2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load

Post on 08-Jul-2018

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Transcript of 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    2D Analysis of Cantilever Beam Subjected to point Load


    This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 to solve a simple 3D space frame problem.

    Problem Description

     The problem to be modeled in this eample is a simple !antilever beam Sub"ected to a point loadDimensions of the beam #ength $ %00mmDiameter $ &%mm'all Thic(ness $ &mm

    Preprocessing: Defining te Problem

    !" #ive te Simplified $ersion a %itle )such as *+erification ,odel*-.

    tilit/ ,enu 1ile !hange Title

    2" &nter 'eypoints

    1or this simple eample2 these (e/points are the ends of the beam.

    'e are going to define & (e/points for the simplified structure as given in the following table

    ( ey











  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    1rom the *ANSYS ,ain ,enu* selectPreprocessor + ,odeling + Create + 'eypoints + In Active CS

    -" .orm Lines

    The two (e/points must now be connected to form a bar using a straight line.

    Select Preprocessor + ,odeling+ Create + Lines + Lines + Straigt Line .

    4ic( (e/point 56 )i.e. clic( on it-. t will now be mar(ed b/ a small /ellow bo.

     Now pic( (e/point 5&. A permanent line will appear.

    'hen /ou*re done2 clic( on *89* in the *!reate Straight #ine* window.

    /" Define te %ype of &lement

    t is now necessar/ to create elements on this line.

    1rom the 4reprocessor ,enu2 select &lement %ype + Add0&dit0Delete.

    !lic( on the *Add...* button. The following window will appear

    1or this eample2 we will use the 3D elastic straight pipe element as selected in the above figure.Select the element shown and clic( *89*. You should see *T/pe 6 44:6;* in the *:lement T/pes*window.

    !lic( on the *8ptions...* button in the *:lement T/pes* dialog bo. The following window will appear








  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    !lic( and hold the 9; button )second from the bottom-2 and select *nclude 8utput* and clic( *89*.

    This gives us etra force and moment output.

    !lic( on *!lose* in the *:lement T/pes* dialog bo and close the *:lement T/pe* menu.

    1" Define #eometric Properties

    'e now need to specif/ geometric properties for our elements

    n the 4reprocessor menu2 select eal Constants + Add0&dit0Delete

    !lic( Add""" and select *T/pe 6 44:6;* )actuall/ it is alread/ selected-. !lic( on *89*.

    :nter the following geometric properties

    Outside diameterOD: 25

    Wall  thickness TKWALL: 2

    This defines an outside pipe diameter of &%mm and a wall thic(ness of &mm.

    !lic( on *89*.

    *Set 6* now appears in the dialog bo. !lic( on *!lose* in the *

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    !lose the *Define ,aterial ,odel =ehavior* 'indow.

    'e are going to give the properties of Aluminum. :nter the following fieldEX


    PRX 0!""

    Set these properties and clic( on *89*.

    5" ,es Si*e n the 4reprocessor menu select ,esing + Si*e Cntrls + ,anualSi*e + Lines + All Lines

    n the si>e *S?:* field2 enter the desired element length. 1or this eample we want an element length of &cm2 therefore2 enter *&0* )i.e &0mm- and then clic( *89*. Note that we have not /et meshed the geometr/2 we have simpl/ defined the element si>es.

    )Alternativel/2 we could enter the number of divisions we want in the line. 1or an element lengthof &cm2 we would enter &% @ie &% divisions-.

    67%&t is not necessar/ to mesh beam elements to obtain the correct solution. Bowever2 meshing is done inthis case so that we can obtain results )ie stress2 displacement- at intermediate positions on the beam.

    8" ,es

     Now the frame can be meshed. n the *4reprocessor* menu select ,esing + ,es + Lines and clic( *4ic( All* in the *,esh #ines*


    9" Saving our ;or( 

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    This location is fied which means that all translational and rotational degrees of freedom )D81s-are constrained. Therefore2 select *All D81* b/ clic(ing on it and enter *0* in the +alue field and clic( *89*.

    -" Apply Loads

    As shown in the diagram2 there is a verticall/ downward load of 600N at the end of the bar 

    n the Structural menu2 select .orce0,oment + on 'eypoints.

    Select the second 9e/point )right end of bar- and clic( *89* in the *Appl/ 1,* window.

    !lic( on the *Direction of forcemom* at the top and select 1Y.

    :nter a value of E600 in the *1orcemoment value* bo and clic( *89*.

    The force will appear in the graphics window as a red arrow.

    The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown below.

    /" Solving te System

    'e now tell ANSYS to find the solution

    Solution + Solve + Current LS

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    Postprocessing: $ie=ing te esults

    !" >and Calculations

     Now2 since the purpose of this eercise was to verif/ the results E we need to calculate what we should find.


    The maimum deflection occurs at the end of the rod and was found to be ;.&mm as shown above.


    The maimum stress occurs at the base of the rod and was found to be ;F.G,4a as shown above )pure  bending stress-.

    2" esults

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    8bserve the value of the maimum deflection in the upper left hand corner )shown heresurrounded b/ a blue border for emphasis-. This is identical to that obtained via hand calculations.


    1or a more detailed version of the deflection of the beam2

    1rom the *Ceneral 4ostproc* menu select Plot results + Contour Plot + 6odal Solution.

    Select *D81 solution* and *S,*. #eave the other selections as the default values. !lic( *89*.

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    You ma/ want to have a more useful scale2 which can be accomplished b/ going to the tilit/ ,enu and selecting Plot Controls + Style + Contours +

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    Are these results what /ou epectedI Again2 the maimum deflection occurs at node &2 the right end of the rod. Also note that all the rotational and translational degrees of freedom were constrained to >ero at node 6.

    f /ou wanted to save these results to a file2 use the mouse to go to the *1ile* menu )at the upper leftE hand corner of this list window- and select *Save as*.


    1or line elements )ie beams2 spars2 and pipes- /ou will need to use the &lement %able to gain access to derived data )ie stresses2 strains-.

    1rom the #eneral Postprocessor menu select &lement %able + Define %able"""

    !lic( on *Add...*

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    As shown above2 in the *tem2!omp* boes in the above window2 select *Stress* and *von ,isesS:J+*

    !lic( on *89* and close the *:lement Table Data* window.

    4lot the Stresses b/ selecting Plot &lem %able in the :lement Table ,enu

    The following window will appear. :nsure that *S:J+* is selected and clic( *89*

    f /ou changed the contour intervals for the Displacement plot to Kser SpecifiedK /ou ma/ need to switch this bac( to KAuto calculatedK to obtain new values for +,N+,AL.

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    Again2 select more appropriate intervals for the contour plot

    #ist the Stresses 1rom the *:lement Table* menu2 select 4List &lem %able4 1rom the *#ist :lement Table Data* window which appears ensure *S:J+* is highlighted !lic( *89*

     Note that a maimum stress of ;F.G6F ,4a occurs at the fied end of the beam as predicted anal/ticall/.

     Bending Moment Diagrams

    To further verif/ the simplified model2 a bending moment diagram can be created. 1irst2 let*s loo( at howANSYS defines each element. 4ipe 6; has & nodesM and 2 as shown in the following image.

    To obtain the bending moment for this element2 the Element Table must be used. The :lement Table contains most of the data for the element including the bending moment data for each element at Node and Node . 1irst2 we need to obtain obtain the bending moment data.

    #eneral Postproc + &lement %able + Define %able""" . !lic( *Add...*.

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    n the window2A. :nter #$%ment as the *ser label for item* E this will give a name to the data=. Select *=/ seOuence num* in the tem bo!. Select *S,S!* in the first !omp bo

    D. :nter &$#&'() in the second !omp bo:. !lic( *89*

    This will save all of the bending moment data at the left hand side ) side- of each element. Now weneed to find the bending moment data at the right hand side ) side- of each element.

    Again2 clic( *Add...* in the *:lement Table Data* window.A. :nter *$%ment as the *ser label for item* E again2 this will give a name to the data=. Same as above!. Same as aboveD. 1or step D2 enter &$#&'(+2 in the second !omp bo

    :. !lic( *89*

    !lic( *!lose* in the *:lement Table Data* window and close the *:lement Table* ,enu. Select Plot esults + Contour Plot + Line &lem es"""

    1rom the *4lot #ineE:lement

  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


    #ab2 and *,8,:NT* from the pull down menu for #ab. !lic( *89*. Note again that /ou can modif/ the intervals for the contour plot.

     Now2 /ou can double chec( these solutions anal/ticall/. Note that the line between the and pointis a linear interpolation.

    =efore the eplanation of the above steps2 enter hel, ,i,e+) in the command line as shown below and then hit enter.

    =riefl/ read the ANSYS documentation which appears2 pa/ particular attention to the Tables near  the end of the document )shown below-.

    %able !" PIP&!3 Item? Se@uence 6umbers? and Definitions for te &%ABL& Commands









    Def ini



  • 8/19/2019 2D Analysis of Cantilver Beam Subjected to Point Load


     Note that S,S! ; )which we used to obtain the values at node - correspond to ,,8,? E the ,ember moment for node . The value of *e* varies with different :lement T/pes2 therefore /oumust chec( the ANSYS Documentation files for each element to determine the appropriate S,S!corresponding to the plot /ou wish to generate.

    Command .ile ,ode of Solution

    The above eample was solved using the Craphical ser nterface )or C- of ANSYS. This problem can also 

     been solved using the ANSYS command language interface. To see the benefits of the command line clear /our current file

    1rom the