview of the role and status of biomass gasification in Sweden today• Products in focus: Bio-SNG, bio-alcohols and bio-DME• On-going industrial projects and gasification plants and the

technologies behind them

Dr. Anna-Karin Jannasch, Program Manager Gasification and Fuel Synthesis/Industry and Household, Swedish Gas Technology Centre AB, Malmø, Sweden

16:00 Conference chair’s closing remarks

16:15 End of conference

Conference by VDI Wissensforum GmbH | www.vdi-international.com/biomethane | Phone +49 211 6214-201 | Fax +49 211 6214-97154 Biomethane

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) is one of the largest technical-scientific associations in Europe. Throughout the years, the VDI has successfully expanded its activities nationally and internationally to foster and impart knowledge about technology-related issues. As a financially independent, politically unaffiliated and non-profit organization the VDI is recognized as the key representative of engineers both within the profession and in public.

This is what last year’s conference participants said:

“Complete coverage of the many aspects of the subject biomethane.”Project Director, Burdock Italy SRL., Rome, Italy

“Large area of topics...”Consultant, ENEA Consulting, Paris, France

“Very interesting and diverse presentations, good mixture of speakers from industry and research...”National Sales Engineer, Schmack Carbotech GmbH, Essen, Germany

“I have enjoyed the open exchange of information among international participants.”Board Member, EBA – European Biogas Association, Brussels, Belgium





If you want to meet with and reach out to the first-rate experts attending this VDI conference and to powerfully present your products and services to the well-informed community of conference participants, please contact

MARTINA SLOMINSKIProject Consultant Exhibitions & SponsoringPhone: +49 211 6214-385Fax: +49 211 6214-97385Email: slominski@vdi.de


International Workshop:


Date and venue: 20 March, 2014Frankfurt, Germany

Conference chair Dr.-Ing. Jan Liebetrau, Head of Division Biochemical Conversion, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungs Zentrum gGmbH, Leipzig, Germany

09:30 Registration & welcome coffee

09:50 Chair’s welcome and opening address

10:00 An overview of EU sustainability criteria and LCA for biogas and biomethane• Life cycle assessment• Sustainability criteria & European renewables directive (RED)• CO2 savings• European legislation

Dr. David Baxter, Senior Scientist, JRC - Institute for Energy and Transport, co-authors: Dr. Alessandro Agostini; Dr. Jacopo Giuntoli, European Commission, LE Petten, The Netherlands

10:45 Methods and results of emission monitoring • Comparison: Measurement devices • Biogas plants – Current situation regarding emission measurement• Results of measurements: Agricultural sector and biowaste treatment• E.ON Helicopter based emission control

Dr.-Ing. Jan Liebetrau, Head of Division Biochemical Conversion, DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH, Leipzig, Germany

12:15 Emission of methane in Sweden during the production of vehicle gas• Methane emissions in the Swedish CNG/CBG chain• Methane emissions in the entire chain from biogas production to its

end-use as automotive fuel• Current situation and best available technology

Dr. Mattias Svensson, Program Manager Gaseous Fuels, co-author: Tobias Persson, Swedish Gas Technology Centre, Malmø, Sweden

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Carbon implications of biomethane production and use• Methods – Crucial aspects and factors in LCA for biomethane production

facilities• Results of GHG calculations and potential for improvements• Necessary developments• Comparison of the GHG mitigation potential from the use of biomethane

in different applications

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Majer, Team Leader Sustainability and Biomass Potentials, Bioenergy Systems, co-author: Dipl.-Ing. Katja Oehmichen, DBFZ – Deutsches Biomasseforschungs Zentrum gGmbH, Leipzig, Germany

15:00 Methane emissions within the upgrading process• Technology overview• Methane losses and exhaust post treatment within upgrading process• Outline of the project Mona• Results of measurements • Conclusions and optimization potential Dipl.-Ing. Michael Beil, Head of Gas Processing, Bioenergy Systemtechnik, Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie, Kassel, Germany

15:45 Residual gas potential of digestates• Prediction of residual gas potential with kinetic models• Economic and environmental aspect• Digestate separation• Gas potential and emissions from open storage

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kube, Head of Product Management, Agraferm Technologies AG, Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Germany

16:30 Conclusions of workshop chair

16:45 End of workshop day


Conference by VDI Wissensforum GmbH | www.vdi-international.com/workshopbiomethane | Phone +49 211 6214-201 | Fax +49 211 6214-97154 Workshop Biomethane


By planeThe hotel provides an airport shuttle to and from Frankfurt International Airport (every 30 minutes from 5:15 am to 12 Midnight). You can also catch Bus 752 toward “Rüsselsheim Bahnhof” from Terminal 1, at the main bus stop in front of the arrival area. At the bus station “Mörfelden Bahnhof”, transfer to Bus 663 toward “Neu Isenburg Bahnhof”. Get off at the “Hessenring” stop.

By carThe hotel can be reached via Highway A5. From North and South exit Highway A5 at “Langen Mörfelden”. From West and East merge from A3 (Frankfurter Kreuz) onto A5 and take the exit “Langen, Mörfelden” as well. Please use the street name “Hessenring 9” for your navigation system.

By public transportIf you arrive by train, we recommend traveling to the ICE railway station at Frankfurt International Airport. From there, you can utilize a shuttle service to the hotel (please follow the above instructions).



Registration: Registrations for conference attendance must be made in writing.Confirmation of your registration and the associated invoice will be mailed to you.Please do not pay your conference attendance fee until you have received our invoice and its invoice number to be stated for transfer.

Conference venue:NH Frankfurt-MörfeldenHessenring 964546 Frankfurt Mörfelden/Walldorf Ort, GermanyPhone: +49 6105 2040Email: nhfrankfurtmoerfelden@nh-hotels.comWebsite: http://www.nh-hotels.de/

Hotel room reservation:A limited number of rooms have been reserved for the benefit of the conference participants at the NH Frankfurt-Mörfelden, phone: +49 6105 2040, email: nhfrankfurtmoerfelden@nh-hotels.com, website: http://www.nh-hotels.de/Please refer to “VDI Conference”. For more hotels: www.vdi-wissensforum.de/hrs

VDI Wissensforum service package: The conference package includes the conference documents (online), beverages during breaks, lunch and the get together on March 18, 2014.

Conference attendance conditions and terms: By way of your registration you accept the conference attendance conditions and terms of VDI Wissensforum GmbH as binding. Any cancellation of your registration must be made in writing.We will charge you only an administrative fee of € 50.00 plus German VAT if you cancel your registration earlier than 14 days ahead of the conference date. Any cancellation that reaches us after this deadline will entail the conference attendance fee as stated in our invoice to be charged in full. The date of the post office stamp of your written cancellation will be the decisive criterion. In that case, we will gladly mail you the conference documents on request. Subject to agreement, you may name a substitute participant. Individual parts and sections of conferences and seminars cannot be booked. You will be informed without delay if an event has to be cancelled for unforeseeable reasons. In that instance, you will be entitled only to a refund of your conference attendance fee if already paid. We reserve the right to exchange speakers and/or change the program sequence in exceptional cases. In any case, the liability of VDI Wissensforum GmbH is restricted exclusively to the conference attendance fee.

Data protection: VDI Wissensforum GmbH captures and processes the address data of conference participants for their own corporate advertising purposes, enabling renowned companies and institutes to reach out to participants by way of information and offers within their own marketing activities. We have outsourced in part the technical implementation of data processing to external service providers. If you do not want to receive any information and offers in the future, you may contradict the use of your personal data by us or any third parties for advertising purposes. In that case, kindly notify us of your contradiction by using the e-mail address wissensforum@vdi.de or any other of the contact options.



Become a speaker at our International VDI Bioenergy Conferences. Make yourself known in the industry and discuss best practice examples with other international experts. We are looking for speakers on: Biomethane, biofuels, CNG, LNG, LBM, biomass and bioenergy.

Please submit your topic to:

ANNA MARIA LÜNINGManager International Business DevelopmentPhone: +49 211 6214-609Email: luening@vdi.dewww.vdi-international.com

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VDI Wissensforum GmbH | VDI-Platz 1 | 40468 Düsseldorf | Germany



BIOMETHANE Grid Injection & Vehicle Fuel

+ Workshop: Emissions of biogas & biomethane plantsMarch, 20, 2014Frankfurt, Germany


VDI Wissensforum GmbHP.O. Box 10 11 3940002 Düsseldorf, GermanyPhone: +49 211 6214-201Fax: +49 211 6214-97154Email: wissensforum@vdi.dewww.vdi-international.com/biomethanewww.vdi-international.com/workshopbiomethane

PARTICIPATION FEE + VAT VDI-Conference 18.–19.03.2014 (06KO940014) € 1.390

Workshop 20.03.2014 (06ST940001) € 810

Package Price € 1.900

PERSONAL VDI MEMBERS + VAT VDI-Conference 18.–19.03.2014 (06KO940014) € 1.290

Workshop 20.03.2014 (06ST940001) € 710

Package Price € 1.800