28. Who Cares? - Word of Life TeacherSource · PDF file28. Who Cares? The Course . Key Verse:...

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Transcript of 28. Who Cares? - Word of Life TeacherSource · PDF file28. Who Cares? The Course . Key Verse:...

Who Cares? Life of Christ – 339

28. Who Cares?

The Course

Key Verse: Mark 1:41 – What should move me to action? Mark 1:1-2:12; Mark 10:45; Philippians 2:3-4

The Goals

As a result of this lesson the children will: 1. Know that Jesus was a kind, compassionate servant. 2. Feel the same kind of compassion for others as Jesus felt. 3. Serve others with the compassion of Christ Jesus.

The Equipment Room

For the following lesson you will need: 1. Three people

a. One to play News Anchor Ned [Ned needs to be played out like he is canned, very serious, confident in himself, but sort of goofy. Actually, Ned doesn’t have a clue about much of anything. He thinks that he is a genius, but he is actually quite stupid.]

b. One to play Rhoda the Roaming Reporter [Rhoda is an energetic, bubbly, expressive person. She will be the one to carry or tell the story. Rhoda should not be seen live in the story, but should be on video or behind a screen. This will enhance the special effects and the children’s imaginations.]

c. One to play the Doctor [Wearing a white lab coat will add to the character] d. [Optional] Additional people to form a crowd around Rhoda as she enters the house

2. Dirt and grass to dump on Rhoda’s head when the paralytic is being lowered from the roof. 3. Three copies of the script [Given at least two weeks in advance] 4. White board with erasable markers 5. Visuals # 1-5 [As PowerPoint] 6. Advance preparation needed for 1 Extra Action and 8 Champions Only adaptations.

The Warm-up

Game: Play a game called Compassion Relay. Divide Olympians into teams of five. You will need one bed sheet for each team. Each of four Olympians on a team will hold a corner of the bed sheet while the fifth team member sits in the middle of the sheet. Have the four pull up on their corners and carry their paralytic friend across the room, around a cone and back. Then the second group of five takes a turn. Keep going until all teams have completed the task. Activity: Post missionary prayer cards on the wall. Read recent prayer letters and make a list of different needs the missionaries might have. Post the needs below each picture. Put up an envelope near each missionary card where Olympians can donate loose change to help meet the different needs. This reinforces compassion [Seeing a need and meeting it].

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Scripture Memory Review Game: On a piece of poster board, make a puzzle with a memory verse on it. Give individuals or teams a certain amount of time to put it together. The first to finish says the verse out loud.

Opening Ceremonies

Songs: Make Me, We Will Praise You [See Olympian CD tracks 4 and 6.]; J-O-Y; Make Me a Servant; Look Out Now Bible Lesson Review: Divide the children into two teams. Have ten wrapped boxes each containing a question and a slip with point values. They pick a box and read the question to their team. If they answer correctly, they get the points indicated inside the box. [Instead of points, you could place candy or other small items.]

The Coach’s Corner

(1a)(2)(9) When I say the word servant, what do you think of? [Allow children to respond.] What does a servant do? [Write responses on a whiteboard.] Was Jesus a servant? [Allow for response.] Let’s read Mark 10:45. [Read Mark 10:45.] According to this verse, why did Jesus come to earth? [Allow children to respond.] What does it mean to minister? [To serve others] Jesus lived as a servant here on earth and taught us to be servants as well. Tell me why it is important to take notice of how Jesus lived while on earth and what He taught? [Allow children to respond.] One reason is because He is God. Jesus taught his disciples how to be great servants by being a great example Himself. We will be focusing on Jesus’ example from the Gospel of Mark. Please open your Bibles to Mark, chapter 2. Mark is the second book in the New Testament. Raise your hand if you need help finding Mark, chapter 2. If someone sitting next to you has their hand up, and you already found Mark 2, please help them find it. [This is a picture of compassion. They saw a need, and they met it.] We will start at Mark 2:1-5. [Read Mark 2:1-5.] Let’s picture what it would have been like to be there with Jesus as He lived the life of a true servant. We’re going back in time to join the news broadcast of Israel’s Action News, with our anchorman, News Anchor Ned. (8) [The news report would come alive with added sound effects. Some appropriate sound effects would be a typewriter, opening theme music; as the news report begins, a squawking radio being tuned as Rhoda is being tuned in; an explosion of dirt and rocks falling for later on in the interview.] [Ned is sleeping seated at the news desk. At this point Ned snores loudly.] Coach: [Enthusiastically] Let’s hear it for News Anchor Ned! [Applause and cheers. The noise

wakes up News Anchor Ned. He could even fall out of his chair.] News Anchor Ned: [Startled and confused] What was that? What’s going on? Coach: [Forced whisper] Uh, Ned, We’re live. You’re on the air! News Anchor Ned: Oh yeah, right. [In exaggerated newscast voice] Good evening. We will start with our

weather report for tonight. [Reaches for a paper report] It is reported that we will indeed have weather later today. [Quickly discards the first report and reaches for a


Extra Action


Small Group


Challengers Only


Champions Only

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second report] And in the world of sports, the scores for today’s games are 65 to 47, 54 to 48, and in double overtime, 71 to 70. [Discards second report] It is now time for us to check in with Rhoda, the Roaming Reporter. Rhoda, what do you have for us today? Rhoda, are you there? Rhoda? [Ned plays with his earpiece as if to get better reception.]

Rhoda: Ned. Ned. Can you hear me now? News Anchor Ned: Yes, I can hear you. Where are you? What can you tell us about whatever it is that

you are going to tell us? Rhoda: [Getting into the newscast mode] As you know Ned, I have been traveling with Jesus,

and we are in Capernaum. Today, down at the Jordan River, we met a man with a weird diet and some serious fashion issues.

News Anchor Ned: Weird diet? What do you mean? Rhoda: He skips the steak and eggs and lives off bugs and honey. News Anchor Ned: Weird, indeed! What about his fashion issues? Rhoda: His clothes are made of camel hair. [Display Visual #1.] News Anchor Ned: [Confused again] He has a camel in his hair? That would be heavy! Rhoda: [Frustrated] No, he wears clothes made out of camel hair. Jesus went to this man,

John the Baptist, and [Display Visual #2.] asked to be baptized in the waters. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, an amazing thing happened! [Display Visual #3.] A dove came down from Heaven and then a loud voice came from the sky and said, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

News Anchor Ned: So, you were an eye witness to all of this? Rhoda: Yes, we all were. Many people came to hear John preach and see him baptize. There

is no doubt about it, Ned. Jesus truly is the Son of God. News Anchor Ned: Really? The Son of God? That is amazing! Has anything happened since Jesus’

baptism? Rhoda: Actually, quite a bit. We have been with Him all the time, and it has been very

interesting. He has proven that He has power over anything and everything. Only the Son of God could have the power to do what He does. We all know that Jesus is God’s Son. I was expecting someone of his position to have people serve Him. He serves people. [Display Visual #4.] He has been a servant to many who cannot help themselves. His life is an example of caring and compassion. Whenever He sees someone who is hurting, He does what he needs to do to help them. Jesus has been so loving and kind to everyone around Him. He has used His time and energy to touch and heal many people. (1b) (4)

News Anchor Ned: [Interrupting Rhoda, in disbelief] Do you mean that Jesus, God’s own Son, has been

touching sick people? Isn’t He too busy? And isn’t He afraid of getting sick? Rhoda: Jesus is definitely busy, but He is not too busy to serve people. Apparently He is not

afraid of touching sick people, either. Jesus healed the mother-in-law of one of His followers. Shortly after that, the whole town brought their sick people to Him, and He healed each one of them, too. But people really started talking when He touched and healed the man with leprosy.


Extra Action


Mostly Churched Children

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News Anchor Ned: Rhoda, can you explain what leprosy is? Rhoda: [Dr. Stein enters.] Yes, I actually brought Dr. Stein to explain to all of us about

leprosy. Dr. Stein: Leprosy is a horrible disease. It makes sores and boils grow all over the skin, and

eventually makes the whole body rot. Because the disease is so easily passed from one person to another, people don’t touch lepers. In fact, lepers have to walk around and yell, “UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN” and ring a bell so that everyone can hear them and stay far away.

Rhoda: Thank you, Dr. Stein. [Dr. Stein exits.] But Jesus showed how much He cared for the

leper when He touched the leper before healing him. That was very humbling to see. I have been asking myself ever since, would I serve people as Jesus did? Would I be unselfish and use my time helping others as Jesus did? Would I show compassion to those around me if I were such an important person? After all, He is the Son of God! He really loves people–even lepers!

News Anchor Ned: [Confused again] He really loves leopards. [Crowd noise begins to rise in the

background.] Rhoda, what seems to be going on there? You are breaking up. [Again, Ned fusses with his earpiece.]

Rhoda: Jesus has been so kind and has healed so many people. The crowd’s response is

incredible. He just keeps loving them and helping them in every way He can. I am right in the middle of a huge group right now. I am following Jesus. I am being carried along with the crowd of followers into a large house. (7)

Rhoda: [Rhoda’s expression needs to match what is happening.] There . . . are . . . so . . .

many . . . people . . . I . . . can . . . hardly . . . move! [Drop dirt and grass on Rhoda’s head.] Wait, there is stuff falling from the ceiling. I THINK THE ROOF IS CAVING IN! I, I . . . [sound effect of explosion and then static; we lose contact with Rhoda]

Rhoda: [Squawking radio signal] Ned, can you hear me now? News Anchor Ned: Yes, Rhoda, I can hear you. Are you alright?!! Rhoda: Yes, thanks, Ned. I am okay. I am also excited! I just witnessed the most amazing

thing! We were all squeezed into this house where Jesus was serving and teaching. Suddenly, all of this stuff fell from the ceiling. But it wasn’t caving in. Four men were taking off the tiles from the roof. They were trying to get their crippled friend to Jesus. It was too crowded to get him through the door because of the people in the house. They didn’t give up, though. They were so determined to get their friend to Jesus that they came through the roof! When the hole in the roof was big enough, they lowered their paralyzed friend down to Jesus on his mat. I saw the paralyzed man when we were all trying to get into the house. I even remember thinking to myself, “There’s no way he’ll ever get through this crowd.”

News Anchor Ned: What happened when they lowered the man down? Did Jesus shout at them for

interrupting His meeting? Rhoda: No, that is what was so amazing! When they lowered him down, everyone became

silent. Jesus looked at him and called to him, “Son.” It was really quite a moment. [Her voice breaks with emotion] The love, kindness, and compassion that they shared for that brief moment was priceless. Jesus had such compassion for a handicapped man whom He didn’t even know. Jesus told him that his sins were forgiven. Then Jesus healed him and at once he got up and began to walk. I learned quite a lesson from this experience, Ned. I know that Jesus is God. I know that He can forgive


Mostly Boys

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sins. But what if Jesus had not taken time? What if He had looked down on the paralyzed man?

News Anchor Ned: Yes, what would have happened? Rhoda: Ned, Jesus did not see him as a problem. He didn’t see him as a lower class person

who was unworthy of His time and efforts. Jesus was such a great servant. He treated the man with love, kindness, respect, and compassion. What a great example of service that comes from a loving heart. Ned, I know that I haven’t practiced compassion like that lately. But as I watched Jesus, I saw what a difference He made in the lives of others. I want to be more compassionate toward others. I need to spend some time asking God to forgive me for how I have treated other people and ask Him to help me become a compassionate servant just like Jesus. This is Rhoda, the Roaming Reporter in Capernaum signing off.

News Anchor Ned: What an incredible first-hand report! We should all learn a lesson from Jesus and

should try to be a compassionate servant like He is. Thank you, Rhoda. This concludes our news report for today.

Coach: Not only have we heard how Jesus was a compassionate servant, but we have also

heard how four friends took time to serve a friend who was in need. They, too, were compassionate servants as they brought their friend to meet Jesus. By asking some questions, let’s see how our lives match up to Jesus and the four men. What kind of servant have you been? Are you even trying to serve others? Maybe you think that you are better than everybody else is. Do you take time to serve others or are you selfish with your time? The four men did a great service for their friend; they brought him to Jesus. Whom have you served lately by bringing them to Jesus?

Running the Race

Mostly Unchurched Children Mostly Churched Children [Display Visual #5.] Jesus showed love and compassion toward the paralyzed man. He took care of this man’s physical need. What are some physical needs that people have? What are some ways that we can help people with their physical needs? What are some ways we can show love and compassion to others? Let’s read Philippians 2:3 and 4 and see what God’s Word says about putting the needs of others before our own. [Read Philippians 2:3-4.] Jesus also took care of a greater need; the paralyzed man’s spiritual need. Jesus forgave the man’s sins. He can do the same for you and me. He wants to forgive us of our sins. Lets bow our heads and close our eyes. Maybe you have never asked Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins. If you would like to know more about trusting Jesus as your Savior, please get up right now and go to your Personal Training coach. [Thank any who go to their coaches and give them time to exit.]

[Display Visual #5.] Jesus showed love and compassion toward the paralyzed man. How can we show love and compassion to others? Think back to the last Christian Service that we did. [Refer to the specifics of the Christian Service.] We can show compassion even now. It’s not hard, and you don’t have to be an adult to be compassionate. We just need to look at others and try to see what they really need. We need to keep our eyes off of “me” and look to others. Let’s read Philippians 2:3 and 4 and see what God’s Word says about putting the needs of others before our own. [Read Philippians 2:3–4.] Jesus also took care of a greater need; the paralyzed man’s spiritual need. Jesus forgave the man’s sins. He can do the same for you and me. He wants to forgive us of our sins. That is the reason He came, to take care of our sin, our spiritual need. Maybe you are here and you haven’t been serving the Lord lately by helping others. Maybe you think that you don’t need to be a servant. Perhaps you think you are better than others, and they need to be serving you. Jesus was a compassionate servant to

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Perhaps you think you are better than others, and they need to be serving you. Jesus was a compassionate servant to all people. If we are to be like Jesus, we should be serving others too! If you are willing to say, “I want to be like Jesus, by loving and serving Him and others,” please raise your hand. [Thank any who raised their hand.] [Close in prayer.]

all people. If we are to be like Jesus, we should be too! How many of you are willing to say, “I want to be like Jesus; I want to love and serve Him and others the way He wants me to?” Lastly, how many of you will say, “I want to serve others and God by bringing people to Jesus. I want to share God’s message of love and compassion just like the four men from the lesson?” We’re going to close our eyes and bow our heads. If you need to have more compassion, why not ask God to help you and tell God that you want to love and serve Him. I’m going to pause to give you a chance to do that; then I will close in prayer. [Close in prayer.]

Personal Training Time

1. How did Jesus compassionately serve others in this lesson? 2. What are some ways in which you can show compassionate service to others? 3. Who will you show compassion to this week? [Write down their answers, put them on a prayer list,

and pray for them.]

The Big O’vent

Mission Possible [See Big O’vent Mega CD, page 252.] It is possible to have compassion on others. Did you show compassion during the Big O’vent? Or instead of game time do the following service ideas available for them to complete: Missionary Letter [ICS 8] or Missionary Project [GCS 15] from the Olympian Christian Service Manual.

Closing Ceremonies

As you go through this week look for ways to show love and compassion to others. Do you always want to be first? In the next lesson we are going to learn about humility. Be sure to be here because we will have a special treat for everyone!

Lesson Adaptation Explanations

1a Extra Action: Have a female coach walk in carrying a heavy box with several grocery bags at her elbows, obviously struggling. Later on in the lesson, ask “Did any of you help Mrs. ____ as she carried in all those heavy groceries?” If someone did help her, you can point him out as an example of compassion.

1b Extra Action: [Have this skit in another corner of the room, or videotape it in advance, and use it as a commercial.]

News Anchor Ned: We interrupt the News broadcast with a preview of the upcoming Orpah

Losefree Show.

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Orpah Losefree: Today’s episode is about filling needs. The first guest will say that someone drove a truck into their house, and it needs to be repaired. [Have another coach come up and stand beside Orpah Losefree.]

Contractor: [Should be dressed with a tool belt] I’m a contractor. I can fix her house. Orpah Losefree: My second guest [guest comes up] has a heart problem and needs

surgery, but can’t afford it. I wonder if anyone here could help? Physician: [Should be dressed in a white lab coat] I’m a heart surgeon. I can operate

on you right now. Let’s go. [They leave.] Orpah Losefree: The last guest [Guest comes up] says that he is a missionary to South

America, and a fire ruined their whole mission complex. They have no money to rebuild.

Millionaire: [Dressed in a nice suit] I’m a millionaire. Here, have some money. [Hand

guest a whole big handful of Olympian Bucks or some other play money.] Orpah Losefree: Now we return to News Anchor Ned!

2 Small Group: If you do not have enough coaches to do the role play, display Visuals #6-8 when the various characters are speaking. You could also video tape the part of Rhoda in advance and play it on a TV or video projector while you do the part of News Anchor Ned live. You could also use an older Olympian to play the part of Rhoda or Dr. Stein.

4 Mostly Churched Children: Have the children divide into three or more groups. [If you have more than three groups, give multiple groups the same verse.] Give each group one of these passages: Mark 1:41, Mark 6:34, or Mark 8:2. Have each group respond to the question “How did Jesus show compassion in this verse?”

7 Mostly Boys: Have six boys act out the story of the friends bringing the leper to Jesus. Have all the other children act as the crowd listening to Jesus. Have four boys carry another boy in using an army cot or a sheet. Have them attempt to get through the crowd, and when that doesn’t work, they can mimic the act of lowering their friend to Jesus.

8 Champions Only: Have your Champions present the News Report. Allow them to be as creative as they want to be. Maybe use DVD’s, Videos cameras, or closed circuit TV would work well. If the closed circuit TV option is used, you could have Rhoda’s picture up on the screen with a map in the background pinpointing where she is reporting.

9 Challengers Only: Play a game of “One of These Things is Not Like the Others.” List four different types of people, and ask the Challengers which one doesn’t belong to the list.

Example of lists to use are: 1. Policeman, fireman, paramedic, plumber [Answer: plumber because others are emergency

personnel] 2. Soccer player, baseball player, basketball player, teacher [Answer: teacher because others

are players]



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