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Effective time and life management

Brad is as hard a worker as anyone I know. Hes not just busy, hes keenly focused on getting the right things done. And it pays off he is the largest single revenue generator at his well-known professional services firm.A few days before Thanksgiving, Brad flew from Boston to Los Angeles with his family. He was going to work for the first few days and then relax with his family. During the flight, he decided not to use the planes internet access, choosing to talk and play with his children instead. A five-hour digital vacation.When they landed, Brad turned on his BlackBerry and discovered that a crisis had developed while he was in the air and he had close to 500 email messages waiting for him.So much for a digital vacation.

The truth is, we cant ever really get away from it. There is no escaping the nonstop surge of email, text, voicemail, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and thats just the technology-based stream. How can we ever catch up?We cant.

The idea that we can get it all done is the biggest myth in time management. Theres no way Brad can meaningfully go through all his email and theres no way any of us are going to accomplish everything we want to get done.Face it: Youre a limited resource.Each day only has 24 hours and we cant sustainably work through all of them.

There are two main challenges in doing the right things: identifying the right thingsdoing them.


Time Management plays a critical part in the workplace. It can have a big importance on whether you will be successful or not and this applies to whatever industry you are in. Time Management allow you to effectively manage your time and know how to make the most of it. The importance of Time Management cannot be overestimated.Being able to prioritise work is a major challenge for most people. As soon as work start piling up on our desk we tend to feel overwhelmed and we do not know what to do first.

Leads to StressAffects work life balanceLesser productivity

The Triage Technique

1.Things that are important but not urgentAn example would be resolving a minor issue in the office that can be resolved easily. This should be in your priority list and should be resolved at the first available opportunity. You should try to get it done by a specific time before it becomes a bigger problem.2.Things that are a lost cause or a waste of timeAn example would be an old photocopy machine that keeps breaking in the office. The best thing would be to get a new one right away instead of wasting your time and effort.3.Things that require immediate action for a positive development An example would be coaching an under-performing employee so that he goes back to performing at its best. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Be ProactiveBegin with the End in MindPut First Things FirstThink Win-WinSeek First to Understand, Then to be UnderstoodSynergizeSharpen the Saw

Being Productive, not just organized!A productive organization system has these four elements.INPUTPROCESSINGOUTPUTMAINTAINCEInput=Collecting everything that comes at youPay attention to YOURSELF

Processing=Deciding what to do with the things that come inDeleteDelegateDepositDoThere are four things you can do with any item.Break it down into steps!Output=Choosing what to do, and when to do it.Effective not EfficientThe goal isnt to do the most things, its to do the most important things.Maintenance=keeping your goals and projects in mindEARLY WARNING SIGNS OF TM PROBLEMSHanding in work lateSubmitting work that is not up to your usual standardForgetting commitmentsFinding that you often dont have enough time to complete a taskMaking excuses for why work is not doneHaving to let go of activities you enjoy because of a lack of time or low gradesAsking teachers for extensions regularly on submitting your work


Making Activity logsIt helps in making a realistic estimate of the time spent during the dayPinpoints the critical areas- time spent on low value jobs Finding the high yielding times of our dayPlanningDraw an Action Plan- A list of things that need to be done to achieve your GoalPrioritizeUrgentNot UrgentImportant

IImportant and UrgentIIImportant ,but Not UrgentNot ImportantIIIUrgent, but Not ImportantIVNot Urgent and Not ImportantPrioritize your tasksWhere do the majority of your tasks fall on the chart?Stephen Covey describes a high-level prioritization scheme in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In this scheme, tasks are categorized by four quadrants:

QI Important and Urgent

QII Important, but Not Urgent

QIII Not Important, but Urgent QIV Not Important and Not Urgent

Think of a party that you have planned. There are numerous tasks you must complete for the party to be a success. As we discuss each quadrant, think about where these tasks may fall.20SchedulingMake a realistic estimate of how much you can do Plan to make the best use of the available time Preserve some contingency time to deal with unexpected jobs Minimize stress by avoiding over commitment to yourself & othersGoal settingSetting lifetime goals helps you to chart your life course & your career path Break up your lifetime goals in smaller goals Make a daily to-do list Review and update your list on a daily basis & judge your performanceBENEFITS OF MANAGING YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY:

It can enable you to reach your goals Accomplish what is most important Live out your values, maintain balance Meet deadlines which reduces and manage stress Work smarter instead of harder Have the time of your life without guilt!


You control your life by controlling your time.Your behavior is a reflection of what you truly believe. Daily planning leverages time through increased focus. You satisfy your needs when your beliefs are in line with reality.Negative behaviors are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs. When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace.Give more and youll have more.

Procrastinationoh, Ill Do It LaterEnemy Of Time ManagementSooner or later most of us procrastinate.Procrastination is the process of avoiding a solitary, time consuming task. One avoids the pain by doing something else. The longer we procrastinate, the more likely our performance is going to suffer. It also leads to:AnxietyReduced sleepIllnessLower gradesPoorer quality of workA personal sense of disappointment

In the end, it hurts you more than it helps you

Avoiding ProcrastinationBreak your project down into small, specific steps.Schedule these mini-blocks of project time on your daily to-do list.

Do not strive for perfection of work, instead focus on completing project steps.

Schedule small rewards, or alternative activities for each block of time worked.

Time management :

By :Palak Bajaj Eat that frog

There is one quality that one must possess to win , and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to achieve it.Plan the day in advance

Planning is bringing the future into the present , so that you can do something about it now.Apply the 80-20 rule to everything

We will always have time enough , if we will but use it arightConsider the consequences

Every great man has become great , every successful man has succeeded in proportion as he has confined his powers to one particular channelPractice creative Procrastination

Use the ABCDE method continually

The first law if success is concentration- to bend all the energies to one point , and to go directly to that point , looking neither to the right nor to the leftFocus on key result areas

When every physical resource is focused , ones power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.Apply the law of threeDo what you can , with what you have , where you are

Prepare thoroughly before you beginNo matter what the level of your ability , you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime

Upgrade your key skillsThe only certain means if success is to render more and better service than is expected of you m no matter what your task may be.Leverage your special talents

Do your work ; not just your work and no more , but a little more for lavishings sake that little more which is worth all the rest.Identify your key constraints Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand . The suns rays do not burn until brought to a focus

Put the Pressure on Yourself The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.Maximize your personal powers

Gather in your resources rally all your faculties , marshal all your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavourMotivate yourself into Action

To perform your best you must become your own personal cheerleader

Get out of the technological time sinks

There is more to life than just increasing its speedCreate large chunks of timeNothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energies on a limited set of targets

Create a sense of urgency

Do not wait ; the time will never be just right. Start where you stand , and work with whatever tools you ay have at your command , and better tools will be found as you go alongSingle Handle every task And herein lies the secret of true power. Learn , by constant practice, how to husband your resources and concentrate them, at any given moment.

Time Management & Work Life BalanceWe all have a flexstylethe psychological and physical ways we manage relationships between our job and personal life.It is only when people understand their patterns of flexstyle behaviors and how their flexstyle works within the structures of their current work and family environment that they will be able to make changes to be more in control and create healthier work-life relationships.Why are you always feeling stressed and overloaded? Why isnt your life the way you dreamed it would be? Why cant you stop thinking about work when you are supposed to be relaxing? And why are you always bombarded with nonwork stuff to handle when you actually want to be focusing on your job? Why do you feel like you lack control over your life?50There are three main flexstyles that individuals use to build their working lives: IntegratorsSeparators, and VolleyersIntegrators blend work and personal life physically in terms of time, schedules, and space or location. Psychologically, they also mix work and personal life in terms of their day-to-day thoughts, emotions, and energy. They have difficulty drawing lines between work and family.Separators segment work from personal life psychologically and physically. For example, they focus on work when at work and on home when at home. They tend not to work at home or on the weekends, but if they have to do so, they are good at creating a separate space for working at home (maybe a home office with a door). Volleyers switch back and forth, at times experiencing work and life as tightly demarcated from each other and at other times mixing all aspects of their life.

Under this category, we identified two subgroups. The first is Fusion Lovers, who experience blending as positive, feeling in control, and fitting with their life values. The second is Reactors, who dislike the fact they are blending and feel out of control and unhappy with how they are living their lives because it doesnt fit with their personal preferences. They would rather keep work and personal life separate. They are unhappy and feeling out of control because they arent managing their lives the way they want. Fusion Lovers view multitasking as an efficient and desirable way to live. To them, this flexstyle helps them save valuable time and enables them to fulfill their responsibilities across numerous dimensions of their lives. Reactors mix work and nonwork life for several reasons. Some have little or no support in grappling with professional and personal demands. For instance, Ruth, a single parentWork or Family Firsters feel they have extensive control over how they arrange their lives, and theyre generally satisfied with their current situation.Some Separators segment the work and nonwork aspects of their lives because their jobs or other dimensions of their lives dont lend themselves to any other approach. Perhaps they work for a company that doesnt allow flextime or telecommuting, or their job, by its very nature, must be done only in the office. Or maybe their companys culture is such that people get ahead only by putting in extensive face time at the office. For a Separator who prioritizes family life, perhaps the lack of a partner at home means that the person must keep work from bleeding into evenings and weekends so he can care for children. We refer to such individuals as Captives, reflecting their sense of being trapped in either their career role or their nonwork role.Quality Timers use time cuessuch as the shift from the workweek to the weekend or from a busy time of year to a not-so-busy timeto decide when to integrate or separate work and nonwork dimensions of their lives. Generally satisfied with their lives, they feel that they have a significant degree of control over their situation.Job Warriors face more constraints in when and how they switch between integrating and separating work and non-work. Often in jobs that require them to work from the road as well as at the office and from home, Job Warriors frequently compartmentalize professional and personal activities while traveling for work or working from the office. They tend to mix the career and personal or family dimensions of their lives while working from home. Many of them feel that their job structure or family or personal circumstances leave them little or no control over how they manage conflicting demands. These individuals often have jobs with heavy workloads and simply too much to do in too little time.52Stress management

The term stress, was coined by Hans Selye in 1936, who defined it as the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change.

Stressis a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stresses can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal (illness, or from a medical procedure). - American Institute of Stress (AIS)

Signs of Stress

Whenever our body feels something not favorable, then it tries to defend itself. If this situation continues for a long time, then our body is working overtime. There are several causes of stress.AcademicsRelationship Environment Peers Time Management AchievementsLifestyleJobDiseases

Positive stress is called eustress. Eustress presents the opportunity for personal growth and satisfaction and can actually improve health. It can energize you, motivate you, and raise you up when you are down. Events such as getting married, having a child, getting a promotion at work, or winning a major competition can give rise to the pleasurable rush associated with eustress. In general, people perform at their best and live their lives to the fullest when they experience a moderate level of stressjust enough to keep them challenged and motivatedand deal with that stress in a productive manner. Just as too much stress can be detrimental to your health, too little stress leaves you stagnant and unfulfilled. Distress, or negative stress, is caused by events that result in debilitative tension and strain, such as financial problems, academic difficulties, relationship failure, job issues .

There are two kinds of distress 1. acute stress. 2. chronic stress.Acute stress & Chronic StressAcute stress is usually for short time and may be due to work pressure, meeting deadlines pressure or minor accident, over exertion, increased physical activity, searching something but you misplaced it, or similar things. Symptoms of this type of tension are headaches, back pain, stomach problems, rapid heartbeat, muscle aches or body pain.

Chronic stress is a prolonged stress that exists for weeks, months, or even years. This stress is due to broken or stressed families and marriages, chronic illness and successive failures in life. People suffering from this type of stress get used to it and may even not realize that they are under chronic stress. It is very harmful to their health.

behaviouralStress effectsphysiologicalpsychological How does Stress affect you?Physiological hormone release triggers your fight or flight response. These hormones help you to either fight harder or run faster. They increase heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating. Stress has been tied to heart disease. Because of the increase in heart rate and blood pressure, prolonged stress increases the tension that is put on the arteries. It also affects your immune system which is why cold and flu illness usually show up during exams.

Behavioural it may cause you to be jumpy, excitable, or even irritable. The effects of stress may cause some people to drink or smoke heavily, neglect exercise or proper nutrition, or overuse either the television or the computer.

Psychological the response to stress may decrease your ability to work or interact effectively with other people, and be less able to make good decisions. Stress has also been known to play a part in anxiety and depression.

Stress Management Strategies1. Learn how to say NO! know your limits and do not compromise them. Taking on more than you can handle is not a good choice. It is ok if you dont do every single activity that your club, fraternity, sorority or your friends are doing.

2. Attitude it is human nature to want to freak out. Your mind is a powerful tool; use it in your favor. Thinking rationally can take you a long way.

3. Laugh Do something that you enjoy, take on a hobby, hang out with friends, and learn to balance your life. If you are feeling upset, express your feelings. Dont keep them to yourself because that will only add to your stress.

4. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes this is just a quick fix. Once the chemical leave your body, you are back to feeling stressed and you are probably worse off than when you started.

5. Healthy eating get the proper nutrition. Eat at least one hot-home cooked meal a day. 6. Exercise physical activities can help you in not only burning off calories, but burning off stress. Exercise helps release tension. Exercise for 30 minutes a day for at least 3 times per week.

7.Relaxing your mind and body take deep breaths. Visualize success. Set some alone time where you do something you enjoy. Practice mindfulness, focusing your attention on the present moment.

8. Sleep at least 7 hours of sleep are needed in order for your brain and body to function at optimum level. Avoid taking naps for more than 1 hour.

9. Healthy relationships talk and hang out with friends. Find some you relate to and with whom you can share your problems with.

10. Time management get a planner, create a schedule, or even a to-do list. 11. Organization learn how to organize your notes, keep track of your assignments and note important due dates or date of exams. Establish your priorities for the day.

12. Budget create a budget for your monthly expenses. Distribute your money according to the bills you need to pay for the quarter (i.e. rent, tuition, groceries, personal items, house bills, gasoline, etc.). Determine about how much money you will be able to spend for fun.

13. Slow Down take a deep breath and know your limits. Take your time so that you can ensure a well done job.

14. Find a support system whether its your mom, sister, brother, friend or counselor, find someone you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with. Sometimes all we need is to vent off the frustration.

15. Delegate responsibilities when work becomes overwhelming, dividing up the work or responsibilities helps alleviate pressure and stress.


MANAGING YOUR TIMEThis pyramid, otherwise described as the personal fulfillment pyramid, shows the four main steps that lead from identifying your highest values to accomplishing your daily activities:

Identify your personal governing values, and prioritize these values. (Law 3).

2. Effective long-range and intermediate goals are the bridge between values and activities. (Law 4).

3. From the perspective of your goals, you can then create and manage a daily task list. (Law 5)

If you set goals that are not aligned with your values, you may accomplish a good deal but still feel personally unsatisfied because you will be neglecting the things that matter the most to you deep down. Similarly, if you create a daily task list that doesnt reflect your goals, youll be busy but unproductive.PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY PYRAMIDLAW 1

You control your life by controlling your time.

Instead of time management , think event control

What are my highest priorities in life? Of these priorities, what do I value the most? PART 1 Managing your time LAW 2 Your governing values are the foundation of personal fulfillment.

In a survey carried out in the United States in 1992, the following values were most commonly mentioned: Spouse Financial securityPersonal health & fitnessChildren and familySpirituality/ ReligionSense of accomplishmentIntegrity and honestyOccupational satisfactionLove for others/ServiceEducation and learningSelf-respectTaking responsibilityExercising leadershipInner harmonyIndependence16. Intelligence and wisdom17. Understanding18. Quality of life19. Happiness/Positive attitude20. Pleasure21. Self-control22. Ambition23. Being capable24. Imagination and creativity25. Forgiveness26. Generosity27. Equality28. Friendship29. Beauty30. Courage


When your daily activities reflect your governing values, you experience inner peace.

To maintain balance between governing values and daily activities, a person should regularly ask: What is the long-range priority of this project? For whom and by when must this task be completed? What parts of this project could be delegated to another person? Is this project more important than any other at the present time? What would be the worst that would happen if I dont complete this project? Have I allocated enough time for myself and my family in estimating the time required to finish this project? Are any of the tasks involved in completing this project in conflict with my personal constitution?LAW 4

To reach any significant goal, you must leave your comfort zone.

Broadly speaking, there are three common obstacles to leaving your comfort zone: Peer pressure. You may be afraid of what your friends, family or work associates will think, and therefore you try and live in harmony with their values rather than following your inner urges.

Walls. Sometimes you may feel walled in by past mistakes or circumstances. You may feel that circumstances beyond your control make it impossible to set out in a new direction.

Fear of Change. Some people would much rather live with a familiar problem than try to change and risk coming into contact with a new and unfamiliar problem LAW 5

Daily planning leverages time through increased focus.


The Reality Model is designed to help understand why people act the way they do, and the clear connection between what a person believes and how they act. Taking each element in turn:

Needs.The most widely accepted basic psychological needs are: The need to live.The need to love and be loved. The need to feel important. The need to experience variety. Most if not all human behavior can be viewed as an attempt to satisfy one or more of those needs.

2. The Belief Widow. Needs are non-directional. Direction on how we personally go about meeting our needs comes firstly from our own beliefs. Your underlying beliefs exert a strong influence on how you act. The belief window is neither good nor bad, but merely represents whatever you hold to be true. 3. Rules.

For each belief in your window, you subconsciously create a set of rules to govern your behavior. Your subconscious mind is consistently telling you that if thats what you believe, then this is the way you should be acting.

4. Results and Feedback.

If the ultimate results of your behavior meet your needs, the feedback will be positive. By contrast, negative feedback indicates you need to re-examine your needs and the belief you are following to meet those needs. The tricky thing is that results quite often take a large amount of time to become apparentLAW 6

Your behavior is a reflection of what you truly believe.

Successful life management often requires a person to permanently change any behavior which is counter-productive.

Specifically, to change the way a person acts, you simply need to alter their beliefs until it becomes plainly in the self-interest of the person to make those changes.LAW 7

You satisfy needs when your beliefs are in line with reality.

Its vitally important to examine whatever is written on your own personal beliefs window.

Only once you know whats there can you start planning how to improve and upgrade your beliefs in order to bring about the reality you most desire.LAW 8

Negative behaviors are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs.

Consider that many negative behaviors are addictive in nature. For example:

- Overeating- Overworking- Smoking- BraggingOversleeping- Child and spouse abuseOver-exercise

All of these negative behaviors are addictive promising short-term benefits at the expense of long-term consequences.LAW 9

Your self-esteem must ultimately come from within.

Some people try and let the social climate in which they live determine what they put on their belief window.

Eventually, though, these external pressures diminish and every person ends up accepting responsibility for their own personal beliefs.87LAW 10

Give more and youll have more.THANK YOU