2.3 indus valley

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of 2.3 indus valley

Indus ValleyIndus ValleyCivilizationCivilization

Indus Valley

• Large area along the Indus River in what is modern-day Pakistan (it was part of India then – long story)

• Civilization had large and well-planned cities that were laid out according to a grid

• In contrast, most Mesopotamian cities (and later European ones, for that matter) have confusing mazes of streets that developed from walking paths

• Had a good sewer system, complete with indoor toilets and baths. No other contemporary cities had this.

• First to cultivate cotton and weave cotton cloth

• Polytheistic religion

Computer generated picture of what Mohenjo Daro may have looked


Around 1900 BC, the Indus Valley Civilization declines and the cities are abandoned by 1700 BC. Several theories why:

1. Invasion

• There was an invasion of Aryans from the north (they weren’t blond, blue-eyed people – that’s a later connotation).

• They conquered the Indus Valley folk

2. Weather patterns

• It appears the area become cooler and drier around this time and this affected water flow and food sources

3. Combination

• Weather disruptions weakened the civ and left it open for conquering. Nobody knows for sure.